The only difference now is that they are sickened by it enough to risk their jobs and withering attacks from the government propaganda machine to stand up and say so.
When old folks who worked themselves to the bone see what their ingreatful children and grandchildren have allowed to take root they'll muster of the last remnants of their faculties and tell the ballot harvesters to fuck off. Gotta keep them alive and obvious on multiple drugs for as long as possible.
They've used compulsion at all levels to achieve their ends; it makes sense that people mistook Constitutional tolerance (live and let live) for acceptance.
Even moreso since the "let live" part has been noticeably absent from their beliefs and acts.
Thanks to all the propaganda many normies believe these groups are vastly greater in proportion than they really are. I remember seeing polls where the responders thought alphabet people were a third of the US.
Well that is good news. But the commies don't care about what or how most Americans think. They care only about their agenda and ideology. They will push even harder for transgenderism, thinking we are sooo wrong. I hope the Commies receive the message loud and clear!
They're rare but it's a disease massively amplified by media.
The vast majority of regular people don't find sick men masquerading as women palatable.
These trannies don't want to be left alone, they want an audience of children. They're dangerous to a functioning society, and in 99.99% of human history, they'd be run out of town, at best.
There's a reason for that.
As long as the government/media are pushing these predators as kind/brave/misunderstood then people have every right to be outraged by them, regardless of how small their relative population is.
The sentiment you're expressing now is the same one I heard with the gay marriage issue 20 years ago. Give them what they want, just be tolerant. There is no slippery slope. If you didn't care so much, it wouldn't even be an issue.
Look how that turned out.
What you fail to realize, or cannot comprehend, is that there are no victory conditions for the left. They'll never be satisfied, and if given their way over this tranny bullshit now, it'll be pedophilia in another couple years.
It's already started actually. The pedos are a very small percentage of society also, shall we ignore them too, and hope that our TVs become nice to us again?
There will always be some new category of "oppression" that they'll invent to further destabilize and ultimately destroy civil society.
Mostly they do this because they're sick, or want attention. They're the useful idiots, unwittingly doing the bidding of those who benefit from destroying the west and consolidating more power.
This isn't an issue because decent people with common sense are outraged, people are outraged because it's been shoved into their fucking faces for decades. And a lot of people are starting to see where this ends.
Cancer starts out small, but it's deadly if it isn't treated. It doesn't just go away if you ignore it.
Minors are an issue unto themselves. And it's not a one size fits all solution. I can't claim what is wrong or right for someone I've never met and I don't know their life story. So what those families do is best determined by those families and their physicians and therapists and their spiritual leaders and anyone else who are personally involved in their lives. Do you want some stranger who doesn't know any of your business to tell you how to raise your kids?
But I do know that if parents spent more time parenting their own kids and less time sticking their nose in other people's business, the world would be a much better place.
Parental rights and free speech rights. Also some are using trans to promote age inappropriate sexuality to minors. This violates a child's right to just be a child.
Try "misgendering" a trans and see if your free speech rights are respected. Oh, and trans people literally held a speaker hostage for a few hours because they didn't like what she had to say. She was one of the swimmers who lost to Lea Thomas.
It’s the new thing to do. Which is sad because it’s a fad that will fuck them up for life. I had a trans boss 10 years ago, and know a trans teen, he would be a normal gay boy in any other era, but he gets SO much attention by being trans. He is a friend of my normal niece and I am polite but never call him her or by his female name, which he keeps changing. They all want to feel different and special and get attention, that is why there are so many now. They are essentially gay narcissists with mental illness or just doing it for the attention.
And then they will grow up a little and realize the irreversible damage that was allowed to be done to them as children and teens they will either commit suicide or take out the people who did it to them. There will be a lot of rage I fear, (and death) coming because of this, all courtesy of the cabal.
They're not starting to reject.
The always have, and continue to.
The only difference now is that they are sickened by it enough to risk their jobs and withering attacks from the government propaganda machine to stand up and say so.
...where we howl 1, we howl all....
