It's a good feeling, Ausbros, seeing a clean sweep across all the states is very satisfying.
They'll bounce back and invent some new way to try to fuck up our lives, but tonight we can rest.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, also known as the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the First Nations Voice or simply the Voice, was a proposed Australian federal advisory body to comprise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to represent the views of Indigenous communities.
Under the government-endorsed design principles of the First Nations Referendum Working Group (aka Referendum Working Group, or RWG),[5] the membership of the Voice would have been selected by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country, with an enforced gender balance at the national level.
It would have enshrined a specific racial carve-out for aboriginal peoples. It's a similar mindset to "separate but equal." Of course, there's no such thing. It's never equal. One side will get preference. In this case, the aboriginals would have been given preference. Regardless of which side "won," the net effect of separating people and creating sub-identities would have been division and resentment. Whichever side felt they were getting the raw end of the deal would always be upset and rightfully so. It is far better for them to have chosen to simply say "no, we're all Australians, not hyphenated ones." We live by the same rules. That's true equality.
The Left always advances by dividing and pitting the two sides of whatever dichotomy it creates against each other: rich vs poor, black vs white, men vs women, straight vs gay, etc. It's toxic and never creates a stronger nation. It only ever leads to division, and in the worst cases, leads to such terrible resentment that they slaughter each other.
As an American, I thank you for this explanation. I agree with you. Our Democrat party does the very same thing in our country. They try to divide us into slots of race, religion, sex etc. Always giving fuel and encouragement to hate on one another.
As an Aboriginal / Indigenous/ first nation (or whatever bloody word the gov tells me I should use because they claim I should be offended). You have to be real stupid to trust the gov who is pushing this YES agenda. It ain't good. Australia is one of two countries that are apparently still sovereign.
Why would I trust the gov pushing yes when they also forced vaccinated Aboriginals with COVID? The same gov that also gave us a 90 year suppression order on naming KNOWN ped0 politicians
It sounds like u/Maccachook1 and yourself are voting based on feelings about the government, not the actual advisory body, so there's nothing really for me to debate here
Inb4 they pause it and change it in front of your eyes, then spend a year telling you you imagined it and you're an extremacizer if you don't pretend to believe them.
You're not retarded, most people here didn't know either. And even they're not retarded for not knowing.
The Voice to Parliament was going to be an amendment to our constitution essentially allowing Aboriginals to form communities with unprecedented power over the country. A group of Aboriginals would "have a say in affairs that affect them" which really means whatever they want. Want to build on this site? Nah, it's sacred. Want to put an extension on your home? Actually, this was our land first, we're going to have that back. Want to give money to Aboriginals in the outback? Yes, but triple the amount. It was a full, constitutional division. A new sovereign nation parallel to our own but with extreme veto powers over ours.
The thing is the "Yes" campaign did everything they could to not talk about it, and just called anyone who questioned what it meant racist. Very few people understood what was happening, and thankfully that was enough to steer them away from a terrible mistake.
Edit: I should point out that a lot of "pure" Abos wanted nothing to do with this. It was all for lefty mixed blood Aboriginals who demand power.
you gotta look at the only Yes state that voted it.
full of public servants that would of benefited from the YES vote if it had passed.
its exposed this as something being in it for them, ACT is Australia's swamp.
The UN and big corporate campaign for a ‘voice’ ie: another level or tier of government in the Australian parliament under the guise of Aboriginal recognition being written into the Australian constitution.
I just viewed the voting demographics with the majority of the YES vote coming from the big inner city electorates as well as whole of the capital territory all of whom earn most of their income from corporate investment and where very few aboriginals reside which would tell you all you know.
I've seen a couple of videos on this including with aboriginal leaders and they are clear they don't want it and don't want an alliance with big government. They know full well it's groundwork for future land grabbing but are not emphasising that in this campaign so as not to enable detractors to cry 'conspiratorial'. As you'd expect from people with wisdom and percipience stretching back generational millennia. Great news, especially after NZ elections as well.
Everytime I shared an Aboriginal supporting NO video, Facebook would cover it and claim mis info.
