Interview on YouTube:
She has many more YouTube videos...some great information...
This is quite interesting as I have been treating my husband's prostate cancer with the Tippens protocol using FBZ with good results. I have read that IVM works well when added to FBZ...but this makes me wonder how effective IVM is on its' own.
Your husband is a lucky man. Thank you for giving such a good example by taking such good care of him.🤗💐
That's great info. I use ivm therapy on a schedule alternating HCQ, and quercetin/NAC/zinc. Zinc is carried into various parts by the others.
Gee. Three terminal cancer patients are cured after taking ivermectin. Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs around.
The medical community is not our friend when they suppress low risk meds that are connected with positive results.
We all know why: If ivermectin is proven to be successful with treating cancer, then the entire billion dollar cancer treatment industry will collapse.
AND have hit the nail on the head square and that is EXACTLY why CANCER has not been irradiated...I lost my late wife to breast cancer and the amount of paper that I had was over 12 inches high and into at least 1.5 million...and I am quite sure some of the "cancer docs" got their share of that money!!!!!!!!!
I am like Tweety51, I am on FBZ & IVM due to being exposed to Agent has NOT come back!!!!
tweety51A...You are most kind and you are most welcome...take care and maybe one day, this group of anons will get together...and it will be a blast!!!!
God Bless...
You are exactly right. There was a time in China people would subscribe to a doctor and pay monthly fees to keep their family healthy. If someone fell sick, the money stopped until that person was well again. It is a brilliant system.
I totally agree. Created a post on my previous life.
“Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb). Q. A former MD’s point of view
“Manage symptoms.”
My son in laws cattle are all very healthy. Ivermectin is rubbed into their skin 2x a year. They donit with their bare hands and none of them seem to have health issues either.
When i was taking IVM during covid, i'd wake up the next morning and have little blind areas in my vision. Idk if it was the manufacturer or what. I wish I didn't have that side effect because I would be taking it more often.
Same thing happens to me!
Really!? I thought i was the only one. This makes me feel much better, I thought something was wrong with me. Thank you for sharing!!!
I wonder if it's bad to have that side effect? Like can it cause damage?
I did a quick search:
It scared me too, but hasn’t stopped me from taking it. I only take one pill a week. I just ordered more and lowered the dosage from 15 mg to 12 mg pills. Hopefully the lower dosage will work better. I take the Ivermectin because I am in remission from Hodgkins lymphoma!
So wonderful you are in remission. What treatment did you do for HL?
I went through a course of Chemo for 6 months (ABVD regimen). This was in 2017. Have been in remission since then. I have done a lot of research on Ivermectin and truly believe it is a miracle drug!
And how long did this last?
Sounds like herx.
"Not our friend" . . .Reckon not! Tried to kill us with Covid Vax and got paid for it.!
Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Kathleen Ruddy repurposed drugs for cancer
Tippens protocol
Here's the short of it: IVM is an anti-parasitic drug. Cancer is a parasitic virus. So...
Do the math...
Start here. Cancer is parasite cells or tissue, not the worm itself, that is growing inside you / your organs. "A man has died with tumours made of cancerous parasitic worm tissue growing in his organs, doctors report." ...
I too healed myself with IVM and FenBen. I also have oxibendazole., prazantaquel, and maybe one other type of bendazole. They work on different cancers and I figured I would take a course of each just in case there's anything brewing or growing somewhere.
What I find interesting is the free cell/tissue revelation. I always thought, it was a whole parasite, or nests of them that move from you gut into your blood and end up in am organ. The fact that just their cells can roam freely in you and start a "cancer" somewhere was astonishing.
The cat parasite (t gondi er something) has to first infect a mouse, then get the mouse to let the cat catch it. We are looking at covid, Lyme disease, etc,, from a lab. Why wouldn't parasites be the same, a created vector to deliver a disease/cancer you otherwise wouldn't have.