Saw a funny meme that asked:
"Why don't they do drag queen story hour in old folks' homes?"
The standard statement from the pedo community is, "eight is to late," (to do serious irreversible mental damage to a child).
Eighty is probably off the charts.
When old folks who worked themselves to the bone see what their ingreatful children and grandchildren have allowed to take root they'll muster of the last remnants of their faculties and tell the ballot harvesters to fuck off. Gotta keep them alive and obvious on multiple drugs for as long as possible.
These freaks are far less than 1% of the population and they think Americans en-masse would be on their side?
...that line of thinking is indicative of their mental disorder....
Exactly. They live in a pretend, fantasy world. Expecting others approval is part of the fantasy
They've used compulsion at all levels to achieve their ends; it makes sense that people mistook Constitutional tolerance (live and let live) for acceptance.
Even moreso since the "let live" part has been noticeably absent from their beliefs and acts.
Thanks to all the propaganda many normies believe these groups are vastly greater in proportion than they really are. I remember seeing polls where the responders thought alphabet people were a third of the US.
I prefer using the older term transvestites, it conveys the proper level of disgust for the behavior.
Gaslighting 101: being normal is labeled as “anti trans” to make it sound bad.
Anti communism is actually a good thing
War Is Peace.
Freedom Is Slavery.
Ignorance Is Strength.
Yes pretty much what it is now
...sadly true...
They must be tee’ing up some flaming tranny for an important spot in honor of Baphomet
Gearing up to let Michelle Obama run for president.
this is it right here.
and preparing for people to find out that a lot of "wives" of prominent men are really husbands
Most Americans will not go for them hiding it.
You mean Michael.
...valid observation....
Nobody could have possibly seem this coming!
What's the real number of they are telling us its near 60%? Is it 85%? 90%?
They keep telling themselves that conservatives really-really like them, and are watching trans porn all day long.
The writer looks bonkers.
And I wish they'd stop with that BS "assigned at birth."
It's about whether your chromosomes are XX or XY.
“Assigned at birth”: we don’t actually trust the science when it comes to randomly assigning a sex at birth based on nothing more than genitals!
...just an industrial sized container of male bovine excrement.....
Well that is good news. But the commies don't care about what or how most Americans think. They care only about their agenda and ideology. They will push even harder for transgenderism, thinking we are sooo wrong. I hope the Commies receive the message loud and clear!
Hear, HEAR!!!
Yes they're big mad... big Mike is on deck for resident.
...a real "ball buster".....
...behavior of a normal human....
I'm waiting for WaPo to go bankrupt.
The number of trans people are so small, the vast majority of the population will go their entire lives with never even meeting one.
But people really get themselves worked up over it one way or another.
They're rare but it's a disease massively amplified by media.
The vast majority of regular people don't find sick men masquerading as women palatable.
These trannies don't want to be left alone, they want an audience of children. They're dangerous to a functioning society, and in 99.99% of human history, they'd be run out of town, at best.
There's a reason for that.
As long as the government/media are pushing these predators as kind/brave/misunderstood then people have every right to be outraged by them, regardless of how small their relative population is.
They can say that trans are superheroes and it's not going to change the fact that I will most likely live my entire life never meeting one.
You can get as outraged as you want to, but it's not going to really achieve anything other than having it continue to be brought up by MSM.
The back and forth between pro-trans and anti-trans is what keeps the MSM going on about it.
So you're one of the reasons why it's such an issue right now.
If you gave it the time it deserves, it would just go away by itself.
I guarantee that in 5 years, no one will be talking much about trans issues. Just like we're not talking much about stuff from 5 years ago.
Remember when every other conversation was either about Obama care or the border wall? When was the last time you had a conversation about either one?
The sentiment you're expressing now is the same one I heard with the gay marriage issue 20 years ago. Give them what they want, just be tolerant. There is no slippery slope. If you didn't care so much, it wouldn't even be an issue.
Look how that turned out.
What you fail to realize, or cannot comprehend, is that there are no victory conditions for the left. They'll never be satisfied, and if given their way over this tranny bullshit now, it'll be pedophilia in another couple years.
