He is from my district. I have called and emailed him numerous times in anger at his voting. I can believe and can’t believe they are turning the house over to the demons. Ken Buck stated that there will be a total of 5 leaving before November.
Comments (35)
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I think these people quitting were comprised and or paid off to leave. I bet we will lose majority before elections. TRAITORS
And had he retired before April 9, he could be replaced via special election. By choosing his date, the seat will be vacant until the fall election.
By design, obviously.
Money talks, RINOs walk - it's the cabal's way of keeping control of the legislative agenda and the money.
Don’t go back home dude! Your azz is grass! Head out to Cuba or China! I hope he gets it from his constituents.
Is the plan to give the Dems a majority so they can really show the people how desperate they are?
Ding x 3
This is intentional, all theater...as in watching a movie
If the Rinos keep voting with the Dems, they will have a majority any way.
The RINOs want to give the democrats control of the House before the election.
I am ultra pissed off at this guy and the speaker, are they all freaking compromised perverts or what the hell?? how many more of these bastards do we need to get out of there? I am mad as hell right now.
Nothing about that phases me anymore. My anger is geared towards retarded normies and leftists who are the great enablers of the problem.
What if he has an 'accident' before then?
Good news, though, is these traitors leave the door open for MAGA R's to replace them.
The coup continues. 🤬
Now you know who the traitors are. How do we prevent this kind of person from running in the future?
I think EVERYONE is missing the BIG Picture here...President Trump has multiple scenarios gamed out and I believe this is ONE of those...He can win the election but congress has to VOTE to install him as President...This will be the cross-roads this country is going to HAVE TO CROSS...We will win the Presidency BUT we will NOT loose the BATTLE for OUR Country...
There is going to be a lot of happenings between now and 20 January 2025 AND it is going to come down to "CLEANING OUT THE SWAMP"!!!!!!!
These idiot repubs giving up their seats is ONLY going to make the left-overs stand out that much more...
Sorry about the military analogy but we had the following saying before the shista started: "Heads up and Balls To the Wall, because the shit is about to get real." 30 yr ret mil!!!!
213 democrats and 219 Republicans. How is that only 1 vote majority? Am I missing something?
Ken Buck came out and promised there would be a total of 5 leaving before November.
According to that math, though, it would have to be a total of 7 for the D's to get a majority.
That math would be wrong. It would take 4 if your numbers are right. Four switching from R to D would be 213+4 and 219-4 - D 217 R 215.
Well, George Santos just went Independent, so it's getting there..... :(
Santos is already out, though.
Yeah, you're right. Forgot he was already booted and trying to get back in.
The three seats that’s are being filed in the coming months are safe RED.
McCarthy - 5/21, Open GOP Ohio - 6-11, Buck - 6-25
All these seats are in strong Red Districts. They will stay R.
Thr R party needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt; due to the rino infestation. (The D party is not even worth rebuilding, just burn it.)
Could be a pedophile....
Moves and counter moves. He's a POS.
One less vote for the democrats.
Have you noticed that Jesse Watters is now fawning on Kevin McCarthy as a great expert interview? Sickening.
Beat me to it kek
When the money collapses it will be the dems controlling it all and justifiably taking the blame.