Q recommended listening to frequencies to heal. I use a spooky 2 and one example is I got rid of a tooth abscess in 30 minutes. I sleep playing 528 music, for DNA repair. 432 is good for this also. This tech has been around for a very long time. In Tibet they normally use singing bowls.
Think of opera singers breaking a wine glass with their voice, same thing.
The sabbath is every 7 days and the appointed times are every year.
The sun and the moon are the timepieces of the sky, by which we know the season, day, and hour.
Do not mix wool and linen perhaps because they operate at different voltages, being the frequencies between substances?
Adonai is a God of anniversaries, which are frequencies after a form, and dissonance is known to cause stress and discomfort, would then harmony creating peace and healing be new agey, or might the new agey movement have been started by disinfo agents to keep us from looking into harmonies?
I didn’t see the testing methods….did it have a specific length of exposure?
I will clean my hands with 70% isopropyl alcohol…..it evaporates in seconds.
That would be different if I had a bowl of 70% isopropyl alcohol and soaked my hands in it for minutes.
Did you see anything like that in the article…genuinely curious.
Chlorine is obsorbed really fast. If you want to get chlorine out of your water stick your hand in it for about 3 minutes. A good self proof is rub in some DMSO on very clean skin in a small test spot. See how long it takes to taste oysters. This is one reason Presidents are germaphobes, anything mixed with DMSO will also go right in.
Ok frens, so it is flatworm flukes that cause cancer and Ivermectin does not kill flatworm flukes but there is a parasite killer that does and I am still trying to sort out the name. We need to address this flatworm fluke killing as well as we have Ivm and fenben. Anybody game? The zapper lady mentions the cancer and flukes issue. Here is the first lead on a Google search thread it is product: Mayo Clinic
https://www.mayoclinic.org › drg-...
Praziquantel (Oral Route) Description.
I am quite overwhelmed by this info search because of my TBI. I am not the best person to pursue this. I just get lost. Is anyone wanting to research for GAW. Killing flukes is issue that is not addressed by ivermectin
Per several peoples comments below, the following is some copy paste of former posts regarding this topic.
In light of the Covid situation, and ivermectin becoming a well-known anti-parasitic to treat COVID-19, other treatments Have been brought up. I’ve had several people asked me to post information regarding frequency zapping, and a zapper that I purchased to treat my illnesses.
Dr Hulda Clark wrote a book called: Cure for All Disease & Cure for All Cancer. The premise is that all diseases caused by parasites, and by doing parasite cleanse days and frequency zapping you can heal yourself from disease. Dr. Rife is also a well-known Doctor Who helped pioneer frequency zapping.
You can get a cheap mini zapper for under $100, but the I purchased is programmable, and provides you with a list of frequencies for each disease.
For many years Dr. Clark and Dr. Rife were ridiculed, and had their practices shut down by the deep state. This is because they don’t want The truth to get out. We don’t need pharmaceutical companies to heal us. Yes there are some important innovations had have come from specific things like penicillin, etc. but there is a cure for cancer and they don’t want anyone to know about it.
There’s a lot more to say, but if you are interested… Do some research. I’ve been interested in this for a long time, because my best friends husband was cured of his cancer by using her protocols.
When you do a parasite cleanse, you have to be careful. As the parasites die off, they put off toxins in your body like ammonia. Sometimes when you start a parasite cleanse you might get a flu like feeling. You may feel worse the first day or so, but after that flu feeling goes away you’ll be feeling 1 million bucks. The ornithine, helps to process the toxins, and get them out of your body. Also remember to stay really hydrated, and if you need to take a stool softener. You don’t want the buildup of those dead parasites building up in your body. They need a way of escape, and that’s gonna be through your colon.
If you have any questions let me know I’ve been doing this for years, and they’re fantastic. Also… Doing the ivermectin would be great as well, but not at the same time. I think the ivermectin should be done first, and then in a week or so when you get all your products in, start the real parasite cleanse. It’s important to follow the instructions, you have to take all three items for it to work properly. Plus the Ornithine to help with the detox.
This is the zapper I purchased. It can be programmed for specific frequencies of illnesses - which is included. There are many other choices as well.
The article mentions propyl alcohol, AKA 1-propanol and n-propyl alcohol.
It is very different to isopropyl alcohol, AKA 2-propanol.
They are structural isomers but have very different physical characteristics and metabolic products.
1-propanol is classified as a fusel alcohol and is an unwanted byproduct of grain fermentation and distillation. It is responsible for the “popskull” effect of cheap liquor.
My head hurts from remembering organic chemistry from forty-five years ago…
Alcohol is caustic AF to the skin and to the respiratory tract, and it irritates asthma. The form they may be referring to is from an injectable, like a solvent in a vaccine, or a part of medication
Oh I assumed it was a sound frequency generator. If it was, those frequencies are out of the human range for hearing, but I don't know what type of device a frequency generator might be...
I keep a bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol on my bench and use it to clean flux off soldered joints on circuit boards. I also use it to clean the lady’s pierced ear earrings. It does a great job on both.
