We need to start calling "them" out with their labeling of people with different views. This man is a ungodly Nazi. He should have it tatooed on his forehead.
"Prophetic Words" - coming out the mouth of a WHITE jew that has family linage going back many many years - that have used their money / influence / power / and corruption to privilege them selves every last dime that they can thieve out of the common man's over worked hands. His statement is the pure definition of "HYPOCRISY" ! Go "DIE" already.
When they say "white supremacist," read it as "person who believes the native culture of England, as exported to America in the 17th century, is a good thing which should continue."
There needs to be rational pushback against the abuse of the term antisemitic. Its getting so tired.
The irony is simply pointing out an observable trend of ethno-centric nepotism among certain entities of power is labelled with the deflective term anti-semitic/racist. In light of the fact that one is simply raising a concern about ethno-centric nepotism itself being an implicitly racist practice.
And there's a bigger context. It's not that this practice is some racially ingrained, unique vice of "muh Jews". It's a noticeable characteristic among the select few in the upper echelons of society and seats of power, from various people groups especially throughout history, who trust their "own" more than outsiders. Its not so much some nefarious race-based vice, its a presumed insurance policy for hoarding and securing power with the assumption that higher loyalties can be maintained among those within one's same ethnic realm. Blood is thicker than water, etc. Especially when that ethnic group is a minority in the society in which members are holding power (a tenuous circumstance).
At the family / individual bloodline level, its pretty much the same reason European royals kept intermarrying to the point of biologic degeneracy.
Why is he still breathing?
My question exactly. He looked like he is full of alien worms.
Do you have evidence that he is? Does he LOOK like he is?
Reportedly numerous heart transplants, probably from young children, as well as adrenochrome.
Okay. Like his « employers » during ww2?
More people need to point out that he admitted to working for the Nazis.
We need to start calling "them" out with their labeling of people with different views. This man is a ungodly Nazi. He should have it tatooed on his forehead.
George Soros can fuck off
This man should be disowned and locked up. His sons likewise. Generational punishment, like the Lefties want to do to us.
To the 4th generation.
Remember that world summit or G7 meeting here he was talking and nobody was listening? Kek. He thinks he is a God.
Since he was a child, this greedy little mthrfkr has no remorse. He laughs about his destructive "accomplishments."
He does not have the right to call himself a jew, when he let other jews die so that he could live.
He is a white supremacist wanting to rule the world.
Another one that "if" the law was applied fairly and equally would be nothing more than a footnote in American history books, already long forgotten.
And those that support your agenda are morons ya jerk.
"Prophetic Words" - coming out the mouth of a WHITE jew that has family linage going back many many years - that have used their money / influence / power / and corruption to privilege them selves every last dime that they can thieve out of the common man's over worked hands. His statement is the pure definition of "HYPOCRISY" ! Go "DIE" already.
Wouldn't that mean his agenda is against the interests of white people?
and I thought they were anti-semitic. Gee, I am glad he cleared that up for me.
this is just the new version of " everyone that disagrees with me is hitler "
This argument has no merit. He's a fool. Last week his opponents were anti-semites. Make up your mind!
I'll chose white supremacist over his Nazi Criminal global destroyer.
georgie boy is Asshoe.
Says the nazi...
OK and?
When they say "white supremacist," read it as "person who believes the native culture of England, as exported to America in the 17th century, is a good thing which should continue."
He can go direct to HELL. He has that clenched mouth grin just like GHW Bush.
Oh no! Not THAT! Anything but THAT! Nobody cares what you say poster boi for eyehole cereal.
There needs to be rational pushback against the abuse of the term antisemitic. Its getting so tired.
The irony is simply pointing out an observable trend of ethno-centric nepotism among certain entities of power is labelled with the deflective term anti-semitic/racist. In light of the fact that one is simply raising a concern about ethno-centric nepotism itself being an implicitly racist practice.
And there's a bigger context. It's not that this practice is some racially ingrained, unique vice of "muh Jews". It's a noticeable characteristic among the select few in the upper echelons of society and seats of power, from various people groups especially throughout history, who trust their "own" more than outsiders. Its not so much some nefarious race-based vice, its a presumed insurance policy for hoarding and securing power with the assumption that higher loyalties can be maintained among those within one's same ethnic realm. Blood is thicker than water, etc. Especially when that ethnic group is a minority in the society in which members are holding power (a tenuous circumstance).
At the family / individual bloodline level, its pretty much the same reason European royals kept intermarrying to the point of biologic degeneracy.
Well that proves beyond a shadow of doubt who that ahole really is. Wake wakey
The creator of your agenda is a demon that you worship.
Wait, I thought they were anti-semites. I'm so confused!