If we didn't have a voice prior as if they would have gave us one.
Yeah that sucks but it's a different issue now. They know they can't easily take guns off those who are "armed" (aka hunters and humane livestock put downs). So they're limiting how much ammo comes into Australia and skyrocketing the price
Hmmm, I use think think that the totalitarian government leaders should be hung.
But then again, what is worse than them are the law enforcement and military that back their rules. Then again the news media has blood on themselves too. Lots of hanging to be done.
Hey here’s a good idea let’s forfeit our guns and let the state GUARD us. Said “ no one ever” ***** Phrase. said no one ever. (Internet slang) Used to imply that the preceding statement is absurd or false.*****
In NZ, the Labour Party lost a ton of seats and the National Party won. They’re part of the same regional and international unions that the Republicans are part of. I’m not a Kiwi so I can’t say how conservative they really are, but it’s a start.
Take it from a CA refugee, the referendum system and direct democracy leads to a complete dystopia. You're constantly bombarded with election materials either to create a new or dismantle an existing law or program. A few years back, well maybe 8-10 now, the assembly passed a gas tax and Moonbeam signed it into law literally in the middle of the night.
Referendum-ers come along the next election cycle and throw out the gas tax. Hooray
So what does the supermajority party of evil do? Just pass something clothed in different language that was basically the gas tax.
Case #2, an initiative made it onto the ballot to streamline the death penalty process. Because in CA there are over 700 on death row and they haven't iced anyone in decades. It passes overwhelmingly, not because we love the death penalty but more because if you're going to have the law, enforce it. Along comes Newsom and passes a moratorium.
Moral of the story is, if you are ever able to get your way in a direct democracy, the elected officials will just do an end around, becuase there is no accountability. They love this system, because instead of focusing energy on throwing these totalitarians out, the proletariat just yells and circulates petitions. Absolute worst form of government on the planet. At least under fascism or commies you don't have the illusion of liberty.
I never understood how they always said "they need a voice" when I saw that they had a record 90% aboriginal enrolment to vote.....well hello! Welcome to "democracy" it's not like our voices are ever fucking heard 🤣🤣 and also the architect's of this "voice" were the same ngo people who've taken our money for decades with fuck all results....if I gave that job performance I'd be fired immediately! I vote yes for an audit and the firing of these people plus or minus fraud charges asap.
Australia, England, Ukraine, USA, all ran by the same government and it’s not by the people for the people its peasants get in the FUCKING LINE or else government. Like it or not You’re being controlled so face the truth.
I reckon they were going to try, but the only way to win is to have a majority vote yes overall, and for more than half the states and territories vote yes. There are only 2 million votes left to be counted and only a single, tiny territory voted yes. With less than 40% saying yes across the board there's literally no way to bring it back even if they did cheat.
Not that that's stopped people before...
It's a good feeling, Ausbros, seeing a clean sweep across all the states is very satisfying. They'll bounce back and invent some new way to try to fuck up our lives, but tonight we can rest.
What is voice to parliament?
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, also known as the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the First Nations Voice or simply the Voice, was a proposed Australian federal advisory body to comprise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to represent the views of Indigenous communities.
Under the government-endorsed design principles of the First Nations Referendum Working Group (aka Referendum Working Group, or RWG),[5] the membership of the Voice would have been selected by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country, with an enforced gender balance at the national level.
Yeah I don't see why all the hate either
It would have enshrined a specific racial carve-out for aboriginal peoples. It's a similar mindset to "separate but equal." Of course, there's no such thing. It's never equal. One side will get preference. In this case, the aboriginals would have been given preference. Regardless of which side "won," the net effect of separating people and creating sub-identities would have been division and resentment. Whichever side felt they were getting the raw end of the deal would always be upset and rightfully so. It is far better for them to have chosen to simply say "no, we're all Australians, not hyphenated ones." We live by the same rules. That's true equality.
