Yeah, I have a first gut reaction of "they get what they voted for", but then the reality of the falsified elections kicks in again. I wonder if they actually voted that way?
Best thing is to pray.
That's what you've been programmed to believe. Yes, they mostly vote D. However, the 96% is fake. Again, we've been programmed to believe the inner cities turn out at 80% and vote 96% D. The reality is closer to 30% voting, and the rest is voted for. You know how the rest is voted for. With a big, fat D.
They are not coming "from" Texas, they are coming "through" Texas. When they illegally enter the United States, regardless of the point of entry, all 50 states are responsible for them. It is not just a Texas problem, at least not any longer.
Perhaps President Trump will use this as a campaign slogan?
Doesnt it sound like a slogan that will encourage those who are just waking up and realizing how they've been deceived to join him as he seeks to UNITE as many Americans as possible so we are STRONG enough to DEFEAT those who HATE us all?
We have no idea what they voted for in the chicago "machine"
Yeah, I have a first gut reaction of "they get what they voted for", but then the reality of the falsified elections kicks in again. I wonder if they actually voted that way? Best thing is to pray.
I'm not a betting man, but if I were I'd put it all on "Yeah, they voted for Biden".
That's what you've been programmed to believe. Yes, they mostly vote D. However, the 96% is fake. Again, we've been programmed to believe the inner cities turn out at 80% and vote 96% D. The reality is closer to 30% voting, and the rest is voted for. You know how the rest is voted for. With a big, fat D.
Came here to say the same. How can we judge them when we know full well the cities are where 90% of the cheating happens?
They are not coming "from" Texas, they are coming "through" Texas. When they illegally enter the United States, regardless of the point of entry, all 50 states are responsible for them. It is not just a Texas problem, at least not any longer.
I was in Chicago once, years ago. Plenty of room there. Lots of sanctuary still available.
The loved virtue signaling their support of being a "sanctuary city". The rubber is hitting the road and you are now getting what you voted for!
"You are now getting what you voted for".
As did Republicans who voted for Bush, cheered on the Iraq War and voted to make the Surveillance State legal by passing the Patriot Act?
Fwiw, life long Republican. Never voted for a Democrat President. Ever. Also, didn't vote for Romney. Or McCain.
"96% Voted for Biden"
Care to prove it with a forensic audit?
I am in Chicago.
I don’t think the majority voted for this shit.
Someone voted for Obiden in Chicago. No way Trump even got close in Chicago even if black males voted more for him in 2020 than 2016.
Did any Q drops give guidance around when those who are Q trained should tell those who were slow to wake up "too bad, so sad, you missed the boat?"
It’s hard to tell.
They have been rigging elections for years.
hey, SHIT-CAGO... your chickens have come home to ROAST!!!
Shitcongo or chiraq
Send them all to Chicago, and then nuke Chicago.
As far as I am concerned they need the pressure to remain until they stop blaming the wrong people.
Thank you.
I'm now inspired to look up the word compassion in the dictionary.
Meanhile an old phrase I learned as a child, "there but for the Grace of God go I" is moving through my heart and into my mind.
I wonder if they can add up what is going on? Do they not realize they didn't vote for Trump who promised to put a stop to this?
You broke it You bought it
But it’s much worse; you broke it We are ALL paying for it the rest of our lives; then our children, and their children…
"You broke it. You bought it".
Perhaps President Trump will use this as a campaign slogan?
Doesnt it sound like a slogan that will encourage those who are just waking up and realizing how they've been deceived to join him as he seeks to UNITE as many Americans as possible so we are STRONG enough to DEFEAT those who HATE us all?
Can they build a wall around Chicago? Nobody in or out.
Didn't Chicago take note of Martha's Vineyard immigration policy? "Muh, we're a sanctuary city, but only for 24 hours".