I still don't get why I need a state legislature to burp me, change my diaper, and "LET me have" a right already guaranteed to me as an absolute birthright under the 2nd Amendment.
It doesn't say "The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; unless a state or states happen to decide otherwise and deprive the People of this right, in which case this right is to be revoked and rendered null and void."
Yeah this but about waiting for the courts to strike it down is isnt working. We need real consequences for people who knowingly and willfully break their oath of office
Long ago when I got my Pistol Permit the state cop that was providing the training said "The US Constitution doesn't matter in this state." It infuriated me when he said it, but I bit my tongue in order to pass the class and re-obtain my Constitutional rights.
States are, by agreement to become a state, under the US Constitution. The states are free to make any law which does not conflict with the US Constitution, which the Hawaiian constitution clearly does. Whether or not the SC gets it right is the question.
On February 7, 2024, Hawaii’s Supreme Court issued a decision saying that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen (2022) does not surpass Hawaii’s constitution, which recognizes “no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.
Hopefully Hawaii supreme court will get the smack down soon.
Yup—an island full of inbred native retards and leftists that as a state is required to abide by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. They agreed to it already, six decades ago. A deal's a deal.
It's not a suggestion. It's required. They know this. They'll come to heel. In an absolutely literal sense, they are powerless to do otherwise.
This is the new Dem play, SCOTUS rules one way, the state say "well, fuck you! We're not going to listen, and we'll do what we want! Take us to court, who cares! Until then, we will ignore your stupid ruling because it doesn't align with our views.".
I saw a blurb somewhere (during the Lanai fire?) that pointed out Hawaii didn't willingly go from their own nation to a US territory then state, but the cabal forced them to.
If that's the case, look forward to that future rabbit hole as this gets chased down it!
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.
If Hawaii SC don’t like the Constitution, they can secede and do what they want. Until then, the Constitution is the law of the land and their islands.
Right? The US Constitution supersedes their state laws. Ohio instituted Constitutional Carry, guess what happened to the crime rate? Yeah, Hawaii wants their citizens to be victims, that’s abundantly clear after what happened on Maui
2A is how the jab should have been handled. We're not saying you're required to own a firearm (or Vax), Just that you can do so, if you want. If it's against your better judgement, don't own a gun (or get the jab)
Would Hawaii prefer we demand all adults carry firearms, and those who don't are quarantined on lock down? And try to force them to accept a high capacity mag every few months? No, they'd bitch about their constitutional right not to have bullshit forced on them.
But don't stand in the way of those who want guns (or the jab). The decision and consequences are theirs. Be responsible for your own choices. Something the left has totally got away from.
Jury nullificication is the final tool in the toolbox. If you are on a jury, and you don’t like the law, or think its being applied inappropriately, you can just vote to acquit, regardless of the facts in the case.
They don’t like us talking about jury nullification, and if you protest outside a courthouse with a sign that says “jury nullification”, they will try to have you arresed for tampering with a jury.
So its best to pretend like you don’t know about jury nullification, and just do what you gotta do when the time comes.
However most cases you would ever hear jury nullifiation wouldnt apply, because you actually do agree with the law, the law is being applied correctly, and the facts in the case are clear and unambiguous.
Im gonna ask ChatGPT about jury nullification and see what they have to say brb…
ChatGPT: Jury nullification refers to when a jury acquits a defendant despite the evidence and the law supporting a conviction. It occurs when jurors believe that a law is unjust or wrongly applied to the case at hand. While controversial, it's within the power of a jury to nullify a law, although judges often discourage or prevent discussions of nullification during trials.
Exactly! Nobody talks about this. Jury nullification is part of the checks and balances. We The People have power. If, for any reason whatsoever, we do not agree with a law as a jury member; are the free to decide how we like. That's why I'll gladly serve on a jury, even a grand jury.
Of the people, by the people....There is no such thing as "taking the law onto your own hands". If we do not possess the authority, then how can we hire the Sheriff? We have the authority.
I need to renew soon...I am being told there are no law enforcement agencies that recognize Constitutional carry. I'd really like to keep the money, but....
I still don't get why I need a state legislature to burp me, change my diaper, and "LET me have" a right already guaranteed to me as an absolute birthright under the 2nd Amendment.
It doesn't say "The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; unless a state or states happen to decide otherwise and deprive the People of this right, in which case this right is to be revoked and rendered null and void."
People dont need permission to exercise their rights
Our rights should not be discussed or controlled by politicians.
Any politician that tries to block one of our Rights has committed a Civil Rights Violation and should be prosecuted.
Yeah this but about waiting for the courts to strike it down is isnt working. We need real consequences for people who knowingly and willfully break their oath of office
Patience Grasshopper, you sound like a government agent trying to entrap a Patriot
anyone can talk the talk (behind a computer screen) but not many can walk the walk
nice username dm me pls
All state (and federal) supreme court members who go against the constitution need to be dialed up for treason. This is getting old.
Long ago when I got my Pistol Permit the state cop that was providing the training said "The US Constitution doesn't matter in this state." It infuriated me when he said it, but I bit my tongue in order to pass the class and re-obtain my Constitutional rights.
That was long ago? Must be something in the air there. The Hawaiian supreme court didn't seem to have any problems saying it out loud.
If the state can ignore the Constitution, the people can ignore the state. Become ungovernable. Throw them off not over throw. Practice freedom.
*some terms and conditions may apply
Incoming legal beat down for Hawaii.
I have my popcorn ready.
States are, by agreement to become a state, under the US Constitution. The states are free to make any law which does not conflict with the US Constitution, which the Hawaiian constitution clearly does. Whether or not the SC gets it right is the question.
