Disclaimer: NOTHING in the post has been produced by myself. The information are available in the internet with the source(s) provided.
“Think multiple MEANINGs.”Q.
US Congressmen Claim Bible Has ‘Pretty Clear’ Evidence of UFOs: Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here https://www.howandwhys.com/us-congressmen-claim-bible-has-pretty-clear-evidence-of-ufos-vatican-knows-aliens-are-here/
Two Republican Congressmen claim UFOs could be 'angels' sent by GOD as they say sightings are consistent with scriptures from the Bible https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12974671/Two-Republican-Congressmen-claim-UFOs-angels-sent-GOD-say-sightings-consistent-scriptures-Bible.htm
Bible Verses about Aliens https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-aliens/
NASA used religious experts to predict how humans may react to aliens https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/587480-nasa-hired-religious-experts-to-predict-how-humans/
Tucker Carlson on UFO’s and the Vatican – It’s Spiritual 👀 ~ December 28, 2023 https://roserambles.org/2023/12/27/tucker- carlson-on-ufos-and-the-vatican-its-spiritual-%F0%9F%91%80-december-28-2023/
Tucker & UFO Whistleblower Dave Grusch on What These UFO's Really Are, and Whether Government Officials Have Been in Contact With Them https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1736243875507757277
David Grusch Reveals Disturbing UFO Secrets to Tucker Carlson: Claims of Death & Physical Harm in Cover-Up https://www.howandwhys.com/david-grusch-on-tucker-carlson-interview/
Pentagon whistleblower says the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Mussolini at the end of WW2 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12189773/Pentagon-whistleblower-says-Vatican-aware-existence-non-human-intelligences.html
Florida Congresswoman says she 'absolutely believes' UFOs are 'not of human origin' - after private briefings by military https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13105301/anna-paulina-luna-believes-UFOs-not-human-origin.html
There is DVD of US Intelligence Members Communicating with Extraterrestrials, Former US Military Claims https://www.howandwhys.com/there-is-dvd-of-us-intelligence-members-communicating-with-extraterrestrials-former-us-military-claims/
Ex-Israeli Space Head Interview On UAPs: Aliens Exist & Working With US Astronauts On Mars https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-israeli-space-head-interview-on-uaps/
Paul Hellyer testimony: People's Disclosure Transcription of the video titled, "2 Living ET's Working With US Government" posted on Vimeo at http://vimeo.com/65430488 http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/2013/05/transcription-of-paul-hellyer-testimony.html
MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files
Source unless otherwise specified https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf https://files.catbox.moe/ja65mf.pdf
How do you keep a secret? You tell a lie to a child. The lie becomes instinct and they will fight to the death defend it if it challenges their world view enough.
Quote. "We will continue to ask 'Are we alone?'."
End quote.
Allow me to answer this for you, really quickly.
You are not alone.
Earth is not THAT special.
It's just a planet
One in a trillion.
Majestic 12 was created at the direction of President Truman in 1947 in response to the Zetas that crashed at Roswell.
The Majestic has made contact with over a thousand species since the inception of MJ-12. Many of them are friendly. Some are dangerous.
Majestic 12 was created in 1947 immediately after Roswell because National Security interests (Holy See) wanted us to cover up the Extraterrestrial life forms and the alternative physics that they use.
The Majestic 12 in its earliest formations served the Vatican exclusively on all matters relating to God. The presence of beings were withheld from the Vatican by Mil Intel however the Vatican was already in open dialogue with ZR prior.
Question. What was the Vatican observatory really looking for?
Answer. Tracking UFOs and ETs actively coming/going from Earth.
Reasons of National Security were the threat of ETs in Space and the power hungry Vatican essentially forced the hand of the United States through people's faith in false and dogmatic religions.
In the past humans worshiped ETs as Gods because of their advanced knowledge.
Your "God" was an illusion designed to install the New World Order. Mostly lies, even thought the actual text in the Bible does resonate many truths with the true nature of the universe. Those exist so that the humans who control the world can appease their "God", an interdimensional being who has a particular liking for child sacrifice.
“Those with a religious viewpoint are likely to regard UFOs as Satanic and Reverend Paul Inglesby backin 1978 wrote a book on the subject: UFOs and the Christian, where he warned that the subject was riddled with falsehoods and the unwary. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html
The covert intelligence group covering up UFOs: New documentary lifts lid on 'Collins Elite' - secret Pentagon group that believe craft buzzing around in our skies are 'demonic' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html
This is why religions have emphasized the importance of knowing that all inter-dimensional entities that exist in higher realms of consciousness who are not in the lower plane[t] of existence as you must be interpreted as being dangerous or demons.
Jesus was a creation of the Vatican taken from multiple IS-BEs such as Thoth, Enoch, Lucifer, Satan, and [3 others].
Religions tell you this is Jesus/God.
Question. How long have we been slaves to Dracos and other negative ETs? 6000 years? 25,000? 75,000? 300,000?
