Dylan Mulvaney Breaks His Silence Following The Bud Light Fiasco - Anheuser-Busch Hits Back And Makes Things Worse (Video)
Dylan Mulvaney on Thursday blasted Bud Light for giving “customers permission to be as transphobic and as hateful as they want” by abandoning the trans
“it gives customers permission”—customers don’t need a brand’s permission. Brands, however, need a customer’s permission to even exist. Customers don’t hate trans people… they hate forced, ESG-driven identity politics, and they’re revoking brand-permissions with every lost sale.
Actually, I do hate trans people. I would be neutral about them if they would shut the fuck up and stay away from children.
This particular one is a malignant narcissist taking advantage of the current milieu to get attention. And another class are in it for stealing perks from the opposite sex, like the athletes, or opportunity with women, like convicts. Those are all hateful motives. I feel sorry for some I see who seem genuinely mentally challenged and have been pushed into even worse delusions. The people I want to spit on are the "healthcare" types doing the pushing.
If I see this guy's ugly face one more time....
How obnoxious and toxic do you have to be before you get the hint that you and your kind aren't wanted. Pushing harder doesn't change it. Makes you look even more dumb.
.05% of the population throwing a tantrum with the media's help. Seriously fucking stupid and utterly deaf to real society.
.05% taking up 99% percent of the bandwidth.....beyond ridiculous.
Or he'll agree with 40% of trannies and get on with it
Time stamp :12 of video, Guy that wants everyone to treat HIM like a woman says:
You can't make this shit up.
I am tired of tolerance. Righteous people being tolerant has led us to a country of unrighteous degenerates trying to run everything. We should have thrown them from the rooftops like the Muslims do. I now believe co-existing was a lie and we should never have let things go this far. Get back in the closet, you freak.
Free skyscraper diving lessons.
He's an annoying gnat.
Every time I see that faggot's face I just want to push it through the back of his head.
did you ever see this guy with his mouth shut? It's unnerving. Close your mouth, buddy.
Simply put: That kid is fucking crazy. But we're supposed to give a damn what he thinks.
What was Bud going to do? Force us to buy their shitty beer? Or go under for constant pandering and ESG points for a market that doesn't even have interest in the product?
They made the bed and shat in it.
It's beer that does not taste very good. No hate needed.
Your "lesbian friends that can drink us under the table" should do so by buying bud light. No one - absolutely no one - is stopping them.
And hey, the mail-in rebate on a case of bud light makes it free! So, you and your lesbian friends can get cracking on reviving the brand. Cheers!
Stupid bitch, that was the entire purpose: Create christian moral outrage to label all white citizens as "white supremacist." They used you to out your entire Trans Community to the few actual white supremacist, with our government pointing the finger. Your 1% community, which came out for a new day have all been made targets, same with the LGBTQ communities. The American people had learned to live in concert with the beauty of diversity because it was earned (woman, latino, black, LGBTQ) but the folks that run your government certainly haven't, they have marginalized you. Those globalist, your current government, have tipped the scales back to racism. Civil War benefits the globalist, nazi's, fascist, and kazarians. Your 1% population has been used very badly.
you will eat z bugs and drink Bud Light . . .
i made it to 8 seconds.... anyone make it further???
Get over it Dylan, You're a DUDE not a Woman.
Every time I see that moron, I think of my mother's favorite phrase for someone who was too ridiculous and idiotic for words (with a southside Virginia accent): "Look at that stupid looking thing!" Who here thinks he's not a stupid looking thing? LOLOL