On February 7, 2024, Hawaii’s Supreme Court issued a decision saying that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen (2022) does not surpass Hawaii’s constitution, which recognizes “no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.
Hopefully Hawaii supreme court will get the smack down soon.
"Supreme Court does not surpass Hawaii's constitution"
Sorry that's not how this works.
It's an island full of inbred native retards and leftists, but I digress.
Yup—an island full of inbred native retards and leftists that as a state is required to abide by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. They agreed to it already, six decades ago. A deal's a deal.
It's not a suggestion. It's required. They know this. They'll come to heel. In an absolutely literal sense, they are powerless to do otherwise.
Just a matter of time.
This is the new Dem play, SCOTUS rules one way, the state say "well, fuck you! We're not going to listen, and we'll do what we want! Take us to court, who cares! Until then, we will ignore your stupid ruling because it doesn't align with our views.".
Yes. The states do have power but where does this ruling fall out? Unconstitutional means just that. I don't see how Hawaii can buck that.
They will, just like New York does. They'll get smacked down, but then they just will pop in another unconstitutional thing, rinse and repeat.
Ever notice how the people who are most aggressively attacking our bill of rights, are the very people who took an oath to protet them?
Always the same criminal cabal in these positions. Treasonous swamp creatures in high places.
And we're the ones who are tromping on the constitution? Smh
I saw a blurb somewhere (during the Lanai fire?) that pointed out Hawaii didn't willingly go from their own nation to a US territory then state, but the cabal forced them to.
If that's the case, look forward to that future rabbit hole as this gets chased down it!
There's lots of history there. But, yes ultimately you are correct. The cabal wanted Hawaii and tricked the royals into it.
Interesting link a fren put on another post and fits here perfectly. Ever heard of Color of the Law?
If death penalty is the case then the people should do the dealing. Theyabre already guilty, time to carry out the sentence.
Super impressive law👍👍👍
Just read the post. I cut and Pasted it so I can reference it later.
I want to see this law enforced in all 50 states
I should very much like to see it enforced in ANY state...
Keep and BEAR arms. Fucking retards
So… where do the police get the “right” to keep and bear arms?
That right is for the people, not the police.
As far as i know, the only reason police can keep and bear arms is because they are people too…
Also, the militia is the entire body of people, except for anyone in the government,
So if they want to argue the militia angle, that wont work either.
If Hawaii SC don’t like the Constitution, they can secede and do what they want. Until then, the Constitution is the law of the land and their islands.
Right? The US Constitution supersedes their state laws. Ohio instituted Constitutional Carry, guess what happened to the crime rate? Yeah, Hawaii wants their citizens to be victims, that’s abundantly clear after what happened on Maui
I'm pretty sure the Spirit of Texas would want all Texans to have fully automatic guns.
2A is how the jab should have been handled. We're not saying you're required to own a firearm (or Vax), Just that you can do so, if you want. If it's against your better judgement, don't own a gun (or get the jab)
Would Hawaii prefer we demand all adults carry firearms, and those who don't are quarantined on lock down? And try to force them to accept a high capacity mag every few months? No, they'd bitch about their constitutional right not to have bullshit forced on them.
But don't stand in the way of those who want guns (or the jab). The decision and consequences are theirs. Be responsible for your own choices. Something the left has totally got away from.
Are the Hawaiians brain dead? The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
Honolulu is the most corrupt city in the USA. It's the capitol of Hawai'i. I had no idea how corrupt it is here, much like the rest of the plane.
Kinda like the puppy biting mama on the tit! Kek
funny..... the hawaii s.c. justices are all protected by police with GUNS!
Lol... that's how they roll. Rules for thee....
Nullification was solved around 150 years ago.
Can you expand?
Jury nullificication is the final tool in the toolbox. If you are on a jury, and you don’t like the law, or think its being applied inappropriately, you can just vote to acquit, regardless of the facts in the case.
They don’t like us talking about jury nullification, and if you protest outside a courthouse with a sign that says “jury nullification”, they will try to have you arresed for tampering with a jury.
So its best to pretend like you don’t know about jury nullification, and just do what you gotta do when the time comes.
However most cases you would ever hear jury nullifiation wouldnt apply, because you actually do agree with the law, the law is being applied correctly, and the facts in the case are clear and unambiguous.
Im gonna ask ChatGPT about jury nullification and see what they have to say brb…
ChatGPT: Jury nullification refers to when a jury acquits a defendant despite the evidence and the law supporting a conviction. It occurs when jurors believe that a law is unjust or wrongly applied to the case at hand. While controversial, it's within the power of a jury to nullify a law, although judges often discourage or prevent discussions of nullification during trials.
Wow... unbelievable. If the jury thinks the law is unjust?? How in the hell is this ok?
Maybe helps prevent shit government from creating shit laws? Like enforcing a fake vaccine or face concentration camp? Jury says unjust law!
Exactly! Nobody talks about this. Jury nullification is part of the checks and balances. We The People have power. If, for any reason whatsoever, we do not agree with a law as a jury member; are the free to decide how we like. That's why I'll gladly serve on a jury, even a grand jury.
Of the people, by the people....There is no such thing as "taking the law onto your own hands". If we do not possess the authority, then how can we hire the Sheriff? We have the authority.
It's bizarre here in Hawai'i. Our sheriff is not elected.
Actually almost 200 years ago. enter text
Britannica Link above.
I need to renew soon...I am being told there are no law enforcement agencies that recognize Constitutional carry. I'd really like to keep the money, but....
Sorry must hit the deport button.