Answer. 8,000 years.
Who invaded Earth 8,000 years ago?
Go back 75,000 years. Why emphasize 8,000?
Enki & Ea So Enki invaded 8,000 years ago. I'm guessing Enki was evil Sirian Annunaki LARPing as God so humans would worship him.
End comments.
Answer. No positive ET groups had a strong enough presence on Earth in the past 3000-4000 years to make the history books.
Before the invasion of Earth, people were FREE.
We kept humanity from imploding on the fact that not only are ETs real but they've also been calling the shots on Earth for thousands of years while feeding on your children. u/#q1964 More information on “Children are being kidnapped, TORTURED, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL.Q” 👁🥺👀second comments by “intheyear2525” on the link below: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1nxOtc/children-are-being-kidnapped-tor/c/
The fundamental and most Majestic question of all is where did humans come from? The Majestic 12 kept ET disclosure secret because the Vatican demanded it.
Question. Oh ok then, tell us about Antarctica, the ancient structures and what was found? Crashed ships in South America?
Answer. There is a reason Antartica has been out of the "news" and education systems. The beings there do not want anything to do with "our world."
Comment. hmmm ook... but it would be interesting to know what was found there...
Answer. Things that contradict creation and evolution.
Comment. Exactly why the world needs to know, instead of living a lie... The world need to know that we were created trough genetic programs by ET's and our true history. Maybe you should release some info.
Answer. Truth paints a cold image of reality that lacks consciousness. It is essential to preserve consciousness in the disclosure process. Unfortunately, people are so programmed they will die and murder to protect their lie from being exposed.
Comment. That's very true unfortunately, the people of this earth are to programmed to believe a lie.
Answer. And the people of Earth who have been programmed into zombie drones pose a systemic danger to peaceful ET races that live on Earth. Part of holding back on disclosure is in consideration of their protection FROM humans.
so remind us again why all this was kept secret? how did it benefit humanity? what right did you have to keep it secret?
Every elected member of the Government at the time believed through their religion (and freedom of belief) that life originated by "God" in Genesis and that to propose an alternate interpretation of creation that does not include God, worldwide collapse would take place.
The Majestic Truth is all humans are a product of multiple alien species interbreeding and experimenting on reality.
Illuminati took the original intention of the Bible, which was preplanned Disclosure. In turn, they weaponized almost every faction within Christianity to hide the true reality of nature from mankind.
They were going to use AI/Holograms to make the illusion real. Christianity has prepared people for this scenario that was engineered by the bloodline families who have centralized all power and control (because they believe that empowering themselves saves lives).
The Bible was constructed by the same bloodline families that founded the Illuminati.
Cabal fantasized myths and "prophecies" that "write the future" (because IS-BE's read them and act upon what they say, the IS-BE therefore creates that future themselves).
Prophecies become self fulfilling when you allow them to be real.
What is the Bible?
“Ironically, “The Book” is not just one book. It is a library of books, put together in one volume.” pg 21, How to read your Bible; St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992,1987,1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea
Who are the authors of the books of the Bible?
“THE AUTHORS OF THESE BOOKS ARE MOSTLY UNKNOWN.” pg 21, How to read your Bible; St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992,1987,1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea
Vatican New American Bible https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_INDEX.HTM
PSA: Every “book” on the Vatican link has an INT, an introduction describing the contents, outline, authorship, dates of publication, etc. It also has a word glossary/index.
Daniel: “the author, who is actually unknown”
Revelation: “The author of the book calls himself John (⇒ Rev 1:1, 4, 9; ⇒ 22:8), …Although he never claims to be John the apostle, whose name is attached to the fourth gospel, … Indeed, vocabulary, grammar, and style make it doubtful that the book could have been put into its present form by the same person(s) responsible for the fourth gospel.”
Are the scriptures a script for the death cult. It seems as all of the cabal has been pushing for the revelation to end mankind. Or is revelation the Great Awakening and just a new beginning.
Ding ding ding.
Fork in the road.
Choose your path forward.
“Cabal wanted ET Disclosure to be portrayed as the Messiah as their carefully crafted texts all allude to. ETs return + WW3 + Total Domain over Planet Earth. (War against the Domain). Final stage to controlling an entire planet is the roll out of a New World Order.
The Majestic 12 kept ET disclosure secret because the Vatican demanded it.
No easy task when the Vatican has controlled Earth for thousands of years.
Disclosure will take place, and it will be the catalyst to ending the Cabal, establishing the Space Force, and declaring our planet wide independence from the Draco who have long controlled Earth.
The first race to be disclosed will most likely be a hostile enemy of Earth, however part of keeping the public calm during this period will be, as POTUS says, acknowledging that Americans are actually very intelligent and aware of what's really going on. Once the Draco are confronted, at least one other race is planning on coming forward for public First Contact with POTUS to form an alliance that will require a Global Governance (but one that respects sovereignty of tribal states) to stop all Nuclear Proliferation.
