He goes into so many things and ties it together it's worth watching in 30 min segments over a week. I did that becasue I was compelled to catch him out, and was not able to so he's the real deal. Or you can scan the transcript.
Yes, all good points. But has anyone noticed that his attire reflects the black and white checkerboard flooring of a Masonic Temple, and that the window curtains in the background form a pyramid with a little light hole "eye" at the top? I don't think this guy ever left the "society" he claims to be exposing. While all or most of what he's saying may be true, I don't for an instant believe that he's doing it to "expose" the society. It seems rather to be a cynical advertisement intended to broadcast (inflate?) their power. His masonic symbols that he's demonstrating out in the open signal to his fellow society members that his whole presentation is being done "tongue in cheek". And his sorrowful intoning about Jesus and Christianity and his conversion all seem over the top to me. Sorry, but this one doesn't pass the smell test.
Notice that he keeps repeating the narrative that their plans are unstoppable and will come to pass no matter what we do. I see massive red flags when people talk like that. We are at a point of such solid public support where the only thing that could possibly stop us from winning, is if we all sit back apathetic and convinced that we can't win because of guys like this, believing that we're being "pragmatic" and "realistic".
He's a "palantir" like the one Sauruman and Denethor looked into that made them think the victory of the all powerful Sauron was inevitable. They were totally demoralized. They were both overthrown by the little folk who were invisible to them.
I don't think you appreciate how small a window of time we have to defeat them before it will be all but impossible to even conceive of doing so. We're more than a decade into technology that directly interfaces with the human brain to deliver images to blind people with damaged nerves. How much longer do you think it will be before they'll be able to implant thoughts or disrupt thoughts? How do you fight people who can prevent you from even thinking of resistance?
The only thing about this video that makes no sense and warrants suspicion is that it talks s*** about the satanic deep state and it's been up for 2 years with over 4 million views. So either the white hats are running YouTube or it's exactly what you're saying
I watched his entire story when it first came out. He connects some dots, and gets some important bits right, but he says a lot of things that my own investigation suggests are not correct. He also doesn't make a believable case in the whole, even though parts of it are believable, and in general I think he is telling at least mostly the truth.
The most telling factor to me is, no one who wasn't already nigh convinced of a "Secret Cabal" would give this guy more than five seconds. He isn't going to change anyone's mind. That is the most important part of Controlled Opposition. It is to make the people that do believe them look crazy to those that don't. His story promotes that type of reaction.
Whatever his intentions are, his presentation is exactly what controlled opposition looks like.
Precisely. I think it is very likely that everyone who has made it "big" in the "Truthers" is Controlled Opposition (CO). They are always "ex" CIA, or MI, or have similar affiliations. They always give their spiel, which usually contains a fair bit of really good evidence, then they seem to go out of their way to make themselves look crazy. Whether what they are saying is true or not, they make outrageous claims that can't be corroborated in primary sources. That is all it takes. Making extraordinary claims that can't be corroborated.
I think it is possible that some do not realize they are CO, and they simply make these claims out of ignorance of how it will discredit them. Even if that is true, they are still CO. The PTB control all media (ALL media), and thus only those who they want to are given a loud enough voice to be heard.
I mean Kennedy was one and did a u-turn, the same goes for others.
It starts innocuous enough to be a hoop many genuinely good people would willingly jump through to reach their goals and the lower downs are actively lied to by the higher ups, I mean it starts with acknowledging a belief in a higher power, what that is is obfuscated so every religion feels included when they go through the door.
Humans have a very unfortunate tendency to simplify and generalize to the point of killing over it convinced that they are doing the right thing, which means 'won't be able to walk down the street' will likely result in the lynching and mob killing of a lot of people that are innocent and just got as duped as the rest of the world as they willingly stepped through a door perceived to be harmless......
The best Q could do was 'use discernment', on repeat... unfortunately I don't think it will have much effect when it comes to the torch and pitchfork brigade...........
Granted many do deserve what's coming to them, but there are also many that do not.
Edit: hadn't watched this far into it when I wrote the above but here is the point in the video where he makes my point
yes, Kennedy, George Washington, etc...many 'good' men.
George Washington was even a master mason & there's a masonic memorial to him in Washington DC. his bronze statues is 17 feet tall🤔 so I'm at the point where I think many freemasons are whitehats, good guys pretending to be shady to lure out the true evil amongst us. and think the secret societies were especially prevalent during the Revolutionary days, to weed out the enemies that still sided with blackhats in Europe.
Posting again:"
The new system, the New World Order, will be implemented at an incredible cost to humanity. Baphomet is one of their symbols and idols, representing Satanism. The sacred and secret religion for the highly committed and highly successful. Welcome to the real world! Witchcraft is carefully hidden everywhere, and they call it the Royal Art. The different groups meet each other in magical Lodges, Masonic Lodges. Barack Obama is one of them as we know. Christianity is the only force between you and the horror that awaits us, and it is coming."
