Who is he, or anyone else in government, the judge of what we are ready for, or not? The fact is that our founding fathers understood one solid truism. Everything secret denigrates. What that means is any government serving the people cannot keep secrets from them. If so, they are no longer servants, they are now rulers.
I can judge for myself right and wrong. When government hides things, it prevents me from making that determination. Government was never granted that power. it is as simple as that.
I cringe every time I see this arrogant line of logic. It's not about people that are ahead of the game and whether or not they can take it. It's about whether the Overton window, which is society wide, has moved sufficiently to a space capable of fully containing and processing the narrative about to be revealed. It's about the normies, not about us.
Yea. Keep banging the "you're not ready for this" drum. You call us arrogant? YOU'RE the one who wants to determine who can see what information. How appropriate for a moderator of the "Great Awakening." LOL.
It's not his business to decide if we get to know the truth or believe lies. The intelligence community is corrupt and needs to be exposed. If Trump won't do it, he's a failure. No matter what else he might accomplish. The IC is the deep state after all.
The fact is that our founding fathers understood one solid truism. Everything secret denigrates. What that means is any government serving the people cannot keep secrets from them.”
The cabal’s excuse for more than a century has been that they need secrets for national security. We can see why the founding fathers were non-interventionists. If there is no foreign intervention, there are few threats to national security, and few excuses for secrets.
This is 100% correct. The thing is when reaching this conclusion and looking around you truely realized how far we have derailed from such a position as a whole.
I get what you're saying. I think everything in the Storm, the Plan, The Great Awakening has to hit at once though. It's why even to this point we don't have a SOLID thing we can point to and go, "you see? It's real, it's happening, it's right here." for all the normies.
Look at how many decades the Corporate MSM screamed conspiracy theory at real facts . Now people around the world are seeing the corruption and are now listening. I agree with you.
This is you have to show the people you can not tell the people. Look how they attacked president Trump over HCQ and Ivermectin. They would have done their decades old 1967 Clown memo with conspiracy theory. I laughed because the memo clearly states to destroy when no longer needed. Appears it is still needed as the document was not destroyed. Their is our sign.
it's the ones classified as the "Synagogue of Satan", those who say they are Jews but are not.
there is a difference between the people of the LAND of [Israel] & the STATE of [Is-Ra-El]
Zionism represents the STATE, not the true Jewish people of the LAND. the current STATE of Is-Ra-El is Satanic/Masonic & is actually the biggest anti-semite coalition on the planet.
The same goes for the ADL & B'Nai B'rith. Two so-called Jewish entities, but are actually globalist in nature & is designed to instigate hatred for "everyday" REAL Jews. These groups push agendas not for true Jewish people, but for the "Synagogue of Satan".
Kind of like how those con artists get on tv at 4am, talking about how Jesus will only answer your prayers if you plant $50 "seeds" & throw money at them. They don't really care about you or Jesus, they care about raking in large piles of money.
OK, so I reiterate what I said;
kind of like how not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim?
Or like how there are very different sects of muslim?
That makes sense...
I (and I hope most people) don't actually think that EVERY single jew on the planet / in existence is evil, but there's WAY too many of (((them))) in control at virtually every single level, of literally EVERYTHING;
-State, local, city / county gov, (in certain states more than others of course),
Or he knew people would go off half cocked and start persecuting innocent Jews. We must realize that not all people of a particular groups have been responsible for the evil.
I was just thinking how Israel’s issues with opec led to the downfall of the American car industry which had been the standard of the world up until that point greater than the European luxury brands. They were and are jealous of our freedom to have big beautiful powerful autos they were stuck with vw and mini hahahaha
There are three Stooges in the intel community working in unison. Mo,MI6 and the Clowns. That is why I refer to one as Mo. They are pushing the NWO agenda.
When President Trump released it all. I knew early on the Clowns would stop the full release. Meaning for those paying attention he flushed them out. Look at Ivermectin and HCQ how the Corporate MSM and left bad mouthed President Trump. Notice how quickly they jumped on this. Notice with all the scientific studies showing the harm done along with HCQ and Ivermectin work. How silent they still remain.
Now that people are waking up and listening. Timing is everything.
I still have my doubts about the awakening— mostly because it seems like most of the people left sleeping are the types who refuse to see the truth when it is happening right in front of their faces. Refusal to acknowledge the truth, in order to prop up a false narrative, because admitting they are wrong about people they just spent 8 years actively sabotaging— is a level of insanity I question the ability to “wake up” from. Instead, they would rather stick to their echo chambers to justify their perceived righteousness in continued hatred toward orange man and his deplorables.