EBE is just extraterrestrial biological entity. There are tens of thousands of EBE races that have been cataloged.
The Majestic has been an organization within the US Government since 1947 negotiating peace from over 100,000 races across the galaxy.
NASA hiring Alien Protection Officers implies there are aliens among us today. Hint: We are.
"What percent of "humans" walking on this planet, are actually non-human?'
Less than 5% in the public domain.
Less than 1% have internet connections.
Question. will the inner earth people come forward?
Answer. Convince them why a dangerous savage child race should be graced with their presence. They do not like us surface dwellers for the most part.
Many beings throughout the universe already live here on Earth, just in DUMBs. When full disclosure is made public, permits will be granted to beings who transition off from DUMBs into the general population.
The Majestic 12 has been in contact with different ET groups domestically on planet Earth since the inception of the Majestic 12. The original members of the Majestic 12 were aware of ET presences on Earth, but had not formed official contact with any of them prior to MJ12 est.
Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force
Relationships will fracture during the Great Awakening.
The destruction of the OLD GUARD is larger than just the United States. This requires a global GREAT AWAKENING.
The OLD GUARD is being systematically dismantled by the super elite Defense Intelligence Agency. A new future awaits America and it is one that includes disclosing Extraterrestrial life not only here on Earth but also on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and many more.
Everything on this post is difficult for my mind to comprehend. It does, however, bring my heart closer to GOD. Amen
Amen. There is nothing that is going to shake my faith. I love Jesus and I’ve been delivered too many times to believe that all of the Bible is fakery. I don’t care how crazy it sounds, I will not be swayed. I know there are a few people here that will argue with me for eternity but I don’t care. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. The Bible told us that many will be fooled, EVEN THE ELECT.
Agreed .... 100%
People need to learn again how to think logically, which begins with learning the difference between verifiable facts and assumptions. For instance, “the vastness of space” cannot be taken for a proof that aliens must exist. That would be an assumption. You cannot build a solid argument based on an assumption.
I’m not being persnickety to bring this up, and this is not me trying to debunk the existence of aliens. I don’t know if aliens exist, but I do know that assumptions will never prove that they do.
Paying attention to logic is important if we are going to be good at discovering truth. Of course, thinking logically is now “racist” according to flaming idiots who say breathtakingly stupid things for money, and the reason they are trying to devalue logic is obvious: Logical thinking gives you a greater chance of catching liars in a lie that will not bear the light very well if they are forced to explain.
"For instance, “the vastness of space” cannot be taken for a proof that aliens must exist. That would be an assumption. You cannot build a solid argument based on an assumption."
I see this as more of a statistical proof: What are the odds that we're the ONLY planet in the universe with intelligent life? The odds are pretty slim.
That’s how I look at it. What are the odds that we are the only intelligent life form in the universe? The odds are astronomical that we are actually “alone”.
How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible?
I get what you're saying, but statistics depend heavily on a data set. What data are being used to say that the vastness of space proves statistically that aliens must exist? Might there be assumptions hiding in the details? The statistical probability of millions of planets orbiting in a "Goldilocks zone" does not prove there is life on any of them. It only suggests that there are a lot of planets that might be hospitable to life. A strong probability is still not proof. We have yet to capture an intelligent signal from space. Whether the aliens are local or far away, electromagnetic signals spread out, and it is highly unlikely that the government goons would be the only ones who would ever see them. (Yes, I realize I am making an assumption myself by confining alien communications to electromagnetic signals to make this argument.)
Having said that, there is a much more problematic assumption hiding in the base of this argument, and you cannot argue for a statistical probability of alien life without it. That is the assumption that complex life is a product of evolution as it is defined in the official scientific doctrine of the 20th century, which is based upon the statistically improbable assumption that life begins on any planet by chance, assembling itself spontaneously from lifeless matter. "Improbable" is an understatement. "Impossible" is actually closer to the truth. "If given enough time" is not a valid argument to support the miracles evolutionists believe in. The realities of chemical reactions alone means there will never be enough time in the universe to account for it because time itself is the enemy of the kind of reactions that would be required, and there are many that would have to happen at the exact same time to form exactly the right structures, which must instantly become stable against the adverse conditions in which they were created. (BTW, if someone says they have created life in a lab, they are lying. All anyone has ever done is to assemble something stable from life that already existed––yes, scientists sometimes lie, as the scandemic has abundantly proven.)
Let me say again that I am not trying to invalidate anyone's belief in aliens, and no one who advocates the idea of alien life has my disrespect. Personally, I would love for that to be true (as long as they're nice and not coming here with a cookbook). I'm only trying to highlight the way people often try to prove their beliefs with false logic, and it really does matter because it predicts how easily a person can be fooled. When I think back on all the times I believed something that turned out to be false, an assumption was usually to blame. This was true whether I was being manipulated by someone presenting an assumption as a fact or I was trusting an assumption I made myself. Of course, this doesn't mean everything one believes based on an assumption is necessarily false. Often it means that only the assumption is false, and that there might be a better way to argue the point.
