From the start, I said it. It's easy. He is Obama 2.0, trained in some CIA bunker for years to appear suddenly and say all the things Americans want to hear.
After a few months of hearing him speak, I must admit he has said some things that I never imagined any deep state shill would say. However it was never enough to convince me he is anything other than what my initial gut instinct told me he is. A fraud.
There is only one thing that could make me support Vivek; Trump's endorsement. I honestly thought there was a ~1% chance that Trump would actually step down and tell us that Vivek was being handed the torch, and he has the support of the MAGA "network" so to speak.
This Truth make it clear where he stands which is great because I don't want anyone other than GEOTUS in charge.
Obama 2.0. Fox News normies are the demographic this shill piece of shit is targeting. The boomers that are "we need to be civil and need someone that can reach across the isle". Fuck vivek!
Same - I was downvoted for calling him Ramaswampy in a post here over the summer, and again not too long ago when I said his town hall, where he magically got a progressive lesbian to agree with him because of his ability to reason, was a staged plant.
Mentioned the other night he has to be a plant after watching him in several venues. I'm even more suspicious than I was now after this statement. If I was 50/50 he was white hat I'm now 60/40 kek. Disinfo is being flung from all directions
Vivek is on our side. Trump will always be the first choice, but nobody wants to address the elephant in the room of what if they do remove trump? We have to be honest with ourselves and recognize that before they allow a repeat of 2016 they are going to to try to repeat 1963.
I don't want this to be the case, but we are staring into the face of true evil and nothing is off the table here. If Trump dies is there any way to stop the civil war they have been setting up?
Ultimately, best case scenario is that Trump is just making a statement that only he can finish the job he started.
I am fine with Vivek being a red pill machine, but it's highly possible that enough people are taking to Vivek due to all the gargling that people like Tim Pool and other podcast hosts are doing of his hazelnuts.
For me, Trump making a statement for or against doesn't change my opinion, so I'm not going to lash out and attack Vivek.
What I will do, however, is continue urging people to dig deeper into his past (sometimes it's easier than shoving it into their faces directly) because the country needs Trump, and only Trump can turn this around right now.
No, no I mean telling people like the Fox News viewers; continue to sow seeds so that normies understand.
For me, there is no alternative. It's only Trump. For me, I chose to see Vivek as running to get his name out there for 2028 because our options are very depleted after Trump, and for anyone interested in vying for the next step of Trump's legacy, it's better to be seen now than later.
That said, Vivek is different than DeSantis on that front, as Vivek has actively spoken a better game about inconvenient truths than DeSantis, who attempted to use Trump as toilet paper but tripped over his clown Clops as Trump gave a chuckle at the shots he took.
Vivek's response to this is not exactly great though.
yup i never fell for it
The first time I saw the Obama-Vivek side-by-side video of them giving speeches was all I needed to know
Yup and his shills are out in full force here lol (see below). Lmao
Yep 😂
And just like Obama, Ramaswamy is not eligible to run for President or Vice-President.
It always comes out in the wash with patriots, doesn't it? We may be fooled on occasion, but it gets more and more rare that it happens kek
From the start, I said it. It's easy. He is Obama 2.0, trained in some CIA bunker for years to appear suddenly and say all the things Americans want to hear.
After a few months of hearing him speak, I must admit he has said some things that I never imagined any deep state shill would say. However it was never enough to convince me he is anything other than what my initial gut instinct told me he is. A fraud.
There is only one thing that could make me support Vivek; Trump's endorsement. I honestly thought there was a ~1% chance that Trump would actually step down and tell us that Vivek was being handed the torch, and he has the support of the MAGA "network" so to speak.
This Truth make it clear where he stands which is great because I don't want anyone other than GEOTUS in charge.
Obama 2.0. Fox News normies are the demographic this shill piece of shit is targeting. The boomers that are "we need to be civil and need someone that can reach across the isle". Fuck vivek!
Agreed! Too slick and clown talking points just like Hussein.
It was hard to tell when Trump said he liked Vivek but Trump finally made it clear where he stands! Kek
Vivek finally made it clear also. "If you vote for me, I can save Trump. If you vote for him, you're voting for his demise."
