Texas Judges are paid 66 cents on the dollar to their retirement fund for the amount of child support that is being paid off of their 'demands'. A program more expensive than some of the largest Defense contracts. Incentivized to break up families and then charge most amount possible4 child support.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
This should be unconstitutional and a denial of due process.
There is no way anyone's retirement funding should be tied to how much money they levy against someone.
The Supreme Court and their ruling today on "Administrative Hearings" may help the lawsuit against this similar grift.
I want to say there was a SCOTUS case in the 1920’s or 1930’s out of Ohio where the Judge would get paid with proceeds from fines the city issued and that was ruled as unconstitutional… though there were some oddities (the Mayor was the judge IIRC). I cannot find the name of the case though.
It's all the states because the feds are paying the money for this.
For any man facing this issue, go check out "Rick W" on Youtube.
He proves that family court is not a real judical court, but only an administrative hearing process, and you can refute all their claims and not be subjected to their demands.
He has many men having success with it.
That is good to know.
Not that I really have to worry about family court these days but I can spread the word and educate others.
Do you know who implemented this system, or where it’s origins could be found?
These people are .. I lack words.
Rick W does mention that, I think, but he has a ton of videos and I don't know which would get into that.
The system is set up where the feds (probably Health & Human Services) pays the states, and they run a kangaroo court to collect money outside of a lawful process.
The SCOTUS decision today might touch on this, since these are not judicial courts, but merely administrative hearings (this is why Rick W attacks their ability to do anything "just because they wants to").
If you can't have a jury, then it is administrative, not judicial.
No need to yet unless found guilty and sentenced to that by a jury of their PEERS. :-)
Chevron is gonna unleash so much winning..
Yes but when their false authority is yanked from under them, their true peers will be able to deal with them in the same strata they considered us.
Witnessed this for decades even in Australia. WE MUST bring down the ENTIRE corrupt system.
No wonder these poor guys get hit with so much child support! That's criminal!!
I agree, WTF!!!! No wonder men were getting curb stomped when it comes to divorce. These ass clowns were grifting the system to pay themselves on the backend. THIS IS FUCKING STEALING THE WEALTH OF MEN. No wonder marriage is dying, it was by design the whole time. Follow the money, it's always about the money. Title D , what the hell is this?
It is another way to destroy the family and keep people poor and struggling so we don't have time to pay attention to this extreme greed and corruption. This has got to stop! Those judges need to pay those men back!
Ooh someone is awake. Yes, marriage by design as a legal process is by design broken. For many it took gay marriage to see through it..but marriage has always been a tool of the cabal. Religious, spiritual marriage does nothing for the government, and that is why marriage as a metaphysical idea has been eroded over centuries. It is not even about babies and natlism...marriage is literally an esoteric rite before God but we have completely ripped its sacred significance away
Amen brother been saying this (albeit not as eloquently) for years now. Marriage is 100% a religious institution and should have NOTHING to do with our government whatsoever.
This. Abolish ALL state marriage.
Not in texas, but this is everywhere.. im in iowa and they hit me with the max. Lost 90% of my business and income. They will not lower it. Its a major scam and they ex spouses are getting rich and the state just laughs.
So sorry to hear that!
Soooo sorry man, ive seen it happen time and time again. Its fucked up truly.
Check out suing them now that the chevron deference is undone…
Some tips in this thread. Probably a lot more already with good research.
Do a write-up with what you find.
Absolutely my friend!
I was at family court yesterday. My ex gets 25% of my salary for cheating on me!!! Makes sense, late 70's the movie Kramer vs Kramer came out. the tv shows at the time were showing familes with one parent or marriages breaking up (like Mike & Gloria in All in the Family). Truly is disgusting what happened to the nuclear family.
That sucks man. May karma be a real bitch to your ex.
Soo fucked up man, sorry you have to deal with all that shit.
Nah, its been 4 full years already. Im way over it. Thanks though.
Hopefully men’s rights gets taken care of as well.
You have the right to remain silent and pay up!
What reproductive rights do men currently have other than "keep it in your pants, LOL!"?
And if you say anything you are an incel loser.
That makes the entire system corrupt. Judges getting retirement money ey based on that shit is criminal.
Never getting married.
Has this been independently verified by us here? And not thru anyone who's gone thur this system as a parent, but verified thru actual due diligence?
This is also indentured servitude, mainly against men.
And now we know how we get to such insanely high numbers of missing kids?
Hmm. Someone conflated the fact that state child support programs are 2/3 fed funded with a personal slush fund.
Lots of right criticisms of that (edit:furball) but this one isn’t real.
Another 6 number. Evil loves using this number for some weird reason.
that is the consequence of a state interfering in a private affair.
where does the Constitution give that power?
where in the state Constitution?