In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
Great news. Fight not over. Everyone needs to keep an eye on the pandemic treaty next and make sure their governments dont sign it.
And for those wondering who this is - its a Senator in Australia
Brief respite before the next attack?
Always. But if you ask me, they have been losing ground since 2020. They had their big fun time during 2020 and 2021, sure, and it was hair-raising, but in the midst of all that nonsense, they were simply sowing the seeds of their own destruction.
40,000 ft view, we have to keep pressing and keep fighting, but destiny is on our side, not theirs.... imo.
Out of the shadows, in to the light. Their biggest undoing.
"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Great to see Malcolm's ongoing fight for the people! Maximum respect!
That's for now! Rest assured they will regroup and attack again.
Exactly. It's not a win, it's a pause and it will return.
The show.
Point is to create outrage and wake people up, have increasingly outrageous, fascist , police-state, 1984 level things not only be proposed but approved and start to get implemented.
Only to have them peter out or get walked back before any large-scale bad effects come of them, constantly skirting the edge of that to make people more and more exasperated, outraged and on the precipice of doing something that no one wants to see done.
Or rather repeatedly let DS organically do this on their own only to exercise control to nuke it when needed and otherwise let things escalate until people en-mass starts pushing back, hard....
Unfortunately waking people up and expecting them to stay awake isn't something that can be done for them, they have to do it for themselves, and unfortunately there is rather a lot of unpleasant and even lethal that has to happen to make people en-mass do this...
Looks like the WHO has less power.
There's a video here from TLAV.. they're making it blanket authority for the cdc to forcibly detain anyone anywhere at any time for 72hours and local and state governments will have no power to stop them.
Definitely repugnant to the constitution.
I wouldn't call that a "win"..that's more like a "push".
When we start shutting down the WHO and arresting these criminals..then I'll start calling those wins.
They know they have no power so they have to “back down”.
Nobody gives a shot what these faggots do.
If they are anything like our commie democrats, and they more than likely are, watch for a 53,000 page treaty that no one will read or look into, that will have everything they need in it to take over and be in control. They are rats of the highest order and deserve the worst of treatment from the civilized world.
There are certain hills a free man will choose to die on and those are becoming more clear by the day.
It has to be this way. If they try to inject us with poisons, we will inject them with projectiles.
Lead posion