That’s exactly what high school punks do and with the same bullshit excuse. Bowman being a communist teacher himself is very familiar with this tactic.
But let’s humor ourselves and say he was telling the truth. Would you want this dirtball teaching your children? Do you think he has any capacity to represent? GTFO
"Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion."
Terrorism really. He knows the top pedo just shared his trauma from the time Jill burned some toast and he almost lost the corvette with all those classified documents inside. He knew this alarm would trigger terror greater than when Cheney pulled the twin towers or Barry pulled sandy hoax or Hillary pulling a chocolate bar from the crotch of her white pantsuit or even surpassing the time President Trump pulled a sip of water using both hands on the bottle. Let this day be forever known as the juvenile revolution of 2023. We must investigate who benefited. Was zalenski Nazis pulling his levers?
There ARE thousands of 'photos' that show the Capital police Opening the Doors and welcoming the Jan 6 'rioters also. IF all of DC is corrupt, WHO prosecutes the Law? After the insane/corrupt/twilight zone 'Jan 6 Committee' was able to present that absolute treason of the US. Law, on the criminal MSM? The very Idea of the Constitution/Republic and LAW does not exist in DC.
Everyone of these infantile and crooked Congress MEN and WOMEN must be removed. Their childish behaviors with pulling fire alarms, sexual exploits paid by their secret fund, and their arguing on the floor about unrelated things not applicable to the subject at hand, makes those involved unfit for office. Is acting like an ass a prerequisite for office now? This was not some childish prank, it was a deliberate disruption of Congressional business. You don’t want to do your job and just procrastinate? Then you should resign or be removed from your position. Because just like those under 18, you are deemed unable to make your own decisions and that is why you have “parents”, i.e. Your colleagues, to guide you.
Now, release the J6 videos...
Beat me to it, yea let's them!
That’s exactly what high school punks do and with the same bullshit excuse. Bowman being a communist teacher himself is very familiar with this tactic.
But let’s humor ourselves and say he was telling the truth. Would you want this dirtball teaching your children? Do you think he has any capacity to represent? GTFO
The J6ers are in prison for interrupting official congressional proceedings. This fuckface needs to be locked up and tortured too.
"Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion."
Yeah, right. See below:
WTF, is he some kind of diversity installment?
He checks the box for "Fire Alarm puller" - diversity is our strength, dontchaknow...
In the event you’d like to let Rep Bowman know what your thoughts are in his actions Here’s a link
email sent.
I believe doing that is a crime. Charge him!
Terrorism really. He knows the top pedo just shared his trauma from the time Jill burned some toast and he almost lost the corvette with all those classified documents inside. He knew this alarm would trigger terror greater than when Cheney pulled the twin towers or Barry pulled sandy hoax or Hillary pulling a chocolate bar from the crotch of her white pantsuit or even surpassing the time President Trump pulled a sip of water using both hands on the bottle. Let this day be forever known as the juvenile revolution of 2023. We must investigate who benefited. Was zalenski Nazis pulling his levers?
Clearly he was jogging, and stopped to lean on something.
He wasn't jogging. He didn't have a hammer.
Joggers gunna jog...
He was like "Hmm, I have never seen such a thing as this...Let me just pull it and see what it is for..."
and then he made this face...
He was installed in Congress for just such a moment as this one. That and to vote the way he is told to vote on all issues.
You see? Unipartiers will do whatever it takes to get their way.
There ARE thousands of 'photos' that show the Capital police Opening the Doors and welcoming the Jan 6 'rioters also. IF all of DC is corrupt, WHO prosecutes the Law? After the insane/corrupt/twilight zone 'Jan 6 Committee' was able to present that absolute treason of the US. Law, on the criminal MSM? The very Idea of the Constitution/Republic and LAW does not exist in DC.
Everyone of these infantile and crooked Congress MEN and WOMEN must be removed. Their childish behaviors with pulling fire alarms, sexual exploits paid by their secret fund, and their arguing on the floor about unrelated things not applicable to the subject at hand, makes those involved unfit for office. Is acting like an ass a prerequisite for office now? This was not some childish prank, it was a deliberate disruption of Congressional business. You don’t want to do your job and just procrastinate? Then you should resign or be removed from your position. Because just like those under 18, you are deemed unable to make your own decisions and that is why you have “parents”, i.e. Your colleagues, to guide you.
Ought to be first in line at Gitmo to see if the gallows work properly. HRC next!
Good idea - have Bowman as GITMO gallows executioner because he's got experience pulling levers.
Are you talking about testing them with a 'VOLUTEER'?
And now for the photo of the cocaine being placed in the cubby’s…
Is this moron wearing a mask? Explains it all.
There’s also stuff that lights up finger prints under UV short wave that’s on the pull tabs.
Expell him from Congress.
Dems: There's no proof he actually pulled it!
Let's be real tho, nothing will happen to him because they;ll just scream raaaaccceesssssssss
Cockroach in “our” Capitol.
Nothing more.
I haven't been up on this story... Fill me in... Was he trying to disrupt the Biden impeachment inquiry?
They’re the enemy. For us, or against us. FYI