I think the most important thing that I learned is that he, for the most part, just reads what is already publicly available from the WEF, etc. They don’t try to hide it.
It was pretty incredible. You realize how much he KNOWS. I always thought he was an actor or something. He has internalized his knowledge and he is personally driven to share what he believes to be true. You cannot fake that kind of thing. It was more like a soliloquy than a monologue. It was like he was thinking out loud.
Dare to dream ….. I’m the assistant to the assistant to the assistant. I’ll meet with your assistant’s assistant later probably. I’ll watch after assisting.
Lol I have a special needs daughter 24/7 care so Im usually not able to have quiet time until help arrives . I have to have care givers and an assistant to help with business, I’m a single mom . Trust me it’s not glamorous, I’d rather be the assistant they get to leave and they get paid lol .
I used to be a special education teacher so I understand what you are going through. I tried going back to it after the military and as much as I loved it, something changed and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I always loved those kids, even though something changed in me for the worst, I just didn’t have the patience anymore. God bless you and your daughter, I really can’t imagine the stress you’re probably under. I didn’t mean any offense, I hope you get some time to take care of yourself , I know it can be tough.
He has been through a lot, and I am not so sure it wasn’t pure persecution by the deep state. He wrote a book, and sells bourbon & supplements. He has managed to keep Info Wars going, even though he is broke.
I personally never watched him , perhaps a snippet here and there. It was a time issue not a disdain for him However , I think he gets more persecution then he deserved , definitly more . Whether he is mossad , Q said but Q also said disinformation as well . Hate him love him or in between I do know enough about him to know that he has educated more people and woke up more people then probably anyone else .? These days I care more about the message then the messenger. People hated Tucker , now they love him same with Elon . People used to slam me because years ago I was very vocal about how no good Pence , Desantis and Bill Barr were . Now those same people on here are saying the same thing about them that I did years ago . Said all that to say … eat the fish spit out the bones . If they are speaking truth and waking up the normies they have my support! Hopefully since he was on Tucker many may take another look at sandy hook .
Lol I’m with you , I trust tuck more then musk , but any doubt is not good ,, although they have been redeeming themselves ,, but the whole fool me once deal lol , Tucker would make a good press secretary , wouldn’t that fix Fox lol
Alex has been accused of being Masada exc., I don’t buy it. Yes, he’s a bit of a showman, if that’s a bad thing. But Alex has been giving the ADL hell lately and he’s a red pill Gatling gun. How far along would we be without Alex paving the way? He started out on public access for goodness sake, to do what he’s done your going to be entertaining and a bit crazy.
Check the Q boards; AJ is Mossad; always has been. William Cooper saw right through him and was calling him out in the late 90's. What are shovels used for anons?
I suspect that AJ was, like many others, a puppet. Then, as Q said: https://qagg.news/?read=520
Go watch the AJ video where he interviews Steve Pieczenik after the "inauguration" of "President" "Biden". Steve says straight up that Trump is still president. AJ looks beatific, beaming. Who know whose side he is really on.
I can't help but like Alex in some deep place. He's been wrong about shit and he's clung tenaciously to how wrong he was.. but I have very fond memories of listening to his radio show with my departed older brother. Being awake with my brother ever since the Oklahoma city bombing on TV as it was happening. Maybe Alex was involved in some shady business stuff.. but what do we really know about that?.. i dunno.. book cast open and truth laid bare I kinda think he'd make the right choice, least that what I wanna believe at any rate.
Plus the guy is a total raidboss memelord.
Alex Jones is frustrating sometimes when he barges in on guests. Not as bad as he once was. But Alex is on my “foxhole bros. list”, which is quite short BTW. If it gets hands on, he’ll be there.
wow.. just off the top of my head he was wrong about Sandy Hook. IMO it was a totally staged operation, and he was bending over backwards trying to say otherwise while being accused of telling the truth. He was also very wrong about Q I believe.
I think he was originally right about SH. Then legally they told him to pay a billion or whatever it was, so now he has to pretend he was wrong. I don't follow AJ but seems like he's been right about a lot and definitely red pilled the masses.
oh sure, but he wasn't right about everything.. just a vast majority. he's a tenacious guy. The whole Q / Jerome Corsi thing is what really got me taking him with a grain of salt. which was honestly a good thing. No one is really infallible, when we hold people above scrutiny we let ourselves be deceived, but a good track record matters and he does have that.
