I was in Cincinnati for work back on March 6th shopping for my little girl's birthday present at this educational toy store. In the weeks and months prior I had already had the Holy Spirit move me towards disinterest and resolve that I was just going to attend to April 8th as any normal day. I was going to go to work and do what I would normally do. If I was outside when it happened, so be it. If i was in my office, so be it.
As I live on the path of totality this eclipse has been in the news for me for a while and every time it would pop its head up leading up to this day I was just continually underwhelmed in the Spirit about it all. I lived In Chicago during the last eclipse a few years back and I felt the same about the last one, however last time, I was not "prepared" in the Spirit to be "ho hum" about the experience. Last time I just happened to be working outside when it happened and I continued to simply work. The experience was nothing special other than how "unspecial" the whole thing was.
Leading up to this eclipse I have been routinely led to a "why?" or "so?" sort of sense about it in the Spirit. As it grew nearer it became clearer that some people really cared about this whole thing. I took notice of people s concern for this growing as it drew nearer.
When I arrived to that toy store to buy gifts I was already resolved that I would just go about my life on that day doing what I do. As I was checking out, there on the counter was a display stand for "eclipse glasses" and I thought to myself, "I should get the girls a pair. It is an astronomical event after all."
As soon as that thought crossed my mind I was struck in the Spirit. He spoke to me and told me to have absolutely nothing to do with the eclipse. In a VERY SERIOUS tone to it all. In a, "You will have NOTHING to do with it," command tone to it. Ok, I hear you loud and clear Lord. No glasses bought for the girls.
Days later I had a friend/brother call me and, from a man who doesn't regularly ask me questions in such an upfront manner, asked me, "What do you believe about this eclipse?" To which I proceeded to speak.
He then told me his testimony who spoke to the same thing.
Had a sister in Christ, completely unprovoked, speak the same thing.
Had the Lord then confirm it all through a dearly loved woman who is yet still learning to understand the love of the Holy Spirit.
This isnt the internet spreading this. This is the Holy Spirit. The Lord is active on this topic.
I am very curious, what are other Believers hearing about this from Him?
Maybe the Holy Spirit is just saying don't have anything to do with the "Hype" not the eclipse itself.......
The End Times began the day Christ went up and NO man knows when he will return.....
I don't believe there will be any signs of his return. The Bible says so. "As a thief in the night".
It also says people will be saying things like Jesus is over there, he's over here..
"Occupy until I return"
Same for the Red Heffer thing....
Especially considering there is not even a temple to sacrifice them in. Eclipse, red heffer, blah blah blah. Y2K comes to mind.
That's not what I heard.
It wasn't a "maybe" sort of statement I heard. It was clear. And repeated with others. And confirmed.
This post wasn't about Jesus coming back per se, I just wanted to be clear about that. This is about the coming eclipse and mine and others testimony about what God is telling me/us.
I'm looking for something here. Idk what.
I got ya.... what i am saying is the ""You will have NOTHING to do with it" could mean, have nothing to do with all the news, predictions, warnings and everything else I see floating around. And not the ACTUALL eclipse....I am I making my point or clouding the water more....i am sorry...
I have had the "nothing to do with it" feeling this time. So I'm pretty much ignoring it because it's not in my hands, but in God's. That's all I've got, no fear, no real feeling about it other than what happens, happens.
It is not a good thing coming, is my gut. But we already knew that, right? Too many Biblical connections to ignore, but it feels solemn to me not celebratory.
Solemn is a great word to help describe what I have been feeling for some time and the sense the Holy Spirit has laid upon my heart.
I know people hate this, but my sense was this message of "You will have NOTHING to do with it" did not seem personal to me. It was like picking up a FM radio station as opposed to my Pandora station, if that makes sense. It was a message for all who cared to listen.
Came here to say that. I'm more concerned about CERN than the eclipse.
Fear not! If the Lord is with you who can be against you.
I think CERN is garbage, a globalist money pit that doesn't work like they hoped it would; otherwise, they would have already done great evil with it. They are just hyping it during the eclipse to try to hijack God's heavenly wonder.
I am a believer but I have not heard anything from the spirit about the eclipse. I am excited for it because I saw totality in 2017 and it was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen. I am just praying for clear skies during totality on the 8th.
