Reporting child abuse is now racist: Mass General said babies born with positive toxicology screens will no longer be reported to state welfare agencies unless there are other concerns the baby is abused or neglected, citing it disproportionately affects black people
🧠 Stupid Policy People! 🤬
Can't have gifted and talented because there aren't enough black kids involved. National Parks, and the outdoors in general, are racist because not enough black people are involved. Jobs requiring accuracy and intelligence are racist because black people are underrepresented. The Bar exams are racist because not enough black people can pass them. Drug laws, murder laws, and child abuse laws are racist because too many black people participate. What a life...if I don't do it, then I'm a victim...if I can't do it, then I'm a victim...but never shall I be held responsible for my own actions or priorities.
Everything illegal affects blacks dispotionatly
A clear case of injured child. A 100% certainty of whom was responsible. These people are stupid and evil.
That baby whom is clearly injured / harmed is also black just like the mother whom delivered the harm to the baby. So reporting the crime can't be racist because you are rescuing the child from the mother whom had already clearly harmed the child.
Sounds more like the hospital administration is racist because they refuse to report black on black crime involving children. This policy will only produce the outcome of children being further injured, neglected, and dying at the hands of drug addicted and abusing parents. So the outcome is terrible for the black population and by that measure the policy is racist.
Okay okay… had to think about this. It’s stupid on the face, and by “race”, which deciding policy this way is or sharing this to the “media” is brain broken stupid. But I can understand the hesitancy.
Okay, any Anons want to ask why this retired social worker would hesitate to call children’s services if a child came up positive for “drugs”?
Because those children's services would come pick the kid up and then expose the kid to an even darker reality?
Possibly. Also as I noted in another Anon’s response:
Certain foods, OTC medications, and certain medical and psychiatric medications the mother is, might, or must take, can potentially cause a “dirty” or positive illicit drug test. So, it has to be case by case basis. But should never ever ever focus on race or culture. A baby can be positive for pot too by 2nd hand.
So again case by case. Look at the family unit as a whole, their meds, and any prior history that may bring up flags.
That's even worse! The possibility of doing absolutely nothing wrong but getting your kid taken from you anyway.
Many many years ago my mother had the misfortune of taking all 3 of us kids to the pediatrician in a week for various injuries. She told us years later that the doctor's office separated her from us to question us all.
Brutal, but I know people who’ve renounced their citizenship just to avoid getting a ruling in the family courts, who were actively seeking to create the worst possible outcome.
Because a friggin poppyseed can make a mom look like she’s on opioids, to name just one?
Correct. Certain foods, OTC medications, and certain medical and psychiatric medications the mother is, might, or must take, can potentially cause a “dirty” or positive illicit drug test. So, it has to be case by case basis. But should never ever ever focus on race or culture. A baby can be positive for pot too by 2nd hand. So again case by case. Look at the family unit as a whole, their meds, and any prior history.
Why is every job application that I fill out more worried about my sexuality & the color of my skin then my decades of experience & professional certifications?!!!
Well, get women to stop taking drugs while pregnant.
The real answer is complex, expensive, will take decades and cuts to the very core of American society, politics and culture. I believe that the beginning will be to excise all forms of leftism from our society.
No worries tho....they wont screen for SSRI's and other "prescribed" shit tho right O_O
For the record I do not condone drug usage during pregnancy's whether illicit, or prescribed, or legal.
Or vaccines
If they are talking cannabis metabolites this is good news.
So, "Massachusetts hospitals claim that black people are drug addicts more than other people." I am tired of excuses for something because, "black people are affected more." Do not care if it is a good or a bad, stopit already you racists.
And yet, somehow, ignoring and not taking care of a baby’s health issues because it is black isn’t racist.
The child abuse is the drugs in their system. They were abused before they were even born. Now you are going to let the druggie raise them. Why do you care what color a person is who abuses or endangers a child.
Leftists seem to be putting less and less value on the children.
Not stupid, evil. And if anyone has ever seen a newborn having withdrawal, they'll know and never forget that.
Ok. Just report the white ones then. So dumb.
Gotta love that Cultural Enrichment
It won’t stop until the white is bred out of us all.
Then why even do the toxicology screen. If there is no demand for the mother to enter rehab, the baby could be dead from neglect. Women under the influence only care about their next fix, not about feeding their baby, diapering their baby. This all makes zero sense, unless they want the baby dead, as yet another form of depopulation.
Sounds like Crimes Against Children to me! A Liberal alternative to abortion.
So by not reporting you are disproportionately affecting black kids. Why do you care less about black kids?
Too care more about irresponsible adult people no matter what color than an innocent baby is beyond disgusting. Wake up people! This racist gar b age has gone wayyyyyyy toooo farrrrr.
Just imagine where we'd be as a civilization by now if we didn't waste the past hundred years babysitting those who are incapable of maintaining their own, at the behest of those whose core ideology revolves around subverting others.
This will increase the amount of infant deaths for various reasons. Probably will be affected differently in red versus blue areas and potentially race / religion wise as well.
The innocent child is the victim as always with Democrat policy.