Watched the entire thing several years ago. Good reminder, can't watch it all? Scan the transcript. "Nothing can stop what is coming" he says it in there. Nice summary from an ex Freemason who reveals and may not still be around.
Quote:"00:00 – Altiyan Childs: I risked my life, and the safety of my family, by sharing this with you… God saved my life one night on the highway, for this purpose. And He is watching, as He clearly proved that night. I should be dead.
...Please keep watching because the most important part of this video comes at the end. Everything you are about to hear is a fact and I will prove it to you. Nothing can stop what is coming."
This is so good, thanks for sharing or I'd never would have heard of it. I feel like showing it to everyone I know. It's long 5 hrs 17:11 i played it on speed 1.5.
It really explains how and why everything happened the way it did and will.
Jesus Christ is the only one we can trust, and the Holy Spirit to guide us to stay in the path of truth, life, and righteousness.
I'll post some goodies:
"30:00 – Here's Freemason Kanye West. He carries the same double-headed eagle as on the cover of the so-called Freemasonry Bible. That 's his ticket to international success! His Christian conversion is not what it seems, and you will soon see that."
Long term they may have plans to kill him but ge is marginalized enough to have anything happen to him too close to the making of this video would only serve to lend more credence to it.
That and the simple reality that he keeps quoting the bible and the very people he is speaking put against have edited and tweaked the bible over the centuries to a point where not much of it has any resemblance to the originating text
If you find older versions of the old testament genesis mentions gods(plural) rather than a single god, if you get really old like into the middle ages old the bible includes stuff about incarnation/many lives(back then church=state and they needed people to fear both, which the notion of 'If not in this life I'll get back at them in the next' made kinda, tenuous...., and those are just 2 examples...
There is still some actual truth in there but the best lies are told with truths and they have had a big hand in wording may 'truths'....
People believe too hard in too many things that they know too little about and anything that challenges that makes them cling to it harder rather than apply some discernment to their view of everything...
Very well done and full of important details, however the defeatism from a lot of these ex-Masons is concerning. I can't blame them after a lifetime being surrounded by these people for feeling hopeless and like their plans are unstoppable. My biggest concern is that some of these videos exist purely to seed that doubt in us. I see us teetering on the edge in a way that if they succeeded in convincing most truthers that there is no hope of stopping them, we would become apathetic and that belief would be what stops us from stopping them. I don't think that we will ultimately fall prey to that mindset but when I see it I always take whatever comes next to it with a grain of salt.
Yea, dude's definitively blackpilled and holding on for dear life by clinging to a different religion....
It is understandable that people stick with what they are accustomed to and opting to worship and believe in a different and much better/more benign deity as a counter to the whole lucifer crap but it is essentially the same psychology pointed in the opposite direction...
Unfortunately these assholes have co-opted the concept of atheism to mean believing that humans are nothing but animals/meat-puppets..
I am an atheist and an anti theist but it is in the word/term, theism meaning the belief in at least one deity and I'm anti that, worship of deities, rituals and doctrine set down by others, which just so happens to include these baphomet/luciferan muppets as well, deity worship and ritual is just that, it doesn't matter which way your ass is pointing when you worship...
I believe in many things beyond life and death including the soul, incarnation, doing good, all included in what I believe in, worship of deities, not so much....
Great video and information, but a synopsis of the main points with relevant time markings would benefit those unable or unwilling to watch 5 hours would be great. I'm currently doing this and will repost if mods don't mind.
This video shows definitively why "Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" as Q said. I didn't know what he meant by that until seeing this video, then you will know EXACTLY what he means.
As a truther since 2008 I thought I had a pretty good idea of things and their scope but I did not.
If I had to choose one single video to show someone for a red pill this would be it.
This is an oldie but goodie
A MAJOR red pill for me.
Can someone plz edit this video down to the needed parts and not him trying to raise the feeling of stakes and such?
He goes into so many things and ties it together it's worth watching in 30 min segments over a week. I did that becasue I was compelled to catch him out, and was not able to so he's the real deal. Or you can scan the transcript.
Yes, all good points. But has anyone noticed that his attire reflects the black and white checkerboard flooring of a Masonic Temple, and that the window curtains in the background form a pyramid with a little light hole "eye" at the top? I don't think this guy ever left the "society" he claims to be exposing. While all or most of what he's saying may be true, I don't for an instant believe that he's doing it to "expose" the society. It seems rather to be a cynical advertisement intended to broadcast (inflate?) their power. His masonic symbols that he's demonstrating out in the open signal to his fellow society members that his whole presentation is being done "tongue in cheek". And his sorrowful intoning about Jesus and Christianity and his conversion all seem over the top to me. Sorry, but this one doesn't pass the smell test.
