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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Anyone been getting calls from the CDC asking about "immunization" ?
Quick question/request for info. A few years ago there was a video posted, a slideshow of actors and Hollywood types posing for the pyramid eye (One eye), to demonstrate their allegiance to Team evil. It was something to that effect.
It was really long, showed something like 100+ people or more, I lost count.
Does anyone still have that link or video? The wife wanted to confirm several who was on the list (she hasn't seen it and i want a refresh).
If we’re watching a movie, boy oh boy did they bring out some great special effects for the bridge collapse effect. Translation: be super careful out there. Space Force One seems quite able to miss big things.
2 years ago, this site and others were Awash with JFK jr. sightings of a man who vaguely resembled him and a plane with the ID # on the tail that was suppose to be his. So, what happened? did he stop showing up? have there be any sightings of the Plane? I'm just curious about the non-story of what was once a really hot story around here.
You probably confusing this site with Telegram or Gab. Q had long put this topic to rest:
I follow him on X
Vincent Fusca
Ok, well that explains that.
Do you think Trump Jr. and Erik have been told about Q and his efforts to take back America? I'm just wondering if Trump sat down with his sons and explained what was going to happen to him, thus they shouldn't be fearful because there is an operation in place to take care of Trump.
I could be wrong but I feel that Trump would never put his family through hell if they were not aware of what the outcome was intended to be. He probably even let them weigh in on his decision to take America back and awaken the Patriots.
As much as Jr posts on instagram I believe he knows. He’s on top of posting and doesn’t have a filter either. Some may not like him but I personally do. Eric doesn’t post memes like Jr does. Eric seems more professional. I haven’t heard Eric talk much, what I have heard he’s firm and to the point. As close as that family is they probably know about Q. Maybe they don’t know everything like us. Time will tell.
I think they took down Diddy cause they were hoping for a MeToo year to energize the left like BLM in 2020.
Maybe it was required to win, but the damage is done. Many of us have been too badly affected by it to likely enjoy the win. In effect they have won. Once we stop them this time, make it impossible for them to re emerge on earth. Theocracy now!
😭😭😭 What happen to freedom of religion?
As a Christian, I vote NO on a theocracy!
Theocracy in America under the Biden administration would be Satanism. 😂😂😂😂
Religious rule is never a great idea. People have to choose if they want to be a Christian or not, you can’t mandate that. Although I would argue that a moralistic community based on Christianity would be a better place to live… You can’t mandate it. It has to be given to you by the Holy Spirit, and you choose to live that way.
Link Post: Repost Of My Morning Bible Read Of My Favorite Chapter, John 14. Have A Blessed Night And A Blessed Day.
The Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5AH_BMw5axU
Have a blessed day.
Thank you, a beautiful song ❤️
Had a bad sore throat last night. I took a couple drops of thieves' oil (aka Marseilles Remedy) in 1/8 cup of water in the middle of the night. Within half an hour, I could feel a difference. Anyway, this morning I did the same, I'm still feeling it a little. I'm going to get a swab test for strep because it's been going around. I will only take antibiotics if truly necessary. Any other alternative remedies for mild case of strep you've tried? I understand you are not providing medical advice and this is for information purposes only.
I’ve had stuffy nose and headache a few days. Feel fine it’s just aggravating breathing through your mouth.
Numi has a sore throat tea, it works and tastes good. I prefer Buddha Throat Bliss Blend, works better for me. Downside is unless you live in city with stores that carry these brands you will have to order. I’ve found Buddha tea at TJ Maxx, Marshall’s & Home Goods. Their stock is random so when I find it I get a lot. Ricola cough drops are a great brand and they soothe my throat and cough. Vermont Village has vinegar blends, I like ginger lemon blend. You can order and it’s in some stores. Even my local boondocks grocery has it. I use it more for prevention than treatment. If I get sick I double the dose.
10000% I swear by oil of oregano capsules. Has to be at least 70% carvacrol. I haven’t tried the drops, but hear they are effective too. My young kids both had strep, at different times, and I took oil of oregano capsules about 3x a day as soon as they had symptoms. I never got strep. A complete different time, my kids had the stomach bug, again at different times about 3 weeks apart, and I took the capsules. Never got the bug. And they were literally sleeping in my bed and I was full on cleaning up after them as they didn’t always make it to the toilet (sorry, TMI. Joys of motherhood 😃)
I take the oil of oregano capsules daily as well. I really believe they have prevented me from catching anything . My grand baby has been all in my face giving me snotty kisses and I’ve been fine.
What brand of Oil of Oregano do you like? I’ve been using North American Herb & Spice brand. I bought the oil last year and it’s an awful taste. Even in OJ it’s very bitter and strong. I take the capsules and don’t recommend the oil. I am used to taking bitter herb tinctures and that wasn’t like anything I’ve tried.
