If it were unclipped it wouldn't be hanging sideways in retangle shape. The loose end would be lapped over with the wind that is obviously blowing in the pic.
Correct. It looks like it is moored on both corners, UNLESS, someone snapped this photo just as the wind was blowing it into this position. Yeah … interesting for sure.
May have just came unclipped at the top (or lost a grommet). I've had that happen with mine.
God's Work, if it came unclipped .
If it were unclipped it wouldn't be hanging sideways in retangle shape. The loose end would be lapped over with the wind that is obviously blowing in the pic.
Correct. It looks like it is moored on both corners, UNLESS, someone snapped this photo just as the wind was blowing it into this position. Yeah … interesting for sure.
Even when being lowered it would not get into this position..
Down dooted by two flat earthers.
Some people don't have enough common sense to pour piss out of a boot.
yea, right when the Durham report dropped 😂
That appears to be the case. But yesterday's big win is distressing to Chuckie Schumer.
And Bug-eyed Shifty...Bet he broke out in assholes and shit himself silly 😂😂😂
The distance is wrong unless it was not at full hoist... You can see that the top of the pole is greater than the leading edge height of the flag.
I've been flying my flag upsidedown intentionally for the last 3 months
Since Nov 2020
Apparently, it's been fixed.
This Twitter user added context:
LoisAceLane ✙
This looks like an old photo because I took this one on Sunday and the flag was fine.
wow shit hitting the fan rumors may be true stay alert
What is the black flag under the American flag in the middle?
I believe it’s the POW flag.
Oh ok! Thanks!
God works in mysterious ways. He knows we are in trouble.
God wins!
Nation in distress for sure!
Not showing up on the live cam https://www.senate.gov/general/capcam.htm
Start a trend…. Paint it black as well. It’s time to demand Justice
Congress knows they're F'd!
i forgot what that means. Please inform me.
Nation in distress.
Upside down AND at half staff. Hmmm.... did the Derp State just die?