Time for Blacksmith to get rich. If the TTMG SEC appeal is correct and the blocking of the merger suppressed 17B in valuation then I should see $2MM
Headed my way.
Because of the handling many people are in the black. What he did illegally has affected many. Is there a way to get a class action lawsuit going. Any AGs you could think of willing to do that?
I have a few shares that are red.
Hahahaha I bought near the top and am hodling all this time.
me 2 : (
Lol. Yes.
The resemblance is uncanny!
Time for Blacksmith to get rich. If the TTMG SEC appeal is correct and the blocking of the merger suppressed 17B in valuation then I should see $2MM Headed my way.
I hope they sentence him to death and his family to hard labor. That wouldn’t really be enough.
This is . . ."excellent".
Thanks fren, added to the post context.
Matt Groening claims Mr. Burns was based on his old gym teacher.
As I said. Claims.
Sauce thanks to u/RearViewKali2022/
Because of the handling many people are in the black. What he did illegally has affected many. Is there a way to get a class action lawsuit going. Any AGs you could think of willing to do that?
almost everyone is in the red not black
Oh oops
Warrants are at three bucks right now but will cost $11 to convert when and if. So it’s better to buy regular shares right now if you trust the plan.
Another grabbler. Every single time.
Rodent eyes
Whos going to be grilling and questioning him?
Another double…🤔
I doubt anything will happen
I think it might be go time. This is Trump's company. The whole stock market needs to be exposed. My hopes are up. We'll see!