JK Rowling….just say No
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The banner reveals the inner "thinking" of the Left, a demand that people think as [they] do and that by uttering a nonsense motto, it will magically become reality. Sort of reminds me of the old Nazi motto, "Gott mit uns"... or "God with us." Saying that over and over probably comforted many a German as their military slowly disintegrated and their nation became overrun by Russians and Allied forces.
It relates to the thought process of manifestation. The truth is Humans can manifest reality when the majority think it, it happens.
The Deep State Pervs have been working on relentless overtime for the last couple of decades to usher in their Moloch based reality. They actually thought that the majority was believing in the "Do what thou wilt" motto, they're realizing that they did NOT in fact have the majority and their brain melting school programs did NOT get enough youngings to overtake the Base of the Country, God is still in our hearts and minds, due to that, THEY LOSE.
Carry On!!!
Nice analogy. I think it also relates to the magical thinking of some people in a well known case of mass delusion I recall from the Vietnam War era. Lots of people, aided with pounds of 420 and psychedelics thought that through "harmonic convergence" they could levitate the Pentagon and cause the war to end.
Last time I checked, gravity and basic physics had won that battle and it's still there, but harmonic convergence, and its kindred "manifest reality" are still, um... shall we say, "controversial"?
Interesting. There's something to the notion that our pineal gland is constantly bombarded with chemicals that cause it to calcify, causes it to not work as intended, the result is the human mind is separated from the spiritual realm, a disconnection of sorts from the Divine Creator, God. Within that context it's easy to deduce that there are two levels on this planet that are distinct. Some can call it the divide between good and evil ... Good has the Root word God, and of course evil is just missing the D. Devil. Isn't that a fun little coincedence?
In the end nobody truly knows what the truth is, except of course for the very finite few who relish in their secret knowledge, keeping the old ways and the keys to divine secrets to themselves. For what does it benefit a man to Inherit the Earth alone? Ask Satan, He was given free reign over this realm with the exception of forcing his will on people. As a divine creation we are given by God certain inalienable rights, however, given the chemicals we are forced to deal with that do harm to our antenna that connects us all we are watching our world turn into Soddom and Gemorah. Isn't it interesting that God leveled Soddom and Gemorah, that the root of Soddom belays to us the word Sodomy, and of course the act of which is considered a deadly sin? I can't help but see the word Gemorah and think of Gonorrhea.....
Ok, a bit askew from topic, but truly all relative in today's circus tent. The only way Evil will truly win is if the Faithful to God surrender, I truly Believe in the end God wins, our time here is very short and it is up to us to stand firm in our beliefs against this invasion by the demons.
Have a great Friday folks!!!!
...the reason [ they ] put fluoride in the municipal water supplies
When I was young, 3rd grade, They huddled all of us into a room in the basement of the school, all third graders. On the chalkboard was the word Bicicle. Being the smart little shit I was I raised my hand and told the adults they spelled bicycle wrong. My reward was going up front next to the dental hygienist and they gave me a little extra dose of liquid fluoride to swoosh in my mouth. The meeting was all about dental hygiene, brushing teeth etc. I fucking cringe today remembering that, but it truly did happen. I don't have solid crisp memories of my whole childhood, but that day I remember like it was yesterday. I wonder why......
It was one of the things that the Nazis were supposedly experimenting with - "dumbing down" people by giving them fluoride. And then - 20 years after the end of the war - cities were putting it in our water, claiming it was good. And if you complained at the time, you were labelled as some sort of "crazed conspiracy theorist".
The Nazis claimed it made the people docile and lack the drive to worship God. It's a placater so to speak, and even though it's truly an industrial waste product that requires special ways of disposal, the demons turned it into a cash cow and forced by proxy municipalities to accept the chemical as an aid in dental health.
May God gave mercy on those that didn't have a chance, May God have vengeance on those that cause harm to His creation. Amen
Interesting conversation, fren. Have a great weekend!
You too!! 🍻
great explanation, this is exactly what’s happening they’re trying to use ‘our’ power against us! funny that they thought we wouldn’t ‘notice’.
