HOwever, that was 2018, and most liberals hated the NRA. Since then, I think people like RFK have realized that our govt. is trying to kill us. Good reason for everyone to be armed. It is not just the vaccines either, but the food they have been telling us to eat. I have known 2 people whose doctors have told them that the healthiest diet is a vegetarian diet! This is insane as we are carnivores.
Vegetables are sprayed like crazy with pesticides, GMOs in the soil. Doctors know nothing about diet and nutrition, and less about medicines, herbs and natural cures. Meat is best with the occasional nuts and berries thrown in. Grapes, pears and citrus are high in sugar, so those should be limited.
I cured a staff infection once when the Dr. had tried 3 Antibiotics and failed. Saying hospital was next stop. Took vitamins and ate healthier, washed 1 time a week in rubbing alcohol.
I cured nail fungus in a split thumbnail by grinding it paper thin and soaking in strong bleach water.
If doctors knew about nutrition, big pharma would be hurting for money.
There are plenty of doctors who lecture their patients on healthy diets and lifestyle choices.
But most people just ignore them. And let's be real, unless someone has lived their entire lives under a rock, they know the basics of healthy diet and exercise without a doctor having to tell them.
But so many people love their soda and cheeseburgers and processed snacks and cigarettes and beer too much to give them up.
Yes but, it's not priority for them. If they just recommend a diet change instead of prescribing a drug they are liable to get sued. Also, most are twenty years behind and into the low fat, low cholesterol, high seed oils diet. They have to be somewhat brain washed to make it through med school cult. There are a few clear headed ones though. Western medicine is unique in that you can have an obese person be your health advisor.
True processed sugar is worse, but those mentioned are also high in carbohydrates. There are also pesticides on our citrus just like with everything these days. Berries, apples are lower in sugars, so better for you.
Fruit may be fine for you, but it is not fine for all. These kind of blanket statements are dangerous, especially when made by doctors. There are so many issues that people have, and they have no idea it is being caused by an improper diet for them. We all accept lactose intolerance in some individuals, but will not accept the other foods can be very harmful to some people. Please, go watch a couple of you tube vids by Dr. Ken Berry.
And I would advise you to watch some Dr. Pail Saldino aka carnivoremd. Sure fruits maybe bad for some individuals but in general they are fine and the natural sugar is fine.
Honestly, I would stay away from fructose as well. I started watching a Dr. Ken Berry on youtube. He is an easy watch, and seems to really know his stuff. I have been suffering from leg and hip pain for years. It has really affected my enjoyment of life. I have been staying home because I could only walk for about 10 min. at a time. After trying many remedies, I finally realized it wasn't arthritis, or various nerve issues, I had inflamation. I started eating only meat and dairy, for now, and I am so much better. It will take some time but I am shocked at how much misinformation I had.
Yes. I am not hurting like I was, and it has only been a month. I am starting to get much more range of motion, and can now walk around enough to grocery shop.
I happened to catch your comment.
For a very different reason , I happen to be in ketosis since January. I needed to finally shed all that pathetic covid weight I put on ;-)
I am losing that weight very leisurely though( 30 lbs so far ). That being said, the best thing that has happened to me was rid me of the ups and downs I used to get , energy -wise. I don’t thrive off adrenaline anymore .. my energy is very even keel. Plus , I thought I would want a “cheat “day- but I have absolutely no desire for carbs .
I agree with you. Listen, I was pro-vax before 2020.
There.. I said it .
When Trump promoted the covid vaccine , I couldn’t wait to take it. I have since not only changed my still taking huge back steps from what I though I knew about vaccines PERIOD.
We have to give these people a blank slate , starting with 2021. At least that’s my opinion.
The world is a different place now.
That’s very true and I’m glad when anyone can be honest, I totally agree re vax. I was an alternate schedule kind of person, no Hep B in hospital for newborns kind of person…
But I did know every year I got the flu shot…I got the flu BAD. And now I won’t take a flu shot, or even give a flu shot to my dog.
And until I went in this Q journey, I didn’t fully appreciate what a fool I was, voting for Bush Sr and Jr…fully believing in the official story of 9-11…I’ve been as much of a fool as normies are now…so keep talking and dropping red pills wherever you go, happy warrior.
If anyone on this board thinks any Democrat can be trusted, they clearly didn’t read the Q drops spelling out they all are solely in office to destroy America.
HOwever, that was 2018, and most liberals hated the NRA. Since then, I think people like RFK have realized that our govt. is trying to kill us. Good reason for everyone to be armed. It is not just the vaccines either, but the food they have been telling us to eat. I have known 2 people whose doctors have told them that the healthiest diet is a vegetarian diet! This is insane as we are carnivores.