It's already started actually. The pedos are a very small percentage of society also, shall we ignore them too, and hope that our TVs become nice to us again?
There will always be some new category of "oppression" that they'll invent to further destabilize and ultimately destroy civil society.
Mostly they do this because they're sick, or want attention. They're the useful idiots, unwittingly doing the bidding of those who benefit from destroying the west and consolidating more power.
This isn't an issue because decent people with common sense are outraged, people are outraged because it's been shoved into their fucking faces for decades. And a lot of people are starting to see where this ends.
Cancer starts out small, but it's deadly if it isn't treated. It doesn't just go away if you ignore it.
Pedophilia is illegal. Being transgender is not. Apples and oranges. Unless you're saying you think it should become illegal?
I think way too many people are overly interested in the sex lives and personal issues of complete strangers.
If they're not hurting anyone, and it's not illegal, then I think people need to butt out.
Hide behind the "law" if it helps you sleep.
Do you think castrating minors without their parents knowledge or consent should be legal?
Should it be tolerated? Is it indicative of future action by leftists, like yourself?
P.S. If your retarded takes were capable of withstanding scrutiny, you wouldn't delete them. Stick to your guns or shut the fuck up.
Legality is important.
Minors are an issue unto themselves. And it's not a one size fits all solution. I can't claim what is wrong or right for someone I've never met and I don't know their life story. So what those families do is best determined by those families and their physicians and therapists and their spiritual leaders and anyone else who are personally involved in their lives. Do you want some stranger who doesn't know any of your business to tell you how to raise your kids?
But I do know that if parents spent more time parenting their own kids and less time sticking their nose in other people's business, the world would be a much better place.
"Minors are an issue unto themselves."
Groomer identified.
I'm not wasting any more time with an idiot. Take your meds and find another board to try to poison.
I wish I hadn't met one.
Dude got a job working where I worked.
But I guess it turned out for the best. I got to see firsthand how he was creeping on women.
He was a predator who liked to invade women's spaces using the pretext that he was a woman, too.
He was a sicko.
Now I can understand the problem a bit better, having been confronted with it.
Cool story.
Want to hear of all the creepy af heterosexual men I've personally known who are/were sickos? I've met way more than one, so it might take awhile
Because, right now, thry are being used by the left to bully away individual rights.
Which individual rights?
Parental rights and free speech rights. Also some are using trans to promote age inappropriate sexuality to minors. This violates a child's right to just be a child.
Could you give an example of how free speech rights are being bullied away, please?
Try "misgendering" a trans and see if your free speech rights are respected. Oh, and trans people literally held a speaker hostage for a few hours because they didn't like what she had to say. She was one of the swimmers who lost to Lea Thomas.
What do you think Free Speech is? What do you think will happen if I misgender someone? Do you think I'll get thrown in jail for it?
Free Speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and everyone has to accept it and not get upset about it or say anything negative back.
It's a big pet peeve of mine when people go on about Free Speech and don't really understand what it is.
Go to the library and ask for some books on Civics and government. Read them.
My niece has 15 in her class in Westchester NY.
Which goes to show there is a push to get these children to mutilate themselves. The left is good about getting people to destroy themselves.
It’s the new thing to do. Which is sad because it’s a fad that will fuck them up for life. I had a trans boss 10 years ago, and know a trans teen, he would be a normal gay boy in any other era, but he gets SO much attention by being trans. He is a friend of my normal niece and I am polite but never call him her or by his female name, which he keeps changing. They all want to feel different and special and get attention, that is why there are so many now. They are essentially gay narcissists with mental illness or just doing it for the attention.
And then they will grow up a little and realize the irreversible damage that was allowed to be done to them as children and teens they will either commit suicide or take out the people who did it to them. There will be a lot of rage I fear, (and death) coming because of this, all courtesy of the cabal.
You've hit the nail on the head here...narcissism.
Sure she does.
It’s a progressive haven, 16 miles outside NYC. It’s a fad.