I don’t know if this will provide comfort, but African nations are rejecting the globalists in almost a swarm - it is a revolution, kicking France out of Africa. Victoria Nuland was humiliated by the ruling junta when she flew in personally to visit with her smarmy carrot and stick schtick. The Globalists have lost at least half of Africa, all of China, Russia, Belorussia, -Stans along the new silk road, probably Indonesia, the Saudies, Egypt and others joining BRICS, with more to come, and a gold standard new world monetary order that they will not be controlling, including massive trade and payments. Add the loss of India- billions of people, and trade. PM Mohdi has no interest in working with the globalists. Huge loss for them. Maybe one of the last big dominoes to fall and seal their fate. Allow me to add that the G20 Summit was a total loss for the Globalists just now - 'they failed in a big, big way" is how it is being analyzed. They could not get a consensus condeming Russia re: Ukraine conflict, and they lost making deals with India, both items they had touted prior to the Summit. They are useless and can’t get even the most obvious statements passed in their old G-20 stronghold, which is crumbling before their eyes, and the eyes of the world.
What they are doing to your atmosphere and your garden, just know, it might even get a bit worse but IT WILL END. They will lose, are losing and are losers. They are Nazis in the last bunker right now. When Hitler and Eva were in their bunker it took months… Lost in their own demonic oblivion, they got married, and she would serve cakes and champagne nightly, playing records for dancing. One by one their loyalists turned on them, escaped somehow or just poisoned their families and themselves with hot chocolate right under their noses. This is how Nazi’s end, not with a bang but a sick fake mirror of normalcy, just like they led their sick psycho lives.
We will be seeing globalist rat turncoats, hosts of new “whilstleblowers” granting info for a plea bargain, suicides and desperados. We’ll see them, not with any pleasure, but as measures of a clock ticking down the final days of this madness, not without some kind of last desperate Event, but perhaps not - maybe they’ll fizzle with a whimper, it’s possible. Please take heart, turn to spirit as much as possible and develop all the compassion you can, and love the earth, animals, children and whoever is going through this around you. This is not a time that is meant to be comfortable or normal, knowing that will give you strength. Find your gallows humor, and practice gratitude for every straggly but edible thing you manage to pull from the earth at this time. God bless you, you are never alone. xoxo
“Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.”
We are witnesses to these events. It’s happening now, and has happened already. They’re in the midst of their destruction. Praise God.
Well said, fren. Thank you for this.
Hello undine53 I have missed you...and I hope all is well...thank you for sharing this post. May God richly bless you and yours...
Thanks, and blessings back to you and yours <3
Very good, God bless you.
The G20 failure of the cabal lends credence to the theory that Trump is still in charge of the military. Can’t negotiate with countries if you don’t have the hammer to hit them with if they don’t comply.
Thanks for this post. You are right; very uplifting.
This is some great news. The globalists will act like the Nazis in 1944 when the tide really started to turn.
Hello LQdy! That’s great to read you!🤗💐 excellent post, BTW: thanks for sharing!
That was great! Thanks. And they are not sick, but evil. Their souls are definitely sick, however. Soulsick. Better than just "sick". I don't like the 'medicalization" of evil, just as I don't adhere to the medicalization of mental distress. Remember that in order for something to be a disease or sickness, there must be a gross, chemical or microscopic cause of the illness, i.e., something to be found in the body. This does not obtain for anything like "mental illness". There is not, and never has been a test for any kind of mental illness. Psychiatry is built on this BIG LIE. You can't prove any mental illness (so-called) at all. But then to medicate people with very poisonous and harmful psych drugs is absolutely criminal. Taking the strong anti-psychotics for any length of time takes 25 years off the patient's life. All psych drugs can cause dementia if taken long enough. There is no mental illness, there are mental disorders of thinking. Or, there are causes for the mental distress, chief among which is malnourishment. I could go on, but this is the tip of the iceberg. Never go to a psychiatrist. Never!!! Unless that psychiatrist refuses to give out psych meds. OK, then. That would be less than 1% of all psychiatrists. Try to find that one.....
Well said, no excuse for what they've done.
Thank you and God bless you.
Love this.
Let's hope there is not an 'operation paperclip' when this ends.
My my! A sight for sore eyes! Been awhile since I’ve seen you post and here you are with good news, comfort and hope! Thank you undine53
Thank you! Missed a lot of folk on here, and the humour. Hope you are well.
And hello to my Downvote Bandit - enjoying yourself? Thanks for the LOLs, bless you.
How wonderful.
Baptism A second birth. A new life has begun. With more Armour than the first.
This one Led Zeppelin song just wafted through my mind...for some reason...
"In the Light"
♪ And if you feel that you can't go on
And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe, and you can't go wrong
In the Light you will find the road
You will find the road
Oh, did you ever believe that I could leave you
Standing out in the cold
I know how it feels 'cause I have slipped through
To the very depths of my soul
I just want to show you what a clear view
It is from every bend in the road
Now listen—
Oh, as I was
Believe it could be for you, too, honey
As you would for me, I will share your load
Let me share your load
Let me share, share your load
And if you feel that you can't go on
In the Light you will find the road
Hey, the winds of change may blow around you
But that will always be so
When love is pain it can devour you, but you are never alone
I will share your load, I will share your load
Let me, oh, let me
In the Light
Everybody needs the light ♫
That's nice and all but some of us want to give up. Fuck this world.
Everyone has had bleak moments and dark thots (and some tough times). It may seem overwhelming sometimes, but it will pass. It always does.
Don’t give up, fren.
I refuse to give them the satisfaction of making me give up. They win that way - it's what they want. Fuck them, they don't get what they want - not that easily. Stay strong fren 🥰