Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
u/Sempersupra Taylor Swift was Time Magazines person of the Year Dec.2023. Cats! I looked at decoding symbols on ( cats). Since you just did the Super Ball post... maybe you can make sense of this.
My eyesight is really to bad to see all the small, intricate stuff.
Found this comment by a PDW pede great:
for those that follow catturd, he lost Smiles today. 😢 https://twitter.com/catturd2/status/1770522480332923259
I don't even know how I'm going to post this.
I lost Smiles a few hours ago.
I'd been doing some yard work, hauling limbs, around the ranch - Pedro and Smiles always ride in the truck with me when I do chores. I needed to get fuel so both dogs went with me to get gas (their favorite thing)
When I came back through the gate, I got out and closed the gate. Then both dogs jumped out and ran to the back gate and was barking at someone walking by.
I got in the truck and started driving to the house. I saw both dogs in my review when I took off and they were still at the back gate. I always drive extremely slow around my property. After I'd gone only about 100 feet I check my left review and noticed Pedro was running up behind the truck really fast, and just as I did, I felt something hit the right rear back side of my truck.
I actually thought a limb had fell from this big tree beside my driveway and hit the side of my truck.
I still don't know what happened, I was only going like 2 mph. He must've caught up to the truck and either tripped and fell under the back rear tire (but I never felt like I ran over anything) or maybe ran into back of the truck as I was watching Pedro.
When I got out, Smiles walked a few steps to me and seemed fine, but then he fell over and pretty much instantly died. There was no blood coming from his mouth and I never could find any signs of an injury. I frantically tried to revive him for 15 minutes, but I couldn't. I still have no idea what happened.
I could use your prayers right now. I'm simply gutted and my heart is shattered into a million pieces. He was the best friend I've ever had. I'm so numb and heartbroken right now. I had him 5 wonderful years and he was a blessing every day, and I tried my best to spoil him every day. He was probably around 15-years-old. He had been on his death bed many times over the past few years but somehow always recovered. He was the toughest, sweetest dog I've ever known.
What a terrible story. God comfort and strengthen CT. Can’t explain the thud to the truck but this sounds a lot like a heart attack. Especially with no signs of injury. My girl lived 7 months in heart failure. No signs of any sickness or pain but she would just collapse from the slightest exertion….. she would recover quickly but each episode got worse and worse. It’s so hard to get thru the loss and 1000x worse when it’s out of the blue.. God bless you CT.
Yes…it reminded me right away of my dog. Perfectly fine until she ran around. After a few month less and less exertion knocked her down, she was 14. I sure hope he doesn’t feel it’s his fault, that’s a terrible thing to have to carry. Hard enough to deal with smiles being gone without taking the blame….maybe he’ll talk to vet and vet will shed some light…..thanks for caring
Oh my gosh! I’m in tears, my heart is broke for the pain CT is feeling right now🥲
Prayers up for catturd's beloved Smiles. May God comfort catturd during this time of loss and pain. 🙏✝️
Dogs truly are remarkable animals, loyal, brave, loving and usually fun, too. I'm sure Smiles is looking down on catturd from above and thanking him for bringing love, kindness and caring into his life for a beautiful five year friendship.
did there end up being a royal announcement the other day?
I was wondering too. I heard something about Kate making her come back in good spirits. I don't pay a lot of attention to what's going on with the royals. I mostly just see threads here. It seemed like it was a big deal, then, nothing.
I think they postponed it
This Disney Shareholders Vote ad is RACIST- geez they even use a Nazi spokesduck. Can you count how many times he says “white”😂😂😂
Its the First Day of Spring and I share a birthday with Barron Trump - nice.
Wishing you a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, hope you’ve had a fantastic day! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
Happy Birthday fren!
Thank you!
94f450d……am I in the correct place to reach you ?
Apparently he was asked to move the updates to the GC and now won't be updating us. 😟 Prayers for his beloved dog and for he and his wife's fortitude and perseverance in trying to save their dog's life with fenbenzadole.
