You don't know anything about anybody these days. That meme was all over Twitter yesterday and everyone was assuming it was true. I don't know. What I do know is RFK Jr. Knows the CIA killed his uncle and most likely his dad.
As I have ALWAYS said to everyone.... NEVER assume shit...
A good example is 'people' here assume that I believe Everything in the tweet.... I posted to see what people think.... Too many condescending pricks here who LOVE to assume....
Purkiss, you’re the man bro. I appreciate what you do for this community. I simply felt like you were being unnecessarily aggressive. That’s all. No big deal no hard feels. Stay well fren
Just to be clear... Do you NOT see that this is NOT my tweet... I posted it to see what people think?.... That's it... Period... Please feel free to downvote as much as you want... SMFH 🙄🙄
He is running for the Democrat nomination in the primary, not the Republican and is far enough right to red pill many dems... Not a threat to Trump in the 2024 election.
I get this post is to start a discussion but it would be nice if you could do a couple google searches to verify first. We cant just follow the mainstreams confusion lead of putting out Twitter screenshots with no verification.
He is a Democrat through and through, not all of them are radical. He is far enough right that he stands out to us, only because so many are so far left.
I don’t care if he got a sex change. I want daddy Don Don to pick a vp that will make little fairy libs melt. I want the lib mind to be instantly liquified. And I think trump bringing a lib boi on board could do that.
The climate change one is plenty enough to discount him. We know their playbook, they present an opposition figure to control the opposition and derail it. The video of him saying "climate change deniers" should be JAILED was enough for me to know he is an idiot at best, probably a plant.
Plus, even if I thought he was genuine, and he listed my pet preferences as his goal in office, he isn't tough enough or smart enough to succeed in office and get anything done that would be truly ground breaking. They would just lead him through stage-sets and mindfrack him until he believed up was down.
Sauce please....I'm not for or against RFK, Jr, but this is a lot to say without providing proof i.e. videos of him saying or talking about some of this. News articles with his stance for instance on HRC or climate change, or wedding announcement of his sister's marriage.
" ... but by the end we will see that all the stories about all the Kennedys are of a piece: nothing you think you know, all the way back to 1944, is true."
RFK, Jr. might be wrong about many things, but he is RIGHT about the vaccines ... AND that is is #1 passion in life, so he WILL wake up some morons who listen to him ... and that is a GOOD thing.
He is useful to the extent he is useful ... AND he is NO WORSE than the OTHER DumbDumbDems.
So, he is worth promoting for THAT purpose, though not worth supporting in any other way.
This is BS. Read The Real Anthony Fauci and listen to some of his speeches. Subscribe to Children’s Health Defense. He just wrote a beautiful paper of how we need to clean the environment up so that people can connect to God’s creation. It was so beautifully written. This dude doesn’t want conservative and independents to vote for him.
With regards to RFK's stance on the CIA. That one's just not straightforward either way, at least to me. On the one hand, you can easily look up as an example his interview with Ron Paul from I think around a year ago. RFK went right for the jugular in explaining how he became convinced the CIA was involved in both his uncle and his father's murders.
HOWEVER, this could always mean RFK is just another "designated" channel for this kind of info to go public. Why? Because RFK has already been established in the MSM and normie public as the black sheep of the Kennedy family, the anti vax conspiracy nut job. So for RFK to then speak out more about the CIA-behind-the-Kennedy-murders could jut be his role in that further solidifying theory as part of the nexxus of crazy fringe ideas like vax-causes-autism etc. So, easier to write off.
The unknown - now that RFK is making a presidential run, will that lead to broader acceptance of these theories among the old school blue dog Dems (and Bernie bros?) as plausible and not so crazy? That's what I'm curious about. I know RFK won't clinch the nomination since he'll probably go up against MichelleO or some other late entry Deep State compatible savior for the Dems. But what kind of awareness will RFK bring to the broader public, despite all the conspiracy theory stigmas he's carrying?
Climate change is the primary tool used to usher in marxist globalism. Its well documented that he supports climte agendas. So either he is completely ignorant of the global push for a marxist revolution or he's part of their plan. The answer doesn't matter.