For some, it will take personal loss. Money, property, etc. For others, it will take something personally tragic, like having a loved one die from the jab, or a child killed during wartime in a conflict in which we have zero reason to be involved.
Still others, it won't matter what happens. They'll deny the truth, even if it kills them. And it might.
I will be honest, there are connections going on that can lead you to the truth right now. There isn't any 'in your face' stuff due to the MSM cover up of most things still. Their "logic" is applied to Vax injuries and death still, and won't have any of the people/doctors coming out about it because they are terrified it could be them. The Epstein stuff is still at the point of "yeah, whatever, teen girls, when I was younger it was happening all the time, no one gave a shit" (I've heard this) and we haven't seen it's actual CHILDREN and the depths of what goes on.
Yes but “more people” is an arbitrary figure that doesn’t lend itself directly to the percentage needed to quantify a “Great Awakening.” Not trying to sound like a naysayer, just saying there’s work to be done, and anyone just spitting the usual “Joe Biden is an actor in a rubber mask” or “JFK Junior will emerge from the shadows and restore hope in the United States” is kidding themselves, and it’s a disservice to the overall cause when we garner expectations that never come to fruition. Not saying that’s you, but there’s a lot of BS out there.
I remember when President Trump did release it all and You Know the Agency interfered with the full release. Nice move because it incriminates them.
They recently now report there were two shooters. We have always known that. Dr Perry stated he saw a entry wound in JFK's throat. Supported by the Zapruder film where JFK's hands go to this throat. Proof a shooter was in front of JFK. This is also backed up by a woman who was on the road behind the Book Depository who stated she saw pickup truck parked , saw a male in a suit carrying a rifle case. Placed the rifle case in the bed of the pickup and get in on the passenger side and they left. Not to be seen again.
Two other Doctors who saw JFK at Parkland Memorial Hospital stated JFK's wounds to the back of his head in their medical opinion were exit wounds. All of these statements destroyed the Governments narrative.
Now why would Dan Rather after seeing the film claim to us on tv he saw JFK's head go violently forwards which is not see in the Zapruder film ? This clues us in that he was already pushing the Governments narrative despite the the Zapruder film which I suspect he thought the public would never see. Appears he was pushing the Governments script and had prior knowledge.
Did JFK live to be 103 ? Doubtful as he was not in good health back then. But always expect a switch and bait. John John while possible is a wait and see.
Fact is Homicide and Treason have no Statute of limitations. And that include accessory to homicide after the fact. Problem is now claiming there were two shooters why did they keep this hidden ? I suspect there were even more shooters that day.
Oswald had to go. Entry wound from front, the doctors at Parkland knew it. I think we all know WHO shot JFK, I need to know who convinced good people to go stone cold silent when they knew the FACTS MEDICALLY. How do you silence an ER Team? Nurses? I wonder if any of them had accidents if they spoke out? How many took the secrets to their graves? Same evil, different era.
Those would have been good questions 3 years ago. After the covid charade, we've learned that a little cash will make a whore of a doctor or nurse do anything. Hell, if JFK wasn't already dead, the hospital staff would have finished him off on a ventilator for a price.
Ask the top digs at the SS who sent their people to pressure these Doctors. Then look how many people died who disagreed with the Governments narrative who were there at the crime scene. Years later some of the witnesses were shown their statements and they stated this was not the statement they gave the FBI, they also pointed out the fact the signature was not theirs ???? Who had access to falsify and forge these documents ?
There were so many in on the Assassination including Dallas police and other Texas deep-staters along with all the D.C. criminals. The brazenness of blowing the presidents head off in public and on national tv was a message to all that the assassins are not to be trifled with, and are above the law. “Mess with them or their agendas and suffer the same fate”
Maybe check out the back round of who was C_A Director at the time , and who helped cover it all up, and who had many connections (multiple visits) to the [Jesuit Vatican]. Yeah, I know it's hard to believe (that's how this works), but the [JV] was/is also working with [Jerusalem] (aka: SINagogue of Satan), and still are to this very day. McCone made many trips to the [Jesuit Vatican] during and after his term as C_A Dir....Whatever JFK did that the [JV and SoS] didn't like, don't know for sure, but we all know what happened afterwards..
Oswald's escape ride never showed up after he left his flat. He was wandering around probably getting more frustrated when encountered by J.D. Tippits.
By the time the police had him, he realized he'd been played and knew he was a dead man. Look at his photos while in custody. He was resigned to his fate.
The book JFK and the Unspeakable touched on this.
My take is that at the time, people were genuinely afraid. Some of the people interviewed didn't speak for over 30 years. To no one - not their families, their colleagues. It was a very different time than now.
