Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
In recent weeks, Americans have been horrified to see students and faculty at Harvard and other once-respected universities expressing support for the savages and jihadists who attacked Israel. We spend more money on higher education than any other country...
This is amazing. We are about to witness the collapse/deconstruction of the American educational system, and like an ouroboros, eat itself, then reemerge as a completely different entity, actually with the intent of properly educating the American public. Brilliant.
Now do medicine
Start with Common Core Math!
The main reason libs don't like DJT is they have never listened to DJT directly. Their entire perception of him is through the distorted lens of the media. How can you not just love this guy?
communist CNN filter
Funded by the Trillions of dollars in endowments held by traditional Commie Colleges. NCSWIC
Lol. He’s promising the Leftie goal of Free Education. At the expense of the Colleges. The leftie students won’t know how to react.
I'll happily enroll to finish my degree, Mr. President.
Back to actual Education! This plan is fire PDJT!
The best education is to tell all these students who want their Marxist college paid for by tax dollars they can have that if they go to the war they help create. Eight years should be their stent in the greatest Military.
They can say no, but they will not get their college paid off.
If WW3 was to happen I would not allow my kids to go until after these brainwashed idiots went first. I hope I am not alone in that if it comes to that. I believe if it gets to WW3 it will be here in the USA and we will need our kids with us.
Banks holding those loans will go bankrupt anyway. We aren't the corporation. They borrowed money, they are liable
This is actually a fantastic idea! Free education so long as you have an internet connection and device capable of utilizing that connection. The trillions given to colleges and universities going to good use rather than lining the Cabal Creeps pockets!
I always KNEW. It is why I homeschooled my children and did not send them to University 4 years ago, because my Heart stay my head and said WAIT. Thank you President Trump.
I believe the Federal Department of Education was created in 1968. I was almost out of public high school in 1968. Public education was soo much better before the Feds starting screwing things up. First step is to abolish the Dept. of Education. Give control back to those who fund their local schools with their property taxes.
And bring back Civics! (curriculum, not Hondas ;)
Along with the rest of the alphabet agencies, the Dept of Edu is unconstitutional and illegitimate. Every one of them must have been created via amendment. None of them were.
This is awesome!
I would very much like to finish my education without having to get into conflicts over political ideology, and for FREE??? Excellent!
Lmao. I can't wait for him to sue my ivy league alma mater. :)
Schools should be sued for their exorbitant cost of housing and meal plans. My university forced all 1st and 2nd year students to buy into a meal plan (as long as you lived on campus), where the cheapest one was $2200 per SEMESTER. Who the fuck is eating $2200 worth of food in 4 months? I’d better be getting A5 wagyu at least once per week for that price.
My dorm was $4k per semester for a 9’x9’ cube single room.
I just had to sit through a presentation for a College during the community college class I’m taking now. The Dorm rooms in the promotional material were straight up Concrete boxes. Floor, Walls, and Ceiling. They didn’t even go to the trouble of putting down a throw rug for the promotional picture. Just slapped generic pop culture posters on the wall and called it good.
A Concrete Box and a Metal Frame bed. $3500 per semester to rent a glorified Prison Cell.
I love this!
The number 1 evil in the world is the MSM.
The number 2 evil in the world is the higher education system.
Both specialize in propaganda and indoctrination.
Take em down Mr. PRESIDENT! Take em down!
Absolutely outstanding! This is a powerful move to take back our future. America first!
Thank you Jesus.
I’m currently pursuing graduate education because I thought I could make a difference. I’m pursuing it at a top 20 school. It was my dream to get in.
I now spend my days trying to help hundreds of younger students manage stress and overwhelming expectations. I spend my days subtly trying to draw attention to the propaganda the administration feeds everyone and the exorbitant, unnecessary planned pressures it places on all involved in the education process every day. All of it is by design, no matter what the administration may say.
These kids are going into massive debt to have their self-esteem crushed for an education that poorly serves them. It’s time to completely re-invent the system.
LOL, the best in the universe - I think he means there might be aliens teaching at this American Academy. Kek!
See, that's what I love about President Trump! He thinks big and boldly. This would help SO MANY people, especially those with a high school diploma that want to better themselves by learning a skill or earning credits towards a degree.
The Cartier Family discusses it after listening to the establishment of the American Academy. POTUS explains this at the 5 minute mark.
Usury should be punishable by death