I usually go to Whole Foods and get one of the brands they have there. Sometimes I get the actual Whole Foods brand, 365 or another brand called Gaia. This past time I got Nature’s Way. I’ve accidentally broken one of the capsules before and it’s spicy!
I usually take either the Gaia brand or Whole Foods brand of capsules. Never have issues with it being hot. Occasionally I’ll burp and get a strong oregano taste 😂 but not hot. I did accidentally break a capsule once and tried the inside- it is super spicy! I’ve never gotten heartburn from it, but ironically one time I had heartburn from something else and took a oregano capsule and it eased my heartburn 🤷🏼♀️
Thanks I’ll look into it. I don’t take oregano daily only when I’m sick. I started eating carnivore a few months ago and I stopped a lot of supplements and herbs. I’m trying to give this a chance to heal my body before adding them back if necessary. Other than maca for menopause and a few immune vitamins that’s it. I think I’m going to go back to essential oils for immunity. I never got sick when I used an immune blend every time I left the house. Plus I’m tired of taking pills and they are expensive.
Has anyone ordered a Trump Bible? I saw it mentioned somewhere here a couple days ago and was just looking into it this morning seeing Biden's Quran (KEK!)
I see it also comes with a copy of:
Seems interesting, and compared to other things he's sold, modestly priced.
I understand that completely. In the past year we haven’t eaten out as much as previously. Mainly because of cost also we don’t have many small businesses restaurants. We eat Mexican occasionally at a really good restaurant. But I know the oils they use are very bad and the food is salty, so we don’t go as much. There’s a local pizza place I’ve been eating at since 1982 and I haven’t found a pizza to match it. Maybe because I’m so used to this one and I compare everything to this place. He’s from Sicily, Italy and has great food. He tried to retire and had someone running the restaurant. People stopped going because the food wasn’t the same and now he’s back. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts, I’m 56 and was high school when he opened so he’s got to be pushing 70. I eat out at the coast more than here. The restaurants are better and the food quality is better. Most definitely stay away from chain restaurants.
Since buying beef from a local rancher I don’t eat beef from the grocery store or restaurants. Nothing compares to the farm raised beef. Since going carnivore eating out isn’t easy. Nobody uses real butter anymore and the oils they use are terrible.
I feel the same way with my in laws & friends. They all go to church and are Christians but don’t have a clue. It’s hard to respect people that don’t ask questions and take msm & doctors at face value. I don’t go to church anymore and the few friends I have are either out of state or local and we don’t get together much. They are blind as bats and don’t care to see. The friend I’ve had since kindergarten (early 70s) was lining up for the vax so she could return to going on cruises. I tried to tell her it wasn’t safe. When I talked about covid was manmade and not that serious in addition to the political issues and trafficking she got a look on her face. I know she thinks I crazy and that’s fine with me. I was always different in school and got the crazy label. I’m the only one out most all my friends back then that’s still married. If that’s crazy I’ll be the poster child. We don’t talk much and get together a few times a year. For the sake of an old friendship I don’t mention things. People will find out the truth eventually. Same with one sil & her family, vax to travel. I’m sure they will get the digital id when it’s available. We have several friends from out of state we met at concerts over the years and they all got vaccinated. My family is small it’s my brother and parents. None of them are aware. I think that was the plan to divide people. That’s one reason I don’t get into the truth with people. If they were to ask I would tell them.
I'm calling it now I'm calling it now. My expectation and conviction is that Donald Trump will announce Michael Flynn as his VP candidate.
Now I know that traditionally, the VP position is a bit of a lame duck, and, I can understand the argument that Flynn would be much better in a position in the administration where he can help take the Cabal Deep State apart, but....
I am confident at this point that the White Hats have even much more control of the game board than they did in 2017 or even 2021.
The requirements for taking down the Swamp structure have been planned an put in place for quite some time.
The really KEY issue now is what happens when DJT completes his 4 years as POTUS.
So while Flynn would be very powerful in a variety of roles, being backstop (should anything happen to DJT over the next 5 years) and being in position to step up to the position of POTUS following DJT - these things are critical.
And, I also believe that DJT was in training to become POTUS for MANY years, decades operating as a white hat to take down certain parts of the criminal network in the US (i.e. Mafia). Which to me implies that the VP following DJT was also planned out a LONG time ago - I mean, there would be contingencies, but there would be plans on who is necessary to take up the mantle. And that next potus needs to be ruthless, and a man of steel, someone with the gravitas and skill knowledge set to continue the fight against the Cabal remnants AND also withstand anything they bring up.
Trump was/is a wartime president. Flynn would be the right man for the job.
