Trump’s first tweet will be THE tweet.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
He’s been reinstated for a while on Twitter and hasn’t posted anything. Immediately comments on Facebook when unbanned over there. The silence on Twitter is building suspense. It will be the biggest tweet in history. It will be the storm is upon us tweet.
I mean it has to be, right? Why wait so long otherwise?
Curious. Elon in response to Kim Dotcom questioning why Trump hasn’t tweeted yet, Elon responded with just a clock emoji 🕰️.
Timing is the answer.
Happenings are event driven by DS choice (act) of desperation. Trump's arrest on Tuesday, if it does happen, signifies that WH (White hat) ops go public. All chess pieces that are in position go live.
Trump (Family) go into military protective custody. Wouldn't be shocked if stealth aircraft conduct air transit to secure location. No radar or transponder to track.
I actually thought this was when Trump "got COVID" and that's when they were taking him to a secure location to carry out operations, but that turned out to not be the case I guess.
We might have figured something out as the clock points to 9 o'clock.
I wonder if Elon is referring to the qagg clock?
He is obligated by contract to post on true social first.
Unless he has a secret clause stating "except the "storm is upon us" tweet lol
He can still post it, he just has to post on truth first.
And if you read the Q drop,it doesn't need to be trump posting it.
I wouldn't trust ANYONE else posting the "Storm is upon us" tweet BESIDES Trump posting the message himself. Anyone besides Trump could be a black hat pretending to be a good guy. The ONLY person I trust 100% is DJT.
That's why we have truth social.
Do u know what the actual contract says. How can I find this info
It was talked about on the reddit dwac board.
Shareholders don't want trump to abandon them when they have a lot of money invested.
If I remember right he has to post on truth 8 hours ahead of twitter.
6 hours
Still nothing but rumor and innuendo. Lets see the contract where it says this.
So we don't actually know what the contract says? something tells me that people wouldn't care about this..things would be set in motion from the tweet that people wouldnt be focused on that. If u can find me the full contract I would love to read it. I have money invested in truth and I would gladly give it all up to see that tweet. There are bigger things then money at stack. Truth would still survive.. especially if he tweeted it on Twitter and then moved the discussion to truth. Millions of people would be like what does he mean, oh I gotta go to truth to learn more. He could give like a play by play on truth. Or imagine if he was in charge of posting arrest, trial videos. There are lots of ways to please his truth supporters and still post this single tweet on Twitter. In my eyes anyone that cares about this one tweet is silly. All that would have to happen to please his truth investors is for truths stock to rise and not fall.
We know the people on dewac have done the DD. Ask your question over their.
It s not a point with me at all,I mostly bailed out. Of the stock. But he would be sued and it would hurt the merger. I'm sure trump has a plan for this,so I'm not concerned about it.
Ok thanks for sharing this. have a blessed day. God WINS. Much love
Does a retweet count? If he shares someone saying "the storm is upon us," does that violate the contract?
He can truth it,and then millions of people can repost it to twatter. Not a big deal.
So? I don’t think that matters otherwise he’d just post the exact same things on Truth and Twitter to reach twice the audience. Yet, there has been no tweet.
If he posts on Twitter it will fuk over the shareholders of truth and himself as a major invester.
It would be sick if he sent a truth to someone we think was MAGA but question now, for them to tweet THE tweet. And then they do it immediately! Movies need twists.
Could mean that the post would only have to be one second on Truth before the post on Twitter.
It's several hours. But if thousands of people see it on truth, they can repost it to twatter.
Exactly, 10s of Thousands would post at once. The Storm...
Trump could have both accounts have a timed release to post 1 second apart.
That would piss me off as a stockholder.
Global war < stockholder interest?
He made the deal not me,I just bought a few warrents. I wouldn't sue over it,but someone would and it it would slow down or tank the merger.
Anyways, I doubt the storm can be stopped by trump having to delay his own tweet for legal reasons.
Wheres the deal? Show us. Im not going to believe this just because you and reddit say its true. What are the ramifications if he does break the contract in this way? How do we know there isnt a clause for this specific tweet?
You are pretty vehement in your assertion but give us nothing but rumor and innuendo from people who have never seen the contract.
It's a major point of the investment,it trump goes back to Twitter their is nothing left.
I think Elon will be posting what we all want to see.
I have been thinking and saying the same thing...
My clue the fights on is a GEOTUS post zero delta for TS & Twatter, all legal mumbo jumbo aside
I didn't think we would ever see that tweet for the longest time. Am starting to change my mind. Also his saying that they are really coming after us he's just standing in their way. If he is arrested that would mean he's no longer standing in their way, the storm could indeed be upon us at that point t
The vision tracks. I’m in.
Notice how when they mock us it's never about the thing they would be most afraid of? You would think the Twitter thing about the storm would be worthy of ridicule from our betters. In some ways for me their refusal to discuss the big things is the biggest Q proof of all.
I agree
The only way he will tweet that is if truth social isn't available.
What if he just rick rolled the deep state?
I sure hope so
I don't believe it ever said Trump had to be the one posting it?
It wasn't.
People just belive what the want.
Only reason why besides this is that Twitter is direct competition to truth.
Conflict of interest possibly, pride, who knows.
But I didn't want of that is actually it, it possibly is, but doubtful.
Because Q says to never retreat from battlefield.
So OP is likely correct, which many if not all anons are and have been aware of.
Sometimes we set ourselves up for disappointment. Instead of watching things as they happen, our people sometimes define what must happen, when it must happen and by whom. Then when it doesn't, it is "I've had it with Trump" or "I'll never vote again." I'm content that things ARE happening. The timing is completely up to President Trump.
It’s definitely Ockham’s Razor
With Trump we never know. It might be his choice for VP in his campaign.