Sir Fred Hoyle in Evolution From Space attempted to calculate the chances of life arising naturalistically from non life. According to his calculations the chance for obtaining the required set of enzymes for even the simplest cell is 1 in 10⁴⁰⁰⁰⁰. To put this in perspective there is only 10⁷⁹ atoms in the entire known universe. The odds that there is even one planet with life (let alone intelligent life) is abysmal to put it mildly. Or to put it another way, it is so impossible that it makes impossible seem inevitable.
Additionally, assuming that the vastness of the universe some how makes the existence of life more likely is a logical fallacy (see gambler's fallacy).
I do NOT have Q and/or Majestic 12 level clearances, or ANY clearance at all to provide original blueprints, schematics, etc of “projects “ on earth and off world, NOR the information where “bodies are buried” like Gen. M. Flynn who was(is?) a member if MJ12 including DJT as per excerpts from link provided in the original post and included here again: https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf
Can you confirm all of these people are members?
Donald J Trump
General Flynn
Joseph Dunford
James Mattis
William Barr
Patrick Shanahan
Paul Selva
Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.
Reply. !(not) PS.
COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM
Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.
I do. Yet disinformation is...
This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.
Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE
Mattis is clean.
Mattis is on MJ-12.
Majestic Flynn.
@catesduane General Flynn turned a negative into a positive.
His plea deal REQUIRED him to ignore ALL the Non Disclosure Agreements & tell EVERY CRIME HE WAS AWARE OF.
Do people even comprehend what that means?
The Director of the D.I.A. during THE OBAMA YEARS?
End quote.
He's not wrong...
Separate post with DJT interaction(s) with extraterrestrials.
Logic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the science of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic
Please explain the answer(s) “logically” these basic questions on creation based on the Bible version vs non Biblical sources.
How old is earth and humanity according to the Bible’s version of creation? Hint. 2024 AD + BC
What was the original race/skin color of Adam and Eve? Hint. Bible provides NO information of any kind. Assume for a moment that they were pure white, where did the pure black race come from and vice versa?
Where did Cain get his wife since there were only three people left after killing his brother Abel?
What is one of the many meanings of Elohim?
Elohim “The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly Eloah) and is the first name of God given in the Old Testament: “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth, (Gen. 1:1). https://www.theopedia.com/elohim
Genesis 1:1 refers to God as a plural Being http://xwalk.ca/elohim.html
Why is it then that in the context of the Biblical version of creation that Elohim is used in it’s “singular” form? Hint: it will annihilate the doctrine of “monotheism”
I think the keyword is 'consider, means to think about...
consider kənˈsɪdə verb think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision. think about and be drawn towards (a course of action). believe to be; think. regard (someone or something) as having a specified quality. take (something) into account when making a judgement.
so 'consider' the question...Is 'space' 'vast'?
I think Q is hinting that it's Not what we've been told.
and if you listen to JFK's moon speech, he implies the same thing.
I'm a fan of thinking carefully, and I do think about it––quite a lot, actually. Thinking carefully is the very reason I approach some subjects with caution. I see a lot of things that just aren't right, but I'm not ready to do a Maoist purge of my accumulated scientific knowledge. Science wasn't always in the state it's in right now with money and ideology controlling the narrative. There are some things we actually do know, even if we might not know them perfectly.
For me thinking carefully began with the realization that I don't need anyone's approval to validate what I believe. I realized that if I needed someone else's agreement to feel secure about what I believed, either I didn't really believe it, or I was being lazy to substitute the approval of others for the work it takes to come to conclusions that satisfy me.
The biggest clue was when I got angry at someone who wouldn't see things my way. That would have been appropriate if the disagreement centered on whether that person could invade my house and take my things, but it was about something that wasn't worth the defensive energy. I began to wonder why I was angry, and then it dawned on me––I needed his approval to feel good about what I thought, and I knew that wasn't right.
On the flip side, I learned the benefit of being patient with people who are still working things out, treating them like I would like to be treated. The benefit is that it lifts everyone. It helps no one to look back at someone walking the same road and chastise them for being behind. People who are going to catch up are going to get there eventually, and if some want to park on the verge, that's their choice.
It's getting more and more obvious that many things in the world are not as they were made to seem. I have my suspicions, too, but I'm okay with being wrong about some things if they turn out differently from what I expect. I've been wrong before, and admitting that isn't so bad.
The post rather explicitly answers the question “Are we alone?” With a No.
Then it says to consider the vastness of space. Probably in an attempt to avoid elaborating on what they meant and letting anons minds fill in the blanks.
Because getting more detailed would be a can of worms all on its own.
Well, there you go. Q has spoken.
