I was born in the Fifties, the seventies were GREAT, I feel so sorry for persons especially males having to deal with girls, women, that are under thirty five. You are so FUCK! What ugly, nasty BITCHES, strong letter will follow
Hate to jump in, but seems alot is said on this site about the US women. When 70% of the US men lose their C cup tits, then y'all can trash talk American women.
On the flip side, I was in Poland 2019. Polish women are definitely 10s. And if they are not 10s they are 2s.
More specifically high fructose corn syrup. Obesity skyrocketed after it was pushed in the 80’s by I believe Donald Rumsfeld at the time. He was part of some food entity that pushed it through, can’t remember exactly.
There is only one water molecule difference between, but the change in how our bodies react is profound
Make homemade ice cream. Have 1 serving. It’s wonderful. But your body will tell you to STOP or you will visit and feel lousy. That’s a natural reaction. Same with MEXICAN soda made with cane sugar. 1 bottle and you do not crave more. You know you will be sick
Now, people drink cases a day of Diet soda, or regular soda. They crave more. A whole container of ice cream, but you crave more. There is no satisfaction in it; like the old fashioned soda/ice cream.
Then we wonder why we have epidemic levels of diabetes, and morbid obesity. Why diets don’t work. We are being poisoned
Yeah. The schools seem to celebrate diversity over anything else. High schools girls who weigh more than both parents combined. Without the performance skills that the Good Lord gave a goose
A picture like that could easily have been arranged in Atlanta in the 80's.
When I attended a three month training course in Atlanta, starting in November 1978, and a good bit of classes in the 80's, I was amazed at the number of hot girls in Atlanta during that time.
Years age I worked at a place with mostly Polish people. A young woman started working there recently arrived from Poland. One day she was wearing white opaque stockings. From a distance, it looked like they had black slash decorations. When I walked by her later in the day was when I realized they were long black hairs. I remember gagging at the time.
LOL - helped a buddy move out after a divorce- his HS son grabbed the box out of the master bedroom closet- put in the the truck bed while we were standing around drinking beers. Kid looks in the box and starts strumming through his dad’s playboy collection. Couldn’t figure out the hair between the legs…😂🤣😂 we died laughing
You’re so perfect, its the looks that you want, just remember there’s a female there, too, my experience is that women are smarter than the average male, sexier, tougher and most of all the own all the vagina. FOOL.
I have two daughters. 41 and 28. Both are control freaks. Both of the men they are with are weinies. They both hate strong men. I have a son who is 30. His girl 28, is a control freak too. All my kids are very capable kids. They were taught all the necessary skills to survive and thrive. They all have homes and cars. THEY are responsible for taking care of all maintenance and improvements while the partners sit by and whine. I just keep thinking that they are settling for their respective partners.
I also see the relationships amongest their friends. Trust me feminism has killed compatibility between men and women.
I want to go to POLAND
My comment exactly
You and me both. Lot of men in the U.S. now days are marrying foreign women because the women here are ruined by the feminist movement.
I went to Europe around 6 years ago, the women are so much more attractive inside and out.
I was born in the Fifties, the seventies were GREAT, I feel so sorry for persons especially males having to deal with girls, women, that are under thirty five. You are so FUCK! What ugly, nasty BITCHES, strong letter will follow
Stuff me in your luggage- I’m a leprechaun ☘️
How many can fit in your luggage if we're all leprechauns?????
quit stepping on my tongue
Lovely young ladies. We used to have them.
Hmmm, not one is over 150 lbs. You don't see this sort of sample in the USA anymore. Bet they don't have epidemic levels of diabetes either.
Hate to jump in, but seems alot is said on this site about the US women. When 70% of the US men lose their C cup tits, then y'all can trash talk American women. On the flip side, I was in Poland 2019. Polish women are definitely 10s. And if they are not 10s they are 2s.
LOL - half my friends could wear bras
Call em' bros'
You know, I was never the biggest Seinfeld fan when I was younger - but that scene always cracked me up when she walks in on them lol
((Looks down at my pecs)) "mBruh"
No excuses for anyone to be morbidly obese. Men or women
IMBO it seems that sugar is a prime contributor. Even our is loaded with excess carbs and few fiber.
More specifically high fructose corn syrup. Obesity skyrocketed after it was pushed in the 80’s by I believe Donald Rumsfeld at the time. He was part of some food entity that pushed it through, can’t remember exactly.
💯 % correct
There is only one water molecule difference between, but the change in how our bodies react is profound
Make homemade ice cream. Have 1 serving. It’s wonderful. But your body will tell you to STOP or you will visit and feel lousy. That’s a natural reaction. Same with MEXICAN soda made with cane sugar. 1 bottle and you do not crave more. You know you will be sick
Now, people drink cases a day of Diet soda, or regular soda. They crave more. A whole container of ice cream, but you crave more. There is no satisfaction in it; like the old fashioned soda/ice cream.
Then we wonder why we have epidemic levels of diabetes, and morbid obesity. Why diets don’t work. We are being poisoned
I also get very tired of the women bashing here.
I agree. It's a pretty misogynistic group here.
Have you never seen a cheerleader squad?
Yeah. The schools seem to celebrate diversity over anything else. High schools girls who weigh more than both parents combined. Without the performance skills that the Good Lord gave a goose
You mean the ones with the men in the squad now?
Have you ever spoken to a cheerleading squad?
What does that have to do with anything?
I bet they won’t scream at you for holding the door open for them too!
Let’s trade!
That's awesome! So refreshing I might make it my wallpaper! Beautiful ❤️
They look proud to be white.
Imagine all the triggered fags here. They'd be branded KKK members in most major cities.
I want full on American military parades
I read all the comments, and was surprised no one asked what a "winged hussar" is...
A picture like that could easily have been arranged in Atlanta in the 80's.
When I attended a three month training course in Atlanta, starting in November 1978, and a good bit of classes in the 80's, I was amazed at the number of hot girls in Atlanta during that time.
So are they transsexuals? I don't think there were any female Winged Hussars...
Some trannies look like that.
But.your response is interesting. You're not against all that religious "It's a blasphemy" type thing. You just hate ugly chick's. Got it. 👍
Years age I worked at a place with mostly Polish people. A young woman started working there recently arrived from Poland. One day she was wearing white opaque stockings. From a distance, it looked like they had black slash decorations. When I walked by her later in the day was when I realized they were long black hairs. I remember gagging at the time.
Bring back 70s bush
LOL - helped a buddy move out after a divorce- his HS son grabbed the box out of the master bedroom closet- put in the the truck bed while we were standing around drinking beers. Kid looks in the box and starts strumming through his dad’s playboy collection. Couldn’t figure out the hair between the legs…😂🤣😂 we died laughing
Sometimes you have to brave the jungle to get to the treasure :)
as long as their underarms are shaved i can tolerate some tree
I vaguely remember a joke about this involving bowling jerseys.
You’re so perfect, its the looks that you want, just remember there’s a female there, too, my experience is that women are smarter than the average male, sexier, tougher and most of all the own all the vagina. FOOL.
I have two daughters. 41 and 28. Both are control freaks. Both of the men they are with are weinies. They both hate strong men. I have a son who is 30. His girl 28, is a control freak too. All my kids are very capable kids. They were taught all the necessary skills to survive and thrive. They all have homes and cars. THEY are responsible for taking care of all maintenance and improvements while the partners sit by and whine. I just keep thinking that they are settling for their respective partners.
I also see the relationships amongest their friends. Trust me feminism has killed compatibility between men and women.