A Nationwide grass-root movement for de-fluoridation is growing.
Comments (46)
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There is zero reason for fluoridation in a first world country. Only harmful effects on the population.
I have a fantastic, very based, dentist. If I understand it correctly, he paid for thousands of handbills that were dispersed throughout Utah showing Romney's voting record to older voters & also his ties to Bruisma along with some other shady stuff. This was apparently done weeks before Romney said they wouldn't run again.
He consistently talks about conspiracy facts (provable) with staff while he is working on patients & refuses to put metal (mercury) in a patient's mouth.
He was telling me that the same reason flouride is great for teeth is the reason it is so horrible for our organs. He doe use a flouride varnish to help strengthen softer teeth & tells patients he won't do that procedure more than once per year because he doesn't want it to calcify the peneal gland.
A great American who seems to believe there is a racket involved in how "approved" products do not follow data or real science.
What I love most is he provides information & encourages everyone to do their own research.
When he tells me that weak enamel benefits from flouride varnish, I beleieve him. He taught me about the benefits of Ozone & how acid is the culprit for cavities instead of sugar (though most sugary products are very acidic & that is why do many believe the cavities are cause by sugar).
Fluoride on teeth has beneficial effects, so I can see why he'd use a fluoride product, even understanding that it's bad for us internally. A lot of things are like that.
The idea that fluoride in the water supply even has any relevance is also just... So very weird, because people still use a fluoridated tooth paste (not everyone of course) so it's not exactly measurable in a population.
They claim it's such a small trace amount, but people who don't and do drink the fluoridated water have bad and good teeth.
Frankly it amazes me that people were so thoroughly gaslit by fluoride in the water supply being a good thing, as when a lot of people drink water it barely even touches teeth.
They’re allegedly putting it in the water supply for a health/medical benefit. But it’s indiscriminate (you can’t monitor or control dosage) and it’s not voluntary, which should be a very serious crime.
I’m at the point that I’d question if it even has a benefit for people’s teeth. It sounds like an excuse to lace the water supply for some other purpose. Regardless, if you believe it and want to use it, then buy fluoride toothpaste and brush your teeth.
I was only aware of the supposed health/medical benefit being for teeth.
Is there more they try to say it's good for? Because that is some BEWWWLshiet.
Yes, it should be a choice to use fluoride. At least Zero Water filters explicitly filter out as much fluoride as possible.
We got a Zero Filter a few months back. Keep it right next to the sink. There’s off brand filters that are cheaper, compatible with the container, and just as effective. It’s actually a pretty economical way to remove fluoride.
I've yet to see a single non DS corporate funded study that shows that fluoride is good for your teeth. https://soapboxie.com/social-issues/fluoride-the-hidden-story
That is another urban legend pushed onto the masses to scare them and make them compliant cattle.
As an FYI: I'm from eastern Europe and other there there was no fluoride in anything. I can assure you that most people had healthy teeth.
I used to use fluoride tooth paste and I would visit my dentist every 6-8 months for a new filling.
I switched to a fluoride free nano-hydroxopatite calcium tooth paste(Japanese invention btw) and I haven't seen a dentist in 5 years now.
Completely agree. I think you need to limit it somehow. i need fluoride or else things get uncomfortable, but I am strict on water and do not consume it otherwise. Zero Water filters get rid of fluoride and lead. I am 100% my gland is active and awake
My think with fluoride varnish is if patient uses suction in the office it sticks to the suction hose. If they spit in the sink it sticks to the sink and pipes so what does it do to the digestive system when it’s swallowed
Agreed, I will need to ask them about what they do with the hose. I never really thought about it because I don't see it that often.
I may have asked this, but is it possible to decalcify?
TY. Appreciate it. One way to force capitulation of your local city council or city water manager is to charge one-at-a-time each person controlling the flouridation of water with a "Crimes Against Humanity Lawsuit" in Article III, Federal District Court. Putting neurotoxins into the water supply is a War Crime. Alternatively, you may be able to get a Writ of Prohibition against the City CORP in Circuit Court to stop the flouridation, also on the grounds of it being a War Crime. Educate and provide "Notice of Liability" to strip them of "Intent Defense", then prosecute agressively. They will cave because they are all cowards (and many are literally idiots).
A thread with easy steps for us simpletons and best medical tips are very much on the list of todos.
Hi, I take borax to treat arthritis, but it also scavenges fluorides out of your body.
Look up borax or boron supplements.
Decalcify organs, or decalcify teeth? I can ask about the teeth the next time I am in.
Wait, decalcify teeth? Is that even a thing?
I thought teeth were bone and naturally had a lot of calcium?
But I meant the pineal gland.
Sorry my question was typed on the move & not worded correctly.
