Based on all my research (a lot) you are close but this is where I disagree:
Building 1 and 2 I believe were hit by something. It may have been an empty remote control plan or some form of cruise missile but it is very clear something happened and real witnesses saw it so I don’t think it was CGI but 100% it was bombs that brought them down.
7 and pentagon - you are spot on
Flight 93- 100% real but was shot down by a fighter jet , not crashed into a field. Dig deeper on interviews and videos from the time if it is even possible to find them anymore.
I agree based on everything I’ve seen I believe they were hit by something but used controlled demolition to be brought down. Open to hearing whatever evidence that planes hitting were cgi though.
I heard a story that the passengers were taken by flight 93 to another airport due to terrorism attacks, went into a building at a remote area of the airport, then were picked up. But who knows.
It’s the underwater fires that burned for days and liquified steel beams that eventually convinced me it was some kind of chemical explosives used in a controlled demolition. There are a lot of interesting DEW arguments though.
Good summary. People still having problems figuring out how cgi planes inserted (bullets points 1-2) into so-called “LIVE” video via overlay technology go watch all movies with CGI 1999-2001. Plus “LIVE” video did not match ground observations.
CGI/Digital video editing tech was prerequisite for making 9-11 MSM video possible. Many reporters may not have even known they were reporting on edited video. Specifically, CGI tech developed for Star Wars I (1999) by George Lucas was likely used for 9-11 video overlay.
How it was done? Explosives used to create “plane impact shape”, then pre-prepared cgi planes overlaid on top and sequenced to match appearance of “impact location” and shape (which was known prior to 9-11). Overlay done quickly as soon as video of explosions creating “impact shape” was captured. Probably very short delay from LIVE required to sequence pre-created CGI plane to match pre-planted explosions. This is identical technique used in movie-making.
As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise and strong enough to take down such a massive buildings in a way that it happened.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise at this point need to start worrying about their own thinking process.
I'm of firm belief that they used a missile on the Pentagon and that the towers had pre-planted explosives for the obvious implosion but also that they did crash at least two planes into them for the cover story. Maybe those planes were remote controlled but this is the Cabal who has no problem killing millions if not billions so why would they not kill a couple hundred passengers as well if it furthers their goal?
Building seven going down for no reason implies to me that a third plane was supposed to be there but something went wrong and they had to go "fuck it, we'll do it live." What I wonder is why they tried to memory hole building 7 instead of creating CGI video for it like some claim was made for the twin towers.
If anything those trying to insert DEWs into this I consider suspect as it feels like a Glowboi backup plan to deter any normies who do start looking into it.
I think it was Operation Northwoods that proposed using “hijacked” passenger airplanes to attack targets in the US and blame it on the Cubans to justify an invasion to remove castro. I’m not sure if it was the same paper, but I think it said something about taking over the planes, flying them into radar dead zones, turning off the transponders, then swapping places with separate planes of similar size and appearance (with duplicate transponders) that were remotely operated to be used as the attack planes. JFK said hell no and threatened to splinter the cia into a thousand pieces
I could see using laser guidance systems to hit the targets, maybe radio control from space, but that is pure speculation on my part to try & connect dots.
I have never heard anything about space weapons in regards to 9/11
Which is why I wrote that the plane crashes were cover for the explosives that they then detonated to implode the buildings. There was debris as well. If there really was no crashes in NYC the thousands who witnessed first hand would have called bullshit from the start.
Most likely it’s not crazy people who are posting that DEWs were used on 9/11. Most people either believe the current “official” story of 9/11 or that it was a controlled demolition, so saying it was space based DEWs makes the concept of space based DEWs sound crazy, so people are more likely to disregard anyone else talking about DEWs that could have potentially been used in other events
9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.
9/11 was a movie.
All lights camera FAKE NEWS!
Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?
Q. Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?
A. At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.
We have unprecedented power to direct energy in a way that serves, protects and champions freedom. From powerful electromagnetics to electro-optics, we’re always exploring new ways to give our warfighters the upper-hand.
Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?
Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?
9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.
Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.
“What I can say is that I did spend a lot of time examining the events of September 11th 2001, and came to the same conclusion as Dr Alan Sabrosky: it was a Mossad false flag operation (with complicity of elements from other treasonous agencies from many countries). Expressing this viewpoint has provoked outrage among a few of my Jewish friends, including one with connections in the intelligence community. They cannot imagine such a betrayal of trust. Sadly, I cannot change the evidence.”