Also keep in mind he is running AGAINST Trump. Would any real MAGA supporter do that?
called it (and some weren't happy with my take...
Same - I was downvoted for calling him Ramaswampy in a post here over the summer, and again not too long ago when I said his town hall, where he magically got a progressive lesbian to agree with him because of his ability to reason, was a staged plant.
His shtick seemed so obvious from the start
Rampyswampy has always been suspicious...
Have said all along that Vivek is too smooth. He reminds me of Hussein.
Yeah - ObamaSwampy.
If we're talking about too smooth, my benchmark remains Pence.
I have always referenced Pence's silver tongue from the start.
Vivek may use the preacher's cadence, but he's a better speaker than the guy who kept telling us to chew soap.
You're right about the speaking skills. Really though I think Pence is more boring than smooth.
I suppose it's our definition of smooth that may differ. Pence always knew what to say, and was very deliberate in doing so. Vivek is like that.
Whereas Obama was a lot of "ififififif chewsoap", but with the preacher's cadence that was recently pointed out to me here.
Guess my definition is slick as in Obama was a slick suave liar.
I always thought his job was to keep a voice of reason during the debates. Too bad if he is DS
From the God Emporer’s Truth linked in OP above:
[Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the "other side" — don't get duped by this. Vote for "TRUMP," don't waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA.]
lots of us had this guy nailed from day 1.
a rino version of Obama is all he is, at least that's what i call him.
Can we all be honest and just admit that nobody was ever going to vote for him?
I've heard people in RL say "but Vivek is better because he's more polished and doesn't carry the same baggage as Trump"
Vivek - “the best way to preserve Trump’s legacy is to vote for me 💀
Doesn’t get much clearer than that
Mentioned the other night he has to be a plant after watching him in several venues. I'm even more suspicious than I was now after this statement. If I was 50/50 he was white hat I'm now 60/40 kek. Disinfo is being flung from all directions
I thought Yoda explained it well... NCSWIC!
he is exactly the same as G.Meloni in Italy Says the right things but when elected.... Ohohoh DS++
Vivek is on our side. Trump will always be the first choice, but nobody wants to address the elephant in the room of what if they do remove trump? We have to be honest with ourselves and recognize that before they allow a repeat of 2016 they are going to to try to repeat 1963.
I don't want this to be the case, but we are staring into the face of true evil and nothing is off the table here. If Trump dies is there any way to stop the civil war they have been setting up?
Ultimately, best case scenario is that Trump is just making a statement that only he can finish the job he started.
I am fine with Vivek being a red pill machine, but it's highly possible that enough people are taking to Vivek due to all the gargling that people like Tim Pool and other podcast hosts are doing of his hazelnuts.
For me, Trump making a statement for or against doesn't change my opinion, so I'm not going to lash out and attack Vivek.
What I will do, however, is continue urging people to dig deeper into his past (sometimes it's easier than shoving it into their faces directly) because the country needs Trump, and only Trump can turn this around right now.
No, no I mean telling people like the Fox News viewers; continue to sow seeds so that normies understand.
For me, there is no alternative. It's only Trump. For me, I chose to see Vivek as running to get his name out there for 2028 because our options are very depleted after Trump, and for anyone interested in vying for the next step of Trump's legacy, it's better to be seen now than later.
That said, Vivek is different than DeSantis on that front, as Vivek has actively spoken a better game about inconvenient truths than DeSantis, who attempted to use Trump as toilet paper but tripped over his clown Clops as Trump gave a chuckle at the shots he took.
Vivek's response to this is not exactly great though.
So let me get this straight… He’s warning people that the deep state will take out Trump, but it won’t take him out?? 🤔
If Vivek doesn’t have to worry about being taken out by the deep state, it means Vivek IS part of the deep state. 😂
He’s not “just getting started” — Indian Obama is finished.
Sometimes the best thing is to not say anything, as of course people will now say that he's saying all that to seem "better".
All I can do for now is get everyone I can to vote Trump so that's what I'm going to keep doing.