Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Silver broke 29 a little while ago.
I am searching for things and found the following on Biden:
1978: An official of the Senate sub- committee on Intelligence leaks, a unit of the Senate Ethics Committee which has been quietly investigating the Panama bugging and NSA leaks, also refused to make any comment on the speech. In addition to the NSA case, Biden said some of the other security breaches he had seen in the "damage assessment reports" by intelligence agencies ranked on the level of the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed for stealing nu- clear secrets and giving them to the Soviet Union. Biden said he had found a lesson in the damage assessments and the lack of prosecution for those involved in security leaks. "If you're going to en- gage in espionage against this coun- try," he said, "be sure that it really does jeopardize American society." The intelligence assessments were made available to Bid en because his subcommittee is scheduled to hold hearings next month on proposed leg- islation that would allow certain cases involving sensitive intelligence infor- mation to be conducted in secret.
If you are interested, here is where I found it: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Biden
Thanks I added this to my Biden corruption folder 👏👏👏
What an odd choice of words ...
I yelled at a woman in her car today, alone, wearing a mask. I'm sick of these people that endanger us all. To her credit, she did remove her mask.
Your feelings are completely valid and I totally understand your frustration.
I saw a road crew worker wearing mask and of course it was under the nose. He was ten feet from any human. I understand your frustration! I’m not sure what you mean by endangering us, maybe because they are sheep and wearing masks is just the beginning. Next pandemic they will line up to follow orders. I don’t waste my time telling people masks are useless. I figure they listen to the news and they would think I was the crazy one. Don’t feel bad about yelling we all get road rage or mask rage😁 Once I was patiently waiting for a park and this guy zooms in from the other direction. I’m embarrassed I yelled, “go back to Mexico”. I should not have done that! The Hispanics work harder than many American born citizens. There’s a lot in my area because of big farms. I got off point anyway hopefully the mask wearer will stop. It’s only making them sicker.
A colleague of mine wore a mask when she was all alone. I asked her why and she said because it was too dusty and she has allergies.
Oh that poor woman. I’ve been fooled several times in my life but that was mostly by stupid boys in high school. Too damned trusting! I can’t imagine believing everything “they” tell us. On second thought, I have believed what they said every time I went to the doctor and believed them. Praying she wakes up.
Then we must pray for everyone in asia because they're still wearing masks, now and before covid, due to dust particles :D Ask anyone who lives in Japan or Taiwan, they can tell you
I don't get it. Although she is a moron, how would her wearing a fearmask in her car endanger everyone?
If you’re so angry over seeing someone else do this that you actually act on it, I’d recommend consuming a little less of whatever content is making you that furious that you take it out on fellow Americans out in public. I should have replied to original OP my apologies.
If you don’t have righteous indignation at this point in time in the game, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Yes, people are angry, we should be!!! That is an appropriate response to the psychological operation that they have been implementing on humanity for the last century.
Yes, somebody should be angry when they see a human, in a car, ALONE wearing a mask! Yes, that feeling is valid. No one needs to wear a mask in a car, alone. That’s complete rubbish.
Now - how we handle that situation is, another thing, however; because the other person was in a car, and they couldn’t see OP - then perhaps OP was really screaming at the clouds. Perhaps OP needed to get it off their chest.
Can I see people wearing masks? I just pray for them. I pray that the Lord would release him from the fair that they feel they need to wear something so useless. I pray that they’re mine will be released from the grasp of the evil one.
But yes… We should be 😡
I’m not willing to put myself in an early grave being upset at old granny’s wearing a mask at Walmart, nor an early grave by vocally berating someone for doing something that isn’t illegal. Are any of you running on or supporting a political platform where wearing a medical mask is a felony? If someone’s not committing a crime I couldn’t give a damn what they’re doing, people are allowed to be weird. I enjoyed conflict when I was a blackout drunk who made a habit of waking up with broken knuckles and ribs and loose teeth, because maybe next time they’ll have a knife, or a .38 in their waist, and I won’t have to wake up. I know there’s other alcoholics who go out hoping for a fatal physical altercation, yes during the daytime. Point being people aren’t black and white. My girlfriend hates weird/creepy old men calling her pretty at Walmart, she quite literally wears a mask as a burka only there, to hide from the male gaze. Do I stop her? No, because I don’t give a shit and I know what kind of filthy things attractive women hear every day in public.
Wow… That really spiraled. Sounds like you have some trauma you need to deal with. I’ll be praying for you and your girlfriend. 🤷♀️
Then who exactly should be speaking out about this?
Your anger is misplaced. Use that anger and put it towards something productive. Americans focusing their rage on each other over shit like masks still is exactly why politicians stir the shit pot. so these kind of posts upset me a bit. I feel that a lot of rather popular social media accounts on the right push this, and I’m well aware and you should all be too, that think tanks funded by both sides want you to hate your fellow man. Anyone who wants you to hate your fellow Americans is a traitorous dog in my opinion.
