posted ago by AmberWins ago by AmberWins +89 / -1

I mentioned the other day that my small group all went beserk the other day when I was trying to share the contents of an interesting Christian video during discussion, after I said I saw it on TikTok. Nine women verbally attacked me (the leader of my small group who is also leader of lecture large group sat by and let them) yelling about how stupid that was, didn't I know it was CHINESE?? They're spying on you!!! I said something to the effect, "Ladies, I used to think the same thing but I question everything and do my own research. When the republicans and democrats, aka the uniparty got together wanting to ban TikTok, I wondered why. There's a lot of truth being spread on TikTok and the gov't isn't able to control it the way they did twitter. It's an information war and they want to control the information. It may not be as bad as we've been led to believe". I mean the information in the video was what I was stressing, it most likely can be seen on every other social media site, they're the ones that completely dismissed it because I saw it on Tiktok. So the leader dramatically spreads her arms wide and says, "We need to let this lie, let it lie..." I was furious at all those self-righteous, smug, Fox News addicted, vaxxed & boosted bitches. But just as quickly the conversation shifted and everyone was fine and chatty.

Cut to today. I get a phone call from the leader. I wanted to think she was calling to apologize if I felt attacked in her group the other day but NAH. She wanted to let me know she was coming from a place of love, she loves me and she's concerned about me. (Here we f'n go) But she needed to make sure that the things I was saying in group weren't false. Because we're learning about false teaching. "Wait a minute, are you talking about the Tiktok thing?" Yes, and I can't just let false things be talked about....now I'm not God and I'm not the Holy Spirit but I know what you're saying is false....

I lost my damn mind. I told her no she wasn't God or the Holy Spirit, and yes we're studying false teachings in the church, so how is she just categorically deciding that she's right and I'm wrong? Did she know we were in an information war and the uniparty wants to control the information? And this pentagon leaker who was magicly found and arrested in a day is gonna be used for them to revive the RESTRICT Act, WHICH DOESN'T EVEN MENTION TIKTOK, but is just a power grab for congress to control apps and social media in the name of "national security". And we're in a discussion and learning group but what you say is the gospel and someone else needs to be quiet? I told her I was so angry at the way she handled all those women yelling at me that I almost walked out never to return, but that this phone call solidified it. I was done with the group and done with her.

I've been pissed off all day. This leader has known me for at least 4 years. She thought she could call me and tell me I didn't know what was going on and needed to be quiet?? Every one of you frens who have never laid eyes on me and Helen Keller herself would have known better.

I have no doubt that she will portray me as a tin-foil hat wearing, card-carrying Qtard all over that church. I don't give a damn. I will hold my head up high. I have planted many a truth seed in that room over the last 9 months and there WILL come a day (barring any SUDDENLY events) that every one of those women will be coming to me for answers. I just hope they do it in front of that leader, so I can show her how to truly lead.