Yeah. We had little dispenser bottles and wire brushes in our board repair shop. You push on the top of the bottle with the brush and a little liquid comes out and you dip the brush and then brush the PWB joints. Also, rubber erasers were great for cleaning card edge fingers.
I use it a lot myself. If you don't have cancer than, OK, I guess? I've heard of old timers using everclear to clean stuff. Sucks paying the taxes on that though.
Just keep your mash under 79 degrees centigrade in the still pot so you don’t get any 1-propanol in the output. This is why the old-time bootleggers kept the “first cut” or early distillate for themselves or their favored customers. As the mash temperature rose over 80 C, the unwanted products started coming over with the ethyl alcohol.
Oh Sh!t. Growing up my mom used that on me for so many reasons thinking it "killed germs". Dont have much cancer in my family line but dammit this could trigger it.
I highly recommend everyone get a copy of her book. It's the best I've read in a while. No registration required. https://www.electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/HuldaClark/cure.pdf If that gets taken down, let me know and I'll upload to catbox.
I checked some hand sanitizer and most of them had ethyl alcohol. (The good stuff)
Makes me wonder if the isopropyl alcohol shortage of 2020 might have been a WH op.
EDIT: Isopropyl alcohol is not on the prop 65 list.
Or I’ll just upload it anyway.
That’s odd. It loaded after I uploaded it.
Thanks for this!
I shoulda been dead along time ago then LOL I've used it constantly for YEARS
Yeh, lost me with the frequency stuff at the end too, kinda new agey
Q recommended listening to frequencies to heal. I use a spooky 2 and one example is I got rid of a tooth abscess in 30 minutes. I sleep playing 528 music, for DNA repair. 432 is good for this also. This tech has been around for a very long time. In Tibet they normally use singing bowls.
Think of opera singers breaking a wine glass with their voice, same thing.
Today's delta!
The sabbath is every 7 days and the appointed times are every year.
The sun and the moon are the timepieces of the sky, by which we know the season, day, and hour.
Do not mix wool and linen perhaps because they operate at different voltages, being the frequencies between substances?
Adonai is a God of anniversaries, which are frequencies after a form, and dissonance is known to cause stress and discomfort, would then harmony creating peace and healing be new agey, or might the new agey movement have been started by disinfo agents to keep us from looking into harmonies?
Frequency Generator (3 min at each of 434, 432, 427, 425, 423, 421 KHz) or Zapper mere minutes to kill the fluke and its stages.
So …”without taking in isopropyl alcohol…”. Do you folks actually drink hand sanitizer?
That was my question. When you say "taking in"...... in where?
Anything on your skin is absorbed into your body...anything
Um, except isopropyl evaporates very quickly….so I don’t agree with that… ….the skin is a barrier …. any studies to back up what you say?
I didn’t see the testing methods….did it have a specific length of exposure? I will clean my hands with 70% isopropyl alcohol…..it evaporates in seconds.
That would be different if I had a bowl of 70% isopropyl alcohol and soaked my hands in it for minutes.
Did you see anything like that in the article…genuinely curious.
Did you read that…the worst side affect was dry, cracked skin…. IMO some of these soaps with parabens which the body sees as estrogen is much worse.
Chlorine is obsorbed really fast. If you want to get chlorine out of your water stick your hand in it for about 3 minutes. A good self proof is rub in some DMSO on very clean skin in a small test spot. See how long it takes to taste oysters. This is one reason Presidents are germaphobes, anything mixed with DMSO will also go right in.
I've been saying this for 30 years. This includes not using hand sanitizer!
100% agree. And isn't Iso Alco one of the main ingredients in sanitizers?
Ok frens, so it is flatworm flukes that cause cancer and Ivermectin does not kill flatworm flukes but there is a parasite killer that does and I am still trying to sort out the name. We need to address this flatworm fluke killing as well as we have Ivm and fenben. Anybody game? The zapper lady mentions the cancer and flukes issue. Here is the first lead on a Google search thread it is product: Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org › drg-... Praziquantel (Oral Route) Description. I am quite overwhelmed by this info search because of my TBI. I am not the best person to pursue this. I just get lost. Is anyone wanting to research for GAW. Killing flukes is issue that is not addressed by ivermectin
This Farm Health First link mentions a medicine called Albendazole. Might that work for humans too?
Fenbenazole is cheaper and easy to find.
*Not medical advice.
Fenbenazole is cheaper and easy to find.
*Not medical advice.
Per several peoples comments below, the following is some copy paste of former posts regarding this topic.
In light of the Covid situation, and ivermectin becoming a well-known anti-parasitic to treat COVID-19, other treatments Have been brought up. I’ve had several people asked me to post information regarding frequency zapping, and a zapper that I purchased to treat my illnesses.
Dr Hulda Clark wrote a book called: Cure for All Disease & Cure for All Cancer. The premise is that all diseases caused by parasites, and by doing parasite cleanse days and frequency zapping you can heal yourself from disease. Dr. Rife is also a well-known Doctor Who helped pioneer frequency zapping.
