Big breakthrough - The nurses' story is getting out
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyranny 💸
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1 hour video
There are literally millions of nurses in this country alone and you want to throw them all into one basket? Our job is to seek Justice for the complicit, not condemn an entire profession. This is how right wing death squads come to pass.
Totally agree with that, I’m married to a nurse and he does worry about the potential for backlash as he’s had no part of this whole shit show as he’s been working agency in a totally different setting so hasn’t been involved at all. He was offered huge amounts of money by agencies to administer the shots but he wanted no part of it at all.
God bless him!
The definition of personal ethics.
Exactly- I said at the time this was where the rubber hit the road - I resigned rather than get it . I said to my eldest kids that I couldn’t stop them if they decided to get it , that I didn’t care if they thought I was the world’s biggest crank, to just please wait. To not jump in straight away. OH trusted me enough that he didn’t, because given his medical history it would have killed him. He says that openly now. I used to work with dangerous pathogens/microbiologists for 10 years and I learned a lot during that time - enough to know it was BS. Then we found my relative dead after having her 1st jab, she died within 26hrs of it being administered (her diabetes monitor showed her BM fluctuating wildly within an hour of the jab and she collapsed and died. I think this whole substance is designed to exacerbate existing inflammation and so it affects different people in different ways. It causes extant conditions to worsen and kills in different ways so it’s a total Russian roulette whether someone is affected straight away or the damage to immune systems gets them longer term
Where do you stand on vax deaths in terms of numbers? Everyone? Only some with bad lots? How many shots, etc. Interested in your opinion.
Unfortunately, I think covid itself has been doing the same thing, in terms of aggravating existing conditions. I had some hints of heart disease prior to getting covid, nothing more than slightly elevated blood pressure, but not even high enough to be considered a concern, but after having covid, I wasn't feeling well and went to a PA who was reported to be "based" when it came to covid. As a result of that visit, I got a "coronary artery calcium" scan (they only cost around $100, and I think it's worth it for anyone over 40 to get one, just to see where they are at in terms of heart disease), and it showed I have significant coronary artery disease. Because of the current state of the medical profession, I am choosing NOT to do anything about it, and just to live each day, thanking God for each day, and letting Him decide when it's time for me to go.
My sister is a nurse in a nursing home. Shes told me that none of the nurses there will administer the vaxx and that the administrative boss nurse has to do them all. I dont think thats how it was in the very beginning but it is now that there is so much more info out there.
Sister only took the first vaxx herself and that was like the week they came out. She didnt want to but felt she had to for her patients. Not for their safety against covid but she couldnt abandon them to someone who may not care like she does. Her daughter works on the osteo floor of the hospital and she has a religious exemption so unvaxxed and never had anything to do with covid or the vaxx at work.
I contend "they" have been "allowing" people to die in hospitals and nursing homes long before covid and doubt they are now letting nurses and drs back in that either walked or was fired for noncompliance of their "protocols" to muddy the waters as to who was "for or against" this evil but there are records that show who infact stayed and those that left during this "covid" fiasco..."right wing death squads"? I dont think is appropriate when speaking of holding those responsible in a Court of (Justice) Law...if anything that sounds more like mirroring and projecting onto the "right" the evils of the opposite side such as the "left" has perpetuated time and time again throughout history to usher in communism "by any means neccessary" J6 was..but now people see and are knowing
My Mom is a retired nurse. My sister and her daughter are nurses right now. I guarantee you that none of them are evil or complicit.
The records will show who took the money without question..not all were offered the "raise"..department heads have to answer some tough questions regardless but "willing" ignorance is not going to fly..."I was just following orders" is not a defense..if we didnt learn that from the Nuremburg trials then we didnt learn anything..I think we all have "medical" people as friends and family but that doesnt negate the fact that questions need to be asked...and answered in order to climb that "chain of command" to get to the top..or rather "bottom of things"
I don't believe in death squads or persecuting an entire profession, but anyone who administered shots to anyone is "complicit" by definition. Perhaps not evil.
Frankly, I think the Doctors are the ones to blame. Blaming the nurses broadly is kind of silly.
Most nurses aren't complicit in murder (for the shots anyway) but rather, they are complicit in the administration of drugs that people were coerced to take, which the nurses believed would be good for the patients.
The problem wasn't the danger of the shots, which presumably they didn't know about. Rather, the problem was that the shots were being forced onto people. That's why it's important to never allow coercion even when it's believed that the drug is beneficial.
Complicit in murder however does seem to come more into play when it comes to ventilators, remdesivir, and refusal to administer life-saving drugs like monoclonal antibodies. (Had a family friend who was admitted to the hospital so he could get monoclonal antibodies, but then the hospital refused to administer them. They also refused to allow him ivermectin, D3, etc so his family had to sneak those things in. The nurses later told him they were sure he was going to die).
no doubt they are now letting nurses and drs back in that either walked or was fired for noncompliance of their "protocols" to muddy the waters as to who was "for or against" this evil
Good point!
Left wing death squads. Always.
I don't think MJ is throwing them all into one basket. MJ is throwing all of the nurses and medical professionals who knowingly gave the jab, remdesivir and used ventilators as their patients died alone with no family around them, into one basket.
And I'm perfectly fine with that.
First of all, the VAST MAJORITY of doctors and nurses are NOT NEEDED AT ALL.
In fact, medical "mistakes" is the #3 leading cause of death. They did what their "protocol" told them to do and they killed the patient. This does NOT include malpractice or screw ups. This is doing things the way they think they are supposed to -- and they still kill a lot of people
The doctors and nurses who spoke out, stood up to the system, got fired or resigned -- THOSE are the people who should be the doctors and nurses, and everyone else should be fucking fired. Some of them SHOULD face criminal charges. The ones who don't face criminal charges can go find another line of employement. We don't WANT lemmings in the medical industry, no matter how "nice" they are. We don't need nice. We need people who can -- and WILL -- think for themselves.
Second, stop with the "right wing death squads" hyperbole. You probably can't even distinguish between those who did investigations and dealt justice to criminals vs. those who were just political opponents of the corrupt and criminal new gang leader/dictator.