The Left always advances by dividing and pitting the two sides of whatever dichotomy it creates against each other: rich vs poor, black vs white, men vs women, straight vs gay, etc. It's toxic and never creates a stronger nation. It only ever leads to division, and in the worst cases, leads to such terrible resentment that they slaughter each other.
As an American, I thank you for this explanation. I agree with you. Our Democrat party does the very same thing in our country. They try to divide us into slots of race, religion, sex etc. Always giving fuel and encouragement to hate on one another.
By now it is understood the deep state gives a positive spin on a nefarious effort.
See this
Did you research the claims in that post? There is no mention of land whatsoever in the proposed constitutional changes
As an Aboriginal / Indigenous/ first nation (or whatever bloody word the gov tells me I should use because they claim I should be offended). You have to be real stupid to trust the gov who is pushing this YES agenda. It ain't good. Australia is one of two countries that are apparently still sovereign. Why would I trust the gov pushing yes when they also forced vaccinated Aboriginals with COVID? The same gov that also gave us a 90 year suppression order on naming KNOWN ped0 politicians
Have you researched the Australian government?
I assure you, they're not going to overtly advertise all their proposed amendments they'll make.
The whole thing reeks of WEF/UN globalist power push.
It sounds like u/Maccachook1 and yourself are voting based on feelings about the government, not the actual advisory body, so there's nothing really for me to debate here
Inb4 they pause it and change it in front of your eyes, then spend a year telling you you imagined it and you're an extremacizer if you don't pretend to believe them.
Mind filing me what this vote is about, I'm a retarded statesman here
You're not retarded, most people here didn't know either. And even they're not retarded for not knowing. The Voice to Parliament was going to be an amendment to our constitution essentially allowing Aboriginals to form communities with unprecedented power over the country. A group of Aboriginals would "have a say in affairs that affect them" which really means whatever they want. Want to build on this site? Nah, it's sacred. Want to put an extension on your home? Actually, this was our land first, we're going to have that back. Want to give money to Aboriginals in the outback? Yes, but triple the amount. It was a full, constitutional division. A new sovereign nation parallel to our own but with extreme veto powers over ours.
The thing is the "Yes" campaign did everything they could to not talk about it, and just called anyone who questioned what it meant racist. Very few people understood what was happening, and thankfully that was enough to steer them away from a terrible mistake. Edit: I should point out that a lot of "pure" Abos wanted nothing to do with this. It was all for lefty mixed blood Aboriginals who demand power.
Got to hand it to evil communists….they are very creative in their warfare tactics.
As subtle and crafty as their father satan.
Which is where they get all of their ideas from.
Left to their own devices I don't think they are capable of planning or carrying out ANYTHING complex or long term.
you gotta look at the only Yes state that voted it. full of public servants that would of benefited from the YES vote if it had passed. its exposed this as something being in it for them, ACT is Australia's swamp.
LOL Our swamp pools on both coasts and Wash. DC.
Fantastic TLDR.
Thank you u/redditcansuckme 👈🏻
I got you, mate.
Thanks for providing this info. This is the first I've heard of it.
The UN and big corporate campaign for a ‘voice’ ie: another level or tier of government in the Australian parliament under the guise of Aboriginal recognition being written into the Australian constitution.
I just viewed the voting demographics with the majority of the YES vote coming from the big inner city electorates as well as whole of the capital territory all of whom earn most of their income from corporate investment and where very few aboriginals reside which would tell you all you know.
I am surprised that they haven’t cheated. Big business was sponsoring the yes vote so it was an easy choice to vote no.
they better up our doses of fluoride in the water because Australians aren't as dumb as they think.
I guess further proof of why city slickers defended the yes. No fluoride in country water tanks 😅
The voice was implementation of a command by the UN to get every country’s people into treaty to comply with Agenda 2030. Planned in 2006
And now they've had a huge set back
Praise God!
Excellent, good news for Aussie anons.
MODS Please Sticky this its a big WIN.