Sorry, still not enough for me. I have great respect for Q. He (or they) might know something, but I still need more, and when there is the right kind of more, I'll concede the existence of aliens with a solid affirmation. But I won't concede on my point that the vastness of space does not constitute absolute proof of anything but the fact that the universe is very big, even if it's worth considering in the context of the question of whether there is alien life.
how do we know it's "very big"?
It’s all relative. The earth is very big compared to us. Some things are easy to verify.
The entire thing is laughable. None of it is off world. It all is contained right here on this Plane t.
I think so too, 'space' is part of their scheme.
This material is different than much of the avant-garde material sometimes presented on this board. With much of the "conjectural" material presented, there is usually some basis for the question, and while the answer may be conjectural or even mind-blowing, at least there is some basis for the discussion.
This topic, however, lacks even a solid basis for the questions other than pure theory. The "answers" come across as (realistically, let's face it) fiction. So, both the questions and answers are of very little value, other than a somewhat interesting side-quest for those who are impelled to dig. Nothing can be verified, even when armed with what is "revealed."
I'm guessing that this material is a collection of posts from a message board. If this "MJ12" source is as all-knowing as he/she claims to be, then I have trouble with all the grammatical and spelling errors. I would expect that someone as "in-the-know" as this would be a little better-informed with basic English than is often displayed in the posts. For example, this individual doesn't even know the correct spelling of Antarctica...
There are three “typistsi” involved in this “majestic messages of disclosure” crumbs/drops - interpret that however one pleases.
I do NOT have a Q, MJ12 eyes and ears only level clearances so I can’t and will not provide original blueprint of projects, nor know where “bodies are buried” like Gen. M. Flynn who apparently was a member of MJ12 (MJ12 crumbs)
I was not referring to you directly, only the content you posted.
Accurate or not, this is the highest effort post I have seen on this Board so far. Thank you. I will dig in and consider all of it, perhaps even how much greater God is than my mind had previously comprehended.
Edit: Okay, so I've spent the afternoon going through all of this. It is a very robust collection of material, and yet it is all circumstantial. Is it direct evidence such that I am asking whether or not I still believe in God, Jesus, etc.? No. Do I have questions? Yes. Do I have my own theories? Yes. Did this collection of material advance my understanding of a the possibilities? Yes? Is it possible to have alien races across the universe, AND still have a God and Jesus? Yes, because I think God the Creator will have approached each of His creations in the way that they needed Him to approach them. Above all, my question is this: If the aliens are here on earth as described and have been for 8000 years, I doubt they would have allowed us to flourish and become a threat not only to them but to the earth. That doesn't mean that they're not here, and/or out there... but I don't believe the whole theory that tries to tie in the Illuminati/Cabal and the aliens and psyops, etc.--because we were well on our way to nuking the planet at some point. And if THAT is the aliens' plan, then THAT doesn't make any sense.
I do NOT have Q and/or Majestic 12 level clearances, or ANY clearance at all to provide original blueprints, schematics, etc of “projects “ on earth and off world, NOR the information where “bodies are buried” like Gen. M. Flynn who was(is?) a member if MJ12 including DJT as per excerpts from link provided in the original post and included here again: https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf
Can you confirm all of these people are members?
Donald J Trump
General Flynn
Joseph Dunford
James Mattis
William Barr
Patrick Shanahan
Paul Selva
Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.
Reply. !(not) PS.
COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM
Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.
I do. Yet disinformation is...
This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.
Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE
Mattis is clean.
Mattis is on MJ-12.
Majestic Flynn.
@catesduane General Flynn turned a negative into a positive.
His plea deal REQUIRED him to ignore ALL the Non Disclosure Agreements & tell EVERY CRIME HE WAS AWARE OF.
Do people even comprehend what that means?
The Director of the D.I.A. during THE OBAMA YEARS?
End quote.
He's not wrong...
Separate post with DJT interaction(s) with extraterrestrials. https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWeGo/this-is-not-another-4-year-elect/c/
Logic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the science of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic
Please explain the answer(s) “logically” these basic questions on creation based on the Bible version vs non Biblical sources.
How old is earth and humanity according to the Bible’s version of creation? Hint. 2024 AD + BC
What was the original race/skin color of Adam and Eve? Hint. Bible provides NO information of any kind. Assume for a moment that they were pure white, where did the pure black race come from and vice versa?
Where did Cain get his wife since there were only three people left after killing his brother Abel?
What is one of the many meanings of Elohim?
Elohim “The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly Eloah) and is the first name of God given in the Old Testament: “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth, (Gen. 1:1). https://www.theopedia.com/elohim
Genesis 1:1 refers to God as a plural Being http://xwalk.ca/elohim.html
Why is it then that in the context of the Biblical version of creation that Elohim is used in it’s “singular” form? Hint: it will annihilate the doctrine of “monotheism”
I am not a fundamentalist. I have always believed that the Old Testament is true in the sense that the author meant it to be, which means that it a combination of history and metaphor designed to pass down wisdom, traditions, and most of all faith.