I dont care why - keeping information from We the People is wrong. There is nothing that we have not seen before in movies or in real life wars and corruption. It was very disappointing because evil flourishes in the dark. We are not children and a bright light should be shone on all this corruption NOW.
There are no values left after all these decades. Their problem is it is a Homicide at the least. Their is no Statute of limitations and Homicide carries other charges with it. Accessory to Homicide after the fact. They are protecting their own sorry butts by aiding and abetting and covering up the assassination still.
This was known in the 70’s and probably earlier as somewhat of a conspiracy. I cant say it was well known, but I do remember being informed through research in my schooling. Pretty sure it was covered in one or more documentaries during that time also.
There were a lot of people in my orbit (adults) who felt the warren report was fiction.
Exactly. First clue was the Corporate MSM referred to him as Ruby. There never was a Ruby and they covered up his real name and connections. And many always felt LBJ and the Clowns were involved. The Clowns made sure one of their own was on the Warren Commission. That's one way to ensure the investigation has a predetermined outcome by controlling the narrative and ignoring the real evidence. Trust the evidence .
👍 Its interesting when to find that you have been part of the awakening most of your life and just didn't know what it was. Its been a mindset for a long time (generational). I am sure many of us elders here were raised within it.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Excellent write up and thank you for sharing this.
Missing was the Military LP's hearing chatter about Operation Big Event.
Later on E. Howard Hunt explained it all .
LBJ passing a handwritten note stating basically to have the investigation show Oswald was the lone assassin ????
Clowns and Mafia had interest in Cuba as the Mafia ran the Casinos that makes it easier to launder money. In Fact the Clowns informed the Mafia they would not be interfered with. In fact in the 60's the Clowns were caught breaking into a hotel room by the hotel staff because they owed the Mafia a favor ????
I think it’s to build suspense & to get people talking about government corruption, plant the seeds with a popular character. Also believe there’s more to the story; remember the veteran at the rally, many thought it was JFK. which would explain how his famous saying = 17 words.
& he was born in 1917, his grave is shaped like a Q, etc
Look how they treated President Trump when he mentioned HCQ and Ivermectin. More people are listening today. We are coming close to the point more people will listen now.
Example of you can not tell the people you have to show the people.
This post says nothing about Trump's motivations, other than to besmirch him. Everything Jake Shields posts is pro-Hamas. He does not care about Gazan women's rights or Palestinian innocents held as human shields. He prefers to accuse israel for the JFK assaassination (not the CIA) and now Trump for covering it up.
Remember the Three Stooges of the Intel Communities working together. Mo, Clowns and MI6 who gave us Soreazz. Now you know why I refer to one of them as Mo.
Russia Russia was used by the Clowns, granted they pointed at Castro also for JFK. Reflect back we had the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile crisis. Russia was happy JFK was not a War Hawk, Castro knew as long as JFK was president the Military was never coming to Cuba. Now why would either of them want JFK assassinated ? The Clowns and Hoover were in trouble and about to be replaced. JFK signed the EO you pull us out of Vietnam. Meaning the MI Complex was going to lose a lot of money. Now tell me who had the most to gain with JFK's Death and I will show you whop your primary suspects should be.
Amen, I have the same impression. I remember that and Hell no I am not going to forget. Have the FBI lab explain how they could examine a bullet reportedly from Oswald's rifle a whole hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA's initials ? It is right there in the chain of custody.
A whole cadre of evil people were behind the assassination. I happen to believe the one big reason was he was going against the Roman Church's wishes concerning Vietnam, relations with the USSR, and communism in general.
From my own research, Kennedy was willing to reach out to the USSR and work on reforming them over time.
Remember this fact people: The goal at the end of World War II was for the United States and the Soviet Union to integrate economically via a synthesis over a period of time for total control of the Global Order. Obviously that did not happen.
JFK was getting rid of the Fed , pulling us out of Vietnam which destroyed the MI industrial complex plans of making money. Was going to get rid of the Clowns and Hoover. Like you I could go on also
Thing is I think has been exposed. I think many now know he was killed for various reasons. It would surprise me if we could actually find out who have the go ahead. And if we did most if not all of them are dead.
Only the media still pushes Lee Oswald, but the public isn't buying it. But who would be punished if we found out who actually pulled the trigger? I guess there is probably some alive that helped cover it up, but considering it was set up with a wink and a nod it would be very hard to prove.
When it comes to those chit birds they are involved up to their ears in this. First Jack Ruby does not exist. His name was Jack Rubenstein with Mafia connections with the night club. Check arrest records and you will not find a Jack Ruby. Even today they still chirp Jack Ruby. Time their tail feathers get pulled because they are accessory to homicide after the fact. No statute of limitations. but worse it is treason and a declaration of war. they still support treason for a illegal soft coup on a duly elected president. Since they are not in uniform they are spies and not protected by even the Geneva Convention.
