No way! When you see this, open season has begun. “Hey Jim! $50 if you can shoot him in the knee from 800 yards, $100 for a crotch shot, $500 for a helmet shot in the middle of the U!”
Obviously, you're one of these characters, that believes when it's time exercise our 2-A rights, that armed patriots are going to loose. When that day comes, just try to stay out of the way, so you don't get hurt. You will be floored at how hard we fight, when the war is brought to our doorstep, and we are litterally defending our homes and families.
From seeing the UN troops in action, we have nothing to worry about. These guys are second stringers. I personally witnessed two UN soldiers from a former eastern bloc country hide behind sandbags in a pill box at a checkpoint into an installation. A vehicle borne suicide driver was driving toward them navigating the barriers. These guys had their backs to the sandbags and had their rifles over their heads firing blindly over the sandbags behind them. Fortunately, a US convoy had come into the compound only a few minutes before and opened up with a 50 cal M2 and destroyed the entire vehicle. The IED didn't blow up. It was one of the funniest and saddest things I have ever seen. We finished our installation and got the hell out of there. There aren't enough troops in the world to take this country by force. This is why we have been dying a death of a thousand cuts. They still can't win because they haven't disarmed the populace and they still can't use our own military against us. If blue hats come in, they won't be going home in an upright position. They pretty much already know this, so they are going to have a tough time recruiting.
The local police and even state police funds have absolutely nothing to do with stopping a un takeover.
They all submit to the next authority over them and a majority would work side by side, as they do with fbi agents when there's an investigation the feds deem their business.
This meme is trash.
The meme is trash, but it serves a purpose. It will predictably provide a pretense for discussion of violence and resolve to use it. Which is a morale booster for warriors.
Very old and low cost tool.
Regional and national law has been ineffective for decades and the UN has been here but never're off point but nice shot. I'd assume our Military and national guard would be deployed by whoever is in charge to whip the unruly back in line, not a foreign army. At that point you could have spent billions on police funding and it does not matter.
Violence is violence, shooting, stabbings or "cartel style gangbanging" and its ran rampant my entire 40 years on this planet. The cops cant stop it, you must have missed the country burning a few years ago. My statement is a matter of facts. Police local and state level, no matter the money, have no influence, mere presence or otherwise, over stopping a foreign army from taking to our streets.
Behind every blade of grass. Yamamoto was smarter than the average. And now an estimated 383,000,000 guns in the hands of everyday Americans should give them pause.
Not exactly camouflaged.....are they. Kinda like those red coats with the 2 crossing white bands over the heart the British soldiers wore..... ya know?
There’s a meme somewhere out there about shooting and collecting the blue helmets. Would be a great follow up response.
UN Peacekeepers are rapists. Once they get a foothold it will never stop.
This idiot tried to get them to come to Chicago. The most hilarious part of the article is when he said to protect the minority populations, despite all the crime coming from their own.
The police are the same thing dumbass. Government order-following goons who will use violence against you if you don't suck the dicks of the tyrants who rule over us.
Blue helmets make great targets!
Beat me
me too. I will shoot on site.
We could also sic our dogs on them
Gonna need a mag loader...
Or preload every mag ya got beforehand
That was implied...I’m not a zelenski with a suga daddy...
There entire communities that are no go areas for blue helmets. They are the green light for patriots with nothing else to lose.
The good kinda no/go zones.
I wonder how many came here to post exactly this!
Those feckless dipshits wouldn't last a week in the US.
Without a doubt. They will love the United Sates everyone here is armed and Americans know how to use them. Good Luck.
For them
F*uck yes.
“Now you’s can’t leave.”
No way! When you see this, open season has begun. “Hey Jim! $50 if you can shoot him in the knee from 800 yards, $100 for a crotch shot, $500 for a helmet shot in the middle of the U!”
“Hold muh beer!”