It’s pretty simple: 9/11 is best understood as a case of “triangulation”, by which two parties are drawn into conflict with each other by the invisible hand of a third party. In this case, the desired “clash of civilization” between the West and the Muslim world was triggered by Israel, 9/11 being only one operation in this ongoing strategy. Triangulation is the favored tactic of the Mossad, described by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies, on the eve of 9/11, as having “capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”[1]
JoeRoganand @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
As a former normie as recently as January 2021, let me explain why normies are not open minded about 9/11 truth: The idea that the highest offices in government conspired to mass murder its own citizens is not an acceptable reality without indisputable proof, and fantastical explanations like energy rays and missles on airplane fuselages cause normies to raise their mental defenses against 9/11 truthers. If you want to make inroads with normies, start with the short documentary by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth about WTC7. That piece of work will leave people asking the right questions.
PLANES ARE REAL. Several trustworthy ground witnesses from directly under the towers, to a kilometer away all say they saw planes hit the building. Whether they are commercial or not is to be determined. Please stop spreading the Glowie rumors of CGi, it actually hurts the cause to find the truth.
All 3 buildings were taken out with controlled demo and thermite. Bush+ Silverstein CIA/MOSSAD. They used the money to enrich themselves and ensure Israel was the top military asset in the Middle East, and to weaken the middle class and the US. TREASON!
We suffered immensely, it was the Pearl Harbor moment, which was we also an attack that we anticipated and let happen.
"The planes weren't real" crowd seem to have no concept of just how many people are in NYC and would have witnessed the planes crashing. If the buildings had just collapsed for no reason the narrative would not have gotten off the ground. Planes didn't cause the collapse, they were the cover for the explosives.
It's weird, of course, that there are always excuses made for why people somehow weren't looking up when they hit.
But today, everyone has their phones ready for every single occurrence...almost as if there are always at least some people paying attention to things going on around them.
While I don’t think it should be banned since he gives a lot to digest and there seems to be a lot of true info mixed in, and those Q posts on Osama are great….
It’s interesting how this gets a pass lol! I mean I came in here to see how the title he sort of makes it sound like there’s a Q post related to them evaporating the towers…. Yet he’s talking about “Majestic 12” as if it’s a fact, they are a proven source, or Q confirmed him at all.
I do remember perhaps there were a couple proofs lining up the “majestic 12” anon or the theories surrounding it, but I’ve been a bit skeptical of the way the name is tossed around like it carry’s Q weight..
Based on all my research (a lot) you are close but this is where I disagree: Building 1 and 2 I believe were hit by something. It may have been an empty remote control plan or some form of cruise missile but it is very clear something happened and real witnesses saw it so I don’t think it was CGI but 100% it was bombs that brought them down.
7 and pentagon - you are spot on
Flight 93- 100% real but was shot down by a fighter jet , not crashed into a field. Dig deeper on interviews and videos from the time if it is even possible to find them anymore.
I agree based on everything I’ve seen I believe they were hit by something but used controlled demolition to be brought down. Open to hearing whatever evidence that planes hitting were cgi though.
research more, here da sauce
I heard a story that the passengers were taken by flight 93 to another airport due to terrorism attacks, went into a building at a remote area of the airport, then were picked up. But who knows.
It’s the underwater fires that burned for days and liquified steel beams that eventually convinced me it was some kind of chemical explosives used in a controlled demolition. There are a lot of interesting DEW arguments though.
Nanothermite would do exactly that 'underGROUND' stuff you describe.
Good summary. People still having problems figuring out how cgi planes inserted (bullets points 1-2) into so-called “LIVE” video via overlay technology go watch all movies with CGI 1999-2001. Plus “LIVE” video did not match ground observations.
CGI/Digital video editing tech was prerequisite for making 9-11 MSM video possible. Many reporters may not have even known they were reporting on edited video. Specifically, CGI tech developed for Star Wars I (1999) by George Lucas was likely used for 9-11 video overlay.
How it was done? Explosives used to create “plane impact shape”, then pre-prepared cgi planes overlaid on top and sequenced to match appearance of “impact location” and shape (which was known prior to 9-11). Overlay done quickly as soon as video of explosions creating “impact shape” was captured. Probably very short delay from LIVE required to sequence pre-created CGI plane to match pre-planted explosions. This is identical technique used in movie-making.
