If I was watching this movie on the big screen or TV. This statement would foreshadow a similar attempt later in the movie against Trump like the that against JFK in Dallas.
Listen, I have daily struggles like everyone here. Trust me. But I love being Awake, and I'll be damned, but is this not one kick ass movie...and an absolutely epic time to be ALIVE as a human!?
Or devils advocate, the black hats tried to force his hand to release the Intel before the isreal Palestinian Oct 7th part of the movie to ruin the plot of the play
No more delays excuses or redactions.
Right. He already promised this. I don't follow
He explains more in the full video. It’s the “All-In” podcast.
Can you imagine what the BHs are thinking? Every time he announces a new reveal their panic level must increase. PAIN.
Panic in DC.
This is one thing I wouldn't call a "new reveal", as he said it for his first term too and what we ended up getting was a lot of redactions.
Same with Epstein
He's drawing out the deep state. He's making them spend all their ammunition early so that come election day, they have nothing.
Have JFK Jr do it
Wouldn't that be fun.
Israel involved...it was too soon for him to release it...
Words are hollow. He SAID the same exact thing prior to the 2016 election. And then cucked out and only released some of the files.
This, unfortunately.
Will the left argue against it, or will they ignore?
"Saving Israel for last..."
JFK info would have been released too soon last term?
Note: Mar 10...as in, Scotty Mar10 ? 🤔🤔🤔
If I was watching this movie on the big screen or TV. This statement would foreshadow a similar attempt later in the movie against Trump like the that against JFK in Dallas.
Listen, I have daily struggles like everyone here. Trust me. But I love being Awake, and I'll be damned, but is this not one kick ass movie...and an absolutely epic time to be ALIVE as a human!?
Im not sure I have seen a thread here that contained so many shills at once. This one scares them.
shills and/or smooth brains If ppl don't understand past moves by now... well... idk
Then do 911, Antarctica, our true hidden his-story... in no particular order
Ha. He had his chance and blew it. I'm full of doubt that will ever come out in our life times.
Or devils advocate, the black hats tried to force his hand to release the Intel before the isreal Palestinian Oct 7th part of the movie to ruin the plot of the play
Really baiting the intelligence state now!!
no he wont
I hope Trump avoids any open top cars
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he say that last time and then say "If you knew what was in them you wouldn't release it either?"