I thought many people here believed in the Biden shadow presidency, the Hillary Clinton double and other doubles, and the Q narrative. RRN mostly aligns up with that. It is odd that believing RRN's narrative that the White Hats are already conducting Q's predicted military tribunals behind the scenes in secret is a step too far for you.
I mean, if you already believe Biden and the Clintons have been replaced with doubles then you should strongly consider that it had something to do with tribunals.
If this really was a group of bad elite people committing election theft and crimes against humanity and crimes against children, do you think that the military would just wait until 2025?
RRN is satire; says so right in the "about us" link.
I think they put "satire" as a way to protect themselves from liability.
Last I looked.
At least according to left-wing biased NewsGuard. Real Raw News. Is run by a leftist who types random B.S to see what Trump supporters are stupid enough to believe.
For the benefit of those not aware (e.g. those new to this site) I will point this out again.
NO Military Tribunal Prosecutor/Officer or Defense Attorney has ever spoken out against reference to themselves in any RRN articles. These are career high level Military NO nonsense individuals who would never allow such to continue if false. Especially since it involves matters of National Security.
RRN articles get hundreds of thousands of views. MB has stated his sources are people in day to day contact with President Trump and the Military. MB has stated he stands by his articles and sources and any disclaimer is only on the advice of legal for protection. MB has stated he reports what he is given. As such some is likely transcript in part or whole of tribunals in some form. MB has pointed out the advanced technology of CGI, Deep Fakes, Doubles and Masks.
MB and his site have been under attack from day one by Satanic Globalists, Deep State, Traitor Trolls, etc spewing propaganda, lies and deception while increasing the volume and devious means of attack (e.g. Feigning support for to gain false credibility and then withdraw such and attack. Also, Falsely claim to be a RRN site Admin other than MB.).
This. If the news was fake you'd be seeing Trump and his team call it out, especially if it affects their supporters.
Well... according to RRN, Hilary, Obama, Podesta and a few others were all hung a couple of years ago at Gitmo and Trump wasn't only there, but he's the one who pushed the button on the floor release.
Sorry... I just don't buy that at all. 100% fan fiction and wishful projection. The old saying " If it sounds too good to be true, it is" comes into play big time with RRN.
You have a valid point. However, technology like free energy, cures for horrible diseases, cars that run on water are suppressed from us even if they have to use murder to do it. People who have created wonderful technology are often bought out or murdered to suppress it. If cars could run on water, what would happen to the oil tycoons? Consider this:
Dolly the sheep was cloned from a cell taken from the mammary gland of a six-year-old Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell taken from a Scottish Blackface sheep. These are complex mammals. She was born to her surrogate mother on 5th July 1996. How far do you think they’ve come in 28 years?
The only reason they say they don’t clone humans is because it is UNETHICAL to do that. When has ethics ever stopped someone?
The original Biden was a pedophile and stuttered. Over time, he "taught" himself to not stutter. This thing has the same innate tendencies of pedophilia and stuttering. Some of these people look their age, but their skin is not weathered at all.
They're missing fine wrinkles, age spots and other signs of natural years of living. They say the cognitive ability of clones starts to wane after three years. This potato is now completely senile. He's a mashed potato.
If they could clone a sheep 28 years ago, they can clone a human.
This is a grain of sand from the technology they possess and allow us to have.
Interesting and scary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tGLUuVc3D5B0/
I dont hate them. Its just not real.
FFS, you believe that the US President is a dude wearing a mask. What exactly is too outrageous for you to believe about RRN?
And where did i say the president is wearing a mask?
They literally say they are satire fiction themselves.
RRN is a one-man-band con artist named "Michael Tuffin" , not Baxter. His stories contain wayyyyyyyyyy too much detail to be genuine, IMHO. The truth is a legitimate defense in court against libel/slander and yet Tuffin operates with the following disclaimer:
"Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel."
Probably because it’s fake and…gay.
Because it's utterly made up shit.
Because it’s fake/satire.
Because this site is like a training wheels site for new normies, and seasoned anons, focused on Q and the Great Awakening, and helping people break free of the programming. We don't want to send them into believing cia/fbi conspiracies to turn them off of the truth or confuse them.
It's the Weekly World News of today, the "Batboy found living in NYC subway" type of stories. Entertaining but utter bullshit
When I was in college, my roommates and I had a subscription to The Weekly World News under the name 'Dick Hertz'. After we read it (yes we read it!), we would leave it on our coffee table, and when people would come to visit for the first time, they would see the address label with the name Dick Hertz on it and almost always ask "Who's Dick Hertz?". We would all answer at the same time, "Not mine!"
I miss being young. I should start reading The Weekly World News again.
Well played!
Now that's funny.
I have a WWN with Batboy on the cover that I bought so I could frame it. I'm with Men in Black on this point: the tabloids are the hotsheets, far more reliable than MSM. :)
I don't hate RRN, but this site does not allow RRN referencing.
because it's fake and gay. Would YOU want someone LARPing on your side if you were in a war?
"Hey guys guess what, the enemy commander is dead, they just got executed by the NSA!" when they did not.
Think about it.
I enjoy RRN. I've never pretended not to.
Big whoop, want to fight about it?
If one bothers to put the time in, one would know they are bullshit because they contradict themselves. The same person was arrested, deported, executed, pick your event, multiple times. It is a tarp for suckers.
I don't hate RRN. I find it amusing.
Nobody should be believing ANY narrative. Follow the facts, follow the money. Learn for yourself. Youre basically saying "yall are skeptics so why arent you believing these people who throw out wild accusations?!" Like seriously?
The theme here is to expose evidence that is verifiable. Real raw news is like a National Enquirer. At times they have real news however, they mix in crazy stuff that hurts their credibility. It all boils down to revenue. If they can increase clicks on their site with fake news, they can increase the cost of advertising.
Do I think some of the swamp creatures are at GITMO, going through military tribunals? Yes I do, but all we have is circumstantial evidence to back up that claim. (GITMO expansion and new court buildings, for example)
I do not think the child molesting maggots are being allowed to roam free. The recent deluge of stories of child molesters, child porn, traffickers being arrested should confirm this fact. If you look at Hollywood, how many movies can you name that came out in the last 7 years that include class A actors? Very, very few. Where are they?
Back on Oct 15th 2018, the banner on Hillary Clinton's twitter page changed.
Here it is at 16:39:
Here it is at 23:16;
She has had that same awkward photo of her and that black child on her twitter page for over 5 years now. https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton
If HRC was truly in control of her twitter page, do you think she would have changed this photo in the last 5 years?
I truly believe the photo remains as a reminder to anyone who visits HRC's twitter page, a reminder of the crimes she committed against the Haitian children. Remember, Laura Silsby, Clinton Foundation employee was caught trafficking children from Haiti. Children of color were sought for their Satan worshiping / adrenochrome practices. These kids have no birth certificates and nobody notices if they come up missing.
Putting together pieces of the story and drawing your own conclusion is the name of the game. Q told us several times, military intelligence, there will be NO leaks, so stories about military tribunals are speculation and frowned here upon at times.