RePeAt AfTeR uS :
― George Orwell, 1984
"We have always been at war with EastAsia"
This is so funny to me, because JK Rowling is a raging leftist feminist. But this is her one issue that she's not fully indoctrinated on, and that means she's like, public enemy #1 to the left, even though they little agree on basically everything else. I love when they eat eachother
Well, a real feminist wouldn't hate women.
Trans women are predators
I used to really love her books. I read every single one of them adamantly and in great detail.
Now, I love her.
If trans women were really women, you wouldn't need to say it, nor would you say "trans" women, they would just be women, right? But they love that trans label so much that they can't get rid of it, and though they say they want to be seen as actual women I don't really think they do. They want to be their own special protected class ABOVE real women. To them, men masquerading as women is more VIRTUOUS than real women, is more BEAUTIFUL than real women, is more NATURAL than real women.
As an actual REAL woman, this is probably one of the things the left pushes that really offends me the most. Along with abortion and pedophilia.
No such thing as a "trans woman." A tranny is just a neurotic man wearing a dress and playing make-believe.
Kinda shows even the most obnoxious feminists out there eventually have a line they won't cross.
Women are XX.
It seems kind of hard to believe, but there are some of those people online who are convincing others that taking estrogen/testosterone will actually change you to the opposite sex. Instead of seeing them as hormones that will mess you up if you misuse them, they want to see them as "magic potions".
They aren't just trying to get us to believe their lies.They even have to lie to themselves or lie to each other in their community. It's really unfortunate that a lot of lonely and bored teenagers are getting caught up in this.
In what way are they women?
Their NOT. Using the term "women" is ironic because the word MEN is still present. That's exactly why they use terms like trans, cis, gay, queer. The Satanist agenda is to separate their minds from God and to worship themselves as idols. As soon as they shift their minds to that thought process they become unwitting soldiers for Moloch. Look at a picture of Moloch and you will see the all-gender mutant on display. They need to separate themselves and deny their true God in order to idolize each other, and in the end they will all fall and burn together.
Satan, Moloch, The Devil, Bealzibub, Baal, there's so many titles out there, NONE of them have the word MAN.
Short answer..... their NOT women, their not even Man anymore. They embody the likeness and mentality of Moloch. They are lost souls without a connection to God. They are demons.
Carry On!!!
This is exactly the scene in 1984 where the guy is made to say "Two plus two is five." Same.
transvestites are either fully indoctrinated & victimized due to mental illness
but either way, transvestite men have never been & never will be women.
the reality is that they know this, they just want to push the rest of us around & see how much bullshit they can get away with & then play victim when we push back.
that's why i believe it's largely based around mental illness & the deep state takes advantage of these people. they are like children who think they are entitled to whatever they want & cry when they don't get it. except these children are adults who suffer from lack of responsibility & arrested development, while being backed by BILLION$ in indoctrination programs & propaganda.
it's brainwashing, mental illness & lack of morality or spirituality.
women = wom(b) men
They don't seem to understand that most people didn't give a shit about how they debased themselves until they started foisting it upon the rest of us
Trans implies not the same.
Well, understand that things like this are not just happy turns of events ("Wow, celeb x,y,z is on our team! What a win!").
We should consider the premise that Celebrity is a phenomenon that equally dazzles the population of all political stripes. It's really just a difference of which specific celebrities with specific opinions that are elevated, celebrated and followed by any given citizen engaged in the culture wars. That being the case, naturally it is an EXTREMELY effective social engineering tool because of how celebrity easily blinds one's individual use of reason. For most people, they crave celebrity to somehow validate one's own feelings and opinions.
I think the proper response to a tweet like this is to start digging on possible reasons why the social engineers would angle for someone like Rowling to become a current darling of social conservatives? (Similar question should be posed about Dave Chappele a few years ago).
I believe these are strategic plays of culture war co-belligerency but for reasons contrary to those engaged in the culture wars. For example, Rowling is not an individual celebrity she's a proxy for the entire HP empire and ethos, and so what do we really know about the origins, contents, and purposes of the HP project?
I suggest this article as a starting point, without necessarily endorsing every theory. But the deep dive on Rowling's background is something to consider, as well as some of the HP analysis.