20 years ago I told my family: Remember playing king of the hill? What kid on top ever allowed a co-king? Never. Because the kid allowed to share the top would eventually betray the original kid and push him off. Humans are humans.
I voted to legalize gay marriage in Washington State cause I thought they would shut up about it. I was wrong the LGBTQ stuff needs to be thrown into a closest in the core of the earth.
Sucks for the few gay people that aren’t flamboyant and don’t care about pride but the overall culture is terrible for society and needs to go.
Nobody needs to know what anyone else does sexually - it is just not decent to even allude to it. I'm so tired of all the degeneracy. I agree - shove them all back in the closet and shame them for being vocal or obvious about their perversions.
Aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka multiculturalism aka mass migration aka united states aka united nations aka european union aka university aka uniformity aka social-ism aka commune-ism aka internationalism etc.
The proposition is everywhere for those with eyes to see...
no greater myth than...
MYTH (Greek mythos speech; words)
Suggested words (fiction) tempt one to ignore perceivable sound (reality)...perceivable reality is greater than any suggested fiction shaped within.
I'm genuinely concluding THEY took advantage of using narcissists as their weapon.
When you compare these blue haired, nude exposing freaks to narcissism they have many things in common . . . .
Be careful about who you label as evil, most of them are just misguided.
People can be as pervy as they want as long as everyone involved/affected are involved/affect of their own free will.
The real evil is the people on the top 'guiding' them, seeing the misguided as evil keeps your focus on them, and that helps the actual evil that is at the top...............
20 years ago I told my family: Remember playing king of the hill? What kid on top ever allowed a co-king? Never. Because the kid allowed to share the top would eventually betray the original kid and push him off. Humans are humans.
That's why if you rob a bank, you're better off doing it alone.
I voted to legalize gay marriage in Washington State cause I thought they would shut up about it. I was wrong the LGBTQ stuff needs to be thrown into a closest in the core of the earth.
Sucks for the few gay people that aren’t flamboyant and don’t care about pride but the overall culture is terrible for society and needs to go.
Nobody needs to know what anyone else does sexually - it is just not decent to even allude to it. I'm so tired of all the degeneracy. I agree - shove them all back in the closet and shame them for being vocal or obvious about their perversions.
I mean this is why pendulum theory is a thing. It always swings back, and the harder you push, the further it's going to swing back.
Lines were crossed when they turned tolerance into compulsory compliance and crossed again when they pushed it in schools.
It's the classic "give em an inch and they will take a mile." It needs to end.
100% this…
We have to stop calling what they are preaching a "culture". It's not.
It's a STRATEGY to give power to people who want to control people.
This goes with my original point. Most narcissists are actually stupid
Evil will take any opportunity to stab you in the back.
Hope it's ok I used some of this against a very loud hate group in my state https://twitter.com/INDprogressives/status/1672371465939714052
The creeping death. F1 please
Good time for a reminder that Trump said we're "returning power to the people" and it's "gonna be beautifull."
We're her for a reason, may as well enjoy the show
It is time to take the power back, and away from the lunatics that believe they have it now!
The best way to do that is find out who the lunatics are and put a bullet in them.
Aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka multiculturalism aka mass migration aka united states aka united nations aka european union aka university aka uniformity aka social-ism aka commune-ism aka internationalism etc.
The proposition is everywhere for those with eyes to see...
Suggested words (fiction) tempt one to ignore perceivable sound (reality)...perceivable reality is greater than any suggested fiction shaped within.
I'm genuinely concluding THEY took advantage of using narcissists as their weapon. When you compare these blue haired, nude exposing freaks to narcissism they have many things in common . . . .
Be careful about who you label as evil, most of them are just misguided.
People can be as pervy as they want as long as everyone involved/affected are involved/affect of their own free will.
The real evil is the people on the top 'guiding' them, seeing the misguided as evil keeps your focus on them, and that helps the actual evil that is at the top...............