I should have asked "Do you mean decalcify teeth, or decalcify organs?"
My dentist has used the term "demineralize" with teeth that have become soft over time. Individuals who have acidic tartar & do not remove it will have that acid eat away minerals everywhere that it remains on the teeth. That film that is on your teeth when you lose a toothbrush & don't wipe them for a a few days is the stuff that will eat away enamel.
edit: Many have offered ideas on how to decalcify the pineal gland on here. I would need to look for those posts again.
I keep forgetting that threads are searchable via Yandex, rather than the title-only search we have here.
Found these:
That's right. Yandex for the win! Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you so much for this!
If you’re a Nazi there are plenty of reasons.
My mother worked very hard during most of her adult life against fluoridation and died this past January, after a long battle with Alzheimer's. She would be touched to see how attitudes on this subject are turning around.
Flouride is a Poison. Its a by product of the of aluminum, fertilizer, and iron ore manufacture. Dont believe me, look at the fine print at the end of the ingredients on your toothpaste tube. They pushed this as a good thing for your teeth. Now they put the shit in baby food. Babbie's that dont have teeth. We have a reverse osmosis system in our house. Its the closest you can get to distilled water that had ZERO "0" Parts per million of crap in the water. My wife for years distilled at home drinking water. You should see the crap thats left over in the tank after distillation. That crap is going into your body.
It is a neurotoxin. And all city council members allowing it can be charged and tried for violation of Article I of Nuremberg Code for “experimentation on human subjects without their consent”, and if found guilty sent to prison.
According to the article flouride is a mineral...
These people are either insanely incompetent or they fear their agenda being blown out of the water. Pun intended.
Watch the water!
Heres your mineral right here!
The typical toxic dose for fluoride ingestion has been estimated at 5-10 mg/kg, but symptoms may appear with 3-5 mg/kg. The estimated lethal dose is 5-10 g (32-64 mg/kg) in adults and 500 mg in small children, but death may result from ingestion of as little as 2 g of fluoride in an adult and 16 mg/kg in children.Jan 17, 2024
That whole article is a biased hack job with very light red pills sprinkled throughout to keep it “balanced”. The media and its controllers are in such obvious damage control mode. It’s hilarious to watch, they’ve already lost.
I am so happy that I have always had well water. We test it independently every few years because we know how much crap the deep state is polluting our world. So far so good. I ever take water from home to drink in restaurants and while I travel. Been a chore to do this at times but well worth it.
In my city they went around and filled wells with cement. My friend had a well on his property. They showed up on a Saturday and filled his well. He just let them. They said it was illegal. It was installed and used by the previous owner. The subdivision was farmland. He said he could water his lawn and flowers all summer long. He was also filling his swimming pool. All for free. Except for the electricity needed for the well pump. Long story short. He now pays for every drop of water he uses and he has to pay sewer fees as well. This is bullshit what they do.
So Stanley Kubrick was right.
In so many ways.
My granddad (1906-1980) was against it from day 1. Realizing more all the time what a smart interesting guy he was (he died when I was pretty young).
That article is so biased, it's hard to understand why anyone would nod along with it.
'This study says we are fine! This other study, which has been criticized, says its not fine!'
And also 'The limit of fluoride in water was reduced by 42% - but it's still A-OK!"
To the point of choice, would everyone be OK with Vitamin A, B, C, D, magnesium being dosed in our water? Things we know are good for us? I wouldn’t. I can take those on my own in the dose I want.
Fluoride isn’t even good for you and we’re FORCED to drink it. Should be illegal.
Everyone would be okay with distilling, reverse osmosis, and maybe a bit of chlorine to prevent contamination or growth.
I don't know anyone who is looking to get nutritional value out of their water - not even the fancy bottled waters.
Until the fluoride in public water is made illegal, it's a great idea to take the tap water, and use a relatively inexpensive (100 USD) water distiller to make your own drinking water bottles/jugs.
I know Q hints that SSRIs are behind mass shootings, but my theory is that fluoride is just as bad.
For example: countries that have adopted fluoride in their water systems all have issues with unprovoked mass murders: US, China, Canada, Australia, Brazil, etc
Another reason for it is that the first mass shooting that happened in the US happened in 1940's, 2 decade before the popularization of SSRIs. But guess what was already in the water supply for 2 decade by then: fluoride
Reminds me of the whole Rosie O'Donnell Corsodyl VS Listerine advertising debacle back in the day, Corsodyl was on equal/near equal level with Listerine as far as market share was concerned, however Corsodyl did NOT have fluoride in it......
(FYI Corsodyl is still available, at a much higher price due to much lower sales, and it is still fluoride free...)
It's about darned time, dontcha think?