I would like prayers if it's not too of a problem for you guys here.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Today I have been up since 6 in the morning, haven't been able to get sleep since I have been vomiting quite a lot. More than four times despite feeling well yesterday, I would greatly appreciate prayers for health and healing. In case you need a name it's Josh, God bless you all!
Heavenly Father, we claim your promise for Josh that we are healed by the Blood of Jesus and that the Devil will have NO power of sickness over Josh's body. In Jesus' name.
God, please restore Josh to his normal, well health quickly.
Josh, If this is simple GI upset, let your stomach rest. Initially just take clear liquids like Ginger Ale. You need to stay hydrated. If you feel better, then progress to light soup like Chicken Noodle soup. If you continue to improve, you can have plain, starchy food like rice, bread or crackers.
Watch yourself closely. If there's pain, increasing or continued discomfort, or your intuition tells you it's something else, call your MD. If you need to, go to an ER.
Just a note: bread isn't plain, starchy food. It's anything but plain. AVOID
To make it plain, toast it. Plain crackers are good too.
Toasted dark. Blackened even better.
I would recommend medium.
Lord, please heal Josh. Amen Josh, please let us know how you are doing tomorrow as we will all worry some.
Will be praying you. Make sure to get a lot of water, activated charcoal if you have it, fresh air, sunlight if possible
My mom used to put a cold rag in the freezer and put it on our necks when we were sick to our stomachs. Not sure how it works but it certainly does. Praying for a full healing!
that's vagal nerve stimulation, it's calming.
Mine did the same, I forgot about it until you brought it up. Thanks I also use ginger root tea or Pepto bizmal, it has bismuth in it that also kills covid
I always thought it was the Arkansas in my mom
Mine heard it from a friend, I don't know where the friend came from so it might be an Arkansas thing.
Praying for you in Jesus’ name. He is the great physician and healer 🙏🏻❤️
Dear fren,
may you get better quickly.
I pray for your upset tummy to heal. I pray you get some good rest and feel much better soon.
Dear Jesus, please heal Josh physically and mentally, Amen.
I read others hear talking about thuis same sickness.
Dear God please help Josh heal from what ailments he is dealing with. Take your arms and heal him.
In your sons name Jesus Christ.
Dear heavenly father we lift up Ze to you! Lord we know you’re the great physician, and we ask you to heal our friend. I don’t know what kind of bug he has, but we ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to heal him from this illness, and give him a fresh new start tomorrow morning. Help his stomach not hurt, no more vomiting. we ask for this in Jesus name amen 🙏
I know a few people that had this including myself. I believe it was a stomach bug and didn’t affect everyone. Like 5 hours of throwing up a few times and then very tired the next few days. The throwing up was followed by it coming out the other end. This was the same for a number of people I see occasionally over a few weeks. It was very violent throwing up too. I slept with a bucket and had only enough time to grab that before I lost it.
Just sent you a healing. I wrapped you in a white light of protection.
You'll be good chap, good detox like that is always good lol. Often after a spell like that, you won't be sick again for a while
The lord also knows you as ZeKaiser fren…prayers directed your way
Prayers for Health & Healing.
Josh, use these links to research, gain confidence, learn to use the powerful molecules Chlorine Dioxide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide.
If you have any questions that I can help with, let me know.
Great vital info MD! 👏
Relax as best you can Josh, a bath or shower can slow down dehydration if you can tolerate it.
your doc should have a nurse line you can call that can help without doing the whole ER or 911 thing. sooner is better.
God Bless.
I just said a prayer for you. Get well soon anon.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Josh, his healing and wisdom as a fren within the Great Awakening. Bring him overwhelming peace, joy, love & abundance as he navigates life & prospers for Your glory & Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Praying God will heal you Josh and restore you to health. In Jesus name Amen. 🙏
God is willing and able. "By his stripes ye were healed" Prayers being made for you Josh.
Praying for you, Josh
Lifting you up in prayer 🙏
Will do 🙏
Prayers sent for healing and a speedy recovery.
Sounds like maybe food poisoning. Maybe try some Pepto Bismal.
Prayers on the way fren.
Sending 🙏💖 for your healing fren. Please let us know how you're doing
Prayer sent.
Father thank for your love for Josh. cover him with your healing Spirit. In the name of Jesus amen
Dear Lord, please heal ZeKaiser’s unfortunate illness quickly. We need our soldiers, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Asked God to help you, Josh. God Bless you too!
God bless this man and allow him to heal quickly, amen.
Prayer sent Josh... blessings