lays out the establishment GOP plot to use Ukraine funding to kneecap President Trump:..
"Buried In the bill’s text is a kill switch for the next Trump presidency. The legislation explicitly requires funding for Ukraine well into the next presidential term."
I trust Trump will have a plan to defeat this.
When all is revealed, none of these things these clowns did will be valid. Enjoy the Show!
I wonder. The other side is pretty good (meaning stunningly brilliant geniuses) at making masses of people not believe information that is "revealed."
Consider the absolute mountain range of evidence already "revealed" proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the 2020 election was stolen;
that J6 was a peaceful patriot protest of it;
and that the riot part was incited by fedgov operatives.
Completely proven by countless hours of undeniable video evidence.
We're "conspiracy theorists", "election deniers," "insurrectionists", and "domestic terrorists."
For some vast percentage of the population easily manipulated psychologically, the effectiveness of their propaganda is truly breathtaking.
Continuing resolutions (and budgets for that matter, like we'll ever see one of those again in our lifetimes) ARE bills that have to be signed into law by the POTUS. Use the veto power over them to get congress to nullify their existing laws.
And if there is no Ukraine??? Hmmm....
Bad legislation can be undone by the next Congress, it's not written in stone. It pisses me off though. It's not like it's in the Constitution, not that, that matters to the uniparty.
I can’t wait to see the Congressional scum in prison.
Maybe literally true.
If they end up not going to prison, then you actually can't wait to see that occur; because no matter how long you waited, it didn't. :)
So we'll just have to "wait" and see what happens!
Even Elon is weighing in... https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1757100563756351672
The war will likely be over by then one way or another, all that'll do is make Dems look worse for forcing us to send even more money after the war is over.
He will have a pen and a phone to side step them... Sound familiar?
The current crop of RINOS are pure fucking SCUM. I hope most of 'em are handled by way of GITMO. Fucktards.
If that isn't proof of embezzling tax dollars then I don't know what is.
Pretty sure impeachment needs to have a floor vote
How does this go through if Q is real etc?
Look at all the shit that's happened since Q started
That better not be the determinant of Q being "real" LOL
My thing is, it's obviously totally real because Trump has never disavowed it even once.
If it were some fake psy op, by either a no-name LARP or the C_A, President Trump NEVER would have allowed it to enthrall or co-opt his most fervent support base. No possible way.
Also, Don Jr wouldn't be saying stuff from stage like "I don't know who Q is per se...well I might know, but I can't tell you"...No. They'd just disembowel the whole Q thing in a single tweet / Truth, and it would be as dead as the real Senator Joe Biden.
not saying its fake but surely this cant go through if Q is in control and this would hinder the 2nd term plan to restore America?
....aaaaannnnd it didn't go through. :)
Yay woohoo! :D
You are completely right.
Wish Jessie Waters would discuss this on his Fox show. Lots of 'normie' republicans watch that 24/7 and also congressmen. Once this piece of info gets out, potentially among the voting base, it will become much harder for the rep congress to support this bill. No more ignorance.
72-hour rule activated
So? That's just what THIS legislation says.
Next term, Congress can pass new legislation nullifying it.
Thank you, citizen journalists, for spreading the word on this so quickly. In the past, shit like this didn't get noticed.
Sorry but that seems like an attempt to subvert the will of the people. If Trump runs on not sending any more foreign aid, is ELECTED in part because of said stance, who the HELL are those senators to prevent Trump from carrying out the will of the people? They need their asses knocked off their shoulders
Congress has power over the purse unfortunately. POTUS can only make proposals and sign or veto