But do we trust the FBI? i mean these limp wrist low testosterone beta males waited months to raid his home, it is all for show imo
Respectfully, how does this logic work? Sure, who can be blamed to think that there's no way they find classified documents there because Biden and his team have had over a month now to diligently search all his properties and hide any incriminating documents? Right? Well, they had weeks to clear the Barley Road house as well, and what happened there when the FBI searched it? THEY FOUND TONS OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.
This is exactly the kind of no-lift, low-effort, and clearly low-information thinking drives the doomtard mind. It's a complete waste of time!
That's very true. But, the FBI, like the rest of DC, runs on leverage, not loyalty. You're right in saying they're definitely not 'white hats,' that's for sure. So, what are they? The question really at hand is that they found documents, despite the fact that nobody would expect them to. But, they did, so, what's driving that? I think it's that there are factions or elements (like task forces, special counsels, etc.) that are under Devolution. Who is funding Huber's 470 lawyers?
It looks like they want to remove Xiden before he becomes even less coherent and replace him with heels-up. It's a minor deep state civil war at most. No reason to ever expect the FBI to do anything good.
The FBI might also use this to save face. Pretend that they also go after Democrats/Leftists when they commit a crime when in reality they are just removing Xiden in order to replace him with someone worse (odd that this is even possible). They still take orders from same people and are still absolutely political.
Also to your point -- the lowlife Dems will stop at nothing to lay first claim to the "FiRsT FeMaLe PrEsIdEnt!!" mantle. I mean, Kameltoe is as corrupt, if not more, than Xiden...and stupider, too. But hey...that vagina WELL qualifies her for the top spot, no matter what.
The normies forget a lot...but there are MANY in this country who voted in Dem primaries years ago, and Kameltoe was nearly DEAD LAST in the Dem pool Literally NOBODY likes her. IF she ascends...expect trouble, on all fronts.
There probably are a small minority of the FBI agents who have integrity. The problem is all the top brass are corrupt. These agents do not have enough presence or clout to get together and pull off any operation. Even if they tried, they'd get shut down.
Also, the media is actually reporting this. If the deep state didn't want this to go down, they would supress it. It doesn't not seem like they are so this is probably part of their plan. It's just a fun way for them to remove Xiden once he has become a liability. The FBIT can also use this to pretend they investigate both side, when in fact, they don't. They just want to replace Xiden with heels-up.
I have No Trust in this ( Enjoy the movie )
Which agent is digging through Jill's underwear?
The one that drew the short straw.
I didn't need to visualize what he was doing with that straw.
Poking his eyes out with it.
Snorting something?
Hunter has entered the chat: "Did someone say 'snort'?"
I was reminded of a Zappa song. Something about snorting women's panties.
Respectfully, how does this logic work? Sure, who can be blamed to think that there's no way they find classified documents there because Biden and his team have had over a month now to diligently search all his properties and hide any incriminating documents? Right? Well, they had weeks to clear the Barley Road house as well, and what happened there when the FBI searched it? THEY FOUND TONS OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.
This is exactly the kind of no-lift, low-effort, and clearly low-information thinking drives the doomtard mind. It's a complete waste of time!
But when has the FBI done something to benefit the people? I think that's his overarching point.
There is no logic to assume the FBI is doing anything but covering their asses, as they have done time and time again before now.
That's very true. But, the FBI, like the rest of DC, runs on leverage, not loyalty. You're right in saying they're definitely not 'white hats,' that's for sure. So, what are they? The question really at hand is that they found documents, despite the fact that nobody would expect them to. But, they did, so, what's driving that? I think it's that there are factions or elements (like task forces, special counsels, etc.) that are under Devolution. Who is funding Huber's 470 lawyers?
I can be skeptical about the claim, but I lean towards the theory that they were trying to soften the blow against Biden by pinning it on Trump first.
Or I suppose you can lean another direction and believe that the attacks on Trump was designed to open people up to Biden's doings.
Either way, I will never trust FBI. FBI is ass hoe
It looks like they want to remove Xiden before he becomes even less coherent and replace him with heels-up. It's a minor deep state civil war at most. No reason to ever expect the FBI to do anything good.
The FBI might also use this to save face. Pretend that they also go after Democrats/Leftists when they commit a crime when in reality they are just removing Xiden in order to replace him with someone worse (odd that this is even possible). They still take orders from same people and are still absolutely political.
Also to your point -- the lowlife Dems will stop at nothing to lay first claim to the "FiRsT FeMaLe PrEsIdEnt!!" mantle. I mean, Kameltoe is as corrupt, if not more, than Xiden...and stupider, too. But hey...that vagina WELL qualifies her for the top spot, no matter what.
The normies forget a lot...but there are MANY in this country who voted in Dem primaries years ago, and Kameltoe was nearly DEAD LAST in the Dem pool Literally NOBODY likes her. IF she ascends...expect trouble, on all fronts.
I'm trying to imagine Biden "less coherent." A coma would do it.
My fav mod👆Always bringin the sauce
The shadow government must REALLY want mashed-potato brains out of the white house.
Or there's a subset of FBI agents with integrity. ... .... ...
Sorry for the joke there, guys.
There probably are a small minority of the FBI agents who have integrity. The problem is all the top brass are corrupt. These agents do not have enough presence or clout to get together and pull off any operation. Even if they tried, they'd get shut down.
Also, the media is actually reporting this. If the deep state didn't want this to go down, they would supress it. It doesn't not seem like they are so this is probably part of their plan. It's just a fun way for them to remove Xiden once he has become a liability. The FBIT can also use this to pretend they investigate both side, when in fact, they don't. They just want to replace Xiden with heels-up.
Well of course... That's where all the fags go.
Funny how this drops same day as TGP drops their stuff on Hunter, laptop
This movie is starting to get boring.
Day late and a Trillion Dollars Short
It's all monopoly money at this point.
FBI. That's like Joe sending Hunter to search!
He might as well just resign right now. He's dead meat.
should look inside the car, under the hood etc, The libs always hide things in plain site, it is part of their MO
And Jill is serving them tea and cookies while they search. Biden just keeps telling them to keep their damn hands off his Depends!
How much was Hunter paying dad to rent out this house?
Which side of the FBI? The white hat side or the Black hat faggot side?
Do the underlings really get to choose which side they obey?
" wouldnt it save a lot of time and money by just searching the FBI Office,"