Agree! It is a rare, natural event. God made nature. It’s all to God’s glory.
What we are hearing is to be non participitory and to stay home. 3 in the house and all feel the same.
I couldn't be paid to go out in crowds.
Holy Spirit telling you all this?
You are not the first who has told me they are led to stay home during it.
I’m also feeling led by the Holy Spirit to remain home that day.
I haven't had any direct messages, but I've had the feeling that some nefarious plans are happening around this eclipse. There's something happening and it isn't good. It may just be the rituals they are planning for that day to start this time of darkness. And it feels very, very dark to me. Possibly an unleashing of demons? I would stay home on April 8 if I had the option, but unfortunately I'll be at work that day. I'm not planning on acknowledging it at all and just going directly home after work. I think it may be a good day to say some extra prayers in the morning and to make the sign of the cross over yourself during the eclipse.
One of my coworkers is flying to the town in Texas where there's supposed to be the best possible view of the eclipse. It's the last thing I'd want to do right now.
I live in that town. NASA will be here and we supposedly will have totality for the longest time. I’m not looking forward to the traffic and will try to stay home for that reason alone.
Old person here. I've seen numerous solar and lunar eclipses. They last just a few minutes and they're over. No big deal to me anymore. We've been about psyoped to death the past number of years by various "authorities" and "experts." And I think this hype is just more of the same. I expect if anything happens out of the ordinary, it will be human made to continue to frighten the masses. Just like the numerous UFO sightings of late. I don't think they're "extraterrestrials." Not that hard to psyop someone anymore. I took the dog out in the middle of the night a few months ago and saw a silent spherical thing with lights on it, just looking out from my back porch about roof height. I will admit, for a few seconds my first thought was "UFO" because it was so unexpected. But that quickly faded as logic kicked in. Then I got a grip and did an internet search. It's an industrial drone. Basically, a quadcopter protected by a plastic or acrylic cage. I live in the rural PNW in an area the military uses for electronic warfare training. I don't know if it was a military training op or law enforcement, or just someone screwing around, but I haven't seen it since. I actually saw more growing up and living in Cali with a dad in the Air Force and then working in aviation. A frightened people will give up freedom for security, and I think they're banking on that. Look at the hype over COVID. It was just to get people so fearful of death that they would not question an experimental treatment and prepare them to do what they were told by the "authorities." Whatever happens, God is in control. I read Psalms 91 every single day. God just wants us to trust Him, because their plans don't matter. He is fully aware of them. I think we just need to pray that they will continue to be exposed, that we will see justice soon, and declare nothing they do can hurt you or your family, because God is in control. And don't forget one of Q's favorite phrases: "You're watching a movie."
Its supposed to occur, in my area, at my usual prayer time. So I'll be doing that without regard to the eclipse.
Just watched a video about a possible connection. It’s at the end of the latest ScottyMar10 video. I have strong feelings about what has been happening and how the Holy Spirit is showing us something. I believe the evil demons know this and can’t just let this pass by without being opportunistic. They will fail even if they wreak havoc. God wins in the end.
Our schools are closed on April 8. Why? What are they expecting? Never heard os school closures on other eclipses, but maybe I am wrong.
When I was in school, they used the eclipses as a teaching event. We made the viewers with cardboard boxes and sheets of paper. The schools are out in my town, too. They say it's because of the amount of travelers coming to our area to view. We were able to view in 2017, too, but there was not all this hype surrounding that one. The stores here are selling t-shirts.
It's just another day me.
I'm close to the path. I've never seen a total eclipse. I've had a telescope since I was a kid. . .
And now after all these years, I've found my wife to be. We wanna see it and kiss and hug when it goes total.
We will (as we have been all along) thank God for bringing us together in such a deep and unconditional love for each other.
Full armor and all...