Thanks….I thought he had to move to chat, which was ok, I just didn’t know how to navigate….but …….now he’s banned altogether ? How long do they ban you for ? Hopefully it won’t be long and by then the reports will be bringing good news. I’m going to try to keep thoughts of 94 and the girl dog alive. Keep the prayers for both coming from all who care. 94….if you’re reading…..we love you all. Keep up the fight and bring that doggie back or at least continue to give her suffer free extended time. Thank you again CL
No, he wasn't banned (as far as I can tell). Read through the post I linked to and the dog dad was the one who stated he wouldn't be giving updates. He also said he'll be happy to give updates to those who message him directly. So, in case you don't know how to do so...
Click on the link to his last post on the dog health updates.
Click on his username, either from the post as author or from any of his comments/replies. You'll get a page of his comments from various posts.
Click on the search icon (magnifying glass) in the upper right and you'll get his general profile in an "About" section.
There's an option there to send a message. This is what we refer to as a DM, or Direct Message.
Go ahead and send him a message inquiring how his dog is faring, etc. I'm sure he'll be glad to give you an update as this is likely a stressful time for him and his wife. We'll keep praying for a good outcome.
I'm actually surprised the update posts lasted as long as they did. I read them daily, don't recall commenting much (if ever), but gave a daily updoot for support.
I certainly don't blame the mod ( u/catsfive ) for asking that the topic be moved here to GC, but for anyone who wanted to review the entire fenben journey (still in progress) of attempted lifesaving efforts, it will disrupt the ability to do so easily using the post title search function. Observable behavior in a non-verbal patient with regards to drug reactions and efficacy is a medically-sound approach to monitoring the patient be they canine, human or any other.
I'd seen the dog dad's reply to c5, cut him some slack as this is a stressful time for him and his wife. I agree with you and c5 that GC is the proper place for this topic currently. Good of you to ask him to reconsider as we're still interested in the daily update and it's just as easy to post the info in a comment here as it is to create a separate post. Like you and several others here, I do hope the dog dad reconsiders.
Thank you a million x over…..your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated…..I’ve been sort of asking for help and direction a couple of days now….only you came thru ! I’ll figure this out now with your heads up….again a million thanks
DWAC up $7.23 / 20% right now
Warrents are the best value right now. IMAHO
gonna make one more post on this for the day -
whoever needs to see this: its gonna be alright. you're not alone fren <3
So very true. The only way to rebuild and eradicate the evil, is to tear it to the ground and begin again. I have absolutely no problem with that, but I know many do. I’m a rip off the band aid and expose it type of girl. Only then do you know where to begin. I compare it to giving your life to Christ. He exposes all the ugly, and begins to clean it up and repair. Then HE wants us to move on and not look back.
I assumed there would be some sort of reveal after Trump is back in, however I am wondering if it will come before the election
Precipice will make sense to be before the elections. Reveal will make sense to be after the precipice.
Oh yes!! 👍
## Fun fact of the day
These days I am binge watching the series « Young Sheldon » with my wife. So far, it has not been especially woke and the Coopers are a charming family.
Whenever I see Mary&George, the parents, I cannot help but think of my IRL friends u/Mary911 &her very own George.
That is how I imagine you, dear Mary: a red-blooded, God-fearing, well-intended, industrious, creative and marvelous American Lady.💐
…then Ninky would be Missy, which’d make Braiden Sheldon.🤓
I mean this, I have a really positive image of you and your family.🤗💐
so, I was sitting here watching the full compilation of all the East Idaho News clips from the 2023 Secret Santa - now, 1st off if you don't know what that is...
Years ago... back when I was taking care of my grandfather who had muscular dystrophy (was by his side for 11 years. RIP Grandpa, thanks for the life lessons and the memories <3 ) ... his end stage was brutal for him, and naturally that put me in a pretty depressed state. So, I started binging "giving to strangers/random acts of kindness" stuff on youtube to serve as my dose of anti-depressants
So, I come across this local news station called "East Idaho News" and for several years now someone who choses to remain anonymous with several 0's in their bank account..... they give a million dollars to EIN and tell them "ask around the community, not even on camera, just get out there and find out what good people in this community are struggling and we can make their life better. you have a million dollars to split between as many people as you can" and he did it year after year and as of this last christmas well we have a 2023 compilation so he hasnt stopped yet.