Notice that he keeps repeating the narrative that their plans are unstoppable and will come to pass no matter what we do. I see massive red flags when people talk like that. We are at a point of such solid public support where the only thing that could possibly stop us from winning, is if we all sit back apathetic and convinced that we can't win because of guys like this, believing that we're being "pragmatic" and "realistic".
He's a "palantir" like the one Sauruman and Denethor looked into that made them think the victory of the all powerful Sauron was inevitable. They were totally demoralized. They were both overthrown by the little folk who were invisible to them.
I don't think you appreciate how small a window of time we have to defeat them before it will be all but impossible to even conceive of doing so. We're more than a decade into technology that directly interfaces with the human brain to deliver images to blind people with damaged nerves. How much longer do you think it will be before they'll be able to implant thoughts or disrupt thoughts? How do you fight people who can prevent you from even thinking of resistance?
The only thing about this video that makes no sense and warrants suspicion is that it talks s*** about the satanic deep state and it's been up for 2 years with over 4 million views. So either the white hats are running YouTube or it's exactly what you're saying
There are no “former masons”. He has a mission and it isnt to inform us. He is compelling. Ive watch this a few times.
I watched his entire story when it first came out. He connects some dots, and gets some important bits right, but he says a lot of things that my own investigation suggests are not correct. He also doesn't make a believable case in the whole, even though parts of it are believable, and in general I think he is telling at least mostly the truth.
The most telling factor to me is, no one who wasn't already nigh convinced of a "Secret Cabal" would give this guy more than five seconds. He isn't going to change anyone's mind. That is the most important part of Controlled Opposition. It is to make the people that do believe them look crazy to those that don't. His story promotes that type of reaction.
Whatever his intentions are, his presentation is exactly what controlled opposition looks like.
Like David Ickes with a long book connecting lots of dots and in the end it’s a reptilian alien. (I don’t believe that)
Precisely. I think it is very likely that everyone who has made it "big" in the "Truthers" is Controlled Opposition (CO). They are always "ex" CIA, or MI, or have similar affiliations. They always give their spiel, which usually contains a fair bit of really good evidence, then they seem to go out of their way to make themselves look crazy. Whether what they are saying is true or not, they make outrageous claims that can't be corroborated in primary sources. That is all it takes. Making extraordinary claims that can't be corroborated.
I think it is possible that some do not realize they are CO, and they simply make these claims out of ignorance of how it will discredit them. Even if that is true, they are still CO. The PTB control all media (ALL media), and thus only those who they want to are given a loud enough voice to be heard.
‘We wouldn’t allow our opponents guns, why would we allow them ideas.’
To paraphrase Lenin.
I personally think the best ideas are in a well known compendium of ancient texts. You may well be familiar with it.
The question is, how far in some of them are...
I mean Kennedy was one and did a u-turn, the same goes for others.
It starts innocuous enough to be a hoop many genuinely good people would willingly jump through to reach their goals and the lower downs are actively lied to by the higher ups, I mean it starts with acknowledging a belief in a higher power, what that is is obfuscated so every religion feels included when they go through the door.
Humans have a very unfortunate tendency to simplify and generalize to the point of killing over it convinced that they are doing the right thing, which means 'won't be able to walk down the street' will likely result in the lynching and mob killing of a lot of people that are innocent and just got as duped as the rest of the world as they willingly stepped through a door perceived to be harmless......
The best Q could do was 'use discernment', on repeat... unfortunately I don't think it will have much effect when it comes to the torch and pitchfork brigade...........
Granted many do deserve what's coming to them, but there are also many that do not.
Edit: hadn't watched this far into it when I wrote the above but here is the point in the video where he makes my point https://youtu.be/7Eeo-82Eac8?t=5611
yes, Kennedy, George Washington, etc...many 'good' men.
George Washington was even a master mason & there's a masonic memorial to him in Washington DC. his bronze statues is 17 feet tall🤔 so I'm at the point where I think many freemasons are whitehats, good guys pretending to be shady to lure out the true evil amongst us. and think the secret societies were especially prevalent during the Revolutionary days, to weed out the enemies that still sided with blackhats in Europe.
George Washington was a Huge fan of disinformation.
used it A lot to confuse the enemy.
The wife and I have watched this twice now. Pretty crazy shit.
yup old but interesting
Posting again:" The new system, the New World Order, will be implemented at an incredible cost to humanity. Baphomet is one of their symbols and idols, representing Satanism. The sacred and secret religion for the highly committed and highly successful. Welcome to the real world! Witchcraft is carefully hidden everywhere, and they call it the Royal Art. The different groups meet each other in magical Lodges, Masonic Lodges. Barack Obama is one of them as we know. Christianity is the only force between you and the horror that awaits us, and it is coming."
