As Carbon Dioxide Grows More Abundant, Trees Are Growing Bigger, Study Finds
Groundbreaking! Yale University has just discovered photosynthesis:
Trees are feasting on decades of carbon dioxide emissions and growing bigger as a result, according to a new study of U.S. forests. ... “While we’re putting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we’re actually taking much of it out just by letting our forests grow,” Sohngen said in a statement. “We should be planting more trees and preserving older ones, because at the end of the day they’re probably our best bet for mitigating climate change.”
Seriously: the fact that a top level "woke" university is admitting this is actually significant. Thin edge of the wedge in displacing the cult of environMENTALism.
Yes it is quite a big lie, that we have carbon problems. It's ludicrous. Good grief that is the first thing I learned in biology class. Plants consume carbon dioxide to thrive, and in doing so they make oxygen. Hello??
Mine also make peaches ---- just now getting ripe.
You are talking to people who believe men can be women. These people are so fucking retarded I wish they would keep getting boosters.
And it may not take 2x carbon dioxide concentration to double crop yields. There is some research data and my own experimentation that indicates it might be more nonlinear relationship.
For example, it might only take increasing carbon dioxide concentration 1.25x to double crop yields (Dutch greenhouse farmers have the REAL data). This means that coupled with nuclear desalination plants to turn deserts green, the Earth can likely support comfortably 50B humans (and zero globalist parasites).
KEK! Re: (Groundbreaking! Yale University has just discovered photosynthesis:)
Don’t let them use “carbon”. Make them say “carbon dioxide”. They are attempting to deconstruct the obvious carbon dioxide = plant food REAL SCIENCE by changing the language to a communist SLOGAN.
Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent.
Jim Quinn.
Not just trees... vines are literally taking over everything!!!!
I'm getting a lot of elderberry bushes growing wild on my property all of a sudden. There were only two last year.
They have known this for many years now. Here is a 2016 article from NASA.
Bill Gates: lets chop down a trillion trees, to save the environment!
Anyone here remember MSDOS 4.0 ----- mosquito Bill is a total embarrassment.
I remember before that, even to the TRS-80 Model I, II, and III.
S-100 bus ----- 8" floppies ---- 14" hard platters ----- front panel switches
I did use 8" floppies when I started my last job, which I retired from after 18 years. I was 50. Now years later, I can do what I wish.
Punch cards?
We had to hand punch lab results in chemistry lab in college over 50 years ago. It was a hole punch. Turn the dial to a letter or number and hit it. Move the card a bit and repeat.
We had front panel switches.
Makes me want to fire up my 400+hp at the wheels worked Dodge Challenger.
"planting more trees"? There are more acres covered in trees today than when white men first came to America.
BTW, I'm finding a lot elderberry bushes growing wild around the edges of my yard. I think I might have enough for some syrup this year. Last year there were only two bushes, the birds got most of the berries, and I only got a teaspoon full which I froze.
NASA agrees with you:
...meanwhile we're tearing up old-growth forests to plant solar panels...
I remember my schooling taught me that carbon MONoxide is the bad carbon and oxygen mix, and that carbon DIoxide is natural and will not harm us, since photosynthesis creates oxygen from carbon monoxide...
I absolutely love this predicament... It puts climate alarmist losers in a confusing situation because they are forced to recognize that an increase in carbon dioxide creates a thriving environment for plants, which create more oxygen for us to live.
The absolute best part of trees is burning them is completely carbon neutral. Planting trees captures all the carbon you release when you burn, so as long as you plant a tree for every tree burned you are carbon neutral.
the real problem with the environment is all these artificial pollutants, chemicals, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, etc. All over the air, water, and soil.
But the government wants to keep pumping artificial chemical pollution of all kinds. and it wants to tax us for carbon dioxide and kill cows.
They’re gonna say ohhhh all that new fuel for wildfires to burn!!
Mother Nature will take care of us one way or the other. She will surely survive all of us.
Now do research on the full glass of ice water up to the top of the glass;
Does water spill after all the ice melts?
Right. As water freezes it expands displacing more water. The cup will actually have a lower level. But the problem with this analogy is that most of the permanent ice is on land.
We are carbon based. This left wing charade was all about depopulation and killing off our foid supply then our lives.
You mean when i was 11 years old my Biology teacher was right. (I am 59 now)
Imagine that.
I'm SHOCKED!!!! Damn, falls right in line with what I was taught in science class long, long ago lol.