The FBI chain of custody is a smoking gun exposing fraud. The alleged bullet from Oswald's rifle was examined one hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA's initials. they could never go to trial as this would expose the Government and fraud. Hoover sat on a report the a FBI FA spoke with a George Bush at the Book depository building about the assassination. this did not come out until after Hoover kicked the can in a 70's JFK assassination hearing.
Typical Clowns in America SOP. HW had a spokesperson claim he did not work for the Clowns until after the assassination . This was another George Bush working for the Clowns at that time, all proven lies and fake news walked away ?
I have news that is factual. back then we suspected LBJ and the Clowns. That has not changed, And when you read the witness statements later seeing their statements from back then .They state that was not the statement they gave the FBI and not their signature, Now again we have the FBI falsifying witness statements to support the Government narrative and we have forgery. All Felonies. FBI and Fake news were aware of the witnesses claims and remained silent. And they never pressured HW for his lies and neither did the DOJ and FBI. They all go down for accessory to Homicide after the fact and Treason.
Ok I agree with everything you pointed out, and it is all true. But my point was GHWB is dead. All the clowns at that time are dead.
Now you point out the 70s Congressional investigation that in fact it was a conspiracy, so that is on the record, but those alive at the time of that hearing involved with assassination never went to jail after the fact of that hearing proving a conspiracy and they are all dead.
So who today could be held directly responsible for the cover up. I guess one could say those who are alive today who were younger then who covered up the cover up could be held responsible.
I think the best we could hope for is that the whole truth of the matter is exposed so it can never happen again. But that doesn't matter because they've done worse since then and no one is in jail for Iran Contra/911/Iraq ect ect.
they covered up treason and homicide since 1963. those covering up are accessories to Homicide after the fact and Treason, to include 9-11 and two modern day coups against a duly elected president. Then add crimes against humanity with COVID and the jabs. This exposed the whole system and players. And they can still be charged for JFK as there is no statute of limitations for homicide and treason.
Wasn't there some lame excuse that Americans couldn't handle the truth if they were released? I can handle it. You can handle it. I think they can't handle it.
Why would Trump not release it? What is so terrible they can't release it all. I think I answered that, they can't handle it. They would be worried that the public would be so enraged as to start civil strife. Maybe I just don't know, but I do know they are all cowards and liars.
Have you ever wondered why Trump decided the public can’t see the JFK files?
Here are a few ideas
Reuben Efran the man who was in charge of watching hOswald was an Israeli Spy
Jack Ruby’s full name is Jack Rubinstein was directly tied to the Jewish/Italian mob
JFK was in the middle of a full on battle with Israel because he was trying to force AIPAC to register as a foreign agent
He was also gonna cut all foreign aid to Israel unless they stopped their illegal nuclear program
i think its because he figured we weren't ready for all this shit yet???
Who is he, or anyone else in government, the judge of what we are ready for, or not? The fact is that our founding fathers understood one solid truism. Everything secret denigrates. What that means is any government serving the people cannot keep secrets from them. If so, they are no longer servants, they are now rulers.
I can judge for myself right and wrong. When government hides things, it prevents me from making that determination. Government was never granted that power. it is as simple as that.
I cringe every time I see this arrogant line of logic. It's not about people that are ahead of the game and whether or not they can take it. It's about whether the Overton window, which is society wide, has moved sufficiently to a space capable of fully containing and processing the narrative about to be revealed. It's about the normies, not about us.
Yea. Keep banging the "you're not ready for this" drum. You call us arrogant? YOU'RE the one who wants to determine who can see what information. How appropriate for a moderator of the "Great Awakening." LOL.
It's not his business to decide if we get to know the truth or believe lies. The intelligence community is corrupt and needs to be exposed. If Trump won't do it, he's a failure. No matter what else he might accomplish. The IC is the deep state after all.
and THAT'S the kind of arrogance that has gotten us into this mess in the first place
I'm sorry you cringed must be tough
The cabal’s excuse for more than a century has been that they need secrets for national security. We can see why the founding fathers were non-interventionists. If there is no foreign intervention, there are few threats to national security, and few excuses for secrets.
you are so right but we cant think for someone else but i am with you on that one
This is 100% correct. The thing is when reaching this conclusion and looking around you truely realized how far we have derailed from such a position as a whole.
I get what you're saying. I think everything in the Storm, the Plan, The Great Awakening has to hit at once though. It's why even to this point we don't have a SOLID thing we can point to and go, "you see? It's real, it's happening, it's right here." for all the normies.