That alone is all you need to know. Don't waste your energy wagging your finger at everyone you come across that is not 100% accurate. A fools errand.
How do YOU know what's true or not... And what lies am I spreading??...... I simply posted an interesting tweet to see what people THINK... because none of us here KNOW...
This is possibly a fake pepe lives matter account that posted it. I'm not on Twitter so idk but the blatant bullshit in it... the pepe poster I've seen for years in daily compilation vids would NEVER post such conjecture without confirming its validity.
Did you research any of this yourself or do you just believe a meme? RFK, Jr does NOT like the CIA, so there's one lie.
RFK has been very vocal about dismantling the CIA
I checked and verified all BUT the CIA piece. So much of this I didn't know, but have never been a "celebrity" follower. Pretty murky past.
To me, his greatest attribute has been is staunch anti-vaccine stance. There were very few voices like mine before Covid, but his was one.
Which part of "What do you think" did you miss in the headline.?... Just for arguments sake, how do You know anything about anyone these days?
You don't know anything about anybody these days. That meme was all over Twitter yesterday and everyone was assuming it was true. I don't know. What I do know is RFK Jr. Knows the CIA killed his uncle and most likely his dad.
As I have ALWAYS said to everyone.... NEVER assume shit... A good example is 'people' here assume that I believe Everything in the tweet.... I posted to see what people think.... Too many condescending pricks here who LOVE to assume....
You’re kind of being condescending yourself.
Really?... Explain how you come to that ASSUMPTION!?
Purkiss, you’re the man bro. I appreciate what you do for this community. I simply felt like you were being unnecessarily aggressive. That’s all. No big deal no hard feels. Stay well fren
And you can't be 'kind of condescending'.... You either are or not...
def not your best work @purkiss80
Just to be clear... Do you NOT see that this is NOT my tweet... I posted it to see what people think?.... That's it... Period... Please feel free to downvote as much as you want... SMFH 🙄🙄
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Just sayin.
I downvoted just because thats what the mob is doing
It would be more compelling with source links.
Short sticky to see if we can get a discussion going on RFK
He is running for the Democrat nomination in the primary, not the Republican and is far enough right to red pill many dems... Not a threat to Trump in the 2024 election.
Hopefully, he will "Ross Perot" Biden
Did a quick google search of RFK Jr. and Hilary Clinton and found this 2007 article of him making fun of her.
Here is a video of him pretty harshly criticizing the CIA and Obama
I get this post is to start a discussion but it would be nice if you could do a couple google searches to verify first. We cant just follow the mainstreams confusion lead of putting out Twitter screenshots with no verification.
Trust nobody but Jesus
He is a Democrat through and through, not all of them are radical. He is far enough right that he stands out to us, only because so many are so far left.
I don’t care if he got a sex change. I want daddy Don Don to pick a vp that will make little fairy libs melt. I want the lib mind to be instantly liquified. And I think trump bringing a lib boi on board could do that.
Keep in mind that we are in a fifth generation war. Stuff like this gets passed around any time a new player enters the game.
Flynn, Tulsi, Elon, Tucker, Phillips -- there is always an effort to smear high profile figures.
Rely only on your personal discernment.
Tulsi is confirmed WEF member. But we don't know if really committed or just infiltrating. Bad actor or flipped etc.
Yep. Tucker has a similar background, I think.
The climate change one is plenty enough to discount him. We know their playbook, they present an opposition figure to control the opposition and derail it. The video of him saying "climate change deniers" should be JAILED was enough for me to know he is an idiot at best, probably a plant.
Plus, even if I thought he was genuine, and he listed my pet preferences as his goal in office, he isn't tough enough or smart enough to succeed in office and get anything done that would be truly ground breaking. They would just lead him through stage-sets and mindfrack him until he believed up was down.
Sauce please....I'm not for or against RFK, Jr, but this is a lot to say without providing proof i.e. videos of him saying or talking about some of this. News articles with his stance for instance on HRC or climate change, or wedding announcement of his sister's marriage.
He's perfect to redpill the left on the vaccine without being dismissed as a Trump supporter.
Until and unless he radically changes his mind on 2A, I want nothing to do with him.
He agrees with us on a few points, which makes him a cut above the average DNC flunkie, but that's all.