Cool but stay vigilant. Always a chance some kind of false flag or other control event will happen soon after the weekend
I've seen a couple of videos on this including with aboriginal leaders and they are clear they don't want it and don't want an alliance with big government. They know full well it's groundwork for future land grabbing but are not emphasising that in this campaign so as not to enable detractors to cry 'conspiratorial'. As you'd expect from people with wisdom and percipience stretching back generational millennia. Great news, especially after NZ elections as well.
Everytime I shared an Aboriginal supporting NO video, Facebook would cover it and claim mis info. If we didn't have a voice prior as if they would have gave us one.
too bad they disarmed themselves. We'll see how it goes.
btw, Australia built concentration camps for covid.
Yeah that sucks but it's a different issue now. They know they can't easily take guns off those who are "armed" (aka hunters and humane livestock put downs). So they're limiting how much ammo comes into Australia and skyrocketing the price
Chipping away at it slowly. Its a very slow strangle.
Hmmm, I use think think that the totalitarian government leaders should be hung. But then again, what is worse than them are the law enforcement and military that back their rules. Then again the news media has blood on themselves too. Lots of hanging to be done.
I did my part and voted no
As was noted in another stickied post maybe the cabal has lost the power to steal elections worldwide:
Hey here’s a good idea let’s forfeit our guns and let the state GUARD us. Said “ no one ever” ***** Phrase. said no one ever. (Internet slang) Used to imply that the preceding statement is absurd or false.*****
In NZ, the Labour Party lost a ton of seats and the National Party won. They’re part of the same regional and international unions that the Republicans are part of. I’m not a Kiwi so I can’t say how conservative they really are, but it’s a start.
Take it from a CA refugee, the referendum system and direct democracy leads to a complete dystopia. You're constantly bombarded with election materials either to create a new or dismantle an existing law or program. A few years back, well maybe 8-10 now, the assembly passed a gas tax and Moonbeam signed it into law literally in the middle of the night.
Referendum-ers come along the next election cycle and throw out the gas tax. Hooray
So what does the supermajority party of evil do? Just pass something clothed in different language that was basically the gas tax.
Case #2, an initiative made it onto the ballot to streamline the death penalty process. Because in CA there are over 700 on death row and they haven't iced anyone in decades. It passes overwhelmingly, not because we love the death penalty but more because if you're going to have the law, enforce it. Along comes Newsom and passes a moratorium.
Moral of the story is, if you are ever able to get your way in a direct democracy, the elected officials will just do an end around, becuase there is no accountability. They love this system, because instead of focusing energy on throwing these totalitarians out, the proletariat just yells and circulates petitions. Absolute worst form of government on the planet. At least under fascism or commies you don't have the illusion of liberty.
Anyone else hear that? Sounds like 4 distant water pipes bursting
I never understood how they always said "they need a voice" when I saw that they had a record 90% aboriginal enrolment to vote.....well hello! Welcome to "democracy" it's not like our voices are ever fucking heard 🤣🤣 and also the architect's of this "voice" were the same ngo people who've taken our money for decades with fuck all results....if I gave that job performance I'd be fired immediately! I vote yes for an audit and the firing of these people plus or minus fraud charges asap.
Who knew overreach in lockdowns would lead to this?
No one trusts the government anymore after how they handled the covid plandemic and the “vaccine” rollout.
Same thing happening in New Zealand.
Conservative Leader Christopher Lexon Wins General Elections in New Zealand Over Leftwing Party of Tyrannical Flake Jacinda Ardern
Australia, England, Ukraine, USA, all ran by the same government and it’s not by the people for the people its peasants get in the FUCKING LINE or else government. Like it or not You’re being controlled so face the truth.
Na mate. They going to do it anyway.
"Australians may have resoundingly rejected the Voice proposal but South Australia is pressing ahead with the reform despite the result."
"Meanwhile, Victoria is pressing ahead to become the first state to commence a treaty process with Aboriginal peoples."
I reckon they were going to try, but the only way to win is to have a majority vote yes overall, and for more than half the states and territories vote yes. There are only 2 million votes left to be counted and only a single, tiny territory voted yes. With less than 40% saying yes across the board there's literally no way to bring it back even if they did cheat. Not that that's stopped people before...