Should listen to the whole thing.
Watched the entire thing several years ago. Good reminder, can't watch it all? Scan the transcript. "Nothing can stop what is coming" he says it in there. Nice summary from an ex Freemason who reveals and may not still be around.
Quote:"00:00 – Altiyan Childs: I risked my life, and the safety of my family, by sharing this with you… God saved my life one night on the highway, for this purpose. And He is watching, as He clearly proved that night. I should be dead.
...Please keep watching because the most important part of this video comes at the end. Everything you are about to hear is a fact and I will prove it to you. Nothing can stop what is coming."
Transcript of most highlights (it's in English don't worry) https://eindtijdnieuws.com/altiyan-childs-de-mensheid-wordt-gevangen-gehouden-door-een-satanische-sekte-vrijmetselarij/**
Yeah I think I watched eight hours, I would recommend this for anyone and I actually got a friend to watch the entire eight hours as well
It's only 5 hours 17 minutes.... and 11 seconds long
I think the one that I watched was on bit chute a few years ago. Yeah thanks for posting this and I hope this spreads
This is so good, thanks for sharing or I'd never would have heard of it. I feel like showing it to everyone I know. It's long 5 hrs 17:11 i played it on speed 1.5. It really explains how and why everything happened the way it did and will. Jesus Christ is the only one we can trust, and the Holy Spirit to guide us to stay in the path of truth, life, and righteousness.
I'll post some goodies: "30:00 – Here's Freemason Kanye West. He carries the same double-headed eagle as on the cover of the so-called Freemasonry Bible. That 's his ticket to international success! His Christian conversion is not what it seems, and you will soon see that."
Just curious... is he still alive? I mean, he proves that an ugly, tortuous death awaits those who unveil the secrets as he has done.
Long term they may have plans to kill him but ge is marginalized enough to have anything happen to him too close to the making of this video would only serve to lend more credence to it.
That and the simple reality that he keeps quoting the bible and the very people he is speaking put against have edited and tweaked the bible over the centuries to a point where not much of it has any resemblance to the originating text
If you find older versions of the old testament genesis mentions gods(plural) rather than a single god, if you get really old like into the middle ages old the bible includes stuff about incarnation/many lives(back then church=state and they needed people to fear both, which the notion of 'If not in this life I'll get back at them in the next' made kinda, tenuous...., and those are just 2 examples...
There is still some actual truth in there but the best lies are told with truths and they have had a big hand in wording may 'truths'....
People believe too hard in too many things that they know too little about and anything that challenges that makes them cling to it harder rather than apply some discernment to their view of everything...
Very well done and full of important details, however the defeatism from a lot of these ex-Masons is concerning. I can't blame them after a lifetime being surrounded by these people for feeling hopeless and like their plans are unstoppable. My biggest concern is that some of these videos exist purely to seed that doubt in us. I see us teetering on the edge in a way that if they succeeded in convincing most truthers that there is no hope of stopping them, we would become apathetic and that belief would be what stops us from stopping them. I don't think that we will ultimately fall prey to that mindset but when I see it I always take whatever comes next to it with a grain of salt.
Yea, dude's definitively blackpilled and holding on for dear life by clinging to a different religion....
It is understandable that people stick with what they are accustomed to and opting to worship and believe in a different and much better/more benign deity as a counter to the whole lucifer crap but it is essentially the same psychology pointed in the opposite direction...
Unfortunately these assholes have co-opted the concept of atheism to mean believing that humans are nothing but animals/meat-puppets..
I am an atheist and an anti theist but it is in the word/term, theism meaning the belief in at least one deity and I'm anti that, worship of deities, rituals and doctrine set down by others, which just so happens to include these baphomet/luciferan muppets as well, deity worship and ritual is just that, it doesn't matter which way your ass is pointing when you worship...
I believe in many things beyond life and death including the soul, incarnation, doing good, all included in what I believe in, worship of deities, not so much....
Great video and information, but a synopsis of the main points with relevant time markings would benefit those unable or unwilling to watch 5 hours would be great. I'm currently doing this and will repost if mods don't mind.
I watched this years ago. He calls out the masons basically
Masons.... or satanists?
It’s definitely worth watching in chunks. You won’t regret it.
This video shows definitively why "Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" as Q said. I didn't know what he meant by that until seeing this video, then you will know EXACTLY what he means.
As a truther since 2008 I thought I had a pretty good idea of things and their scope but I did not.
If I had to choose one single video to show someone for a red pill this would be it.
Transcript of most highlights - in English... https://eindtijdnieuws.com/altiyan-childs-de-mensheid-wordt-gevangen-gehouden-door-een-satanische-sekte-vrijmetselarij/
Watch it in parts. That is what I always do.
you can play it at 1.5 speed
You can email this guy and he'll respond as well.