Look at how many decades the Corporate MSM screamed conspiracy theory at real facts . Now people around the world are seeing the corruption and are now listening. I agree with you.
This is you have to show the people you can not tell the people. Look how they attacked president Trump over HCQ and Ivermectin. They would have done their decades old 1967 Clown memo with conspiracy theory. I laughed because the memo clearly states to destroy when no longer needed. Appears it is still needed as the document was not destroyed. Their is our sign.
yep agreed 100%
They are applying the heat with exposure on everything.
You mean like it's almost there someone that Israel revelations should come later, perhaps even last?
something like that
Honest question; What's the difference between zionism & jews?
Are you saying that it's just a small sub-set of jews, kind of like how not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim?
it's the ones classified as the "Synagogue of Satan", those who say they are Jews but are not.
there is a difference between the people of the LAND of [Israel] & the STATE of [Is-Ra-El]
Zionism represents the STATE, not the true Jewish people of the LAND. the current STATE of Is-Ra-El is Satanic/Masonic & is actually the biggest anti-semite coalition on the planet.
The same goes for the ADL & B'Nai B'rith. Two so-called Jewish entities, but are actually globalist in nature & is designed to instigate hatred for "everyday" REAL Jews. These groups push agendas not for true Jewish people, but for the "Synagogue of Satan".
Kind of like how those con artists get on tv at 4am, talking about how Jesus will only answer your prayers if you plant $50 "seeds" & throw money at them. They don't really care about you or Jesus, they care about raking in large piles of money.
OK, so I reiterate what I said; kind of like how not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim?
Or like how there are very different sects of muslim?
That makes sense...
I (and I hope most people) don't actually think that EVERY single jew on the planet / in existence is evil, but there's WAY too many of (((them))) in control at virtually every single level, of literally EVERYTHING;
-State, local, city / county gov, (in certain states more than others of course),
-Federal gov; bureaucracy + "elected" positions, -School boards,
-The vast majority of major corporations & their boards; huge majorities of the C-level & boards are ((()))...
You would just be stupid to dismiss it out of hand or / ignore it....
Anyway, Thanks for your answer. :-)
Or he knew people would go off half cocked and start persecuting innocent Jews. We must realize that not all people of a particular groups have been responsible for the evil.
Trump did declass. Deep state held up docs, many were released many more not.
Exactly, and look what agency had heartburn with the full release. It sure was not to protect Oswald.
👆🏻This actually I think happened, because the deep state fears us.
israel last
Exactly, and this is coming out under Buyden and not President Trump. Because Corporate MSM would use their 4 am scripts against President Trump.
I was just thinking how Israel’s issues with opec led to the downfall of the American car industry which had been the standard of the world up until that point greater than the European luxury brands. They were and are jealous of our freedom to have big beautiful powerful autos they were stuck with vw and mini hahahaha
There are three Stooges in the intel community working in unison. Mo,MI6 and the Clowns. That is why I refer to one as Mo. They are pushing the NWO agenda.
I think you could be right, but I'm going to vote for plan timing.
He didn't want the public to see the files too early.
All of it has to come in quick succession..
When President Trump released it all. I knew early on the Clowns would stop the full release. Meaning for those paying attention he flushed them out. Look at Ivermectin and HCQ how the Corporate MSM and left bad mouthed President Trump. Notice how quickly they jumped on this. Notice with all the scientific studies showing the harm done along with HCQ and Ivermectin work. How silent they still remain.
Now that people are waking up and listening. Timing is everything.
I still have my doubts about the awakening— mostly because it seems like most of the people left sleeping are the types who refuse to see the truth when it is happening right in front of their faces. Refusal to acknowledge the truth, in order to prop up a false narrative, because admitting they are wrong about people they just spent 8 years actively sabotaging— is a level of insanity I question the ability to “wake up” from. Instead, they would rather stick to their echo chambers to justify their perceived righteousness in continued hatred toward orange man and his deplorables.
For some, it will take personal loss. Money, property, etc. For others, it will take something personally tragic, like having a loved one die from the jab, or a child killed during wartime in a conflict in which we have zero reason to be involved.
Still others, it won't matter what happens. They'll deny the truth, even if it kills them. And it might.
I will be honest, there are connections going on that can lead you to the truth right now. There isn't any 'in your face' stuff due to the MSM cover up of most things still. Their "logic" is applied to Vax injuries and death still, and won't have any of the people/doctors coming out about it because they are terrified it could be them. The Epstein stuff is still at the point of "yeah, whatever, teen girls, when I was younger it was happening all the time, no one gave a shit" (I've heard this) and we haven't seen it's actual CHILDREN and the depths of what goes on.
Each year more people have been waking up since 2016.
