I have heard/read many motives for their desire to depopulate, including:
They simply hate the masses of people and want the world and its various riches to themselves. (But this is just too 2-dimensional for me... I think there would be just as many good-hearted elites who would be the opposite).
They really do fear that the population growth will ruin the world. (Again, too 2-dimensional).
They're just really THAT evil (power, greed, control, etc.). (Meh... I don't buy into the James Bond bad guy thing).
They are Satanists and doing it to serve Lucifer, causing pain and misery in his name. (This is very plausible, but I also thing that there are many who are not evil, so I don't think the evil ones would have such an easy time of this.)
Maybe they know something that most people don't about the earth's geological, magnetic and climate patterns, especially with relation to the sun's cycles, and they know we are approaching an extinction level event, so they are culling the population so as to more easily control it to survive. (This is also very plausible in my mind... such that everything is an absolute distraction from people learning about this--because if they did, all civil law would break down).
A combination of the above?
Other motives?
I realize we can never know the exact motive unless it's in hindsight and we are (hopefully) looking down from heaven... but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it!
Klaus Schwab's right hand demon says it very plainly - they think technology is at the point where most people are soon going to be "useless". Given that they see the poors as a necessary evil, and the only threat to their power, the logical step is to cull the herd.
I like this ^ answer and op's #5 explanation has a ring of truth for partial reasonings for depopulation. But do not forget the WEFers work for and along side of luciferian Zionists who want earnestly to usher in Satan's reign on earth.
They have been trying for some time to fulfill the Revelations prophecies so their Daddy can take his short lived throne. They are fulfilling the prophecies of the four horseman, specifically where it says a third of the earth will be killed by famine, plague and war.
9/11 2001 attack on NYC was their attempt at fulfilling the prophecies about the destruction of mystery Babylon, her destruction comes by fire in one day and all the merchants of the earth mourned.
They are attempting to fulfill God's prophecies but on their own time-line.
This is all futile because if you read the end of the book you know the only thing that comes out of this for the lost is death, desolation and the earth being wiped clean.
So they win?
No, none of these people are "good." They are sociopaths or they would not want Depopulation and Reset because of all the suffering that goes along with that.
Sociopaths only care about four things:
They want a world where they are completely in power and control everything. They have whoever is left to work as slaves for them to provide the food and the sex and anything else they want.
That's all it is. They are cold-blooded reptiles with no conscience - sociopaths - and that's how sociopaths behave. It's not complicated at all.
I think you may have convinced me.
Simplified answer- to eliminate their competition for wealth, power, and resources. And their competition is you (us).
But would they not realize that their wealth really comes from the masses? Culling the planet would literally decimate supply chains and factory systems and knowledge bases... These people don’t actually DO anything themselves... The herd does it all. They must understand that.
They do, and that's why they intend to keep a few obedient serfs around to do their bidding.
When the population grows, the collective becomes increasingly more aware of them and able to turn the tables. They exist as parasites on the rest of humanity. At a certain level of popular awareness and ability their control is threatened. If they were to create a war, it would clear the field for them to once again rewrite history and clamp down on their control measures, including outlawing memes and anons.
Auschwitz 2.0. A cataloguing of and supreme control over every resource (souls included) on the planet. They want to be perpetual Aryan gods among a subservient class of dark-skinned untermenschen. (This is why they want to kill all the other white people besides themselves).
Satan has deceived them (and himself) that if free-will can be removed from humanity then God will abandon the earth and allow him to rule/be worshiped as the new “Lord”.
Their push toward the Mark of the Beast, and the subsequent beheading of God’s people, will be their final attempt at killing free-will - an attempt to reset humanity from bearing God’s image to adopting a new Satanic image. It will be literally the Point of No Return - do not pass Go, do not collect Salvation, go straight to the Lake of Fire.
Small population is easier to control and manipulate
And that is exactly the reason they state........."smaller population is easier to control." Thank you, Kilowatt2066
The devil is in the details. 😈
Malthusians want to control resources and it is easier to control with fewer people.
The answer is very simple. Imagine for a second you are a smart guy in ancient times, and you managed to amass some gold somehow.
Whats your biggest fear?
That someone will steal your wealth. So what do you do? You use your wealth to control the local group of strong men to help you, and eventually install them as the governing power. (I am skipping a few generations here)
Now you have wealth and you control the government. What do you fear?
The people. If the people rise up against the government, you will lose control.
You need to keep the people perpetually depending on the government, so you use your financial tools, and create problems that only your government can "solve"
This keeps spreading until you control the whole world via their governing systems.
What do you fear?
Still people. but you are running out of ideas to create fake wars and fake problems. As number of people keep growing you fear for your power base, for your ability to control the governments and the people through them.
This is where you start asking the question. Why do I need so many people? I just need enough to do my bidding, but why keep all the excess.
Then you come up with rationale - environment, religious, cataclysm, yadda yadda - but ultimately, depopulation is about keeping control of the whole world and not losing your power and ultimately your wealth.
No. 5 resonates with me...archaix.com yt talks a lot about the phoenix event
Maybe money,money worthless .No more control.Must rely on fear like in ancient times.Only the new vaccine can save you.(vaccine every few months always puzzled me).Or they dont like this "world" and want to start over (Svalbard Global Seed Vault).They like all the wildlife so i dont think they go nuclear.Option 3 they invented unlimited green power and only want to have "worthy" people (with strong will(no vaccine) no greed ect.Living in harmony with them.One thing,we live in a interesting time (from a history perspective )
I believe it is because when the poles shift and there is mass chaos worldwide it will be easier to control everyone if they already have control of everyone. Easier to control with less population.
Agent Smith would agree with that view of humanity.