Trump told us he was going away at his speech at the Whirlpool factory in Ohio. "You might not see me for a while." Thanks to devolution, we know he left in place a plan to save America through this lunacy. We all 100% believe that he's coming back. Link to speech in comments.

It had to be this way.
Speech transcript
I have been wanting to rewatch this speech for a while. TY for the video and transcript.
A new nft.
Thanks for bringing this back up, Cats. This was one of the most memorable moments for me, out of all the moments during Trump's Presidency. It was one of the only times during his Presidency where he actually publicly stated that Pharma companies aren't happy with him.
When Trump hired Gottlieb to be the commissioner of the FDA after Gottlieb donated 1 million dollars to Trump's inauguration, it left a very negative taste in my mouth. I was confused because the man (Trump) who had tweeted numerous times in the past about the negative ramifications of vaccines, and was this close to setting up a vaccine safety committee before Bill Gates got in the way, was suddenly getting cozy with one of the key figures in Big Pharma. Not a good look, and very confusing!
This was instructive for me, too. Even tho I dig and research like mad, all this time I thought that Trump would "lose" 2020, and then step in with the evidence and go, "Gotcha, retards!" Then he'd take the presidency like he was meant to, and the DS would start getting dismantled for reals in his 2nd term.
We have seriously underestimated how asleep people are for things to have to go down this way. The amount of brainwashing, gaslighting, and just plain believing in unicorn farts on the part of the Left is too great to beat. But four years of Biden (I assume) should do the trick, I'd say. Meanwhile, we have to suffer through the next 1.7 years or whatever. SUUUCKS, but, also glorious. Look at Russia mowing down the DS in Ukraine, China and Russia forming a new economic axis, not to mention all the huge HUGE re-wiring that's going on in the middle east. The DS is losing "our democracy," the dollar is crashing, the banks (central banking) system is crashing, and that just the tip of the iceberg. From an optics standpoint, none of those things can happen with Trump at the wheel, in fact, it's a huge advantage having Biden sitting there to drop all this shit on. It's glorious. I've come to feel way more cozy about everything going down, and, from all the video we see coming out with Trump just confidently doing his thing, I 100% that patriots are in control.
The people are asleep and that is a big problem. This time is useful waking as many as possible before the hammer falls. They will need to be awake, or at least aware of the facts and theories we have presented, to survive what is coming.
But setting up parallel systems is the most important factor in the delay so that when the hammer does fall we arent left with a pit so deep tens and hundreds of millions die due to lack of resources.
The worlds population today was built on a relatively smooth flow of goods and services to the far reaches. Remove the cabal and their Babylonian money system too quickly, without a soft landing in place and ready to go, and you have created a vacuum that destroys the entire infrastructure of present day humanity.
Hell, most kids think food comes from the grocery store. We have lost our survival skills. Even the oldest and most basic skills of hunting, farming, animal husbandry and fire making are lost on the people today.
Patriots simply cant implode the system without safeguards in place. And I think it is these safeguards and alternate systems we are waiting on.
Agreed 100% ..
Maybe it's purely from my own interests and the algorithm simply tuning that in but I have received more YouTube than social media suggestions or anything towards my hillbilly roots, farming animals etc in recent months. Granted we did buy a farm last year but maybe that's just what it's picking up on. I hear more conversations about what it's like to have a farm be able to grow vegetables etc. Still even in the verbs they're completely screwed at the hammer drops.
But what about the damage being done to our societies? Food shortages -- serious ones far worse than we had during l the ast 3 years -- are going to come very soon if these bastards aren't stopped.
How about a battle? There's one flawless battle that was so one-sided its astounding. Any guesses to that battle?
Whatever happens is a part of the plan. Or not. It doesn’t matter because we’re watching a movie! Just enjoy it.
Right? These people in here talking war are like, harshing the buzz. It's entertainment! It's supposed to be fun! Like Hollywood taught us! Even in the face of neighbors dying we are just supposed to treat it as fantasy. That's the plan! It's genius! We're psychopaths for Jesus! /s
Just kidding. So sick of normies not getting it.
Ah, Cats! But, you may still be correct! Depending on who you ask, this might even be Trump's 3rd term :)
But let's say this is only Trump's second term should he get elected in 2024, you may just get your wish.
To me, I get majorly concerned about where this war on humanity is headed, but then I also look at the constant reminders from Trump that 2024 will be his year, and all signs in the majiq 8-ball are pointing to "yes", then to me it seems worth the wait. Besides, when I look at things like the vaccines and grooming in schools, it is CLEAR that we have much more work to do in regards to waking people up. So for now, this "downtime" between Trump terms is absolutely necessary. It seems like gaslighting, but it's not. It really does have to be this way.
But at least Gen. Flynn admits we have reached the precipice...
It will be his second term. The white hat patriots in control are not beholden to term limits.