Clever, but all exposed by video timestamps so they may have monkeyed with those as well as “precise times” appears to be key part of cabal false narrative. WEF loves their numerology and symbology: [non US ip addresses blocked]
As far as I’m on board with DEW weapons (because it’s even official on the .gov websites) - I can’t believe the space weapons was precise and strong enough to take down such a massive buildings in a way that it happened.
It was in fact such an obvious controlled demolition that anyone who claims otherwise at this point need to start worrying about their own thinking process.
I'm of firm belief that they used a missile on the Pentagon and that the towers had pre-planted explosives for the obvious implosion but also that they did crash at least two planes into them for the cover story. Maybe those planes were remote controlled but this is the Cabal who has no problem killing millions if not billions so why would they not kill a couple hundred passengers as well if it furthers their goal?
Building seven going down for no reason implies to me that a third plane was supposed to be there but something went wrong and they had to go "fuck it, we'll do it live." What I wonder is why they tried to memory hole building 7 instead of creating CGI video for it like some claim was made for the twin towers.
If anything those trying to insert DEWs into this I consider suspect as it feels like a Glowboi backup plan to deter any normies who do start looking into it.
I think it was Operation Northwoods that proposed using “hijacked” passenger airplanes to attack targets in the US and blame it on the Cubans to justify an invasion to remove castro. I’m not sure if it was the same paper, but I think it said something about taking over the planes, flying them into radar dead zones, turning off the transponders, then swapping places with separate planes of similar size and appearance (with duplicate transponders) that were remotely operated to be used as the attack planes. JFK said hell no and threatened to splinter the cia into a thousand pieces
I could see using laser guidance systems to hit the targets, maybe radio control from space, but that is pure speculation on my part to try & connect dots.
I have never heard anything about space weapons in regards to 9/11
Which is why I wrote that the plane crashes were cover for the explosives that they then detonated to implode the buildings. There was debris as well. If there really was no crashes in NYC the thousands who witnessed first hand would have called bullshit from the start.
Most likely it’s not crazy people who are posting that DEWs were used on 9/11. Most people either believe the current “official” story of 9/11 or that it was a controlled demolition, so saying it was space based DEWs makes the concept of space based DEWs sound crazy, so people are more likely to disregard anyone else talking about DEWs that could have potentially been used in other events
Exactly. It’s like saying that DEW was used to kill JFK.
The covert intelligence group covering up UFOs: New documentary lifts lid on 'Collins Elite' - secret Pentagon group ….
Source unless otherwise specified
9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.
9/11 was a movie.
All lights camera FAKE NEWS!
Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?
Q. Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?
A. At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.
US4686605A - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere - Google Patents
Space-Based Lasers
DIRECTED ENERGY We have unprecedented power to direct energy in a way that serves, protects and champions freedom. From powerful electromagnetics to electro-optics, we’re always exploring new ways to give our warfighters the upper-hand.
Weather Warfare: “Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare”
BOOM! DEW and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted up Worldwide – HAARP System, Illuminati’s Covert Arsenal
Marjorie Taylor Greene defends space laser theory in upcoming book Right-wing lawmaker writes she does not have an ‘antisemitic bone’ in her body
Were Directed Energy Weapons Used In Maui? Let’s Look At What We Can Prove…
Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?
Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?
9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.
George “Dubya” say what? “He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.”
George “Dubya” in classroom with kids: “Plane must hit kite steel”
Who is Osama Bin Laden, well it may come to shock you that his actual name is Tim Osman, or Colonel Tim Osman, a CIA asset and Mossad agent who worked with the Justice Department
Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.
Admiral’s e-mail on photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse: ‘Destroy them’
U.S. Won't Release Bin Laden Death Photos
My Account Seems To Be Nuked Today So Hopefully People See This. George W. Bush Had Texas Money Manager For The Bin Ladins Name Removed From Documents To Hide From The Public
Listen to the firemen💥💥💥💥💥💥 911 was a controlled demolition.