Other factors that have influenced my thought direction in this include:
Things DJT has said: "Michael Flynn, are you ready to serve again?" & "The VP is not important to the election; but it has to be someone you can rely on" etc.
Flynn's work over the past 4-6 years, working on the grassroots level and more recently amping up his public presence (films, books, etc).
So who knows? None of us actually knows, but I'm calling it now, after considerations for quite some time. I guess we'll see whether I'm right or not in the coming months.
Whatever the outcome, may God bless and protect the team that Trump picks (?) to take the banner forward.
I reallly do wish I could be on the same page about Flynn. There are things About him that just don’t set good with me for some reason. I will respect whoever Trump chooses, but I believe there are better candidates. I’m if wrong about Flynn then I will have to get my red flag ometer checked out.
Consider this: DJT did not "sit well" with a LOT of people, people who have changed their minds after 3+ years of Biden.
But yeah, if Flynn was picked by DJT, you'd have to rethink quite a few things.
After joining the Great Awakening more than 6 years ago, I've had to rethink a LOT of things over the duration. That's what being alive is all about...
I agree with you. Whoever Trump chooses I will 100% support. He knows much more about people than i do. I’m just saying I’m not all in on Flynn, but I’m not really all in on anyone but Trump. Him being an outsider has made all the difference in the world for all of us.
Thanks SQ. Well, I have my convictions about Mike Flynn, but like you, I'm not "all in" on him or anyone, except for Trump, too.
Great minds think alike 🇺🇸
I believe that most of us here at GAW agree Flynn is a good pick. We also agree that he’s been very involved in the grassroots movement like you noted. But I’m curious- do you think the normal every day person is aware of Flynn and his great work in the past couple of years? To put another way, is Flynn making appearances on Fox and other media outlets that the average person might watch? (Not saying Fox is good, I just am curious if Flynn is out there in the general public as well as grassroots efforts).
That's a good point. I don't think Flynn is out there in the general conscious that much, but then again, was Pence?
Pence did have the foundation that he was a politician with a track record, and optically, it worked for Trump to have him as VP candidate, even if now one outside his state actually knew Pence.
I don't know if Flynn has the same foundation. But he is a recognizable name, because of all the rigmarole around his case, his pardon, and the hatred the Left and the establishment have for him.
If DJT designates Flynn as his VP pick, then from that point forward, Flynn would begin to go on wider media spaces and begin HIS campaign towards the American people. That would likely involve spaces like FOX, or Newsmax, etc.
It would be interesting.....
In any case, personally, I think that it's been planned and decided. The timing just hasn't yet arrived for DJT to announce who it is.
I think that it's going to be Tucker because he is younger and can keep the whole thing going longer.
Tucker is so good in his role right now, it would leave a hole.
True. But I suspect others could fill the gap, especially as he got this "Intensely Based Interview" thing started.
user name cheq'd
Here’s my favorite piece of uplifting religious music: Mozart’s Crowning Mass - Credo - K317.
I once sang it with a choir as a bass. It always gives me the goosebumps.
I could hear ya singing near the end of the song with the soprano. Beautiful!
So, what do we make about what's going on with Steven Crowder?
Apparently he's going through a nasty divorce, he wants full custody of the kids, and he's being attacked for that.
I haven't kept up with Crowder in quite a while.
Steven Crowder wedding 100% custody of his children is unreasonable. His wife runs that entire family. He’s so busy with his career, he would have to have nannies to care for his kids. I don’t know much about him, but he seems like he can be vindictive. Can you imagine wanting to separate children from their mother. That’s just crazy shit - especially when you’re not even gonna be around to care for them yourself. His entertainment business is a full-time job plus!
I've always thought Crowder was a bit of a douche. Controlled op. I could be way off though. I've never put in much time with him. He annoys me.
I like his OLD STUFF - before he got big.
Classic cabal punishment.
So he was one of them all along? Or this is their punishment for him attacking them?
I think BB is implying the second one, NOT the first.
Would you recommend watching the 'leave the world behind' movie to know what they're planning?
Am planning on watching now that I heard about the Ship.
A candidate for city manager says they are 'passionate about a healthy community'
What would you take that to mean? 🤔
Holy Week This Week: Check out Maundy Thursday. https://www.learnreligions.com/holy-week-timeline-700618
There are two ways, one of life and one of death, and there is a great difference between these two ways. (Didache 1:1)
Did ache ? 😂😂😂
You probably haven't heard of it because it didn't make it to the canon 17 centuries ago.
Doesn’t mean it not good for edification- it’s just not God Word!
I just got banned from reddit for saying:
Love it. Been red pilling my grandchildren. The 11-year-old is great. Always questioning. He knows a man can never be a woman. He said that’s just stupid. Lol.
Achievement unlocked!
🙏✝️First Verse 🙏✝️
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14