Pretty sure Tuck hasn't had a good sleep after this one, except the intense satisfaciton of giving AJ the time to put all of this out in the open for many more to hear.
I really enjoy reading comments below the articles. That said, I did not read “FIRST” the comments. I go back twenty years with AJ on Art Bell show, coast to coast am. Bohemian Grove woke my eyes open, prior that was Chuck Harder for the people in Florida. My opinion of AJ I’m envious of him. He has bigger cojones than me. I had at one time read his web site all the time. (Not anymore, just like Drudge Report) THE CARTEL / Cabal had him (AJ) in their sights and I to fell into it. My reason “AJ is his worst enemy” I would post on his site that “man” needs a LIFE COACH that AJ himself had respect for. Someone who would tone his ass down. A BULL IN A CHINA STORE. He reminds me of a drunk in a party that farts out loud and thinks he’s funny. AJ is / was out of control. How do I know? Because I’m 70 and I have the same fucking evil demons chewing on my soul. I keep the at bay. For AJ he has so much money he doesn’t care.
Tucker Carlson, “ what the fuck” there are so many men and woman out in the radio waves, internet waves that blows circles around him. Just a vanilla boy, he’s not one that I would run up machine gun hill for or with. Not sure if his wife feels safe around him or she protects “HIM” Both of them are not my John Wayne’s that I respect. I tolerate the two. So, so many others that are BAD ASS and we have these two clowns. Just saying! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove
I remember in the summer of 2001, I was at the home of a friend, and he had an issue of Maxim magazine on the counter. I looked through it quickly and there was an extensive article about Osama bin Laden and all the shenanigans he was up to. This was around June. So, the timing was spot on for people to build up the hype and plant the seeds of recognition in our brains for what occurred just three months later.
Agreed. Could be the best and most honest interview I have ever seen in my life.
yes it was
I think the most important thing that I learned is that he, for the most part, just reads what is already publicly available from the WEF, etc. They don’t try to hide it.
His ranting and raving has done him a disservice.
AJ is hard to listen to at times but he has impressed me so much at other times I cannot dislike the man.
Where can I see it? X?
Thank you very much!
It was pretty incredible. You realize how much he KNOWS. I always thought he was an actor or something. He has internalized his knowledge and he is personally driven to share what he believes to be true. You cannot fake that kind of thing. It was more like a soliloquy than a monologue. It was like he was thinking out loud.
Just ate a big red pill and it’s stuck in his throat . Swallow Tucker there’s so much more coming !
It was a good interview.
I can’t wait to watch , I have it saved ;) TY
Go watch now. Its pretty great.
2:27 Am , I just finished the Tucker / Jones interview .. wow you were right . Thank you again for the encouragement!
Ty for the encouragement, I have an assistant coming at 5:00 and I’ll be under the headphones shortly after ;)
Dare to dream ….. I’m the assistant to the assistant to the assistant. I’ll meet with your assistant’s assistant later probably. I’ll watch after assisting.
Lol I have a special needs daughter 24/7 care so Im usually not able to have quiet time until help arrives . I have to have care givers and an assistant to help with business, I’m a single mom . Trust me it’s not glamorous, I’d rather be the assistant they get to leave and they get paid lol .
I used to be a special education teacher so I understand what you are going through. I tried going back to it after the military and as much as I loved it, something changed and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I always loved those kids, even though something changed in me for the worst, I just didn’t have the patience anymore. God bless you and your daughter, I really can’t imagine the stress you’re probably under. I didn’t mean any offense, I hope you get some time to take care of yourself , I know it can be tough.
He has been through a lot, and I am not so sure it wasn’t pure persecution by the deep state. He wrote a book, and sells bourbon & supplements. He has managed to keep Info Wars going, even though he is broke.
