Comments (33)
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I love it when GEOTUS comes out swinging!! Hit them back 💯 times harder than they have hit you!! Take them all out!
There is a converging narrative being formed with treason and crimes against humanity at its core. Its been coming for weeks.
He got strong arms and can swing.
It seems like the election fraud and manipulation of our elections state-by-state are being exposed. Drip, drip, drip. Now we have FOX news settles the lawsuit brought by Dominion (voting machines). It seems that FOX is appeasing the DS globalist swampies by settling out of court. Can anyone imagine what the FOX discovery would have brought out to the public by the lawsuit?
These machines are used all over the world to sway elections. It just seems like FOX just engaged in their money laundering shell game scheme. Something is definitely afoot and a shifting is occurring! Let's see what happens in the next few months.
Why would Fox want to expose Dominion? They were in on the fraud, calling the election early.
Remember, the lawsuit was brought on by Dominion & not FOX. We can see FOX went to the very last minute and then settled out to Dominion for roughly half of what Dominion was asking for in damages, which was $1.6 billion. Who was negligent? Tucker? Hannity? Laura Ingram?
If the lawsuit would've proceeded, it was up to Dominion to prove FOX was at fault for defamation and damage to Dominion. I'm fairly certain FOX would've had massive proof of Dominion's pre-set algorithms, ratio percentages and internet access (hacking abilities) in to their programmed machines. And evidence of Dominion personnel on voting day tampering for the desired election win outcome. This could've been proven not just from US elections, but throughout the world where Dominion machines were/are used. Think of the worldwide ramifications of the shutdown of Dominion voting machine enterprise worldwide. It would be devastating to the 'Global System' of maintaining control of elections (selections). Their scheme would've been revealed once and for all and they would cease to exist.
Why did FOX settle? Yes, because they are part of the DS problem. It's just optics of shifting money from one corrupt enterprise to another.
So now, in the public eye, the optics are that FOX had slim-to-no proof that Dominion machines swayed the election(s) and the states that use Dominion machines are reassured of their massive $$$ contracts are maintained. It gives Dominion leverage with state election officials and the state legislatures thereof to continue the use of their machines. And that following a questionable election, no need for a forensic audit of those the machines.
Was this lawsuit a 'forewarning' to FOX of future lawfare on anything and everything that the Global Cabal/Deep State declares 'against the grain'? Hence Tucker Carlson being let go....
It would even behoove Dominion to (surreptitiously) pay the settlement for Fox, just for the reasons you stated.
Only qpost I could fine with "SIN" in it -
Here's the twitter link in that qpost -
Thank you. I wonder if SIN is an acronym, or if it is just pointing to the post?
I love the fact that you happened to screenshot this post exactly 17 seconds after it was posted. Perfect screenshot lol
History shows all the newsmen and women broadcasting the propaganda of Nazi Germany and Japan were tried right along with the war criminals. Sooooo Juicy!
as they should have been.
Power by any means necessary. Luckily for us, the people tasked with achieving power by any means necessary are IDIOTS!
So when POTUS reclaims the offie that he won fair & square, can we finally take the gloves off???
THE Gloves are off and the fire is lit...NOW, onto the next phase!!!!
When TC got canned that became the lightening rod to BRING together ALL!!!!
"It is getting about that time to man the revetments, for we will be in hand-to-hand shortly!!!"
We could have a fiery furnace built for the DemonRat traitors, like what was done when Shadrach, Meshach and Abendiggo were thrown into the fire and God sent an angel or Jesus to spare them
Unpardonable? Like a military tribunal?
Yep, I agree, it's sad.
Oh well
Fire and Fury!
Is SIN an acronym?
Treason = unpardonable by presidential action SIN’s Technology Purchasing Program: Special Item Number. SIN Maybe? Internet related.
Did you deliberately misspell Trump’s name in title?
Nope… livin’ up to my name and in too much of a hurry sometimes… lots to do and little time to do it..
Yeah, I get that
You took the words out of my mouth.,
Yes, the Good Guys are getting the masses accustomed to hearing the harsh truth.
Well it's the president who issues a pardon. This implies he knows who the president will be and that no pardon will be issued for treason which has a penalty of death
Remember, TREASONOUS SIN spelled sideways is
Oust arisen Son