posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +241 / -0

LIBS OF TIKTOK: The ADL tried to deplatform me on X after defaming me, and now Elon Musk plans to expose them


... The ADL targeted me, a young conservative Jewish woman, for speaking out against wokeness, far-left indoctrination of children, and the medical mutilation of minors under the guise of gender ideology. ... The truth is that the ADL no longer stands for Jewish interests. They have increasingly become just a pathetic propaganda arm for the radical left. ...

Here's one that will blow the minds of the "all Jews are Cabal" shills--I never knew the Libs of TikTok lady was Jewish. So there you go.

But more importantly, the ADL, like the SPLC, are just arms of the Cabal. That needs exposing.