You can get a cheap mini zapper for under $100, but the I purchased is programmable, and provides you with a list of frequencies for each disease.
For many years Dr. Clark and Dr. Rife were ridiculed, and had their practices shut down by the deep state. This is because they don’t want The truth to get out. We don’t need pharmaceutical companies to heal us. Yes there are some important innovations had have come from specific things like penicillin, etc. but there is a cure for cancer and they don’t want anyone to know about it.
There’s a lot more to say, but if you are interested… Do some research. I’ve been interested in this for a long time, because my best friends husband was cured of his cancer by using her protocols.
Dr Hulda Clark Book: Cure for All Disease
Parasite Cleanse Info https://drclark.co/dr-clark-cleanses/
Parasite Cleanse Products https://drclarkstore.com/collections/dr-hulda-clark-parasite-cleanse.html
Ornithine - helps cleanse out parasite toxins when doing a parasite cleanse.
When you do a parasite cleanse, you have to be careful. As the parasites die off, they put off toxins in your body like ammonia. Sometimes when you start a parasite cleanse you might get a flu like feeling. You may feel worse the first day or so, but after that flu feeling goes away you’ll be feeling 1 million bucks. The ornithine, helps to process the toxins, and get them out of your body. Also remember to stay really hydrated, and if you need to take a stool softener. You don’t want the buildup of those dead parasites building up in your body. They need a way of escape, and that’s gonna be through your colon.
If you have any questions let me know I’ve been doing this for years, and they’re fantastic. Also… Doing the ivermectin would be great as well, but not at the same time. I think the ivermectin should be done first, and then in a week or so when you get all your products in, start the real parasite cleanse. It’s important to follow the instructions, you have to take all three items for it to work properly. Plus the Ornithine to help with the detox.
This is the zapper I purchased. It can be programmed for specific frequencies of illnesses - which is included. There are many other choices as well.
Although Hulda, Clark does tell you how to build your own Zapper, you can get one for under $100 on eBay.
I tried her parasite cleanse, it did nothing. I followed her instructions to the book, but nothing at all happened.
How do you know it did nothing? You don’t actually see the parasites, because most are microscopic.
But the worms are very obvious indeed.
Only some!
Propyl is not the same as isopropyl. They are both isomers of propanol.
The article mentions propyl alcohol, AKA 1-propanol and n-propyl alcohol.
It is very different to isopropyl alcohol, AKA 2-propanol.
They are structural isomers but have very different physical characteristics and metabolic products.
1-propanol is classified as a fusel alcohol and is an unwanted byproduct of grain fermentation and distillation. It is responsible for the “popskull” effect of cheap liquor.
My head hurts from remembering organic chemistry from forty-five years ago…
When my kid went back to school the supply list said alcohol.free sanitizers only. They knew.
Alcohol is caustic AF to the skin and to the respiratory tract, and it irritates asthma. The form they may be referring to is from an injectable, like a solvent in a vaccine, or a part of medication
More like they may not have liked the smell, or if kids chose to drink it that could cause issues.
Your probably right, I'm giving them to much credit...
The tones are in KHz. I wonder if it is a typo?
Why would it be wrong?
Oh I assumed it was a sound frequency generator. If it was, those frequencies are out of the human range for hearing, but I don't know what type of device a frequency generator might be...
They are very high frequencies and oddly specific.
Crap! I hope this isn't true. It is super helpful for cleaning air brushes and other random things.
I keep a bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol on my bench and use it to clean flux off soldered joints on circuit boards. I also use it to clean the lady’s pierced ear earrings. It does a great job on both.
Yeah. We had little dispenser bottles and wire brushes in our board repair shop. You push on the top of the bottle with the brush and a little liquid comes out and you dip the brush and then brush the PWB joints. Also, rubber erasers were great for cleaning card edge fingers.
I use it a lot myself. If you don't have cancer than, OK, I guess? I've heard of old timers using everclear to clean stuff. Sucks paying the taxes on that though.
It's cheaper to mash your own grain alcohol than buy Everclear now days lol
I've made my own sanitizer using cheap vodka mixed 50/50 with water in a spray bottle.
i did too.. .but added some OJ and drank it.... i feel much better now!
Just keep your mash under 79 degrees centigrade in the still pot so you don’t get any 1-propanol in the output. This is why the old-time bootleggers kept the “first cut” or early distillate for themselves or their favored customers. As the mash temperature rose over 80 C, the unwanted products started coming over with the ethyl alcohol.
I guess if you don't have cancer you are okay.
And the amount of exposure from using with a rag or cu-tip to clean with it is very small compared to the amount of exposure from hand sanitizing.
I will definitely be more cautious of letting it be sprayed through an airbrush, though.
Oh Sh!t. Growing up my mom used that on me for so many reasons thinking it "killed germs". Dont have much cancer in my family line but dammit this could trigger it.
Please don't worry based on one article