Obviously, you're one of these characters, that believes when it's time exercise our 2-A rights, that armed patriots are going to loose. When that day comes, just try to stay out of the way, so you don't get hurt. You will be floored at how hard we fight, when the war is brought to our doorstep, and we are litterally defending our homes and families.
In the end, I'd rather go down fighting, than intellectually dooming about it.
From seeing the UN troops in action, we have nothing to worry about. These guys are second stringers. I personally witnessed two UN soldiers from a former eastern bloc country hide behind sandbags in a pill box at a checkpoint into an installation. A vehicle borne suicide driver was driving toward them navigating the barriers. These guys had their backs to the sandbags and had their rifles over their heads firing blindly over the sandbags behind them. Fortunately, a US convoy had come into the compound only a few minutes before and opened up with a 50 cal M2 and destroyed the entire vehicle. The IED didn't blow up. It was one of the funniest and saddest things I have ever seen. We finished our installation and got the hell out of there. There aren't enough troops in the world to take this country by force. This is why we have been dying a death of a thousand cuts. They still can't win because they haven't disarmed the populace and they still can't use our own military against us. If blue hats come in, they won't be going home in an upright position. They pretty much already know this, so they are going to have a tough time recruiting.
This is who was used in Canada to stop the Honking. They flew into George Soros' privately owned airport about 20 miles from the truckers.
Yeah, try to come anywhere on my road full of patriots. We have about one nerve left. Don't lean on it.
The local police and even state police funds have absolutely nothing to do with stopping a un takeover. They all submit to the next authority over them and a majority would work side by side, as they do with fbi agents when there's an investigation the feds deem their business. This meme is trash.
The meme is trash, but it serves a purpose. It will predictably provide a pretense for discussion of violence and resolve to use it. Which is a morale booster for warriors. Very old and low cost tool.
Regional and national law has been ineffective for decades and the UN has been here but never're off point but nice shot. I'd assume our Military and national guard would be deployed by whoever is in charge to whip the unruly back in line, not a foreign army. At that point you could have spent billions on police funding and it does not matter.
Violence is violence, shooting, stabbings or "cartel style gangbanging" and its ran rampant my entire 40 years on this planet. The cops cant stop it, you must have missed the country burning a few years ago. My statement is a matter of facts. Police local and state level, no matter the money, have no influence, mere presence or otherwise, over stopping a foreign army from taking to our streets.
Behind every blade of grass. Yamamoto was smarter than the average. And now an estimated 383,000,000 guns in the hands of everyday Americans should give them pause.
When you see blue helmets you open fire. Get it right.
I sure hope our Sheriffs know better than to allow this, they should, since the Sheriff is the only one granted constitutional powers.
Not exactly camouflaged.....are they. Kinda like those red coats with the 2 crossing white bands over the heart the British soldiers wore..... ya know?
There’s a meme somewhere out there about shooting and collecting the blue helmets. Would be a great follow up response.
UN Peacekeepers are rapists. Once they get a foothold it will never stop. This idiot tried to get them to come to Chicago. The most hilarious part of the article is when he said to protect the minority populations, despite all the crime coming from their own.
The only thing that's stopping them is the second amendment.
GTFO out of here with this schitzo shit.
I don't think so.
Easy targets IMHO.
Right between the U N
“Ready on the right? Ready on the left? All ready on the line?”
If they think these cunts are gonna patrol the American streets. They gotta another thing a coming
I hate when people put retruth/tweet if you agree.
If it’s a good meme you don’t have to ask people.
Too late for what?
What the fuck are you talking about? if you see blue helmets shoot them in the fucking face and take their ammo.
Honestly nobody is afraid of these guys lol
The police are the same thing dumbass. Government order-following goons who will use violence against you if you don't suck the dicks of the tyrants who rule over us.
It’s never too late. Not to encourage sitting on one’s hands tho. Would be better not to have to end so many blue sheep’s lives.
Police would work with the UN, not fight against it