I daily drink soursop tea and calif grown apricot seeds , check them out
Best wishes and health to you fren. 💚
Rife devices are a hoax, or worse, demonic. The frequencies indicated were determined by divination. Literally, Royal Rife claimed to be clairvoyant and thus could see the color of the energy of the cells.
There is also a Rife device which claims to be able to treat a person anywhere, regardless of proximity, by using quantum entanglement. Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of QE, understands what an absurd and BOGUS claim that is and recognizes the thing for what it is, a fancy VOODOO device.
Have nothing to do with Rife or with people who use it.
Keep in mind the demonic nature of these devices. Deception must be expected from the sellers. Here is a information from someone who has researched it.
The "demonic", or whatever pseudo-religious word you use, does not affect the effectiveness of the devices.
My assertion that they are demonic is not tied to them being ineffective.
But if you want to go that way, the same can be said for ouija boards, crystal balls, etc. It just means that IF it is effective, it is due to demonic forces. Which should cause concern.
I am also suggesting they are ineffective since the marketing and claims are openly deceptive.
I recognize that homeopathic and oil remedies may have similar affects as drugs. And acupuncture/pressure for stimulating nerves, tissues, or metabolic pathways. For that I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Anything that claims to use energy, frequency, etc., is an avenue to occultism.
My biggest problem with Rife is that are no in-vitro demonstrations of it working, which should be very easy to do. Only placebo equivalent testimonials. The frequencies are not based on anything measurable.
Nah. It’s parasite. These “repurposed” anti parasitic drugs is nonsense.
Also heard was fungal
How is your sister now? Do you have tips or guides for successfully dealing with schizophrenia? I am going through this now with a recently-diagnosed family member.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
Joe Tippens survived his Mesitastic Lung Cancer when they sent him home tell him nothing more could be done with Fenbendazole Mary... praying for your friend! 🙏🤍
Please keep me updated Mary... praying! 🙏
Such a sweet story Mary...just saw this! I don't believe it was by chance that you met... people are in our lives for a season and a reason and we are in theirs for the same. Praying for Darlene! 🙏
What’s the protocol you’re using for him? I want to just take stuff as a preventative but never knew how much.
so, one dose - by weight - of "horse paste" once a week?
I was taking it only once a month since it's given to horses only once every 6-8 weeks - but once a week seems like it might do more for humans.
I’m not sure if this link will work for you. It’s on Epoch Times and I subscribe to them.
You’re welcome. 🙏 for your husband.
Add the carnivore diet for optimum nutrition. No veggies no fruit meat aka Lion diet. See Dr Shawn Baker. Remember we are made of fat and protein not a single carbohydrate. Not one. Research Dr Ken Berry Dr Anthony Chaffee.
My mother was diag w/cancer last December. Lots of testing and probing through January. We got her on 12mg of Ivermectin daily and come Feb the doctors seemed confused. A golf ball sized tumor on her liver, a softball sized tumor on her pancreas and another completely filling one ovary. By mid-Feb updated biopsies were all testing neg for cancer. Started her on 444mg of FenBen daily since we ran out of Ivermectin. Further testing showed the liver and pancreas tumors were all dead cells. She had surgery earlier this month to remove the ovary. She got a clean bill of health w/no cancer last week. The doctors don't know about the IV/FenBen, but they don't have any explanations for the dead tumors. We can't be sure but are hopeful that it was the IV and/or FB that fixed her up.
Can I ask where you purchased the IVM? I’ve just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Tractor Supply Company for the Duramectin as well. Still pretty cheap and readily available there.
I've purchased several times from No issues.
Would you mind sharing which FenBen you are using?
I buy capsules from
This is awesome! So happy to see people are finding success in these protocols!!!
I refused the biopsies ,treating same as you are talking about.
Interesting she is speaking out about it, that could make her job less lucrative if there is a cure for certain cancers. There are some good doctors out there it seems, not many, from my experience, they are almost all in it for the $$$.