Astronomical events are not evil. Calm thy autism. God speaks through the sun moon and stars. Astrologers found Jesus through following celestial events. Etc
There are lots of local events and gatherings planned, all the rooms are booked up where I live, some small towns will be closing off the back roads, and in Vermont, we have the most miles of unpaved town roads than any other state. They kicked out homeless people who had vouchers at some of the cheap motels for the 3 days. Some of this hype is very suspicious to me.An old friend from church asked me what I planned to do. I have the glasses, I have location, I plan to sit in my dooryard and observe it, but I am staying far and away from any gatherings, just as a survivalists intuition in the matter. So Spirit, with daily prayer, deep gut feelings, I never ignore. God gives signs in the heavens, not the devil, and I will observe it and be as excited as a child to see it (I am), but God has also given me strength and fortitude and courage to arrive in the present time where I am, having a place called my own to watch it from and to praise HIM from, to pray out loud and shout HIS name and rejoice with tambourine and song, not to go and be with who knows what kind of pagan gatherings and unfaithful. Perhaps that is the message, glorify him for his mastery and genius in our solar system and beyond, not to make an orgy for the senses and an excuse for drunkenness and idolatry.
Its just an eclipse. The mystery surrounding it is a psyop to elicit a response and perhaps to provide cover for some nefarious death cult op.
God willing, I wake up in the morning. One week from now? Let tomorrow take care of itself.
Nothing. Probably because it's already resolved in me to never get involved with media hysteria. I've seen a few eclipses, and i won't be able to see this one anyway without traveling to a good spot.
Did you see totality in the 2017 eclipse?
no.. the last time i saw an eclipse was in the 90s
In the United States? Because I am pretty sure there weren't any total solar eclipses visible from the US in the 1990s
One hit Hawaii in the early 90s.
I live in a town that supposedly will have some of the best views in the country, longest totality time, etc. We also had a great view of the annular eclipse in October. We enjoyed it from our backyard and it was a cool thing to see but I’m glad we stayed home. I expect to do the same for this one because the crowds in town will be extremely overwhelming to this small town. I feel a strong urge to be home with my family but I feel that way any time there’s a big event looming. I don’t know if that’s just me being overly concerned or the Holy Spirit. God created the Heavens and the earth and he created this eclipse so I don’t believe it’s evil. I do know that evil people will use it though and that makes me not want to be around the public at all. As for watching it from the safety of my backyard though, I don’t feel like I’m being called to not do that.
Agree to everything you say here. We'll be at home watching and having a family picnic. Like you said, God made the sun and the moon and the earth and the heavens, and the eclipse is His creation as well, but we know the Satanists cannot create and can only corrupt and pervert. That is what they will do. Much like they have tried to take ownership of God's rainbow, I am afraid there will be much evil in the world on that day. I will not let them take this from me though. I will say prayers of thanks for God's wonders, and I will not involve myself in the media hype or consumer mentality of it all. I will bring the family together at home instead.
Tbh when they first started talking about it, I wondered about whether we should drive the 6 hours to a place of totality south of us. It didn't take long for me to think, nah. I'll be home, taking care of a mentally/ physically disabled man who already said he's not going outside, and a 3 year old who'll probably rather watch cartoons anyway. So I might be out in the yard looking after the dogs, but that'll be the extent of it. Praying on it.
Maybe your Holy Spirit is saying it won't be safe outside for you and your loved ones (especially the young ones) and it's not worth witnessing considering the danger to I-don't know-what or that this is a sign from God to stay indoors, pray for the whole world and get serious because it's a sign of changing times, and we have to be prepared to be the rock to our community like answer lots of questions from the lost and confused.
I live in an area that will experience “totality.”Businesses in my area are either selling you glasses or giving them out for free. The schools are scheduled to close down. I understand all the hotel & B&Bs in my area are booked. I love to watch sky events, falling stars, watching the space station fly over, etc. I live in a rural area on a piece of land that has a great view for an eclipse. I have been feeling off about this day & we’ve decided to stay in that day with our 3 pups. I’m not sure if it is Holy Spirit telling me, I’m obedient when I hear from Him. I just feel it very strongly not to be outdoors. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one getting this feeling.
I could care less about the eclipse. I’m not in the path of the eclipse, I don’t need to see the eclipse, it’s a big, nothing burger as far as I’m concerned. So basically, I don’t care about it. Is that the Holy Spirit telling me to not care? Who knows.
The eclipse on the 8th of April is Gods reminder of the ascension of Christ from dark to light on the actual crucification day! Just Like a Rainbow is Gods Promise to never flood the whole world again! Now non- believers should go and try and figure out what irreducible complexity means or try and explain it!