Bldg 7 side by side view controlled demolition
A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7
PENTAGON: No planes CNN: No plane crash and debris at Pentagon. THIS FOOTAGE APPEARED ONLY ONCE ON TV AFTER 9/11 - AND NEVER AGAIN
If only Mark Walsh would’ve been on-scene to explain the lack of airplane debris.
Bitchute: No plane query (Good luck in YT)
White House: Rumsfeld Interview Says Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11
Missile Hitting the Pentagon on 911:
Hidden Video Showing What Really Hit the Pentagon:
Pentagon Hit By Missile, Not Plane
“I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”
9/11 Was an Israeli Job
“What I can say is that I did spend a lot of time examining the events of September 11th 2001, and came to the same conclusion as Dr Alan Sabrosky: it was a Mossad false flag operation (with complicity of elements from other treasonous agencies from many countries). Expressing this viewpoint has provoked outrage among a few of my Jewish friends, including one with connections in the intelligence community. They cannot imagine such a betrayal of trust. Sadly, I cannot change the evidence.”
It’s pretty simple: 9/11 is best understood as a case of “triangulation”, by which two parties are drawn into conflict with each other by the invisible hand of a third party. In this case, the desired “clash of civilization” between the West and the Muslim world was triggered by Israel, 9/11 being only one operation in this ongoing strategy. Triangulation is the favored tactic of the Mossad, described by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies, on the eve of 9/11, as having “capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”[1]
JoeRoganand @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Here is the link for the George W. Bush Had Texas Money Manager For The Bin Ladins Name Removed From Documents To Hide From The Public
Thanks fren.
Changed to link you provided.
Thanks for the info! This is AWESOME!
As a former normie as recently as January 2021, let me explain why normies are not open minded about 9/11 truth: The idea that the highest offices in government conspired to mass murder its own citizens is not an acceptable reality without indisputable proof, and fantastical explanations like energy rays and missles on airplane fuselages cause normies to raise their mental defenses against 9/11 truthers. If you want to make inroads with normies, start with the short documentary by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth about WTC7. That piece of work will leave people asking the right questions.
PLANES ARE REAL. Several trustworthy ground witnesses from directly under the towers, to a kilometer away all say they saw planes hit the building. Whether they are commercial or not is to be determined. Please stop spreading the Glowie rumors of CGi, it actually hurts the cause to find the truth.
All 3 buildings were taken out with controlled demo and thermite. Bush+ Silverstein CIA/MOSSAD. They used the money to enrich themselves and ensure Israel was the top military asset in the Middle East, and to weaken the middle class and the US. TREASON!
We suffered immensely, it was the Pearl Harbor moment, which was we also an attack that we anticipated and let happen.
"The planes weren't real" crowd seem to have no concept of just how many people are in NYC and would have witnessed the planes crashing. If the buildings had just collapsed for no reason the narrative would not have gotten off the ground. Planes didn't cause the collapse, they were the cover for the explosives.
It's weird, of course, that there are always excuses made for why people somehow weren't looking up when they hit.
But today, everyone has their phones ready for every single occurrence...almost as if there are always at least some people paying attention to things going on around them.
One of the most modern, wealthy, highly populated cities and what little "amateur" footage exists came from people with video editing skills.
Claims about planes are impossible?
What’s impossible about a claim about a plane?
i don’t see mods banning this - care to explain mods?
While I don’t think it should be banned since he gives a lot to digest and there seems to be a lot of true info mixed in, and those Q posts on Osama are great….
It’s interesting how this gets a pass lol! I mean I came in here to see how the title he sort of makes it sound like there’s a Q post related to them evaporating the towers…. Yet he’s talking about “Majestic 12” as if it’s a fact, they are a proven source, or Q confirmed him at all.
I do remember perhaps there were a couple proofs lining up the “majestic 12” anon or the theories surrounding it, but I’ve been a bit skeptical of the way the name is tossed around like it carry’s Q weight..
“You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.”Q937; “The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a HOSPITAL.”Q111
Where is the original high res graphic? This is so pixelated that the white background text is barely readable.
The quality on OP's photo has been seriously compromised, cant make any sense of most of the text.
Pieces of this still make my head spin some. It’s amazing how much probable brainwashing fuckery has been done!
Is this post trying to get someone to answer "death ray" so they can get banned?
nice dig, but i think 15 billion to dissasemble the WTC is wildly outrageous
Judy Wood has entered the room.
Over the target.
I was wondering the same