I just wanted to add context instead of being like "damn, i love this"
but, anyone that reads this far and has 8 minutes to kill - at least watch those first 8 minutes... the segment titled shelly" because that dude in the wheelchair next to her made me think of grandpa so dang much and it just made me think how much this would have meant to him.
But - yeah, I feel like I'm on the verge of this becoming a ramble. so...
the full video is 6 hours long. I don't expect much anyone to watch the entire thing in one sitting. But, at least check that first 8 minutes out. This right here is American imo so it fits here on this board. I just wanted my frens to know about this awesome thing that exists. Love yall
tldr: a rich person dropping enough money to change 6 hours worth of lives without ever saying who they are is pretty neat. lol
id just like to add I have today off so an hour later and im still watching this lol
I have a question:
Why is it that when I leave a dish of sliced chicken out for my cats, it attracts flies; but when I leave out a dish of dry food cereal from the pet store, the flies won't go near it?
I remember the ants used to love my dog's dry food.
Meat, as it sits out in room temperature, will have bacteria/growth on it that will have an odor to attract flies. Dry food, not having as much moisture for a culture to thrive, will not have the same effect.
Flies have standards.
Us frogs like flies 🐸
Dude, no. It's not about processed food.
Flies are also attracted to piles of shit. Don't make this into some processed food soapbox.
Does that mean there's something wrong with the chicken I leave out? Because it's the exact same chicken I eat myself.
Its the opposite.
Ok for some reason, the outside cats prefer the dry food cereal from the pet store, but my inside cat who has never had cereal from the pet store, prefers the chicken. It's almost as if my inside cat doesn't recognize the cereal from the pet store as real food. I should mention that the outside cats are some random neighborhood cats that decided I'm supposed to feed them.
Its just like kids who have never eaten processed food, they love homecooked meals. But once they get used to processed food, they prefer to eat only that. There are lot of addictive additives that are used in processed food.
I was wondering if the makers of the dry pet food have found some kind of additive that repels flies.
So why am I thinking of hanging dog food on the porch?😂
flies lay eggs in food, soft wet food that has already begun to break down makes an excellent nest, they love purification. I don't think they are eating much of the food, just laying eggs so the maggots can eat it. Their sense of smell and gases that are given off draws them to this, and foods begin to decompose as soon as they are dead. They probably need the putrification as a form of predigested foods, because their digestive system cannot absorb the bacteria unless it goes through a stage, thus, the bacteria in poop is readily available, while the dried and condensed protein is not available. If the dry food gets wet and sits awhile the flies will come.
God Loves All People. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 16:11-15, "Lydia’s Conversion in Philippi." Verse 14 Says, "One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message."
The Song: https://youtu.be/QbUQcbh4TF0
Have a blessed day.
Her style is a bit hard to take sometimes but I have decided Karlyn Borysenko is the single most important anti woke person to pay attention to
It's been a long time but I used to watch her regularly. I saw a quick clip of her recently and she said that conservatives were just as bad as leftists, but just in a different way, lol. I wonder what she's up to now. Anything in particular that she said that struck a chord with you?
Just want to share these Christian Edits being made right now. Seems like they all came out of no where 2 months ago. Uploads from Creators are days. Absolutely EPIC representation of The Bible.
My Favorite Christian Edit so far 58 Seconds long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkwAD4vEg4w
Battling Sin? Check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG0fspdid8Q
So many different ones, if you guys find any good ones, remember me and send them! I am collecting them lol
Another good one. love the narrators voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzNofowDvWc
Very upbeat. But Good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID4sWl8nyHo
Hey I checked out that first link and I wasnt sure what to expect in 58 seconds and I CANT LIE - IT WASNT THAT lol but I loved it. Any idea what song that was they used? I'd love to sample it and write something (that my Church family would approve of lol) to it
Thanks for these. I'll have to check them out
I could always use more Bible in my life, but who couldnt lol
If you aren't familiar with Rare Of Breed, you should give him a shot. If you don't like his music style you'll definitely appreciate his message. God Bless, fren.
here's a great one to start with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwaXLTFh5k
That was good. Thanks for that.