Whew!…it appears to me that he is a POS.
I knew 2 things about him--he's a Kennedy, and he's married to a TV star. Hollywood.
He could be a traditional Dem.
Much less loathsome than the current off the edge of the world Dems.
" ... but by the end we will see that all the stories about all the Kennedys are of a piece: nothing you think you know, all the way back to 1944, is true."
Context is everything
Ohhhh..... So maybe his wife did not kill herself? I don't know why that wasn't a red flag to begin with, I'm still sleepy I guess 😴
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
RFK, Jr. might be wrong about many things, but he is RIGHT about the vaccines ... AND that is is #1 passion in life, so he WILL wake up some morons who listen to him ... and that is a GOOD thing.
He is useful to the extent he is useful ... AND he is NO WORSE than the OTHER DumbDumbDems.
So, he is worth promoting for THAT purpose, though not worth supporting in any other way.
Same as most RINO's, too.
This post reeks of bullshit. (FYI: RFK believes the CIA killed JFK and his Dad)
*The fact that RFK is running against Biden is proof that he's legit.
What's going to happen is the DNC will rig the primaries for Biden. (If that happens, a lot of RFK's voters will vote for Trump in the general)
*But if you're a dipshit and make RFK the enemy, then that doesn't happen
Not sure I believe the staunch supported of CIA considering the family deaths. I'd take this with a bucket of salt.
He is definitely a climate cultist and therefore is anti-humanity.
I don’t think so. He cleaned up the Hudson River. He wants a clean environment so people can connect to God’s creation. His words.
And he wants you in jail if you don’t believe in their hoax.
Well this week he said this about Billionaires and climate change
This is BS. Read The Real Anthony Fauci and listen to some of his speeches. Subscribe to Children’s Health Defense. He just wrote a beautiful paper of how we need to clean the environment up so that people can connect to God’s creation. It was so beautifully written. This dude doesn’t want conservative and independents to vote for him.
With regards to RFK's stance on the CIA. That one's just not straightforward either way, at least to me. On the one hand, you can easily look up as an example his interview with Ron Paul from I think around a year ago. RFK went right for the jugular in explaining how he became convinced the CIA was involved in both his uncle and his father's murders.
HOWEVER, this could always mean RFK is just another "designated" channel for this kind of info to go public. Why? Because RFK has already been established in the MSM and normie public as the black sheep of the Kennedy family, the anti vax conspiracy nut job. So for RFK to then speak out more about the CIA-behind-the-Kennedy-murders could jut be his role in that further solidifying theory as part of the nexxus of crazy fringe ideas like vax-causes-autism etc. So, easier to write off.
The unknown - now that RFK is making a presidential run, will that lead to broader acceptance of these theories among the old school blue dog Dems (and Bernie bros?) as plausible and not so crazy? That's what I'm curious about. I know RFK won't clinch the nomination since he'll probably go up against MichelleO or some other late entry Deep State compatible savior for the Dems. But what kind of awareness will RFK bring to the broader public, despite all the conspiracy theory stigmas he's carrying?
I agree, but I also think enough of it is true to matter.
Climate change is the primary tool used to usher in marxist globalism. Its well documented that he supports climte agendas. So either he is completely ignorant of the global push for a marxist revolution or he's part of their plan. The answer doesn't matter.
That alone is all you need to know. Don't waste your energy wagging your finger at everyone you come across that is not 100% accurate. A fools errand.
Thank you for the link. He is NOT denying climate change. He is stating its being coopted and corrupted. Big difference.
Here he is talking to "yahoo finance" about how California wild fires are caused by climate change. Clearly and succinctly.
Here he says climate sceptics should be put in jail
How do YOU know what's true or not... And what lies am I spreading??...... I simply posted an interesting tweet to see what people THINK... because none of us here KNOW...
This is possibly a fake pepe lives matter account that posted it. I'm not on Twitter so idk but the blatant bullshit in it... the pepe poster I've seen for years in daily compilation vids would NEVER post such conjecture without confirming its validity.
Not installing telegram forcing junk to clog up my phone just to view a random post.
You don't have to do anything but Then don't ASSUME it's fake....