🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I just listened to his CPAC talk. If you heard him, then you too heard the reference, once again, to China and their "dust" they sent here. Why is this floating right over everyone's head when his every phrase has always been analyzed for code a thousand times?
Maybe SmartDust was in the balloons.
Hmm. This sounds highly likely doesn't it, if one goes by the word "dust". If so I wish he would start saying more then, and not just the one word.
I am fast needing a mental vacation from how threatening and evil our world is. LIke one day of total tard denial.
Hold on while my tinfoil hat is adjusted.
Okay! Maybe that's why so many derailments with toxic chemicals are happening, to run interference for foreign particles dropped across the country by these balloons.
Maybe that’s why the military waited to shoot it down over the Atlantic.
Is it fentanyl?
Why not just say fentanyl, then...he does refer to it at other times. He just says "dust". Always just that word alone not combined with anything. It is going to be a fine day when Trump can be turned loose and the punishing begins.
Was the Pandemic aerial spraying of bio-chemicals on city populations across America?
In Nov 2019 prior to the covaids propaganda that was unleashed in March. My girlfriend and I lived in CO. She developed pneumonia and hypoxia withing a 24 hr period of time. We lived at 9000 ft. I got shingles within one week of her episode. We watched them spraying us all the time.
I believe that 'COVID-19' wasn't a virus at all, but 'something' else that was spread by aerial spraying (chemtrails). Cliff High on one of his videos said that the snow in his area was analyzed after an aerial spraying (chemtrails) and the samples showed high levels of graphene oxide. GO toxicity has the same symptoms as the alleged SARS-CoV2.
Did you see that video(in 2020) of the Asian woman in a Walmart in the electronics department open and closing laptops, touching the mouse on each one and also rubbing her fingers on something in between? It was obvious she was putting something on them as customers in line recorded her with their camera. She saw them and just continued, she didn't care. I think it made the rounds on Twitter.
Yes, I do recall that video. I also recall the Chinese individual in Milan Italy holding a sign requesting a hug. There were many Chinese students doing this too. People would vainly go up to him and give him a hug. Very suspicious. I'm certain there were several methods of establishing vectors for transmission of a bio-chemical weapon. Even a method of perhaps like in the 1997 movie "The Jackel" starring Bruce Willis when he sprays a deadly toxin onto the door handle of a vehicle.. All we know is that these people are evil and there's no limit to their deadly treachery.
The spraying has been horrible at times here in CO. Where were you? Gilpin Cty here.
Mike Adams kept saying that there people spraying aerosol poisons at freedom rallies and maga events- like the ones Clay Clark was doing. They had several unjabbed people getting sick at those. Also makes me think of that demonic Austin concert where scores of people fell over dead. Astroworld or something. There were reports of people spraying stuff.
Interesting. Cliff High on one of his videos said that the snow in his area was analyzed after an aerial spraying (chemtrails) and the samples showed high levels of graphene oxide. GO toxicity has the same symptoms as the alleged SARS-CoV2.
I noticed that as well. He must have said it at least 6 times. I was wondering if it meant something
I certainly hope so
Seven times, coincides with Q drops seven times.
Q posts on 4/1? Something in the past happen on 4/1? Or a threat ? Warning?
I’ll need to go look for it.... wasnt in the situation to do that last night
Maybe thats when the DS fakes another big event. Another hoax coming our way in April?
Would make zero sense for him to be saying that otherwise. Weird.
yes I did. Imagine the day when having to be cryptic is over. It just seems he should say "covid dust" if that is what he is referring too. It seems the "dust" is something else besides what we think we were attacked with. I don't doubt people got dusted with God knows what, like our frens in Colorado. Also it could be an entirely separate attack, having more to do with some Ukraine lab. So sick of deceit. And look at E Palestine. WTF. It is dumbfounding that people everywhere are not berserk with rage over that situation. A very, very monstrous lie and premeditated it would seem. What else was on that train. Trump must just be crazed by all he cannot verbally confront for us all.
Wish he'd just fully say these things then. So much truth has already been public and nothing is happening to the bad guys yet. I mean, hell, even the UK guy had his texts leak asking when the deploy the variant. Seems he could just say shit. They are not going to pay for these crimes yet anyways. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut plan.....I know I know haha. Getting very inpatient watching our world fall apart like we all are.
dust = bioweaponized virus
Once there was mention of nano tech some said that it had been used somewhere and it was microscopic particles. Breathable? like through ductwork?
Smart dust?
Dust from the Gobi desert travels in our atmosphere to North America. Would not be surprised if nefarious types lace it with toxins or worse
Chemtrails? We’ve been hit hard lately.
Probably we have all received the Covid shot via air dispersement .
I legit fear this. And them vax'n cows and lettuce and shit. I was only ever sick once when I was around a shitload of vaxxed people when my dad died. I'm sick now and it sucks and is a long one. Makes me paranoid as hell! Edited to add that bill gates-of-hell kills me, I will haunt the complete shit out of him
There was a massive chemical plant fire in China then a couple of weeks later massive snowfall in California. I have been wondering if all that snow could be contained. A little off topic but I’ve been wondering if there’s a connection.
I remember a thread on "China dust" and I remember being impressed by the theory but can't recall anything else. It was six months ago. I commented on the article in another thread that day so was able to pinpoint the time frame. The conversation was in relation to Trump and his support of the vaccine, and I pointed to this other thread in terms of it expanded one's thinking. Wish I could offer more but my ability to search on a phone is limited.
There are 7 total posts with that word - most are part of the word INDUSTRY or INDUSTRIAL or INDUSTRIES Post 4237 14 May 2020 has that word in a link -- but it doesn't work anymore
If you check the Q post archives in the menu on the right ( they have the referenced material archived. Just click the small orange circle labeled (1) under archived links.
This is the archived post of the original tweet:
I can't get to that menu on my phone. I went through all of my posts to find mine which confirmed my memory about the relevant post (took hours because it was like cleaning drawers of papers and photos. One gets side tracked by the contents.)
We were in Bailey. Right at the base of Mt Evans and they were going crazy.
Place keeper
Weaponized spike proteins that sparked the covid hoax fear ?