I was thinking he never truly stepped away, and has been shadowboxing with Obama and Soros during this entire time. Biden is just a puppet, after all.
He can still influence things sure, i agree with you there. But its not a secret 2nd term. The de-evolution would leave military truly running things. Basically a headless executive branch
Makes you wonder why they allowed the likes of Milley and Levine into the ranks, until you consider the fact that this entire operation is designed to both expose the frauds, criminals, idiots and demons, and also illuminate the general incompetence and corruption of the Deep State via the most clownish of actors and the decisions they make.
The military i refer to is the warlocks and wizards that oversee everything. The corrupt heads of military branches needed to remain for optics sake. People need to be awakened to how bad things got top to bottom. Trump created one backdoor branch under supervision of the white hats in which they couldn’t taint. The space force, which assumed control of nuclear weapons response
I was dreading having to deal with Biden BS for 4 years - now it's down to less than 2 YAY - that's how I look at it lol. We in the home stretch - 😁
Yep, but maybe it was just foreshadowing his disappearance from the White House.
Just a cigar thought. "This may be the last time you'll see me for a while"
As President... ? :) Until Trump returns, that is!
Yeah, it doesn't make sense for Trump to just suddenly disappear while he was still President for a couple more months. It sounds more plausible to think that he's foreshadowing.
He always talked like that though.
I hadn't realised how close the full quote is to that interview where he said there were "people in the shadows, you've never heard of - very rich stupid people - and they really don't like what I'm doing". He was of course denounced as a loony 'conspiracy theorist' for that.
And yet, nobody knew Fauci's name back then
No he wasn't. Nobody serious has ever called him a conspiracy theorist. They have said he exploits conspiracy theorists, though.
Can't remember which speech it is, but he was talking about nearly this same thing when he said "I will be back in another form someday".
I can see it. Seems he's already present in several forms.
That was his final speech, the 17 flags, at Mar-A-Lago.
Wasn't it at an airport? I know the morning of the 20th (inauguration day) he was in attendance for that shuttle launch. They were deploying starlink satellites.
Good reminder... Almost forgot this one and it's importance!
Future proves past indeed ...
Only reason for him to get out of circulation is the same as for anyone else in executive military/political positions, because there is about to be an active phase of operations.....................
Sun Tzu: Art of War
Appear weak when strong.
Amazing isn't it?
I remember this well! I also seem to remember something he said in one of his last, if not his last address to us before he flew away, that he we would see him again, although in a very different form.
Beat me to it! Heh
It wasn't the last time though, he never went anywhere.
For the curious, this was back in 2020 and not recently
4 August 2020
Why post it now?
Because he's the president of the REAL United States (1776 version). He let Joe Biden (President of The United States of America Inc.) take the stage while he continues to work for us in the background.
I did forget about this statement, entirely. So if he left, he certainly didn't go far and I am happy about that. He has been making statements and having rallies since Biden (the demented one) got into office. He, Trump, has kept in touch with us and I am thankful for that. But, with saying all this, I still want to see some accountability served on the commies for all their wrongful actions.
I do NOT support Devolution. Why?
I believe that there are much safer speculated resolution than Devolution
In summary, the Devolution speculation is that there is maybe laws in place that will resolve all your life challenges. I do NOT believe that. Because if you look at the FACTS, the facts contradict Devolution. When I make a choice, if I can choose between FACTS and SPECULATION, I always choose FACTS. For example, right now, there are still laws being passed that are really bad for you. Those laws directly contradict Devolution. In other words, when there are conflicting information between facts and speculations, I usually choose facts. The facts do NOT support the Devolution speculation.
Because I believe that for citizens to have real security and real prosperity, the best strategy is for citizens to actively and peacefully resolve any challenges. For example, but not limited to, do your own research, listen to various opinions. Then make your own opinion. They make life choices based on YOUR own research. NOT on someone else research or someone else speculation.
One of the core speculation of Devolution is that citizen should be apathetic and inactive. So that speculated "laws" will magically solve all their life challenges. I believe the opposite. Thus, I do NOT support Devolution.
Do your research
Argyris and Schon (1974) suggest that individuals and organizations maintain theories of action that they have developed about and for themselves. Theories of action typically include an espoused theory of action and a theory-in-use. The “espoused theory of action...is the theory of action to which he [or she] gives allegiance, and which upon request, he [or she] communicates to others. However, the theory that actually governs his [or her] action is his [or her] theory-in-use, which may or may not be compatible with his [or her] espoused [publicly stated] theory; furthermore, the individual may or may not be aware of the incompatibility of the two theories.” (p.7).
One of the key things about speech is how he cut out the middleman. Maybe I thought about that previously but I never really dug into that. Think of the bureaucracy and 4th branch of government that his admin has began to cut out between our government and our people. Or maybe I'm just reading into it too much but my gut tells me there's something to that.