This is sort of off topic from normal Q talk but I am curious this communities take on the sandy hook shooting since everyone is still at different levels of awakening and digging:
Do you think sandy hook was:
1: false flag where students were killed
2: false flag where no one died and it was a PR stunt for gun control
3: Other
Personally I lean towards #2 especially after they tried to say alex jones owes 1 billion dollars to the families which is over the top absurd for any defamation lawsuit especially when the trial was very questionable.
I like to occasionally look back at events and see if I missed any evidence or news that this community caught. (Batman theater shooting was a weird one, Vegas, and even parkland all had strange happenings but for the purpose of this post I want thoughts on SH
Firefighter here.
Nothing showing an actual incident in progress.
Almost everyone's mortgages in Sandy Hook were paid off on New Years Eve. Spooksville CIA farm boys.
Couple of people in Sandy hook won the lottery multiple times.
yes, aslo many homes paid for in full
Zero People from Sandy Hook in the National Death Roster nor the Social Security Death Roster....
That alone says one hell of a Lot....
Baffling. Nothing to see there...move along folks. Shows over.
I could be wrong, but I believe it was on Christmas when banks are closed.
I was just going from memory. Might have been Christmas eve or NYE.
I didn’t know about the house payoffs. That’s the other reason I wanted to see what anons think. It’s impossible to get everyone to remember each of the weird details.
There is no doubt it was a false flag if for no other reason than how fast they demolished the crime scene. I don't think any students died because of the one student's picture that was the exact same picture used in at least two other FFs. I believe, like most of these FFs, the FBI set it all up.
Scraped maui clean real quick
How many of them showed up and participated in the Superbowl just a couple Months Later???
Did anyone Notice that???
Yep. And some anon posted those images with the supposedly dead children - no doubt still alive. I also liked the investogative reporters who had video footage of the one swat member carrying his AR upside down na dryer days later he was one of the grieving parents. Crisis actors playing too many roles. Wasn’t there photos of the same people/witnesses (crisis actors) from Sandy Hook that made cameo appearances at the “Parkland shooting” also…? Everything stinks to high heaven here OP.
I am with Alex Jones on this issue. There is even a freaking picture where the kids killed had a reunion.
Alex jones claims there was not a false flag. Others on youtube did a lot of the work in debunking Sandy Hook.
true, but they had his balls in a vice when he said that. If he had stuck to his original stance I'd still be a huge fan. They were gonna crush his balls no matter what he said at that point. Regardless of that, he made a lot of people think and we need a whole lot more of that.
Yeah he only claimed that when the lawsuits started though. Before I remember he had a former incident response guy who gave a lot of interview about inconsistencies in school response, etc.
#2. Just look at the intensity to shut people up on this topic.
Let's not forget the state police crisis actors and that super weird coroner.
Oh yeah, wasn't one of the female teachers from sandy hook also blown up in the Boston marathon bombing?
#2 - FAKE flag. Not a false flag. The “reunion” photo of the kids a couple years later, alive, is damning.
#2 No one died at Sandy Hook!
Noah Posner likely never existed. Adam Lanza likely the same.
Upvote for grammar!
My vote is for number two also.
You think they just faked pics and claimed they were in prison?
Most likely 2.
I know Victoria Soto is still alive.
Curious is it because of photos or do you know because of a connection like friends or friends? I wish some of the kids or someone would blow the whistle.
I saw her after the incident. I met her in 2002. She told me that the kids there where very special and I would hear alot about Sandy hook in the future. I told my Grandmother and she said they are not going to Open that school.
Early on I saw a video put together by Wolfgang Halbig. If you can find his stuff, it's excellent. He was a school principal and also security expert. He started out by offering his assistance to the town, but thought it super weird at the lack of interest when he was offering free assistance. Then he started to dig. There are holes everywhere in the cabal narrative. Everybody shot died. Nobody taken to the ER. No life flights. Even school lunches - there were no school lunch deliveries to that school prior to the event. He continued to dig and talk and ask questions. Then the FBI showed up at his door and told that he better cut it out, and quick. He was threatened and harassed and then I think they prosecuted him, so he finally shut it down.
#2 for sure. No doubt about it. The only good thing I can say about this is that they didn't shoot up a real school.
True I remember one of his videos that covered a lot of inconsistencies and supposedly they went state police from CT down to Florida even to harass him which is wild.
#2 Spicy and Loose
Spicy and loose. Kek. I like that.
FF were they dumped pizza party bodies.
I am under the belief the kids where dead already.
Never thought about that angle. Maybe they did dump real bodies. If I remember correctly it was all closed casket funerals
I remember Obama going to the church ceremony for Sandy Hook (what a weird collection of people were there) and you could just sense how artificial it was.
Two too.
They fined Alex over 1 Trillion dollars. That alone should tell you .
Yeah that was insane. Part of me secretly hopes that part of the plan is to flip that lawsuit and prove 100% it was a false flag. That would be a massive red pill suppository.
The second shooter arrest footage destroys the offical narrative. IMO Stephen King wrote these scripts. IMO Stephen King wrote Operation North Woods along with George Taeki.
Hmm that would be crazy if Stephen king wrote them. It does seem odd too that so many weird events happen in the New England area. Sandy hook, Boston bobbing, that odd bowling alley shooting in Maine recently, etc. I wonder if they have a lot of assets there or if it’s just easier since a lot of areas are less population density.
Well I notice that george and Stephen dominate twitter with their liberal nonsense. So I thought hmm "Northwoods" well i looked and it seemed as the two names on the documents could very well be their pen names.
mostly 2 but at least 1. I think they'd hurt people to sell the story more if it's possible, but the conflicting thought is that the more authentic something is, the more difficult it is to control the narrative and info getting out.
They do definitely like hurting people in these events.
Just google "Obama meets Parker family Sandy Hook" and select images.
All you need to know
I’ll Google that. Haven’t seen it.
Sofia Smallstorm exposes the Sandy Hook Hoax:
Unraveling Sandy Hook
combination of #2 and #3, one missing aspect are the nonprofit organizations playing on the heart strings collecting literally tons of cash from donations worldwide, these events serve many purposes at the same time imo, look how the rock and Oprah tried to pull that shit off on the island
I don't think most people get it.
Alex Jones is Mossad, and Alex Jones rolled over just like he was told to roll over. Alex Jones was a lesson to all the conservative patriots that were investigating Sandy Hook, and putting out evidence debunking it.
They put the fear in most of them and they did exactly what a billion dollar award was intended to make them do, shut up.
I lean towards 2, i also think kids were killed (human sacrifice) but not the ones they showed/listed.