Yes but “more people” is an arbitrary figure that doesn’t lend itself directly to the percentage needed to quantify a “Great Awakening.” Not trying to sound like a naysayer, just saying there’s work to be done, and anyone just spitting the usual “Joe Biden is an actor in a rubber mask” or “JFK Junior will emerge from the shadows and restore hope in the United States” is kidding themselves, and it’s a disservice to the overall cause when we garner expectations that never come to fruition. Not saying that’s you, but there’s a lot of BS out there.
I remember when President Trump did release it all and You Know the Agency interfered with the full release. Nice move because it incriminates them.
They recently now report there were two shooters. We have always known that. Dr Perry stated he saw a entry wound in JFK's throat. Supported by the Zapruder film where JFK's hands go to this throat. Proof a shooter was in front of JFK. This is also backed up by a woman who was on the road behind the Book Depository who stated she saw pickup truck parked , saw a male in a suit carrying a rifle case. Placed the rifle case in the bed of the pickup and get in on the passenger side and they left. Not to be seen again.
Two other Doctors who saw JFK at Parkland Memorial Hospital stated JFK's wounds to the back of his head in their medical opinion were exit wounds. All of these statements destroyed the Governments narrative.
Now why would Dan Rather after seeing the film claim to us on tv he saw JFK's head go violently forwards which is not see in the Zapruder film ? This clues us in that he was already pushing the Governments narrative despite the the Zapruder film which I suspect he thought the public would never see. Appears he was pushing the Governments script and had prior knowledge.
Did JFK live to be 103 ? Doubtful as he was not in good health back then. But always expect a switch and bait. John John while possible is a wait and see.
Fact is Homicide and Treason have no Statute of limitations. And that include accessory to homicide after the fact. Problem is now claiming there were two shooters why did they keep this hidden ? I suspect there were even more shooters that day.
same reason he didn't thwart election fraud
not part of the plan....
I'm with you on that.
Oswald had to go. Entry wound from front, the doctors at Parkland knew it. I think we all know WHO shot JFK, I need to know who convinced good people to go stone cold silent when they knew the FACTS MEDICALLY. How do you silence an ER Team? Nurses? I wonder if any of them had accidents if they spoke out? How many took the secrets to their graves? Same evil, different era.
Those would have been good questions 3 years ago. After the covid charade, we've learned that a little cash will make a whore of a doctor or nurse do anything. Hell, if JFK wasn't already dead, the hospital staff would have finished him off on a ventilator for a price.
These fucking Doctors and Dancing Nurses need to be fucking hanged. I will never be over that.
A thousand upvotes!
lots of hatred for JFK in Dallas at that time, as well
Ask the top digs at the SS who sent their people to pressure these Doctors. Then look how many people died who disagreed with the Governments narrative who were there at the crime scene. Years later some of the witnesses were shown their statements and they stated this was not the statement they gave the FBI, they also pointed out the fact the signature was not theirs ???? Who had access to falsify and forge these documents ?
There were so many in on the Assassination including Dallas police and other Texas deep-staters along with all the D.C. criminals. The brazenness of blowing the presidents head off in public and on national tv was a message to all that the assassins are not to be trifled with, and are above the law. “Mess with them or their agendas and suffer the same fate”
Exactly, this shows us how deeply they were entrenched already back then.
Maybe check out the back round of who was C_A Director at the time , and who helped cover it all up, and who had many connections (multiple visits) to the [Jesuit Vatican]. Yeah, I know it's hard to believe (that's how this works), but the [JV] was/is also working with [Jerusalem] (aka: SINagogue of Satan), and still are to this very day. McCone made many trips to the [Jesuit Vatican] during and after his term as C_A Dir....Whatever JFK did that the [JV and SoS] didn't like, don't know for sure, but we all know what happened afterwards..
Oswald's escape ride never showed up after he left his flat. He was wandering around probably getting more frustrated when encountered by J.D. Tippits.
By the time the police had him, he realized he'd been played and knew he was a dead man. Look at his photos while in custody. He was resigned to his fate.
The book JFK and the Unspeakable touched on this. My take is that at the time, people were genuinely afraid. Some of the people interviewed didn't speak for over 30 years. To no one - not their families, their colleagues. It was a very different time than now.
If we win this war we will see the truth. You don't deploy your best weapons until they will be most effective.
Every. Single. Time.
Everyberg Singlestein Timeowitz
Needs.repeat: E.S.T.
Who would have believed him ? Look at how they acted with HCQ and Ivermectin.
Every time.
Timing is my guess. I hope for the best but overall it's all about faith in God's plan.
Amen, Gods will be done not ours.