Vegetables are sprayed like crazy with pesticides, GMOs in the soil. Doctors know nothing about diet and nutrition, and less about medicines, herbs and natural cures. Meat is best with the occasional nuts and berries thrown in. Grapes, pears and citrus are high in sugar, so those should be limited.
If doctors knew about nutrition, big pharma would be hurting for money.
I cured a staff infection once when the Dr. had tried 3 Antibiotics and failed. Saying hospital was next stop. Took vitamins and ate healthier, washed 1 time a week in rubbing alcohol.
I cured nail fungus in a split thumbnail by grinding it paper thin and soaking in strong bleach water.
That is awesome to hear. Some friend fixed his kid's black infected tooth with colloidal silver. It's good to share anecdotes.
There are plenty of doctors who lecture their patients on healthy diets and lifestyle choices.
But most people just ignore them. And let's be real, unless someone has lived their entire lives under a rock, they know the basics of healthy diet and exercise without a doctor having to tell them.
But so many people love their soda and cheeseburgers and processed snacks and cigarettes and beer too much to give them up.
Yes but, it's not priority for them. If they just recommend a diet change instead of prescribing a drug they are liable to get sued. Also, most are twenty years behind and into the low fat, low cholesterol, high seed oils diet. They have to be somewhat brain washed to make it through med school cult. There are a few clear headed ones though. Western medicine is unique in that you can have an obese person be your health advisor.
Isn't the natural sugar in those not bad for you as opposed to processed sugar? Or another doc not knowing shit.
True processed sugar is worse, but those mentioned are also high in carbohydrates. There are also pesticides on our citrus just like with everything these days. Berries, apples are lower in sugars, so better for you.
Sugar in fruit is not processed the same as processed sugar. Fruit is fine.
Look at the glycemic index. Stevia, Erythritol, Allulose, Monk Fruit, are good sweeteners, find the ones you like. Allulose = $$$.
Stevia is nasty! Will try the others.
Fruit may be fine for you, but it is not fine for all. These kind of blanket statements are dangerous, especially when made by doctors. There are so many issues that people have, and they have no idea it is being caused by an improper diet for them. We all accept lactose intolerance in some individuals, but will not accept the other foods can be very harmful to some people. Please, go watch a couple of you tube vids by Dr. Ken Berry.
And I would advise you to watch some Dr. Pail Saldino aka carnivoremd. Sure fruits maybe bad for some individuals but in general they are fine and the natural sugar is fine.
Honestly, I would stay away from fructose as well. I started watching a Dr. Ken Berry on youtube. He is an easy watch, and seems to really know his stuff. I have been suffering from leg and hip pain for years. It has really affected my enjoyment of life. I have been staying home because I could only walk for about 10 min. at a time. After trying many remedies, I finally realized it wasn't arthritis, or various nerve issues, I had inflamation. I started eating only meat and dairy, for now, and I am so much better. It will take some time but I am shocked at how much misinformation I had.
Do you like being in ketosis?
Yes. I am not hurting like I was, and it has only been a month. I am starting to get much more range of motion, and can now walk around enough to grocery shop.
Wow, I happened to catch your comment. For a very different reason , I happen to be in ketosis since January. I needed to finally shed all that pathetic covid weight I put on ;-) I am losing that weight very leisurely though( 30 lbs so far ). That being said, the best thing that has happened to me was rid me of the ups and downs I used to get , energy -wise. I don’t thrive off adrenaline anymore .. my energy is very even keel. Plus , I thought I would want a “cheat “day- but I have absolutely no desire for carbs .
People eat too much fruit...
I agree with you. Listen, I was pro-vax before 2020. There.. I said it . When Trump promoted the covid vaccine , I couldn’t wait to take it. I have since not only changed my still taking huge back steps from what I though I knew about vaccines PERIOD. We have to give these people a blank slate , starting with 2021. At least that’s my opinion. The world is a different place now.
That’s very true and I’m glad when anyone can be honest, I totally agree re vax. I was an alternate schedule kind of person, no Hep B in hospital for newborns kind of person…
But I did know every year I got the flu shot…I got the flu BAD. And now I won’t take a flu shot, or even give a flu shot to my dog.
And until I went in this Q journey, I didn’t fully appreciate what a fool I was, voting for Bush Sr and Jr…fully believing in the official story of 9-11…I’ve been as much of a fool as normies are now…so keep talking and dropping red pills wherever you go, happy warrior.
People like RFK should have realised that our government is trying to kill us when they um... well... KILLED HIS FATHER AND UNCLE!
If anyone on this board thinks any Democrat can be trusted, they clearly didn’t read the Q drops spelling out they all are solely in office to destroy America.
RFK Jr. is not in office.
"I think people like RFK have realized that our govt. is trying to kill us"
Then it's up to him to retract his gun-grabbing rhetoric. Otherwise we must assume he hasn't changed his mind.