Long story short- are you acting out at this stuff because your brain needs a rest from it? There are malevolent forces that want you doing this, don’t let them win. I wish people could give it a rest sometimes. But that last sentence is me just shouting into the abyss as I’ve always done.
Enough is Enough. As Anons, we've been more than patient.
General Flynn has disavowed us.
Q no longer drops anything.
I can't remember the last time Trump Re-Truthed anything that was Q-related.
It is time to put up or shut up.
Plan B is fast approaching and people really won't like Plan B.
If you are deaf to what I said, then perhaps you need to move along.
The submission of so many is what allows the parasites to continue their tyranny.
Exactly my words don’t flow like this. I tried to say that in my reply. My brain is slow.
Yeah, I’ve had my days where my words just won’t flow, but I’ve thought about this long and hard.
How many citizens are in Ukraine? 36-41M? What is the average income? $533/month? How much aid has been sent to Ukraine? $110 Billion (US)+278 Billion (EU)? 18.25 times the average income for all 41M citizens? (18.25 * $533 * 41M?)
It appears that "aid to Ukraine" is not for Ukraine citizens.
Then what?
aid to Ukraine is "aid to military industrial complex". Many times, these funds dont even leave the NY Bank where treasury has an account.
We've talked about online meds but are there sources for eyewear online? Glasses, contacts. No script.
TJ Maxx usually has inexpensive readers. Usually in the accessories section or near the checkout line. Michael’s used to have very cheap ones but they were girly. Dollar stores. I ordered a 5-6 pack on eBay recently I think they were $30. Don’t expect any of these to last a lifetime because they are cheaply made. Good thing about TJ Maxx & Marshals you can take something back even if it’s opened.
Glasses, no rx, zenni and goggles4u. I would get your pd measured at Costco for free (do not need membership or exam)
Contacts? If a fren wants to teach us howx please. I have never been able to find a source for rx less contacts. I would love to know..
Sperm whales sleeping - AWESOME!
The Lessons Are Hard. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts:27:13-26, "The Storm". Verse 22 Says, "But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed."
The Prayer:
The Song: https://youtu.be/Qlow_JkOpiw
Have a blessed day.
Weird. Today I learned that I went to high school with Chester Bennington. He bounced around to different high schools, but mine was one of them. Makes me wanna look at my high school yearbooks to look for him, but those are probably in some box at my dad's place in Arizona. I read that he did lots of drugs in high school and was bullied a lot. Weird to think that I went to school with John Podesta's bastard son...
Only thing more important than closing the border is to make sure no one will ever want to push for open border ever again without being pelted with eggs.
one could venture to say anybody in government who pushes for open borders is in fact pushing for sedition, treason against the country, or something to that effect...
Perhaps why they thought that by not taking the oath of office, they cant be accused of treason because they would just be (in their addled minds) private citizens ...
US Corporation?
watching shows or movies from the 50s-90s I can see all the pre-programming clear as day. It's actually incredible
My mom and I watch a lot of British murder mysteries. We are watching an old series of Sherlock Holmes, and all the programming is built into the shows back in the 70s and 80s. It’s so obvious. Especially feminism. They were huge on feminism.
Sadly I Love Lucy has it too
true, though the "mischievious rebellious streak" in a wife was seeded imo
Still one of my all-time favorite shows, I never watch one without laughing my ass off lol
You know how Q said the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital?
I have no hard evidence for this, it's all anecdotal, so I know this sounds crazy, but we now know we live in a crazy world, so...
There are some ads, or YouTube recommendations, that I see even if I did nothing whatsoever to look for them online, and had no one talking about it around me or doing it myself.
The subject matter has just been on my mind all day.
You know this has happened to you too.
So that aforementioned truth?
They've figured out how to read minds, and they're doing it through your phone.
Get a Faraday bag.
I did some work for Google. I learned a lot about contextual search which is the base for contextual listening
Pretty much, all Google services share Adsense and Google Insights across the platform
This includes Gmail, Maps, youtube, and Chrome. So even if you have not had conversations about these needs or wants
Based off your email subscriptions, receipts, mailing lists, etc plus what you search AND what you GPS
Google can tailor suggested content and advertisments based on this
IF you have an Android phone this also includes Gboard and Messages
Do remember though, you can edit all these settings from the main Google app, take 10 minutes and you can lock down your privacy profile, disable personalized content, and even delete your entire marketing profile ID and data history
Google probably wishes they did not have to do this but I could name a dozen nations they would be in very hot water with if they did not offer the ability to limit or disable these features
Makes me glad to still use a flip phone... I was thinking along the lines of somehow the truth is that God is some weird subterranean moon lizard or some crap like that. Maybe that would put me in the hospital.
So, just want a fact check.
Regarding MTG's threat, I have heard that Gaetz will not be backing MTG's motion to Vacate because it will only benefit the Demonic Rats, and if they get a Demonic Rat speaker in place, it might cause all of us to be in a world of pain.
Is this true?
1 Peter 5:6&7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.