I believe that again, timing is everything. The JFK files are going to expose Israel. Q said they were saving Israel for last.
Exactly. Look how they reacted when president Trump mentioned HCQ and Ivermectin. I suspect that time is close where people will listen.
I dont care why - keeping information from We the People is wrong. There is nothing that we have not seen before in movies or in real life wars and corruption. It was very disappointing because evil flourishes in the dark. We are not children and a bright light should be shone on all this corruption NOW.
There are no values left after all these decades. Their problem is it is a Homicide at the least. Their is no Statute of limitations and Homicide carries other charges with it. Accessory to Homicide after the fact. They are protecting their own sorry butts by aiding and abetting and covering up the assassination still.
This was known in the 70’s and probably earlier as somewhat of a conspiracy. I cant say it was well known, but I do remember being informed through research in my schooling. Pretty sure it was covered in one or more documentaries during that time also. There were a lot of people in my orbit (adults) who felt the warren report was fiction.
Exactly. First clue was the Corporate MSM referred to him as Ruby. There never was a Ruby and they covered up his real name and connections. And many always felt LBJ and the Clowns were involved. The Clowns made sure one of their own was on the Warren Commission. That's one way to ensure the investigation has a predetermined outcome by controlling the narrative and ignoring the real evidence. Trust the evidence .
👍 Its interesting when to find that you have been part of the awakening most of your life and just didn't know what it was. Its been a mindset for a long time (generational). I am sure many of us elders here were raised within it. There is nothing new under the sun.
I realized with JFK the many lies and cover ups. Been watching theor moves since then thanks to the good Lord. Keep the prayers going.
I have wondered why Trump won't tell the American citizens about the USS Liberty attack that got covered up.
Look how they treated president Trump when he mentioned HCQ and Ivermectin. More people are willing to listen now.
They work for us. The fruits of their labor belong to us.
A while ago I made a music video with my own original music and a compilation of video animation from NASA.
The reason that I was able to use the NASA stuff is that it is paid for by the taxpayers and therefore owned by us which puts it in the public domain.
Whether it is NASA video or any other government collected or gathered information, it belongs to us.
The only thing that gives government the "right" to withhold anything is that they have a much bigger "stick."
And force invalidates any argument by demonstrating that the underlying argument is not worthy of debate.
Treason and Homicide have no Statute of limitations as does accessory to homicide after the fact.
No, I haven't, as I assumed there was a valid reason we weren't privy to. I figured when the time was right, it would happen.
Exactly. all in Gods time.
Good write-up here:
Excellent write up and thank you for sharing this.
Missing was the Military LP's hearing chatter about Operation Big Event. Later on E. Howard Hunt explained it all .
LBJ passing a handwritten note stating basically to have the investigation show Oswald was the lone assassin ????
Clowns and Mafia had interest in Cuba as the Mafia ran the Casinos that makes it easier to launder money. In Fact the Clowns informed the Mafia they would not be interfered with. In fact in the 60's the Clowns were caught breaking into a hotel room by the hotel staff because they owed the Mafia a favor ????
I think it’s to build suspense & to get people talking about government corruption, plant the seeds with a popular character. Also believe there’s more to the story; remember the veteran at the rally, many thought it was JFK. which would explain how his famous saying = 17 words.
& he was born in 1917, his grave is shaped like a Q, etc
"The seventeen most inspiring words ..."
yep:) how many coincidences...
Great clip sue!
Look how they treated President Trump when he mentioned HCQ and Ivermectin. More people are listening today. We are coming close to the point more people will listen now.
Example of you can not tell the people you have to show the people.
Because if the documents had been released when Trump was in office, nobody would’ve believed it. They would’ve said that he fabricated it.
Exactly. Look how they reacted with HCQ and Ivermectin.
I believe he was waiting for JFK to die. He died of a stroke on 1/30/2021, now they can be released. Sauce-https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/vincent-fusca-jfk-jr-spotted-at-trump-pennsylvania-rally about 3/4 of the way down.
Thank you for sharing this information with the link.
Why is it ALWAYS them?
No Statute of limitations. Also includes accessory to homicide after the fact.
This post says nothing about Trump's motivations, other than to besmirch him. Everything Jake Shields posts is pro-Hamas. He does not care about Gazan women's rights or Palestinian innocents held as human shields. He prefers to accuse israel for the JFK assaassination (not the CIA) and now Trump for covering it up.
Remember the Three Stooges of the Intel Communities working together. Mo, Clowns and MI6 who gave us Soreazz. Now you know why I refer to one of them as Mo.