Even still, the questions you pose about the Bible are not proof of anything.
My top two depressing reading materials are:
Who really wants to read about sickness, diseases, illnesses that no one can cure with Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic medicine?
That’s my experience as a former licensed physician in 3 states (here’s my rant from my former life).https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOxAiidn/diseases-created-by-families-in-/
At one point I ask myself what kind of a God is this who’s involved directly or indirectly with omnicide, genocide, murder, etc even directed for or against his “chosen people”, and will I serve in fear of this God?
How many people did God kill in the Bible and how did he perform those killing? https://www.quora.com/How-many-people-did-God-kill-in-the-Bible-and-how-did-he-perform-those-killingl
Evil Bible https://www.evilbible.com/
Brutal Jewish God of War https://www.jesusneverexisted.com/brutal.htm
It’s ironic that when i asked the basic questions about creation as on my prior comment to my immediate and extended family/clan who are very active Christian fundamentalist is absolutely “DEAFENING SILENCE” response.
I tell u what, if it turns out we are all a galactic alien races experiment, or side project, i will immediately stop paying taxes lol
so stop then
Who owns the FED/IRS? That’s who we’re paying taxes to.
My post on Rothschild and taxes: https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvo09sv/
Who/What are the Rothschild? What are the Rothschilds involved in?
Source: same as link provided on post (MJ12)
Do the Zionists have a hold on the Federal Reserve currency currently?
Is this ET entity a Reptilian?
Question. I seen one photo of Jacob Rothschild he head is a little bit elongated he's probably a descendent,
Answer. The Rothchilds are interdimensions HUMAN beings, not of the species with elongated skulls.
This group of parasitical bloodline families were worshiping an Ancient Babylonian [God] IS-BE of Child Sacrifice, Moloch.
We knew from prior intelligence that those who started the IRS and Federal Reserves were directly involved in ritualistic child sacrifice including drinking the blood of a child.
The spirit realm is quite large. I wouldn't trust anything an "alien" tells us. They do not have the answers to a better life.
exactly. the entities many are dealing with are like the carnival guys, trying to get Any human attention.
they're the lowlifes of the spirit world. fun for minute, but best to avoid.
Going by current Cosmological Models. More like 1 in a few hundred Trillion. And that’s at a conservative estimate . Some newer models are going so far as to postulate that the Universe is endless. No matter how far or fast we go. There’s always going to be more. More Stars, More Galaxies, and by extension more Planets.
That my friend is life in a nutshell.
Source: same as link on original post (MJ12)
There are many universes and the name of each of them is less important than understanding what it is.
Higher levels of consciousness see the multiverse as iterations over a hyper dimensional geometric shape that essentially is the master shape of each universe.
Values change.
Not infinite though.
Think of it this way.
Every neuron in your brain is a galaxy.
Every considerable kind of information that could pass through the neuron is a star cluster, solar system, planet, "country", person, cell, particle, energy.
500T connections.
500T planets.
The universe has a maximum capacity.
Fortunately, we are VERY FAR away from every reaching that capacity.
We have, roughly, 200T "Earth Years" remaining before 💥
Wow. I think I will need to take a sabbatical to read this post.
Im not gonna argue here and I am not criticizing. Just exploring.
You use Q posts throughout this very good, thorough write up. How would you reconcile what is said in your post about God and spirituality and the very real Jesus centric flavor of the Great Awakening with even Q posting the Lord's Prayer?
I used to be a Christian and was “indoctrinated”(in hindsight) that the Bible is the infallible word of God and written by the prophets and the apostles.
Based on the New American Bible (lVatican link provided in post) that is NOT the case. In the NAB St. Joseph edition(paper hard copy at home) it explicitly states that the authors are “mostly unknown” and with each book in the NAB Vatican edition stating the authorship(s) in the “INT” part.
The Lord’s Prayer (portions) itself was supposedly plagiarized from the “Book of the Dead” (can’t find the source right now).
Now ask yourself would you trust, put your faith in ANY information when the authors are “mostly unknown”?
I can’t find the Q post right now where it states “what if potus exposed the Covid-19 pandemic” right now as being a scam planned and executed by the Democrats and their “allies”? (I’m paraphrasing).
Now apply the above context to the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity in general. What would happen to “Christians/American voting public) if the basis of Bible/Christianity was written by mostly unknown authors at best, and worst constructed by the “Illuminati”? (Included in post).
I’m NOT posting materials biggest I’m bitter and/or disgruntled with Christianity, it’s part of my “awakening”. I had posted on a none GAW forum my personal statement:
“I was kept in jail by the PROTESTANT Bible, but released from prison by the Catholic Bible”.
This is due to the fact that “Protestants” (sola scriptura) claim that the Bible is the infallible word of God, but the Catholic Bible do not and the information on the authorship(s) was NOT a part of my Protestant bible, but explicitly stated in the Catholic Bible.
