This was headlined from The Washington Post this morning (the morning after the Epstein documents release)
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They always speak as "we" as if all of us are child raping, killing, eating sick f****, as they are.🤬
Moral Relativity.
They're trying to get ahead of the truth...I see what you did ther
So the MSM has chosen the pedophile to die on. Bold move Cotton.
Absence of an "early life" section is usually further proof of (((early life)))......
Why else would they hide / omit those details?
I see your big nose...... you know what you've done......
All I see are noses, everywhere......
I just keep my NOSE in my own business....
Those are just cohencidences, calm yourself goy
You're right, how anti-semitic of me.....
I'm betting the downvoter was Shayna....
Or Ghislane..... Are you here G-dog?
LOL that would be epic.
Might be the same ol' script of C|A operators masquerading as "reporters" like Woodward and Bernstein.
Oy vey!
a) She seems to be a life-long east-coaster, which drastically increases the probability that she's jewish
b) Dude, how could you miss that nose when you searched her???
I can literally see that before I even click any links! It's so huge it popped out of my screen soon as I typed it!!!
Beth Reinhard:
a) Again appears to be another life-long east-coaster. There's just a shit ton of jews back there, esp. parts of FL, where she's from:
b) Again; did you look at any pics of her? Definitely looks (((suspect)))
For sure...... wasn't tryign to be rude, it was just hilarious more than anything... Who says stereotypes aren't spot-on?!? LOL
We don't split the world into good and evil, it just is. It's just a matter of us recognizing it. We make decisions we regret from being temped by evil and then choosing to do it. We make decisions we are pleased with when we aim to do good, especially while rejecting evil.
The Washington Post sends me their top headlines every day in an attempt to get me to subscribe. Thus I can see what narratives they are pushing.
Here are the links:
Good for you. You gotta keep abreast of what the enemy is doing / saying.
I'm mildly impressed they didn't go with the "Epstein Docs: Clinton, Trump named. No wrongdoing found."
They are so casual about it... But it's not.
We must defeat evil people who would believe it’s okay to abuse, harm & kill babies, toddlers and children. This is not simply about sex, they’re getting their rocks off with kids! They kill them during sex. It’s about the child sexual snuff porn. It’s about killing children for their blood (Adrenochrome). It is pervasive in the US. From the makers of Sound of Freedom, our country has the largest market for this 💩
The photo evokes the Kodachrome Logo
Link to article. It's not really connected directly to the Epstein case but in the same paper.
More about promoting general moral relativism
I like all scum cabal well roasted
I’m so purplexed by why Trumps name is in the Epstein files. What’s the play here
Pretty soon they'll be looking for amnesty like they did with covid... 🤮
Follow up headline will be like: Why trafficking children is good for the economy!
That’s right before they push the headline of “why it’s good for national security”