Sometimes i feel I fall upon deaf ears (mostly more hellscapes like fb than here though by far...)
But yeah thank YOU for that lol
I'm sure a lot of people here relate to that!
that line from the song i just sent though!
"Youre pourin out to everybody when you need to be feeled
Tryin to help the broken when you the one that need to be healed"
that hits home so hard for me. so hard bless him for this song. nothin for everybody but this one was certainly for me.
btw, i was trying to decide between that song of his or this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jEnv0Qu8-c
the ironic thing is.... after this back and forth we just had - this one feels like a perfect fit.
keep your head up fren and god bless <3 hope you enjoy that one as well!
That was good too. That guy is talented. He has a way of combining pretty tunes with a little rap so that people who don't generally listen to rap will actually like it. Thanks.
fren you know my favorite part about that Country Roads video? it isn't some hollywood greenscreen or hired model bs - its basically a family home movie. right down to the drunk uncle tryna dance lmao! but, for real - my grandpa said this video reminded him of old home movies and that made me always see the video in a diff way - it takes a different perspective to see the beauty of art sometimes.
(sorry that I talk too much btw)
hey look, i make rap - i say without a doubt "rap" is responsible for me being alive at 35 (Well, 34 for a couple more weeks LOL) - and it's 90% of what i listen to
i'll also say whatever pops in your mind when you think of "rap music" i probably hate more than you do lmao!
I can't stand songs with nothing to say, and today's rap is just disco for a new generation. catchy beat where the lyrics dont matter long as theyre catchy too. right? lol
That said - since you put it the way you did.... i want you to try this
my grandpa i took care of (rip buddy i miss ya!) was the last person to ever think he'd like anything "rap" but - he loved country roads
so, i showed him this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AltjBNZOjek
i'll never forget that thanksgiving where he insisted I showed my uncle mike that video. as in, he brought it up about 4 times during dinner to the point my uncle finally went I KNOW DAD, I'LL WATCH IT AFTER WE EAT. lmao.
Like, muscular dystrophy robbed everything from that man. so, anything that gave him a smile was something I embraced.
Anyway, even if this isn't "your thing" just remember: it made that ol' fella happy. lol
I mean I guess we all do - it's a side-effect of seeing these nobodies garner millions on millions of views over garbage. sometimes it gets to ya lol
(and i mean that in terms of the news/music/etc not the frens here. if any post got millions of views here id celebrate that lol)
I am completely unconnected to that. I don't know who is getting what attention and I honestly, truly do not care. I just live my life and enjoy being free from concern over the pop zeitgeist. It's liberating. There are a lot of talented people who will never be known around the world, or even in their own country. That's just how it is. But be glad they're not out there selling their souls. They will reach the people they need to reach. God will see to that.
I wish I could neo from the matrix but because i make music myself i can't go amish lol
Just a quick ask for customer support. I do use a VPN so maybe this is it but my up-votes stay however my down votes don't. I feel misrepresented and am about to throw tea in the lake.
Any pointers from anyone?
Happy spring equinox day!
My daffodils are coming up nicely!
I miss my tulips. I had all kinds of exotic looking ones. Black ones, mottled white and blue, some had feathery-edged petals, none were the traditional red. Alas, the chipmunks ate them all, along with my irises and day lillies. All I have left are the daffys. They were nice enough to move some into a mulch bed where I never planted any!
I looked up the banana yucca. Did you know it's edible?
They may come in handy if/when SHTF with the food supply! 😄
I have cattails growing out back in the patch of grass where the pool used to stand. I hear those are edible, too. When we eventually have that great anon meetup, we'll get together and make banana yucca and cattail salad! 😂
They were blowing all over, looked like it was snowing, we'd be covered in them. People might mistake us for furries! 🤣
Is anybody here familiar with Michelle Moore show on rumble?
Prayers for all who are feeling downtrodden in spirit. For those who are feeling their hope drift into darkness. Prayers for those saying gooodbye to those being snatched away by God. For those with no family or friends. Prayers for those living in a plastic delusion. For the lost in their own dreams. Prayers for the slave, and prayers for the masters that their ruthless grip be broken into pieces. Amen.
Philippians 3:8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.