Basic information on “sola scriptura”
What is sola scriptura?
“The phrase sola scriptura is from the Latin: sola having the idea of “alone,” “ground,” “base,” and the word scriptura meaning “writings”—referring to the Scriptures. Sola scriptura means that Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian. The Bible is complete, authoritative, and true. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Sola scriptura was the rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation.” https://www.gotquestions.org/sola-scriptura.html
Origin of “sola scriptura”
Westminster Confession of Faith “The Confession and Catechisms were produced in order to secure the help of the Scots against the king.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_Confession_of_Faith
During the English Civil War, of which religion was a major issue, the Westminster Confession established that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was the written Word of God, infused with infallible truth containing all that is needed for man’s “salvation, faith, and life”. According to the Westminster Confession, the Bible in its original languages contained, “the Holy Spirit speaking in Scripture”. https://historycollection.com/18-ways-the-bible-has-changed-throughout-history/
Thats fine, I respect your right to form your own belief system (as long as it isnt aligned with the satanic pedophile death cult and I dont think yours is so aligned).
But you didnt answer my question. How do you reconcile what you wrote in the original post that we have been duped by Christianity with the obviously Christian themes in Q, the Great Awakening and even Trumps own comments? And why the satanic pedophile death cult is seemingly so determined to destroy Christianity itself if it is merely a mechanism for their control?
Theres a lot of good stuff in your post that I will have to ponder but I cant help but notice the incongruities between your post and the situation on the ground concerning the obviously Christian nature of those who fight on the side of good.
I do NOT have a Q clearance (any clearance at ALL) to provide any specific details to address your statements:
“But you didnt answer my question. How do you reconcile what you wrote in the original post that we have been duped by Christianity with the obviously Christian themes in Q, the Great Awakening and even Trumps own comments? And why the satanic pedophile death cult is seemingly so determined to destroy Christianity itself if it is merely a mechanism for their control?”
I tried to answer your”Christian themes” indirectly with a Q related post related to Covid-19 which I have NOW located as above specifically this statement:
“What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning?”Q4076
I will apply the same Q statement above but change some words:
“What would have happened if POTUS challenged the “mainstream religion Bible, Jesus, Christianity” narrative from the beginning?”Q4076 (my modification in parenthesis)
Part of original post:
Question. so remind us again why all this was kept secret? how did it benefit humanity? what right did you have to keep it secret?
Answer. Every elected member of the Government at the time believed through their religion (and freedom of belief) that life originated by "God" in Genesis and that to propose an alternate interpretation of creation that does not include God, worldwide collapse would take place.
So now ask yourself what will happen if Q/DJT came out from the get go about these kinds of information to the American “Christian” voting and non voting populace and Christendom in general.
“The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. IT MUST BE CONTROLLed.” Q142
Satanic pedophilic cult is NOT “seemingly so determined to destroy Christianity itself”, the whole world is being destroyed with plans to leave 500,000,000 alive(Klaus S Schwab/Georgia Guidestone).
Of course there's other life. Our solar system alone is rife with it. Look at Terra - life from the most arid regions, to in the water. From the Arctic to the Sahara
The Great Awakening, I think, is not just about the election fuckery, the plandemic, and the clotshots.
The real stuff is that we've been lied to about the fundamentals of Western Civilization. Jehovah, Yaweh or whatever you want to call him is just one of many cut from the same cloth. They're addicted to huffing the innards of slain humans. They're cruel, vindictive mass murderers who need to be resisted . They conquered humanity in the past and used what are now the readers of the Torah, and various other religions' priests to keep the cattle - which is us - in line. Those in power in the past corrupted the Bible for their own dictatorial use. These "Gods" were call the Anunaki in Sumeria, and the El in the Bible. THEY ARE NO MORE GODS OR GOD THAN I AM. They think of us as cattle to be slaughtered and used as they wish.
The Torah is the tribal history of Jacob et al and how to survive under the alien conquerors. I found out about Clif High a few years ago. Whatever you may know or think about his views on other things, his reasoning about the El is sound. He pointed me in the direction of Mauro Biglino's "The Naked Bible" and more recently "Gods of the Bible" A direct translation from as close to the source material as is possible today. Read his books. You'll see we've been locked in the same matrix for 1,000's of years.
I don't know who is controlling the extinction agenda. Climate Change hoaxers seek to eliminate CO2 from our atmosphere, kill trees and replace them with wind farms, erect CO2 harvesters for our air, stop farm production, stop crop growth, even block out the sun. It is literally insane. If these things happen all life on Terra will be exterminated. That's no exaggeration.
No CO2 then no plants or plankton so no food chain. No sun - same result. Why are they wanting life on Terra erased? What will our biosphere be replaced with?
when i was first escaping my atheism, i prayed on the Bible for answers... for understanding.
the answers ended up coming from aliens. they were able to explain the Bible to me, and now i go to church.
When I was still a Christian I would pray and read the Bible for answers/understanding.