I personally never watched him , perhaps a snippet here and there. It was a time issue not a disdain for him However , I think he gets more persecution then he deserved , definitly more . Whether he is mossad , Q said but Q also said disinformation as well . Hate him love him or in between I do know enough about him to know that he has educated more people and woke up more people then probably anyone else .? These days I care more about the message then the messenger. People hated Tucker , now they love him same with Elon . People used to slam me because years ago I was very vocal about how no good Pence , Desantis and Bill Barr were . Now those same people on here are saying the same thing about them that I did years ago . Said all that to say … eat the fish spit out the bones . If they are speaking truth and waking up the normies they have my support! Hopefully since he was on Tucker many may take another look at sandy hook .
Yeah I moved him in the same category as Elon. I hope President Trump doesn’t select Tuck as VP. He’s in the same category as Alex & Elon.
Lol I’m with you , I trust tuck more then musk , but any doubt is not good ,, although they have been redeeming themselves ,, but the whole fool me once deal lol , Tucker would make a good press secretary , wouldn’t that fix Fox lol
Alex has been accused of being Masada exc., I don’t buy it. Yes, he’s a bit of a showman, if that’s a bad thing. But Alex has been giving the ADL hell lately and he’s a red pill Gatling gun. How far along would we be without Alex paving the way? He started out on public access for goodness sake, to do what he’s done your going to be entertaining and a bit crazy.
Check the Q boards; AJ is Mossad; always has been. William Cooper saw right through him and was calling him out in the late 90's. What are shovels used for anons?
I suspect that AJ was, like many others, a puppet. Then, as Q said: https://qagg.news/?read=520 "THE PUPPET MASTERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED."
Go watch the AJ video where he interviews Steve Pieczenik after the "inauguration" of "President" "Biden". Steve says straight up that Trump is still president. AJ looks beatific, beaming. Who know whose side he is really on.
Major kek.
I can't help but like Alex in some deep place. He's been wrong about shit and he's clung tenaciously to how wrong he was.. but I have very fond memories of listening to his radio show with my departed older brother. Being awake with my brother ever since the Oklahoma city bombing on TV as it was happening. Maybe Alex was involved in some shady business stuff.. but what do we really know about that?.. i dunno.. book cast open and truth laid bare I kinda think he'd make the right choice, least that what I wanna believe at any rate.
Plus the guy is a total raidboss memelord. u/#fact
Alex Jones is frustrating sometimes when he barges in on guests. Not as bad as he once was. But Alex is on my “foxhole bros. list”, which is quite short BTW. If it gets hands on, he’ll be there.
If it gets hands on, he'll have an army before the DoD even knows anything is happening.
What color will his flag be though?
Red White and Q!
Boy are u right !
He set the truth movement back decades by his total lunatic behavior and leading everyone in the wrong direction with his fear porn
What do you think he's been wrong about? He seems to have a pretty good batting record. At least he never claimed people got arrested.
wow.. just off the top of my head he was wrong about Sandy Hook. IMO it was a totally staged operation, and he was bending over backwards trying to say otherwise while being accused of telling the truth. He was also very wrong about Q I believe.
I think he was originally right about SH. Then legally they told him to pay a billion or whatever it was, so now he has to pretend he was wrong. I don't follow AJ but seems like he's been right about a lot and definitely red pilled the masses.
oh sure, but he wasn't right about everything.. just a vast majority. he's a tenacious guy. The whole Q / Jerome Corsi thing is what really got me taking him with a grain of salt. which was honestly a good thing. No one is really infallible, when we hold people above scrutiny we let ourselves be deceived, but a good track record matters and he does have that.
The guy is a controlled opposition clown. Gatekeeper.
A waste of space.
Pretty sure Tuck hasn't had a good sleep after this one, except the intense satisfaciton of giving AJ the time to put all of this out in the open for many more to hear.
MOAR redpilled 😂
I remember in the summer of 2001, I was at the home of a friend, and he had an issue of Maxim magazine on the counter. I looked through it quickly and there was an extensive article about Osama bin Laden and all the shenanigans he was up to. This was around June. So, the timing was spot on for people to build up the hype and plant the seeds of recognition in our brains for what occurred just three months later.
link plz
For those who refuse to search on Google/X
Thank you :-D.
People come in here with a something to say and no sauce, don't snark at me for simply asking.
Not snarking. Some people legit refuse to google
People really need to become more advanced and stop stumbling over form and just focus ob substance. Caring about form is immature and a distraction.
What does "immature" even mean anymore?
Lol .,I’m in manure ?