Russia Russia was used by the Clowns, granted they pointed at Castro also for JFK. Reflect back we had the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile crisis. Russia was happy JFK was not a War Hawk, Castro knew as long as JFK was president the Military was never coming to Cuba. Now why would either of them want JFK assassinated ? The Clowns and Hoover were in trouble and about to be replaced. JFK signed the EO you pull us out of Vietnam. Meaning the MI Complex was going to lose a lot of money. Now tell me who had the most to gain with JFK's Death and I will show you whop your primary suspects should be.
Timing is everything and now is not the time, but soon I hope.
Amen, I have the same impression. I remember that and Hell no I am not going to forget. Have the FBI lab explain how they could examine a bullet reportedly from Oswald's rifle a whole hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA's initials ? It is right there in the chain of custody.
A whole cadre of evil people were behind the assassination. I happen to believe the one big reason was he was going against the Roman Church's wishes concerning Vietnam, relations with the USSR, and communism in general.
From my own research, Kennedy was willing to reach out to the USSR and work on reforming them over time.
Remember this fact people: The goal at the end of World War II was for the United States and the Soviet Union to integrate economically via a synthesis over a period of time for total control of the Global Order. Obviously that did not happen.
I could go on. But I won't.
JFK was getting rid of the Fed , pulling us out of Vietnam which destroyed the MI industrial complex plans of making money. Was going to get rid of the Clowns and Hoover. Like you I could go on also
The more I read and watch the more reasons there are. I'm like at a dozen reasons +...
About time it all gets exposed now.
Thing is I think has been exposed. I think many now know he was killed for various reasons. It would surprise me if we could actually find out who have the go ahead. And if we did most if not all of them are dead.
Only the media still pushes Lee Oswald, but the public isn't buying it. But who would be punished if we found out who actually pulled the trigger? I guess there is probably some alive that helped cover it up, but considering it was set up with a wink and a nod it would be very hard to prove.
When it comes to those chit birds they are involved up to their ears in this. First Jack Ruby does not exist. His name was Jack Rubenstein with Mafia connections with the night club. Check arrest records and you will not find a Jack Ruby. Even today they still chirp Jack Ruby. Time their tail feathers get pulled because they are accessory to homicide after the fact. No statute of limitations. but worse it is treason and a declaration of war. they still support treason for a illegal soft coup on a duly elected president. Since they are not in uniform they are spies and not protected by even the Geneva Convention.
The FBI chain of custody is a smoking gun exposing fraud. The alleged bullet from Oswald's rifle was examined one hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA's initials. they could never go to trial as this would expose the Government and fraud. Hoover sat on a report the a FBI FA spoke with a George Bush at the Book depository building about the assassination. this did not come out until after Hoover kicked the can in a 70's JFK assassination hearing.
Typical Clowns in America SOP. HW had a spokesperson claim he did not work for the Clowns until after the assassination . This was another George Bush working for the Clowns at that time, all proven lies and fake news walked away ?
I have news that is factual. back then we suspected LBJ and the Clowns. That has not changed, And when you read the witness statements later seeing their statements from back then .They state that was not the statement they gave the FBI and not their signature, Now again we have the FBI falsifying witness statements to support the Government narrative and we have forgery. All Felonies. FBI and Fake news were aware of the witnesses claims and remained silent. And they never pressured HW for his lies and neither did the DOJ and FBI. They all go down for accessory to Homicide after the fact and Treason.
Ok I agree with everything you pointed out, and it is all true. But my point was GHWB is dead. All the clowns at that time are dead. Now you point out the 70s Congressional investigation that in fact it was a conspiracy, so that is on the record, but those alive at the time of that hearing involved with assassination never went to jail after the fact of that hearing proving a conspiracy and they are all dead. So who today could be held directly responsible for the cover up. I guess one could say those who are alive today who were younger then who covered up the cover up could be held responsible. I think the best we could hope for is that the whole truth of the matter is exposed so it can never happen again. But that doesn't matter because they've done worse since then and no one is in jail for Iran Contra/911/Iraq ect ect.
they covered up treason and homicide since 1963. those covering up are accessories to Homicide after the fact and Treason, to include 9-11 and two modern day coups against a duly elected president. Then add crimes against humanity with COVID and the jabs. This exposed the whole system and players. And they can still be charged for JFK as there is no statute of limitations for homicide and treason.
Did Trump not order the files released after ...... checking by ...... Barr?
Wasn't there some lame excuse that Americans couldn't handle the truth if they were released? I can handle it. You can handle it. I think they can't handle it. Why would Trump not release it? What is so terrible they can't release it all. I think I answered that, they can't handle it. They would be worried that the public would be so enraged as to start civil strife. Maybe I just don't know, but I do know they are all cowards and liars.
It seems you are right. What they fear most is a a public, knowing the facts, exacting justice on their asses.