The answers came from the Bible itself. The more I studied the Bible itself the more “understanding” I have that the Bible is NOT the infallible word of God written by the prophets and the apostles.
The “aliens” were just a “byproduct” of my search for “truth”/awakening and couldn’t care less if they are real or not, BUT the extraterrestrial information I have came across not just MJ12 makes for a more logical explanation to my questions on creation and subsequently the Bible itself.
The Bible itself got me to stop attending church, NOT extraterrestrials.
right, i just skipped all that and never attended to begin with.
in a way, i started where you are at now.
the truth of the Bible was only apparent to me once i understood the rules of reality in other terms. then i could see the Bible for what it is.
humble and sincere prayer gets results. ask for answers.
No we aren't alone. But there are benevolent galactic races who have no intention of allowing attacks on Earth by ETs. And these benevolent ones, acknowledge the existence of a God concept and of Yeshua. That is the main truth I need to know and why Project Blue Beam would never work on me.
It will NOT work because “PBB” is disinformation?
Source: same as on original post
The Bible was constructed by the same bloodline families that founded the Illuminati. Cabal fantasized myths and "prophecies" that "write the future" (because IS-BE's read them and act upon what they say, the IS-BE therefore creates that future themselves).
Prophecies become self fulfilling when you allow them to be real.
They were going to use AI/Holograms to make the illusion real. Christianity has prepared people for this scenario that was engineered by the bloodline families who have centralized all power and control (because they believe that empowering themselves saves lives).
Lies + Poison + Fear Mongering = Absolute Control.”
Project Blue Beam is mostly disinformation.
Project Blue Beam will become reality.
However actions between now and then will shape the type of Contact we make.
Physics drives reality?
New physics?
New reality.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Solar Flash.
Symbology will be their downfall.
Majestic [or Satanic Cabal]
A worldwide event must occur in order to create the New World Order.
Earth is going multiplanetary.
Space Force.
The name is disinformation.
Cabal contact was going to be a false flag type of event like 9/11 but with US Mil technology.
Yes. There are more good ET races willing to help, but they will not do the heavy lifting. That's why its taking a long time to go from DARK > LIGHT on a lot of major issues. Humanity has to prove itself worthy of an audience of beings with IQs of 6,000 and lifespans of 200,000yr.
Q: Do Pleiadians assist POTUS?
A: Yes, some are Pleiadians. Not all. Not majority.
We have dozens of races working with the Presidency to ensure that the mission of #Q Anon is a success. We are winning.
Former USAF Officers to present evidence of UFOs Tampering with Nuclear Weapons https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/former-usaf-officers-to-present-evidence-of-ufos-tampering-with-nuclear-weapons-301395385.html
-“All that I see tells me there will be no nuclear war – but there may be simulated nukes. There will be no WW3 – but there may be a WW3 movie to wake the masses. There will be no alien invasion – but there may be a light show with real energy weapon damage”. https://eraoflight.com/2023/10/16/its-real-at-last/
What is happening is that a centuries-old Satanic plan to use three world wars to turn the planet into a giant slave plantation has ended in failure. The Khazarian Mafia hoped to use this plan to rule the world from Israel and greater Khazaria (Ukraine+Khazakhstan etc.). Instead https://eraoflight.com/2023/11/15
Steve Beckow: No Nuclear Armageddon is Possible https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/#
Separate post regarding Extraterrestrials and DJT https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWeGo/this-is-not-another-4-year-elect/c/
Damn. another long but well-put-together post. Got some more reading and sifting through to do. Funny, ever since I was a little kid, I've looked up at the stars and concluded we can't be the only ones. Then, I stumbled on The Outer Limits. Many people think that show was a joke, with all the hokey special effects and such, but I'll tell you what, that show was way, way ahead of its time.
Dude this post is wild AF! Don’t know if it’s true but it is definitely an interesting read!
“The truth often evades being recognized due to its utter incredibility.” Heraclitus
Here’s my very limited information on “Elohim” which your group is probably well versed on:
Harvard Physicist Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes https://eraoflight.com/2023/08/26/harvard-physicist-says-godlike-aliens-may-be-creating-universes/
“The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly Eloah) and is the first name of God given in the Old Testament: “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth, (Gen. 1:1). https://www.theopedia.com/elohim
Genesis 1:1 refers to God as a plural Being http://xwalk.ca/elohim.html
My personal question/comment to the monotheistic Biblical view of creation.
Why is it that in the context of the Biblical version of creation that Elohim is used in it’s “singular” form? Hint: it will annihilate the doctrine of “monotheism”
My post on moon and moon landings.
Please make that “maybe one day” evidence based paper sooner than later and NOT two more weeks (PUN intended).
This post appears to be a combination of the ancient alien theory and the plan of the Bene Gesserit, of the plot from Dune.
Holy crap (no pun intended). These are some awesome posts. Thank you for the effort - much appreciated.
This is an incredible post.